January 1893


12 May

Arrived in Chicago, where she would remain for a month to participate in and attend the World’s Columbian Exposition and related meetings.

20 May

Presided over the Woman’s Congress at the World’s Columbian Exposition.

8 and 12 June

Delivered Songs and Flowers of the Wasatch to the book displays at the Columbian Exposition.

19 June

Petitioned the Utah territorial governor to turn the Woman’s Industrial Christian Home over to the Deseret Hospital.

26 July

Conducted a women’s mass meeting at the Salt Lake Theatre in support of the silver monetary standard.

5 October

Was elected president of the Utah Territorial Woman Suffrage Association, replacing Sarah M. Kimball.

20 December

Moved into a new home. She had already moved her office into the Constitution Building in March.

1 January 1893 • Sunday

wea.1 cold & clear

A rather fine day but cold– I gave the children each a ribbon or some trifle and to each of my girls a handkerchief we all wore something new on that day as a token of good luck– breakfasted at Annie [Elizabeth Ann Wells Cannon]’s and went to Belle [Isabel Whitney Sears]’s to dinner all of us. Mr. [William E.] Hubbard was there after dinner and dined by himself– all my children and grandchildren within reach were together. We rmembered with sadness those that were absent especially Sep [Septimus Whitney Sears]– my eldest living grandson who would on this new year’s day be alone and apart from us all. I went up to see Lydia Ann [Alley Wells] in the evening– as it is her birthday Jan. 1. and I had been invited to dine there. We had a pleasant evening saw baby Murray [W. Whitney] a fine boy and came home about ten to Annie’s all well– [p. 25] {p. 27}

2 January 1893 • Monday

wea. fine

Next morning hurried off to do what seemed necessary only and look to my mail then down Belle’s as John Q. [Cannon] Annie and family were to go to Br. [George Q.] Cannon’s– we had quite a pleasant afternoon and the evening <before> and I stayed all night at Belle’s and in the morning Lucile [Sears] went with me to the office– this was the day of the Ball and I went up in time to see after some of my tickets and dress and get ready– Dr. Pratt [Romania Bunnell Pratt Penrose] wanted me to go with her and Parley P. [Pratt] Jr. & Lucile was to go with us– Dot [S. Isabel Sears] with Mr. Hubbard The grand march was begun when we arrived and Mrs. C. [Charles] W. Lyman [Mary C. Lyman] & son invited me to join in it which I consented to though my heart was far from it. some of the ladies were [p. 26] {p. 28} elaborately dressed and some young women conspicuously so. Dot was in white silk empire style Lucile in red a girlish dress: everything went off well and the Columbian Ball was the finest of the s[e]ason– so considered by all.

3 January 1893 • Tuesday

wea. fine

Today the theme of conversation is the ball and many comments are made upon some of the costumes. The Deseret Evening News has an editorial upon it and it is hoped some may be wiser in consequence.2 the weather is cold and the news of [James G.] Blaine’s illness3 and prospect of his death keeps Mrs. [Margaret Walker] Salisbury from attending to affairs relating to the Utah World’s Fair work. So many people come for information that it is almost impossible to get on with regular editorial duty and be collected and calm– [p. 27] {p. 29}

4 January 1893 • Wednesday

wea. fine

This morning I stayed a little later than usual as it is Q [George Q. Cannon]’s4 birthday and I knew it would be impossible to come down to dinner as I was to give a paper at the 18th Ward in the meeting of the Young People’s Association of which Bishop [Orson F.] Whitney is President– After working at my editorial duties all day– I succeeded in copying only a portion of the paper I was to read and only arrived at the meeting just before 8 o’clock. I was not called for until about nine– and took about twenty minutes to read the paper. “The Origin of Woman’s Suffrage.” to one so familiar with the subject as I am it seems strange that people do not become more conversant with this popular topic. Q. had a nice birthday a new overcoat [p. 28] {p. 30}

