April 1901

3 April 1901 • Wednesday

This is my dear little Margaret’s birthday‒ fifteen today. When I came up this morning Charlie [Charles S.] Burton notified me that Aunt Zina had been stricken down and that the Doctor thought she would not recover. I went up right away, Lula Richards was there and Chariton [H. Chariton Jacobs]’s folks and I remained‒ Sister Dougall & Beatie came afterwards, and both stayed I left late in the afternoon and then went to Annie’s to Margaret birthday which was a great pleasurre after so sad a day‒ When I left Aunt Zina she seemed much better, I went home late, Conference is coming on and there is much to do and to see to. My sister’s illness is severe and very hard on us, A new nurse has come and she is not a Mormon and my sister likes her better, she is suffering very intensely. {p. 129}

23 April 1901 • Tuesday

Today Ellen (my Sister) went to the Cannon House expecting to come back to me, but when she reached there, it was quite apparent that a change had occurred in my sister and death was near so she waited on until finally feeling sure the last was very near she came up for me. I went directly, Lucy lay asleep but her face much drawn by pain and agony, physical suffering that must have been intense, and still she slept on and on. The trained nurse Mary Martin, myself and Sisters Adeline & Ellen and Dr. Cannon, Sister Jane S. Richards came, my daughter Annie and one or two more but I would not let them in, finally Inez [Earl Godbe] and Charlie [J. Charles Earl]‒ but Louie and Corrie [H. Corydon Granger] did not come until all was over and the scene closed at 6.45. and she was beyond doubt gone home. {p. 131} My Sister Lucy was taken in charge by the undertaker on West Temple and carried away the same night while I was absent at the office, however I had the satisfaction of assisting at the washing of her body and making her ready for the sexton. Ellen came home with me and we sat up late talking it all over it was like a dream.

24 April 1901 • Wednesday

April 24. Today is very sad and Ellen is making ready to go and everything in such confusion at the Cannon house that both Adeline & Ellen are there and I have been down four times during the day. About 5 o’clock we all went to the parlors of the undertakers to see Lucy for the last time, She looked quite handsome in her coffin, she is now ready and will be shipped to Chicago tonight care Wells Fargo Express Company. She is to be cremated there and then her ashes to be deposited {p. 132}

25 April 1901 • Thursday

Today my sister Ellen intends leaving for her home in Arizona she goes first to Phoenix where her daughter Edith [Fuller McClendon] lives and then her boys will come to take her over the mountain. I went to the station with her also Corrie and wife1 and Louis and Adeline and Charlie‒ I was not very well but managed to stay on standing outside waiting, finally I bade her Good Bye and went direct to Bishop O. F. Whitney’s where some of the Wells family and Whitney family were invited to meet Mr. Sears & Belle John Q. & Annie were there & the Governor and his sweet heart2 who met the Wells family for the first time. We came home on the same car at 12. Septimus & Belle John Q. Annie and myself. I really feel my experience has been severe this year {p. 133}

26 April 1901 • Friday

So much to do and so little strength to perform the work[.] I must finish the History of Woman’s Suffrage in Utah There are some women who do not and cannot appreciate the mental labor of those whose brains are brought into service for the good of the community and in our case of the Church as well {p. 134}

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April 1901, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1901/1901-04


  1. [1]Florence Plomteux Granger.

  2. [2]Emily Katz.