June 1903

1 June 1903 • Monday

<Dedication of Brigham Young Memorial Hall1 Prayer by Prest. Jos. F. Smith.> This morning went up late to the office and soon heard of the sudden death of the wife of Joseph S. Wells Anna Sears, her brother of Septimus W. Sears was my son in law– it is very sad as she leaves five young children and a happy home, they were a devoted couple and fond of home Belle came up and went to the house and so did Annie. I could not work my mind was so wrought upon, towards evening I went up to Emily Grants to see Martha and stayed and had dinner with the family, came home late all Belle’s folks in bed. Charles H. Wells & Susan [Riter Wells] his wife have a son2 born today this morning– I finished recording minutes of R.S. Conference tonight. It is such a relief to get them done. Young Men’s & Young Ladies banquet this evening to which I was invited, but would not go on account of death in the family. {p. 159}

2 June 1903 • Tuesday

Went up in good time, had breakfast at Belle’s raining slowly– first thing went over to the Temple and saw Sister Woodruff and others, then to Sister B. W. Smith’s house and read the letter I had written for her to sign to send to the sisters at Orangeville– she was pleased with it and put her name. then I wrote several letters in reference to Conferences. The day seems dreary and one cannot work as one should because of it. Sister S. [Sarah] E. Richards Robinson came to see me and brought her little girl3 that was born on February 29. 1892, and has had only one birthday as yet. She is a very sweet little girl and very fond of me, only had never seen me before. I went over to Belle’s this evening and stayed until ten, Sep and Gertrude were there. Came home alone. Louise has been in today. {p. 160}

3 June 1903 • Wednesday

Today is very fine and Belle went up early to fix up her graves and then home again. I came to the office for a few minutes and then went up to the house; stayed there until time for the funeral. I never saw more beautiful floral offerings and a greater variety the little children do not realize it of course Alice [Frances Wells] and Herman [J. Wells] both do. Joseph is broken hearted and Martha seems stunned. The funeral was excellent in all respects the grave very beautiful. flowers in great profusion lined with flowers as well. Went home in good time <midnight> have suffered in my feelings very much had dinner at Dot [S. Isabel Sears Buchholz]’s, Will [C. William Buchholz]’s birthday 38. 38. he went home with me at 12. m. {p. 161}

4 June 1903 • Thursday

Came rather late and had many hindrances Sister Richards from Ogden Sister [Sabina Scheib] Hart from Bloomington Idaho. Sister E. S. Taylor President Y.L.M.I.A.4 with letters from Susa, Reed Smoot and Phebe Cousins [Couzins] of St. Louis. Ida Smoot Dusenberry Provo, Br. Parkins [Perkins] Montpelier Idaho Bishop O. F. Whitney George Q. & Louise Cannon Lizzie Wilcox Margaret A. Caine Sister E. J. Stevenson & Susan Grant of West Bountiful, the day was very full Sister [Louisa Duthie] Gray of Randolph. Sister A. E. Walden, weary and exhausted at last I went home {p. 162}

5 June 1903 • Friday

This is Daisie’s birthday and I have always written to her and generally sent her a present besides, but it is quite impossible this time, Louise leaves school did not succeed in passing– failed in her French. It is a great disappointment to me but as long as it is not a disgrace I feel we must not complain. Her mother is broken-hearted over it and her father and all feel keenly the disappointment. We had the missionary meeting and as usual differences of opinions5 {p. 163}

6 June 1903 • Saturday

This morning Sister Bathsheba Hyde & Dusenberry, Clarissa and myself went to have the picture taken of the General officers of the Relief Society had arranged with Fox and Symonds, however I do not like their work but it was Sister Smith’s choice, I felt very ill but kept up until afterwards and very nearly broke down entirely

