November 1908

1 November 1908 • Sunday

<Fast> meeting in the Temple very significant– very impressive and in a way prophetic. I felt like speaking but restrained myself tho’ Edna L. Smith who sat next me urged me to get up– finally she rose herself and told them to vote the Republican ticket straight, and I went home with Hannah and then to the 18th. Ward and afterwards to Lydia-Ann’s and Susan’s and then home, and tried to do a little work towards my paper, the President spoke very plainly today about those who were opposing the nominees, it was sort of pitiful to see him and to feel his embarrassment1 {p. 325}

2 November 1908 • Monday

This is Isabel’s birthday and she is sixty years old– quite a good day and I have taken time to go and see her took her a pair of white kid elbow gloves and a little poem also took Lucile a book, had dinner there Lucile came to the car with me she seems in good spirits On the day my daughter Isabel was born the storm was terrific wind sleet rain and snow, Grandma [Catherine Davies] Wilson had a serious time trying to make a fire in the big tent and finally when two three midwives gave me up the Bishop sent Archie Hill to the fort for Dr. [John M.] Bernhisel and the baby was born 8.15 p.m. in the wagon on Whitney <block opposite Temple Block> {p. 326}

3 November 1908 • Tuesday

A very exciting day I went to vote before going to the office, had to wait but got along all right, voted Republican ticket strait. Voting begun early. George Q. and Daniel both driving carriages for Republican party taking women voters. Many have been in, suspense is wearisome, a number of women are at work Edna Smith has been here a little while; we both feel that all will go right, she has been to one or two polling places I have been busy with my own work {p. 327}

4 November 1908 • Wednesday

The news is good and we are rejoicing but not making demonstrations and I hope there will not be any made by our people– Susa Edna L. & Ann D. came after me in the afternoon and later on we all went to the Bee Hive house and had candy nuts and raisins– congratulated President Jos. F. Smith and stayed 2 or 3 hours, while there Reed Smoot Joseph Howell and Ed Callister called Geo. H. Brimhall was also a visitor, we were a fine party, Brother Brimhall and Prest. Smith did most of the talking. {p. 328}

5 November 1908 • Thursday

This is my Sister Ellen’s birthday and I have sent her a little book only a trifle yet I hope she will feel that I would do more if I could {p. 329}

6 November 1908 • Friday

Today is an exciting one for we were all the members of the Board to meet the Bishops, we met at my office and went over in a body and heard their propositions Bishops C. W. Nibley and O. P. Miller David A. Smith was not there– Then when we had finished we came back to the office and held our meeting, and appointed a Committee to attend to the conditions and report at our next meeting Nov. 20th. {p. 330}

7 November 1908 • Saturday

Today is a notable anniversary in my family the wedding of Mell & Will having been solemnized in 1874– and a reception held in the evening to a few relatives and friends President Wells came tho’ he did not go to witness the marriage, I was the only one except Emmie (if she went) and the ceremony was very brief all those who were witnesses are dead now except myself that seems so strange when all were younger than me Tonight the friends of Betsy came to tell her that the woman she was to nurse was sick and wanted her to come {p. 331}

8 November 1908 • Sunday

Today Betsy went off to Mrs. Leary and I began to empty my closet soon a message came to tell me George Q. and Ruby were coming over and they soon drove up– {p. 332}

9 November 1908 • Monday

Theodore Lincoln [Cannon]’s birthday what a beautiful child he is and so dainty gave him a little wagon he can play with We had a fine dinner of fried chicken and other dainties, and I remained all night had a pleasant time it was quite fine to hear the children sing and recite dramatic pieces taught them at school I enjoyed the evening very much indeed & also my visit with Margaret afterwards up stairs by the fire when the family had all retired, we sat and talked until quite late she is a reticent girl but quite deep and thoughtful This is a day to be remembered, Theodore has been a great blessing to us all {p. 333}

10 November 1908 • Tuesday

The Daughters of the Revolution held a meeting at Phebe Y. Beatie’s a sort of musical, and had invited guests, and refreshments, fine music and some vocal as well as instrumental President Winder & wife2 Bishop Nibley & wife Br. [William N.] Williams and Clarissa & George A. [Smith] & Lucy [Emily Woodruff Smith] Sister Bathsheba W. Smith Although I enjoyed the rare music I felt it was not in any sense commemorative not in the least and was not the proper day, the date of organization being Nov. 16. 1898 {p. 334}