5 January 1893 • Thursday

wea. fine

<gave Mrs. Mc’Vickor [Emma Kelley McVicker] membership Orphan’s Home> Today is fast day but I could not go– and had to send some of the members of the Board of Salt Lake County World’s Fair Association out to organize for me in other places. Mrs. Margaret [Ann Mitchell] Caine and Maria [Mabey] Holt to Draper with Elizabeth [Anderson] Howard to assist. Mrs. Ellen [Spencer] Clawson & Minnie [Permelia Horne] James to Pleasant Green– the organizing is much retarded on account of the weather and the lack of appreciation of the work in the women in outside wards. these two make only five yet completely organized, and the time drawing so near. My editorial is written upon Holiday Journals and the New Year5 how very unpleasant to begin so far behind but it seems unavoidable– at the Board meeting to day we adjourned without a quorum so little interest manifest. the evening I spent in work. [p. 29] {p. 31}

6 January 1893 • Friday

wea. cold & damp–

no letters come from the north and I begin to feel very anxious, I know however that all will be bustle & confusion with Mell [Melvina Whitney Woods] moving6 and so much going on upon Daisie [Dunford Allen] returns–7 Sep is still in Portland– his work failed soon because his employer made an assignment and indeed failures are becoming prevalent as a result of the hard times here, and in the United States because of the depression in silver; this is specially hard on mining interests throwing many out of employment. I am very much more busy than ever before taking the time together as my World’s Fair work never ceases and so many other meetings and so much time taken up in going to Committees and helping here and there– [p. 30] {p. 32}

7 January 1893 • Saturday

wea. dull & dark

My paper is out– I feel very well pleased with it but it was not out soon enough for the country people to get copies to take home for which I am very sorry. A poem written me from the Samoan Islands pleases me more than any I have ever had addressed to me personally from anyone. It is a tribute I prize highly. I can have no assistance from Belle’s girls as Emmie [Emma Whitney Sears] is quite ill and Lucile has to help Elise [Gasser] who goes every Saturday to clean Mr. [Septimus Wagstaff ] Sears office in the Chamber of Commerce. Dot is regularly employed there, and it leaves Belle too much to do. Brent [Brenton M. Sears] is not very well. I did persevere with all my energy and even beyond it to get something done towards mailing and getting even with my work– [p. 31] {p. 33}

8 January 1893 • Sunday

wea. clear & frosty

I am very nervous & not at all well rose very late and the children all went off to Sunday School in Farmer’s ward for the first time– John Q. went over with them and was invited to address the school which he did. They came home quite pleased with the introduction. In the afternoon John Q. took the Recommends for himself wife and family and they were admitted as members of the ward. I am very glad this has been done– at last. I never went out of the house all day long sat here by the fire and read and talked and tried to rest though it was hard work when I knew so much depended upon me. [p. 32] {p. 34}

9 January 1893 • Monday

wea. foggy & frosty

This morning I came up very early– before Rachel the girl had made the fire, and began preparations for the session of the Reaper’s Club. The ladies came in good time and we had a very full attendance, the subject was the Kings who followed Elizabeth King James the First of England and Charles of England– the President chosen was Caroline Raleigh [Polmanteer Wells] and the Secretary Nellie [Rebecca Mantle] Little

The article was by Minna [Permelia] James and there was considerable discussion on that and the amnesty upon which many opinions were given pro and con. The afternoon we had a meeting at the Deseret Hospital and considered the advisability of the Home Dramatic playing for a benefit for the institution. Kate [Catherine Wells] was at Annie’s today getting up her topic on Munich [p. 33] {p. 35}

10 January 1893 • Tuesday

wea. dismal

Today I worked all I could until time to attend our regular meeting of the Salt Lake Co. Worlds Fair Association in the Old Federal Court Rooms where I had to preside– These are the largest gatherings I have ever presided over and it is quite an experience for me and is not half so hard as being a secretary for an Association. The Mass Meeting in the theatre was my first experience in presiding at an immense gathering. That meeting was a success in every way.

