September 1901

1 September 1901 • Sunday

This is Fast Day and the funeral of Zina D. H. Young1 is to be held at 10 A.M. in the Assembly Hall‒ from 8. to 9. her friends can view the remains‒ I went away before 8. direct to Bishop Beatie’s where she had been brought the night before‒ she was exquisitely dressed such fine lace etc. and every thing to match & harmonize‒ but the sweet smile on her face was not there, she looked at rest and solemn. Seats were Reserved for the Board of the Relief Society and most of the member were there, President A. M. Cannon came down for five of us the officers to go on the stand‒ Sisters Jane S. Richards Bathsheba W. Smith, Sarah J. Cannon, myself and Mary Isabella Horne, Sisters Richards Smith and myself each spoke the others were not asked. Prest. Snow spoke at some length also Seymour B. Young‒ {p. 254}

2 September 1901 • Monday

Anthon H. Lund Angus M. Cannon, and some others‒ {p. 255}

3 September 1901 • Tuesday

Went to R. [Richard] K. Thomas Barnack2 to play took Louise & Margaret {p. 256}

4 September 1901 • Wednesday

Evening at home Prof. Fernand Dischamp [Deschamps] & Mary F. Kelly spent the evening at my home at Waterloo3 {p. 257}

5 September 1901 • Thursday

Went to Saltair 2.15 with the R.S. Granite Stake per invitation of Emma S. Woodruff President President Lorenzo Snow, at the head of the table‒ Little Rhea Lucile [Snow] & Minnie J. his wife {p. 258}

6 September 1901 • Friday

Today has been gloomy for me and I have been unsettled in my feelings‒ Dr. Pratt invited me to dine with her and I accepted‒ two p.m. About three I came out and heard the news of the assassination of President McKinley‒ the whole city was in dismay‒ bulletins at all the newspaper offices. The name of the assassin is Czolgosz an anarchist a Pole by birth, of Cleveland Ohio, it is said the wounds are fatal and great excitement prevails all over the country and sorrow. visitors today Prof. Fernand Dischamps & Belgian Lamoreaux French‒ Mary Alice Lambert M. A. Caine C. C. R. Wells H. W. Naisbitt‒ {p. 259}

7 September 1901 • Saturday

Today had Brie Captain Wells in my office for an interview on the Phillipine question, we talked the matter over from all points and his opinion was that there was no use trying to do much with them they were happy enough as they are.

Drove home in the evening with Alonzo & Annie Hyde drove up to Levi Richards to see about Lulu going to the Temple {p. 260}

8 September 1901 • Sunday

This is the Salt Lake Stake Conference and a fine day but I am not well therefore I am trying to rest telegrams report President McKinley’s condition improved very much, a better and more cheerful feeling pervades the community. I wrote some letters and read some in the Life of the Duchess of Berry sister of Charles the X of France by Imbert DeSaint-Amand During the Afternoon Annie came and took me for a drive thro’ the Park and some streets of the City– after returning home I felt very faint and called over at Belle’s to see her‒ indeed I had several hours of feeling faintness. {p. 261}

9 September 1901 • Monday

Went up early saw Mrs. Amelia [Folsom] Young, who has given up going East, and is very lame. Made an engagement with Major Richard W. Young to discuss the Phillipine question at 1/2 past 4. p.m. Had many callers. Reaper’s Club met Sisters M. Y. [Margaret Young] Taylor Julia [Jinks] Druce, M. L. [Mary Lois Walker] Morris, C. [Castina Johnson] Trescott C. S. Thomas, J. A. [Julia Ann] Druce then M. A. [Mary Ann Jenkins] Lambert & M. A. Caine Major Young came and we had the conversation, Annie came to take me to the burying ground, She brought flowers, I could not go. Sister Richards came from Ogden and hindered my going for a ride with Annie‒ then I went to the depot with her and afterwards to Annie’s at the Cannon Farm came home late and very weary, read some in the Duchess of Berry {p. 262}

10 September 1901 • Tuesday

This the anniversary of Emmie [Emeline W. Wells]’s birthday so long ago 48 years how much has transpired since that time, wonderful things I am so upset over many things, have been getting the tickets for Sister Lambert and Sister Caine to go to St. George and went to the depot, felt very faint could scarcely get through the day and when I was in the depot had all I could do to keep from going clear off and losing my control, came home and went over to Belle’s and finally succeeded in getting partially over it so I could lie down but passed a very miserable night chilly and restless {p. 263}

