June 1914

1 June 1914 • Monday

Monday June 1. June [Junius F. Wells]’s birrthday 50 year old– he seems young in sp[i]rits– in the evning Brigham Young’s birthday was observed up stairs fine evening with the Young family, Presid Smiith was there and spoke quite a great mny of the fri[e]nds of that great p[r]ophet & pioneerr Presidnt Lnd [Lund] was there als[o], exquisite musicc [p. 152] {p. 98}

2 June 1914 • Tuesday

Tody Rachel Smith was married to Ray [A. LeRoy] Taylor and a fine dinner was givn in honor of the union– I was invited and sat betw[ee]n Bishop C. W. Nibley and Brother Petrson [Alfred W. Peterson] Mamie Smith [Mary Smith Peterson]s husband came home and was very lonely went to Hotel Utah to dinner– I am very weary tonight very [p. 153] {p. 99}

5 June 1914 • Friday

This is the aniversary of my eldest g[r]and-daughter1 birth and she is nearing the line– past 40 now. It does not seem possible that time has passed so rapidly– I p[r]esume she is having a pleasant time as she is now in her n[e]w home and her boys2 are with her and the prospects are favo[r]able for future pr[o]sperity [p. 156] {p. 100}

6 June 1914 • Saturday

I am attnding Cofernce in one of the r[e]mote Stakes of Zi[o]n and the moning meeting began at 9. A.M. Relief Socciety first one hou[r] and 25 mnutees [minutes] thn rgular Confernece I thoroughly enjoy the traveling about visisiting the sveral Confrences and speaking to the sisters and giving thm items of my own experieences in the Chu[r]ch and trying to instil into their minds faiith [p. 157] {p. 101}

7 June 1914 • Sunday

This day is dvoted morre especially to the brethrn but they desirre the sister[s] to share the time and are very gnrouss [generous] to us the Relief Society and the Prinary– and I have had gnerous share of privileges Jennie Hyde is with me and she is a pleasant traveling companion we are h[a]ving success in our labors among the sisters [p. 158] {p. 102}

8 June 1914 • Monday

We are expecting to be in Boise and reached the capital this moning met with the sisters and rode over the city a very handsome place beautifiully situated and ma[n]y fine dwellings n[e]w and elgnt state house– Heber Q. Hale President is a fine man & his [blank] an acconplished lady3– Solomn [Solomon H.] Hale his fathr is here from Preston [Idaho] [p. 159] {p. 103}

9 June 1914 • Tuesday

<Hannah [Free] Wells birthday> Last night spoke in the la[r]ge hall, had many st[r]angers from outside the Church– left on midnight t[r]ain for Shoshone– spoke there on our way up expect to on our way home we have had evry kindness and attentin possible where we have been in Carey Idaho we were mo[s]t comfortable stayed at Benton Harris home [p. 160] {p. 104}

10 June 1914 • Wednesday

Stayed at Shoshon and had a very full and atentive audince and took t[r]ain after the meeting to retu[r]n home feeling we had done what we could met many splndid p[e]ople some who wer not yet converted to our faith, but received our testimony in all sincerrity [p. 161] {p. 105}

25 June 1914 • Thursday

Annie came up and wnt with me to Brigham City Emily S. Richads [Richards] went also with me– we had a very pleasant time hundreds of people m[o]st of thn [them] Relief Socciety mnbers [members] were presnt– dinner very elaborate flowers bountiful and excellent spirrit pervaded the assmbly of womn I was expectd to speak and so did Annie & Emily [p. 176] {p. 106}

26 June 1914 • Friday

Today we held our regular meeting as we could not yesterday on accoumt of going to Brigham City [p. 177] {p. 107}

27 June 1914 • Saturday

Miss McLelland’s sisterr4 died this morning that is tw[o] deaths within a short time5– sent flowers to the home, Sister Wilcox went to the funeral [p. 178] {p. 108}

28 June 1914 • Sunday

Went to Tabrnacle heard Japanese preeacher very good wnt up to Joseeph [Joseph S.] Wells saw the n[e]w baby girl named Harrriet [Harriet Wells] went with Josephh to evening meeeting heard Emma Lucy Gates sing and also H. [Horace] G. Whitneys talk on trip to Euroope, afterwards went for a ride with F. [Franklin] S. Richards & wife6– then home and felt very weary wrote to Emmline Martineau [p. 179] {p. 109}

29 June 1914 • Monday

<mailed letter to Emm this moning> Cam[e] up early found no one here, Isabel came and we went over some old letters Received one from Mell [Melvina Whitney Woods] wr[it]ten at Beechcoft vry satisfactory especially about Barry [Barrymore Hillard] in Washington Receved a letter from the Gentile faction went up to Presidnt who read it and advised me to attend meeting at Unity Hall this evening.7 I did so and young Gov. Gables8 came home with me [p. 180] {p. 110}

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June 1914, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1910s/1914/1914-06


  1. [1]Daisie Dunford Allen.

  2. [2]Stephen T. Allen and Martin W. Allen.

  3. [3]The wife of Heber Q. Hale was Bessie Gudmunson Hale.

  4. [4]Ellen McLelland Lloyd (1857–1914). (“Ellen Blackhurst McLelland,” FamilySearch, accessed 27 Nov. 2021, https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/K246-4DT.)

  5. [5]Edward M. McLelland (1858–1914), their brother, died 7 June 1914. (“Edward Murphy McLelland,” FamilySearch, accessed 27 Nov. 2021, https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/KWCX-S2J.)

  6. [6]Emily Tanner Richards.

  7. [7]“People’s Institute to Be Formed in Salt Lake,” Evening Telegram (Salt Lake), 27 June 1914, 16.

  8. [8]text: Name may be “Guble” or “Gubler”.