Today Dr. [Ellen Brooke] Ferguson made a speech which was quite instructive– we held a County meeting afterwards and appointed some Committees for work and decided upon some matters. The evening was unsatisfactory as so many called & interrupted my work [p. 34] {p. 36}

11 January 1893 • Wednesday

wea. snow in morning

This is President Geo. Q. Cannon’s birthday he is 66 years old today– the sisters came down to Annie’s to wash and anoint her preparatory for her confinement Sisters M. I. [Mary Isabella Hales] Horne & Zina D. H. [Diantha Huntington] Young. We had a nice fire in the study and attended to it up there– then we had lunch in the dining room and started back up town– Belle was on the car. We all went to the Matineé given for the Old Folks Widows and orphans. The play was the Octoroon not very suitable for the occasion– but the Provo people gave their theatrical services free. the house was crowded hundreds of children. I begin to be very uneasy about Mell & family. No letters of much interest have come this year yet. Last evening Mr. Hubbard was elected President of the Chamber of Commerce [p. 35] {p. 37}

12 January 1893 • Thursday

wea. frosty & dull

Today our regular Board meeting decided about the curtains we were to make and appointed Committees to take charge of the work– we had a very satisfactory business session and a pretty good attendance though some of the ladies had to go away early to attend Mrs. [Frances Horlick] Walker’s reception.8 After the meeting some of the ladies came over to talk about world’s fair work particularly Mrs. [Emily Tanner] Richards9 and Mrs. [Zina D. H.] Young and Mrs. [Margaret Ann Mitchell] Caine and others. I was very much hindered & kept from office work. Came down to Annie’s late after ten and felt very weary. [p. 36] {p. 38}

13 January 1893 • Friday

wea. dull

Rose early and walked over to take the Rapid transit cars and finding I was too early went on to Mrs. Sophronia [Spencer] Horne’s store and talked with her about its management. She has a nice family. After reaching Murray rode with Bishop [Joseph Sharp] Rawlins to his house and then to the Ward house. We had a very good meeting, Mrs. [Mary Frost] Rawlins & [Elizabeth Cooper] Pixton of the Board were present, and quite a room full of ladies. Mrs. Rose Kelch [Rosalie Atwood Kelsch] was chosen permanent Chairman of the [Columbian] Club and the officers were all selected and voted in without any difficulty. Came home after dining with the Bishop’s family– and attended a meeting of Charities and Philanthropies at the world’s fair office Constitution Building of which Zina Young is Chairman– At 6 o’clock Martha [Harris Wells] & Lydia Ann came and we [p. 37] {p. 39} went over to– Mrs. E. S. [Elmina Shepard] Taylor’s to a little visit of ladies to which we had been specially invited. It was quite an elaborate affair– parlor handsomely fitted up and full of elegantly dressed women. It was a pleasant party & the refreshments were delicious table arrangements were very perfect– ornamented with smilax and flowers. each one had a card tied wth bows of dainty ribbon. and appropriate mottoes– mine pleased me very much “Fine natures seldom fail to draw out the finer traits of those who approach them.” Most of the ladies spoke during the evening.

14 January 1893 • Saturday

wea. cold

Today has been a busy one– Belle, Dot, Q. and others besides have been in– no letters have come from Sep or Mell– Mr. Sears leaves for the coast today and George Q. Cannon for Washington tomorrow [p. 38] {p. 40}

15 January 1893 • Sunday

wea. cold

This morning the children went over to Sunday School and John Q. Annie & Daniel went for a ride and to visit the cemetery– Mr. Hubbard brought a photographer to take a picture of Annies home– we afterwards learned that Belle’s house, had been photographed. John Q. went to the meeting in Farmer’s Ward and Annie and I were alone when Eugene [S. Sears] came and brought a note inviting us all to go over to dinner and as Annie really could not go she thought perhaps I had better go any way and so I did, found young Stan Price & George Adell there and soon Mr. & Mrs. Kallock came in Edna [Wells Sloan] had been there all night and was staying for the night again. We had a pleasant time and I went up to Sister [Sarah Granger] Kimballs in the evening to go over some Com. work with her came home late. [p. 39] {p. 41}

16 January 1893 • Monday

This morning the storm was heavy cars almost stopped running and I was delayed until after time to open the office– had many calls for such a day, Mrs. [Sarah] Boggs, Mrs. [Isabella Fisher] Bennett and others and I have persevered with my work very much No news from Mell and I am quite alarmed. It does not seem right to be so long without hearing from them. I must write also to Sep who wrote me a very nice Christmas letter. Belle came up she is better, Dot goes to the theatre tonight with [C. William] Buckholz and will sleep at Edna’s After my hurrying and worrying I came down about half past ten– [p. 40] {p. 42}