Miss May Virginia Park called on me today, she is from Kentucky {p. 164}

7 June 1903 • Sunday

Went to the fast meeting this morning Prest. Winder presiding Apostle John Henry Smith was present, also Prest. Angus M. Cannon & Adolph Madsen Aunt Bathsheba was not in her usual place Sister Horne was present beside me, several sisters spoke and a few brethren. I was not feeling well and had to go out and down the stairs, Katie Wells came out after me and we went into the little prayer room and Kate asked me to pray especially for her. I felt very great sympathy in her sorrow, she is very much alone in the world and prayed for her comfort with all my heart. She offered up a special prayer for me and entrusted me with her confidence in an affair of vital importance {p. 165}

8 June 1903 • Monday

Have had a very busy day and at evening hurried home and dressed for the evening reception and entertainment at Mrs. R. E. Little’s given by the Author’s Club. A very unique affair. the old home, though built in more modern days was a festive scene and richly furnished and decorated for the occasion lights outside colored and the hostess and assistants in gala spirits, band of music, dancing and refreshments {p. 166}

9 June 1903 • Tuesday

Was trying to finish mailing and an awful storm came up & thunder and lightning and rain. It is Hannah C. Wells birthday and Gershom [B. Wells] came to invite me to five o’clock dinner. I went up although I was not prepared for dining out. Martha G. Lydia Ann, Susan H.. Lyde [Eliza Free] Wells and Litha [Tilitha Free] Smith were there besides Abbie [Wells Chapin] & Hannah, Gershom and two children,6 Hugo [D. Wells] wife7 and baby.8 We had a fine dinner and pleasant conversation and it seemed good to be together once more and though I could not stay late I really felt better for it. {p. 167}

10 June 1903 • Wednesday

<Dismissed D.R.9 Meeting Sister B. W. Smith> Today I disposed of a few of my things that I had on hand and at 3. p.m. the ladies of the D.R. began to gather in and get ready for the meeting I had the large new flag hung and roses etc. blue & buff draping and soon Sister Julia P. M. Farnsworth <1> the Regent came and we had a little talk together over affairs. Ella W. Hyde <2> came then Phebe Y. Beatie <3>, Isabel M. W. Sears <4>, Mira Y. Rossiter <5>, Mabelle Snow <6>, E. R. [Elizabeth Richards] Wright <7> Mary E. R. Webber <8> Alice S. M. Horne <9> E. B. Wells <10>– Phebe offered prayer and the business was attended to reports given and election of officers for the ensuing year was made. Regent Isabel M. W. Sears 1st Vice Regent Phebe Y. Beatie, 2nd Vice Regent Mira Y. Rossiter, Sec. Catharine Wells Ass’t Sec. Mabelle Snow Cor. Sec. Florence Scholes Treasurer Caroline Y. Cannon Registrar Maria Y. Dougall Historian E. B. Wells {p. 168}

11 June 1903 • Thursday

This morning Ida Smoot Dusenberry came and we had a long talk together– her little daughter10 was with her, she is going to sing in the Mother’s Congress11 this evening, Lizzie Wilcox came while she was there and Br. W. John Silver It is a sort of gloomy day and I have much to do. Miss Youngberg called and also Prest. Moses [W.] Taylor of Summit Stake. Lucile came and afterwards Annie and then Sister Bathsheba W. Smith also Sister Sarah J. Cannon I had letters to write and bills to pay and little items to attend to. Last evening there was a fine party at Annie’s given by her and Mamie [Mary Alice Cannon Cannon] for Sylvester’s birthday 27. years old {p. 169}

12 June 1903 • Friday

When I reached the office this morning Margaret Cannon was here and I commenced preparing copy and sent her on several errands, to Dr. [Elias S.] Wrights for one and then to two or three other places, she had to go home about four o’clock. I stayed on writing letters and became very low spirited, finally went out bought linen for garments sent it to Susan to be made up. Sister [Elizabeth Claridge] McCune has all the Temple workers at her home this afternoon– to see its apartments and partake refreshments. Sister Smith has gone to Ogden to the reunion of the Priesthood expects President Jos. F. Smith to be there and it is to be a very grand affair. Ida sent the proofs up from Fox & Symonds to be looked at and see if they would do. {p. 170}

13 June 1903 • Saturday

I went to see Jode [Joseph S. Wells] this morning and had a long talk with him. Mrs. W. P. [Martha Pond] Read came and got the Book of the W.E.12 Sister Smith came to bring me a dollar from Sister Jane N. [Shurtliff] Taylor of Harrisville and to talk over some other affairs. Sister Little Sister Caine Sister Ella W. Hyde and Mrs. [Emma Kelly] McVicker came and Annie & George Q. and others. Mrs. McVicker brought me a large bunch of old-fashioned roses very sweet and beautiful she stayed for some time & talked on about her work. The day is lovely but I am weary and can scarcely keep up.