11 November 1908 • Wednesday

I am doing my very best to get ready to go North to visit Mell first setting one date and then another thinking if I did not start yesterday I might today and now I am as far from it as ever {p. 335}

13 November 1908 • Friday

<Prest. Smith born in Missouri> This is the 70th birthday of President Jos. F. Smith and I am invited to go up although it is not a party for grown people Sister Bathsheba W. Smith and myself, Susie & Zina [Young Card] and Mary T. Smith and Alice K. [Kimball] Smith and Lucy Smith Acomb & Edith Smith besides the immediate family, all the grandchildren and parnts of them were there and it was very gay with dolls and Teddie Bears I presented President Smith with a book called Thoughts– I am very fond of it have had a copy some time and enjoy it– I do hope he will look at it sometimes {p. 336}

14 November 1908 • Saturday

Another busy day so full of trying things women coming for their money that worked for the party distributing literature {p. 337}

15 November 1908 • Sunday

Today I have been alone, and so weary of it I had thought to go somewhere but began writing and finished my editorial and did some very important things hoping to get away, but do not exactly see my way clear and hope to be guided right and not make any serious mistake. I pray constantly to do what will be the best for us all {p. 338}

16 November 1908 • Monday

Ten years ago today the Wasatch chapter of the D.R. was changed to a State Society, and I was elected the first Regent of the State Society. It seemed quite an honor and I still feel that it was. The meeting was held in my office in the Templeton Building, I made some sort of response and afterwards an address that was printed in the Woman’s Exponent that contains so much valuable information3 {p. 339}

17 November 1908 • Tuesday

Have been working hard today and trying to go early so as to be in time for Daniel’s farewell party however I barely caught the car. John Q. too was on the car so I was all right, there were some exercises for it was under the auspices of the Young Men’s Ass’n4 and he was requested to speak and he said a few words in a very sweet way and did not break down at all, but seemed quite self-possessed which was rather remarkable, for one so young and without much experience in public speaking. It was very gratifying to see him do so well and when it was his own affair {p. 340}

19 November 1908 • Thursday

After my hard day’s work rushed off to Annie’s and was there in time for dinner the last with Daniel for a long time– we had a nice evening in the parlor and all quite cheerful. Geo Q. has moved in and is at his mother’s, Ruby and baby Q. at her mother’s until he can get things fixed, I was a little disappointed in not having them with me, but this will be better {p. 341}

20 November 1908 • Friday

Today Daniel leaves to go on his Mission to the Netherlands, and I have to be in the Board Meeting and cannot be very much in his company, he came to see me and bade me an affectionate goodbye Many thoughts come to us in hours of parting with dear ones, he is a very good boy and surely the holy angels will watch over him. His father[,] Louise & Rich went to the train to see him off. Annie did not go, she feels it very keenly I am sure but is of course glad she has a boy to send, it will be lonely without him, he is a very exemplary boy and I am so glad he has this opportunity to go out into the great world {p. 342}

21 November 1908 • Saturday

Annie finished her article & brought it up to me, and I am very proud of it, and I hope it will help the paper along too5 {p. 343}

22 November 1908 • Sunday

Cavendish came over and brought the Maltese cat I have been so upset with mice while Betsy has been away, he brought a horse and tied him inside and an axe to cut wood for me, the cat was fine but did not catch any mice {p. 344}

23 November 1908 • Monday

<Reaper’s Meeting today> I had letter for Sister Smith and after working strenuously all day went over at evening and we read the letter from Sister Thomas about the Council and her work there as Proxy for the President I stayed rather late and it was dark I went to the office all right and then home on the car was Betsy coming home from the place where she had been nursing. I was very glad to have her back, terrific snow storm in the night could feel the cold terribly felt so glad to have some one in the house I had a letter from England for Betsy {p. 345}

24 November 1908 • Tuesday

<Dessie Grant was married in the Temple this morning> Although the storm was terrible and cars almost out of service yet I reached the office before noon and as there was a meeting at 2-p.m. tried to make ready but Sister B. W. Smith came and she was so unhappy our not getting the carriage to go home and Julina being at Donetta’s who was sick so I read to her out of the Church History and the Magazine English Woman’s Review finally Sister Lizzie Wright Lucy Smith Clint [Clarissa Young] Spencer Emily Clawson and myself and we decided on taxing each member 50 cts. to pay what was owing. I paid for Isabel and myself. Mamie [Lovell] Wells telephoned we were invited to Edna [Wells Sloan]’s to meet the bride but could not get word to any one because all the telephones were out of order– {p. 346}