11 September 1901 • Wednesday

Today went off to the Rio Grande Western for berths and felt very weak again however I succeeded in going over to Sister Hyde’s and there had lunch, and met Col. Thomas of the London Conference formerly in the Army of England stationed in India. Afterwards came back to the office and went over my Phillipine manuscript & later Sister Sarah Jenne Cannon came and I drove with her to Sister Hyde’s and bade them Good Bye previous to their starting for the Kansas mission‒ then went to the telegraph office and sent dispatch to Br. [James G.] Duffin & to Mrs. Gaffney‒ came home and tried to work on my manuscript. Zina came to see me and presented me with her mother’s desk. {p. 264}

12 September 1901 • Thursday

This morning hurried up to get ready for Ogden to attend Weber Stake R.S. Conference The President is reported better and likely to recover, Sister [Elmina Shepard] Taylor’s birthday and the young sisters are doing work for her in the Temple, sixty of them went through.

I was just in time for the afternoon meeting and heard a number of testimonies, and spoke for half an hour came hom on the evening train also Emily S. R. I felt no ill effects from it though I walked some distance and had to hurry with my work before going. We had supper there and I went to see Belle after coming home. {p. 265}

13 September 1901 • Friday

All day bulletins have been issued in regard to President McKinley’s condition, he is surely about to die‒ it is terrible to think of his being struck down in that way when doing public duty and offering his hand in friendly fellowship to one presumably anxious to be recognized by the Chief Executive of the Republic {p. 266}

14 September 1901 • Saturday

This is Eugene’s birthday and it is an eventful one as President McKinley died at 2.15. and the flags are everywhere at half-mast everything gloomy and sad. Isabel, Belle’s eldest daughter and husband and children dined at the home today and Mr. S. W. Sears blessed the new baby born June 19. and named him Septimus Herman Buchholz after his two grandfathers. I gave Eugene a book “The Bow of Orange Ribbon” by Amelia E. Barr‒ came home late and so very weary. {p. 267}

19 September 1901 • Thursday

A day of rest and of mourning and services everywhere for the President departed Wm. McKinley‒ in the large Tabernacle in this city an immense audience and fine music– sermon poetic by Bishop Orson F. Whitney4 {p. 272}

21 September 1901 • Saturday

Bought A Puritan’s Wife today 25 cts. and commemced reading it‒ by Max Pemberton‒ {p. 274}

22 September 1901 • Sunday

<51. years today <tomorrow> since Bishop Newel K. Whitney died.> Stayed in bed to get a rest but Annie came over and I dressed and went with her for a ride through the Park and to the Bishop’s [Lewis M. Cannon] to get the Recommend for the family to join Cannon Ward. Annie told me Louise had been asked to be Counselor in the Primary there for which I was very glad as it will all help her to be active in Church work. {p. 275}

23 September 1901 • Monday

<Sister B. W. Smith & Junius F. Wells came to see me also Mrs. Bliss of Chicago & Eastern cities.> This morning I was really too ill to rise after having been ill all night, not sleeping until five this morning, yet had my tea as usual at 8. A.M. and breakfast at nine and dressed and went away. the box from Verona came today‒ the Reaper’s Club met, Ladies present M. Y. Taylor M. L. Morris, Julia Druce Eleanor [Oates] Long, Minnie H. James Carrie S. Thomas Julia A. Druce, [blank] Gardner, Clara H. [Horne] James E. B. Wells ten‒ A spirited meeting‒ some business transacted and a good feeling manifest, Afterwards I sent off my Philipine report and a letter of congratulations to the new President Theodore Roosevelt and the wind being very high I became so nervous I could not work any more, came home and called on Belle {p. 276}

24 September 1901 • Tuesday

<Francelle’s Pomeroy Robison [Robson]’s birthday today born in Nauvoo 1845> Today the Society of the Daughters of the Pioneers met in my office‒ Mrs. Maria Y. Dougall First Vice President in the Chair‒ she asked me to open the meeting with prayer which I accepted. Those present were Maria Y. Dougall, Sarah E. Smith, Alice M. Horne, Hattie [Harriet Bennion] Harker, Isabel M. Sears, Emma W. [Emmaretta Whitney] Pyper, Mrs. Milando Pratt [Elizabeth Rich Pratt], Mrs. Rosalie [Rosella Nebeker] Stokes, Minnie H. James‒ E. B. Wells