After coming home had supper at Belle’s and then came home and wrote in the R.S. Record. Read in the book “Esther” and looked over old manuscript and bound volumes of the Woman’s Exponent– {p. 171}

14 June 1903 • Sunday

I stayed in bed until nearly eleven. Brent came to tell me breakfast was waiting, Belle had been up ever since 5. A.M. watering her place. She is working so hard that it is depressing to her and all of us. She wants to sell and it makes me feel bad as if she sells & goes from here I cannot keep house here by myself. It really was through her that I bought and built this home and it seems too bad to part with it. I am so attached to it. however I must submit to circumstances as best I can Dot and the children came over today to Belles, they were gathering cherries when I went over to dinner. Belle, Sep. Brent, Gertrude, Marian [Buchholz] Lucile [Buchholz] & Herman [Buchholz] and myself were at the table finally Dot came though she had already dined at home. {p. 172}

15 June 1903 • Monday

Went to Clarissa S. Williams on business this morning, and made quite a call, did some work Annie came up, Sister Smith came in and Belle and Alice and so there was quite a conversation. The day has been tiresome Margaret came in the afternoon and a terrible thunder storm came up if she had not happened in I should have been quite alone the wind was fearful and I went home and over to Belle’s and slept there, furious wind all night long I slept in Belle’s room, and had a fairly good night, the wind is not so furious over there in a larger house I expected Miss [Victoria] Dehm to come and stay with me but she did not come.

Sister Carlie Y. Cannon has returned from Canada and is in very bad condition Doctors think only the Lord can raise her up medical skill cannot. {p. 173}

16 June 1903 • Tuesday

<Miss Victoria Dehm came this evening to stay with me> This morning went off early and had several callers. Sister Smith came and we had quite a long talk and Alice and Belle came and we had quite a conversation. Alice had returned from Richfield after attending the Sisters Conference She had a very happy time but of necessity tiresome with all the children. Carlie Cannon still very low and yet her family have faith in her recovery. It is sad to leave all those children. One can scarcely comprehend how these things can be. Sent dispatch to Miss Sarah E. Hunt to reach the celebration of the Battle of Bunker Hill one hundred and twenty-fifth anniversary in name of Regent. {p. 174}

17 June 1903 • Wednesday

<Sent dispatch to Boston last evening to be delivered this morning> Phebe came this morning and we had quite a talk over things she had been pleased with her trip to Richfield and gave a good report. Lula Greene Richards came for her permit and ticket to go to Oakley to the Cassia Conference with Margaret Cain and there was some unpleasantness. I bought her ticket and berth and brought them up to her. They go tonight. 13|About 4 o clock I went to Sister Wilcox birthday party at the Relief Society Hall in the 14th. Ward. Several sisters had spoken before I came and others afterwards. The hall was very beautifully decorated and a bowl of 77 roses in the centre of the table, she had other gifts. Pearl Richards and Joseph [C.] MacFarlane were married in the Temple tonight a reception is given for them in Ogden at the Bride’s mother’s home14 {p. 175}

18 June 1903 • Thursday

<John S. Sears & Florence Scholes were married in the Temple today.> I rose with a dreadful headache and felt unable to get up but felt I really must so plucked up courage and went to the office, had a call from Sister [Phoebe Young] Pack the President in Summit Stake, and then had several other callers Sister Little who reported Sanpete North and South and a Lady Catharine White who had written a poem called “Love” that she wished me to criticise, and several others. I wanted to go to the Cannon Farm for Jack had been sick and Katharine and Daniel, but there was no car after I reached the corner and I really was exhausted, and felt somewhat alarmed lest there had been an accident and some one hurt. However I went back to the office and answered some letters and picked up a little. I had a letter informing me that I had been <re>elected one of the International Vice Presidents of the Int. Press Union15 {p. 176}