17 January 1893 • Tuesday

Today is Mary Jane Whitney Groo’s birthday 49 years old– we seldom see her nowadays. Rule [Rulon S. Wells]’s wedding day tomorrow ten years married and tonight they hold their tin anniversary as tomorrow night will be the Chamber of Commerce Ball– and the Mason’s give a banquet at the Templeton. There were about 35 Wells relatives Budd [Horace G. Whitney] & Mahle [Marion Mumford Beatie] and the refreshments were delicious. Belle Dot and Lucile came up to go I went home with them and stayed there. Belle’s house looks lovely at night– such a handsome place. [p. 41] {p. 43}

18 January 1893 • Wednesday

Kate went down to Annie’s today to finish her topic of Munich– I made My first attempt at moving sent Annie my big cupboard and two tables and yellow washstand. Ex president [Rutherford B.] Hayes died last night neuralgia of the heart, seventy one years old. Many men of prominence have died within a year. He is not much lamented because he was not a strong or attractive man, comparatively good but not at all popular. The weather is very cold. George Q. Cannon has gone to Washington & Hebe [Heber J.] Grant goes soon either East or West. [p. 42] {p. 44}

19 January 1893 • Thursday

Was very ill and could not go to preside at the Board meeting or to attend the Executive meeting of the Columbian Ball Committee– [p. 43] {p. 45}

31 January 1893 • Tuesday

Aunt Zina’s birthday have been very busy could not get away to go over there– it is also Jane S. [Snyder] Richards who is 70 years old today– I wrote her a letter & sent it in time. Went up to speak to Sister [Catherine] Lewis10 towards evening and met her at the doorway. We met O. F. [Orson F. Whitney] & Miss B. [Maud M. Babcock] on the way taking a walk by moonlight, then I went to Aunt Zina’s party and shook hands all around had lunch etc. Pres. [Wilford] Woodruff seemed quite gay and enjoyed himself very much Aunt Zina had some lovely flowers particularly roses. She looked very happy & seemed well content. At the press club there were quite a number of ladies and we had a pleasant time [p. 55] {p. 46}

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January 1893, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1893/1893-01


  1. [1]text: The “wea.” (weather) headings are preprinted in the diary.

  2. [2]“A Serious Breach,” Deseret Evening News, 3 Jan. 1893, 4. EBW mentioned the Columbian ball in “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Jan. 1893, 21:108.

  3. [3]James G. Blaine (1830–1893) was a congressman, senator, and U.S. secretary of state under two U.S. presidents. He was an uncle of Margaret Blaine Walker Salisbury. (“Biographies of the Secretaries of State: James Gillespie Blaine [1830–1893],” Office of the Historian; Blaine, Blaine Family, 80.)

  4. [4]This is EBW’s grandson, the son of John Q. and Annie Wells Cannon, named after his grandfather, church leader George Q. Cannon.

  5. [5]“Hail the Glad New Year,” and “Holiday Journals,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Jan. 1893, 21:100–101.

  6. [6]William and Melvina Woods had moved from Murray, Idaho, to Wallace, Idaho, by the time EBW visited in August and September 1892, but William maintained legal work in Murray. (EBW, Diary, 22 and 25 Aug. 1892; 16 Sept. 1896; Madsen, Intimate History, 274, 322.)

  7. [7]Daisie Dunford married Henry Richmond Allen on 12 December 1892. (Woods and Allen, marriage record, 12 Dec. 1892.)

  8. [8]Frances Horlick Walker (Mrs. Samuel Sharp Walker) gave a reception at the Walker mansion on Thursday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Oscar Kent Lewis. (“Society,” Salt Lake Herald, 15 Jan. 1893, 6; “Frances Horlick,” FamilySearch.)

  9. [9]Emily Tanner Richards was president of the Territorial Board of Managers for the World’s Fair. (“Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 and 15 July 1893, 22:188.)

  10. [10]Sister Lewis was the nurse who assisted Annie Wells Cannon before and after delivering her baby in 1889. (See EBW, Diary, 1, 6, 11, and 22 Mar. 1889.)