September 1905

1 September 1905 • Friday

Sixty one years today since my little Eugene Henri [Harris] was born. O, the dreadful scene engraved on memory’s tablets, heart-breaking even at this late date– and yet sorrow still follows me I stand today in the midst of a great grief and pray heaven to help me and mine in the severe trial through which we are passing.

One of our Mormon poets died this morning or just past midnight at 12.20. Hannah [Last] Cornaby now resident of Spanish Fork a very beautiful character {p. 137}

13 September 1905 • Sunday

Fast day Br. Winder presiding sung Be it my only wisdom here prayer by Adolph Madsen sung Marching on to Victory. Pres. Lund spoke of Sister Br. Samuel Richards Sister [blank] Sister B. W. Smith bore testimony to Samuel W. Richards forsake riches and honor Sister Buching Emma Lucy Gates solo Come Come {p. 41}

ye Saints &c [B.] Morris Young Annie Taylor Hyde Sophia T. Nuttall Maria W. Wilcox Hamilton G. Park Elizabeth Murphy John McDonald Sister Lula G. Richards Praise to the man Elizabeth Langton Hannah C. Wells John R. Winder Horace G. [S.] Ensign sung Come Come ye Saints– after singing he spoke of his mission to Japan {p. 42}

President Winder read from the vision of Joseph given Feb. 1832 {p. 43}

7 September 1905 • Thursday

Today Mrs. Gilbert [M. Virginia Donaghe] McClurg came to see me we lunched at the Royal, I introduced her to Pres. Jos. F. Smith & Budd [Horace G. Whitney] Horace [S.] Ensign and several other notables. She has the French Badge of Honor laurel in gold and gems Decoration given for her services in saving the cliff dwellers ruins in Colorado New Mexico etc. {p. 137}

224 September 1905 • Sunday

Went over home had dinner with Belle & Lucile {p. 44}

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September 1905, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]text: This entry comes from volume 32 of the diary.

  2. [2]text: This entry comes from volume 32 of the diary.