19 June 1903 • Friday

This is Brenton’s birthday and it is also little Herman’s one 18. the other 2 years old, Dot has invited all the family to dinner, and I have given Brent a little book Life of George Washington Riverside Edition. Afterwards I bought a colored picture book for Herman Ping Pong and a box of candy. I was hindered very much had to go to see the President Jos. F. Smith and ask for a pass to go to Saltair for Mrs. McVicker– Then to a meeting at Sister B. W. Smith’s regular meeting of General Officers. All present and all harmonious outwardly whatever may have been felt inwardly. After meeting hurried down to Dots, there had a fine dinner and pleasant time with Dot. Belle was feeling badly and wanted to hurry home so we all came together. Carlie Y. Cannon is dangerously ill, with heart trouble caused by rheumatism. {p. 177}

20 June 1903 • Saturday

This morning reached the office at half-past nine and went out on a few errands, then walked down to the Photo Gallery Fox & Symond’s on Main St. and waited for the party. I wore my green silk with so much black silk lace on the waist, hoping it would take better in the picture than the white yoke of the silk grenadine. Sister Bathsheba W. Smith was the central figure Sister Annie Taylor Hyde on her right and Sister Ida Smoot Dusenberry on her left. I stood at the back between Sister Smith and Sister Dusenberry and Sister Clarissa S. Williams at the back on the other side. After doing some work in the office I came home dressed and attended Mrs. David Evan [Leah Naegle Evans]’s Reception– Mrs. A. L. [Alvira Coolidge] Cox of Manti came to see me {p. 178} in the office on her way to Oregon

21 June 1903 • Sunday

This is my Sister Pallas [Woodward Clark] birthday 84 years old. I would be glad to look in upon her or to send her a handsome present but I have written her a letter. I have been writing most of the day. It is a beautiful day warm and bright and fine I had dinner with Belle and Lucile I am writing now in my own pretty parlor of which I am so fond Dr. E. R. Shipp called and we had quite a long talk and pleasant She is a very refined and sensitive woman, has made her own way in the world and is a credit to our people; she is I think very fond of me, and I am fond of her. In the evening I wrote a little the day has been quiet, & restful though hot. I feel one must have pauses in the path of life to make it endurable {p. 179}

22 June 1903 • Monday

Sister Smith came early this morning and we had a talk over matters and things. I did accomplish a little work and the Reaper’s Club met and Sister Julia A. Druce had a very lovely paper on Sociology. Sister Lizzie Wright came to see me– and Ida S. Dusenberry came and talked over affairs Phebe Beatie came she wants me to hear all her grievances, and to sympathize with them. She told me of her husband’s seeing Mr. Nielson Ida’s beau on the train etc. There is not much change in Carlie Cannon’s condition {p. 180}

23 June 1903 • Tuesday

Went off very early to the train to go to Sandy with Sister Smith and had quite a nice time, we had exercises in the morning then banquet about a hundred people sat down to the first tables, Willard Snow pronounced the blessing and I sat close to Sister Smith who was at the head of the table– we went to Sister H. H. [Hilda H. Ostlund] Larson’s house before meeting. We all came home together met Ida S. D. at the Station on her way to Benson Stake and she was upset lest Sister Thomas should not come. I was very weary when I reached home, no particular news. {p. 181}

