September 1916

17 September 1916 • Sunday

Tday we lookd for Crry [Henry R. Allen] and Daisie all day watching boats etc. M[r]s. Stall was there a day and night and Mis and Judge Mis Campbell were there whn we left {p. 170}

18 September 1916 • Monday

Tday we came across from the Lake, the roads were good and th[e] airr [illegible] th[e]re were trees even woods & good roads most of the way we left the Lak[e] in good time and Harrry h[a]d his own Auto so we left the little boat [illegible] way {p. 171}

19 September 1916 • Tuesday

Tusday we were away bathing all day long took a short auto ride in the af[t]ernoon visitd and talkd incessantly {p. 172}

20 September 1916 • Wednesday

Today we drove to Murray [Idaho] in Harrry’s car Katharine Cannon Daisie Harry & nyself I had been there when first I visitd Mell in 1889, and had a most romntic ride in an old-fashined stage thro the forest the[y] were sitll mnng [mining] an account of that journey is in the Exp[o]nent of October 18891– {p. 173}

21 September 1916 • Thursday

Tday I am not w[e]ll yet feel it is only a little ind[i]geston as the result of the long ride ysterday Katharine is here with me and has read me som poems Daisie is engaged in household dutiees, her maid left this mo[r]ning– The house is very fin[e] {p. 174}

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September 1916, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]EBW (Aunt Em, pseud.), “Luncheon in the Pine Woods,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Oct. 1889, 18:75.