The meeting was almost entirely devoted to the Badge question. I dined today at Dr. Pratt’s. Elder C. W. Penrose the Doctor and myself and Sister [Esther Mendenhall] Bunnell at table‒ came home and did some writing and looking up on birthday affairs. Went over to see Belle

Annie came up in the buggy and we arranged for the sisters {p. 277}

25 September 1901 • Wednesday

Today has been lovely weather and I have been feeling much better than all the summer‒ Mrs. Bliss from New York came to spend an hour or so talking about books, Miss Estelle Neff was here and looked over pictures and illustrations with me. I was very busy with proofs etc. The Carnival is making a grand display in the streets. I have no heart for it whatever, but do not care to give an opinion upon the subject. I am so depressed in spirit that I may not be capable of judging properly {p. 278}

26 September 1901 • Thursday

<George J. Cannon came from his mission this morning‒> Occupied all forenoon with strangers and busy with proof and then about 3. p.m. a carriage came to take us to the Cannon Ward. Drove to the Temple and found Sister Bathsheba W. Smith waiting there for me. Then drove to Sister Horne’s and she came out all ready– Martha [Hughes] Cannon was with us had come from the Templeton with me‒ we had a pleasant drive. Annie had a fire in the parlor and all things ready. First we had prayer by Sister Smith then she did the washing and Sister Horne the anointing and Sister Howe the confirming of the ordinance. Then we had a little visit and supper I had the privilege of blessing the food. At table were Annie Louise & Emmeline besides the three of us. Came home in the carriage‒ big carnival parade {p. 279}

27 September 1901 • Friday

<Last night was the grand electrical parade of the Elks Carnival> This morning looked through more journals as I had done the night before and time went by so rapidly that I was late in reaching the office‒ soon after coming in Sister Julia C. Howe was already there to see me, and soon after came some sisters then George Q. who had met with an accident & broken up his mother’s buggy. I was so glad to see him and that he had escaped any injury. Margaret came in to see me, and several ladies, Mrs. A. J. North, Mrs. J. Fewson Smith, Mrs. Sarah Pope, Mrs. M. E. [Mary Rutherford] Irvine, Mrs. R. H. Doolan, Mrs. Joanna [Jamison] Melton, I finished up my letters that had been left over and was late in coming home to supper‒ Miss Kate Thomas came and had a talk about literary work & Sister E. J. Stevenson & Lizzie Wilcox‒ {p. 280}

29 September 1901 • Sunday

Went off early to the Fast Meeting at the Temple, and President Snow came in rather late although he was not at all well He seemed buoyant in spirit‒ I sat in the usual place Sister Horne was by me‒ Sister Smith in front‒ President Snow spoke three times, he blest the people, quite a number bore testimony mostly sisters, the hymns that were sung were particularly appropriate‒ President Snow said he had felt of late to open the way for some who had not received all the ordinances that were higher to have them and some had been given this privilege, he intended to extend it to others and felt that the Lord had been gracious to this people. When the last hymn was sung which was Shall we meet beyond the river‒ Prest. Snow arose and said We shall meet beyond the river I say we shall‒ we shall‒ {p. 282} I was forcibly impressed that this would be his last visit to the Temple Fast meeting and it was.5 {p. 283}

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September 1901, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]“Impressive Funeral Services,” Woman’s Exponent, Oct. 1901, 30:36–37. For tributes and memories, see also EBW, “General Conference Relief Society,” Woman’s Exponent, Dec. 1901, 30:54–55.

  2. [2]Perhaps barracks, meaning a barn or yard space.

  3. [3]Waterloo was a small suburb in the southern portion of Salt Lake City.

  4. [4]“Tabernacle Memorial Service,” Woman’s Exponent, Oct. 1901, 30:39.

  5. [5]President Lorenzo Snow died on 10 October 1901. (See “In Memoriam,” Woman’s Exponent, Nov. 1901, 30:44–46.)