24 June 1903 • Wednesday

Wednesday the exercises at Barrett Hall and diplomas distributed to the Nurses who had passed examinations. I was invited but could not attend‒ as my paper required attention from me to prepare copy and I was very much exhausted too. In the evening I dressed and went to the Reception at Mrs. Beatie’s the 75 nurses were there in costume and a few gentlemen B. H. Roberts Bishop [Walter J.] Beatie Bishop Empey Prof. [John T.] Miller and one or two others. Of the leading ladies Bathsheba W. Smith– M. Isabella Horne, Emma S. Woodruff Lucy W. [Walker] Kimball were the the most conspicuous, Refreshments were served. The affair was given in honor of the nurses by Sisters Roberts [Emma Adams] Empey and Beatie I believe. It was very late when I came home. Pioneer meeting at Bee Hive– very full house Belle was there in her place {p. 182}

25 June 1903 • Thursday

Today I have rushed things to try and get off to Ogden to Mrs. Frank J. Cannon [Martha Brown Cannon]’s Old Ladies’ Party to which she has invited me– this is the tenth year she has celebrated for them. It is a very pretty idea Margaret Cannon is going up for a visit of ten days and so went on the train with me. I took her to Mrs. [Olive Browning] Wallace’s across the street where Annie used to live where Daniel and Eleanor [A. Cannon] were born and where Eleanor died. Places have a decided effect upon me. There were over forty elderly ladies assembled when I reached Mrs. Cannon’s home though only a very few that I knew. We had a fine dinner all the luxuries music, Zannie [Rosannah Cannon Irvine] plays the harp, Sarah Jane & Eliza [Tenney] Cannon were there and we came home together. I came down home so weary I could not work {p. 183}

26 June 1903 • Friday

Today is very hot, and I was unusually busy, then the Woman’s Council met in the office and Mrs. F. S. Richards brought Mrs. Adelaide Wesley Smith and introduced her to me she is an actress here with Amelia Bingham’s company and was introduced by letter from Ella Wheeler Wilcox to Mrs. Richards, who brought her to see me. She knows Mrs. [Frances Humphreys] Gaffney and is a member of Sorosis. I dressed and went to Mrs. Jennings 4 o’clock tea and found a large party already gathered around the tea tables. I sat at table with thirteen and I particularly noticed who they were– after tea we conversed and later went up stairs where Mrs. Jennings told to Amelia Young and myself a peculiar dream she had recently. Sister B. W. Smith Amelia & myself came home in <Mrs. Jennings carriage> {p. 184}

27 June 1903 • Saturday

Today is a sad anniversary the martyrdom of the Prophet and Patriarch– Meeting of the D.R. special business in my office to attend to. Letters from the East etc. Belle presided for the first time and I think she did remarkably well. there were present the Regent Mrs. S. W. Sears, first Vice Regent Phebe Y. Beatie, Secretary Kate Wells, ex. Sec.16 Lizzie Wright ex Regent Mrs. Farnsworth, Historian E. B. Wells, Registrar Maria Y. Dougall Decided to send for Declarations of Independence and give to the University and Colleges High Schools etc.

Press Club met at Mrs. C. F. Wilcox [Elizabeth Stevenson Wilcox] last evening before adjourning, Belle went also Ida S. D. and were admitted members. Mrs. McVicker gave a fine talk, Mrs. Wilcox read The Dear Old Garden of mine. I presided refreshments were served. {p. 185}

28 June 1903 • Sunday

I stayed at home all day and read my proofs for June paper. and reading etc. went over to Belle’s to dinner, went up town and took my proofs and came straight back, felt very faint and rather distressed. I wished that I had attended meeting as it seems too bad not to do so. However one must rest sometimes and recuperate if possible. Sep and Gertrude came over and Sep gathered the cherries so pretty they were and the roses are beautiful indeed. There is a new moon I saw it last evening over my right shoulder and carrying my satchel full of things. {p. 186}

29 June 1903 • Monday

Today I went up in good time Sister Carlie Cannon is better it seems perhaps not permanently. She is very dangerously ill however and her family must feel it very much indeed. It seems such a sad thing so much to live for, and yet cannot. I have had a number of callers and have been over to see Sister B. W. Smith took her some fine gooseberries that Belle sent to her and had a talk. Went down to Fox and Symonds to see to having the pictures finished that we had taken together five of us– Sister Bathsheba W. Smith Ida Smoot Dusenberry Annie Taylor Hyde Emmeline B. Wells & Clarissa Smith Williams the General Officers of the Relief Society. In the evening came home and went to see Belle & Lucile [Sears] heard how Herman came near being drowned on Sunday. {p. 187}

30 June 1903 • Tuesday

This is the Annual Excursion of the Old Folks. I could not go however as there was too much to do to get my paper out. I tried very hard to get a few things done– sent off seven letters today and later on two more nine in all. Louise came in for a minute Elizabeth with her. Had a few minutes talk with Mrs. Webber it is her birthday 53 years old. She seemed in excellent spirits. Br. Smallie came on business also Br. [George] Birdwell. I wish very much to hear from Mell or Verona or Daisie so long since I have heard. I seem so languid and weather very hot– I try to keep up with things, it was the Sunday School Union day at Liberty Park and there was an accident that was very sad. I went home and visited a little while with Belle. In the night she came and called me up. I stayed with Lucile [Sears] while she went over to Sep’s Brent with her in the <buggy> {p. 188}

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June 1903, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1903/1903-06


  1. [1]The Brigham Young Memorial Building was erected on the Latter-day Saints’ University campus in Salt Lake City. (Kenner, Utah as It Is, 249–250; “The Brigham Young Memorial Building,” Deseret Evening News, 6 June 1903, 20.) The school was called LDS University between 1901 and 1927, LDS College from 1927 to 1931, and LDS Business College from 1931 to 2020. Since 1 September 2020, the school has been known as Ensign College. (Hilton, History of LDS Business College, 3; Rachel Sterzer Gibson, “LDS Business College Is Now Ensign College,” Church News, 2 Sept. 2020.)

  2. [2]William R. Wells. (Wells, Birth Record, “Utah, Salt Lake County Birth Records, 1890–1915.”)

  3. [3]Sarah Eunice Robinson.

  4. [4]Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association.

  5. [5]The term missionary in this context refers to experienced female church leaders, including stake Relief Society presidents, who had been called to assist the Relief Society general presidency and its board. They traveled to outlying stakes and conveyed messages at Relief Society conferences. EBW’s comment that the women had differences of opinion at their planning meeting may reflect generational shifts between older leaders and younger leaders newly coming into the organization. In October the general presidency published teaching guidelines for these missionaries as a way to provide a consistent message. (Bathsheba W. Smith, Annie T. Hyde, and Ida S. Dusenberry, “Instructions to Missionaries,” Woman’s Exponent, Oct. 1903, 32:36; Madsen, Intimate History, 403–405.)

  6. [6]Marjorie Wells and Benjamin S. Wells.

  7. [7]Hilda Danielson Wells. (Junius F. Wells, “Wells Family Genealogy,” in Wells Family Centennial, 16.)

  8. [8]Edward J. Wells.

  9. [9]Daughters of the Revolution.

  10. [10]Margaret A. Dusenberry. (1900 U.S. Census, Provo, Utah, 250B, accessed 5 Oct. 2021, https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HY-DKGG-DK?i=73&wc=9B7K-YWB%3A1030550201%2C1031157901%2C1031220701&cc=1325221.)

  11. [11]Annual meetings of the Mothers’ Congress took place in Utah under the leadership of Emily T. Richards. The group aimed to support children and families as part of a national movement backed by many women’s clubs. (“New President of Mothers’ Congress One of the Organization’s Founders,” Salt Lake Herald, 26 May 1902, [3]; “Mothers Congress,” Deseret Evening News, 30 May 1903, [2]; “Mothers Will Gather,” Salt Lake Tribune, 11 June 1903, [11].)

  12. [12]This is probably an accounting record book of the Woman’s Exponent.

  13. [13]text: Here EBW used an L-shaped mark that was perhaps intended to indicate the start of a new paragraph or a new line.

  14. [14]Mary Dunford Richards.

  15. [15]The National Woman’s Press Association, founded in 1884, became an international association in 1887. (Howe, Representative Women of New England, 425.)

  16. [16]Ex-Secretary, meaning former secretary.