25 November 1908 • Wednesday

On reaching the office found a personal letter from Joseph F. Smith very appreciative and friendly quite a personal treasure, John Q. has been in and several others I managed to get up to Edna’s this evening late, and took Dessie a pretty wedding book and my own book of poems. had a bite to eat came back to office and then home {p. 347}

26 November 1908 • Thursday

Thanksgiving the first one I think that I had not been invited to go to one or the other of my own family– and often elsewhere too, it was a dreadfully cold day and I could not be content without going to see if there was any mail and after going up I felt I would go to see Louise and the twins, and so I went there for a while took her The Cosmopolitan & Harper’s Bazaar both Xmas numbers, I stayed a while and then Rich came with me to Main St. to get my car– Betsy went out after I came home and I begun writing, it was an awful cold night and I felt uncomfortable though not having the telephone to call any one up so lonely and none of my own {p. 348}

27 November 1908 • Friday

No news except a card from Sister Thomas saying she was back in Chicago and all’s well– one from Sister [Alvira Coolidge] Cox from Manti saying she could do without visitors this time, but some one brought cakes & pie & jelly and left it with Chrysanthemums, I wrote to Sister Maria Colt and copied the verses for Susan Grant– Annie came up they are all well John Q. came in Sisters Sherwood & Durant came to call also– two or three others. {p. 349}

28 November 1908 • Saturday

<Nett Wells Culmer’s birthday> This is a day of days so upset because the printers have not come to time and my work lagging, Belle came for a few minutes also Junius, has reached home once more and wife and daughter he came to see me, I was very glad to see him sent off all notices of meeting today and wrote to Mrs. [Maria] Ogilvie Gordon in Scotland thanking her for pamphlet of I.C.W. Report, I feel so disappointed over not being made a delegate to the Quinquennial next June. Went to Mrs. Riter’s reception for Dessie Grant fine music, refreshments & company enjoyed it very much met many good friends and felt somewhat elated, decorations very fine, came home late and read magazines & bible in Psalms. {p. 350}

29 November 1908 • Sunday

Today is very cold and I was anxious to rest and recuperate after a most strenuous week but we were out of coal and could not be very comfortable. I was alone all day at least after 12. M. let Betsy go out, I was reading Church History looking up on poems and trying to be restful. The day was rather fine and snowy landscape charming; I had many thoughts of my dear ones passed away, prepared my minutes for the next regular meeting in December. There is really much sickness in the City and some quite serious It seems strange that we should feel so annoyed when telephones are out of use because of wires being down– when only a few years ago we had no such convenience, but now we cannot feel easy without them, but so it is. However I reached Belle’s folks by telephone and talked with Dot which was quite sociable when here alone {p. 351}

30 November 1908 • Monday

This morning went off in good time, found letter from my sister Ellen in Arizona and postal card from Daniel in Niagara Falls [New York]. John Q. came and gave me news of the family and I went to the Printers about making up the paper, and then went in the florists and got a white rost [rose] to take to Sister Annie T. Hyde who is ill. I called there and found her very sweet and amiable and prettily gowned– a lovely home and fine room cheerful fire in the grate and pleasant surroundings, she seemed cheerful and nothing despondent about her in the least. Then went to see Sister B. W. Smith and take her letter and paper, she was well and feeling comfortable, stayed awhile read the letter which was from Vernal and took it back for record, made up the paper today, meeting of U.W.P.C.6 and we transacted some business, voted Dr. R. B. Penrose and Dr. E. R. Shipp Honorary Presidents of the Press Club and Augusta J. Crocheron Honorary Member at large. {p. 352}

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November 1908, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]In the 1908 elections in Utah, President Joseph F. Smith backed Republicans and supported the return of apostle Reed Smoot to the U.S. Senate. The American Party, led by former senator Thomas Kearns, attracted voters who were critical of an apostle of the church holding national public office. (Merrill, Reed Smoot, 116–123; Alexander, Utah, the Right Place, 253–255.)

  2. [2]Maria Burnham Winder. (“A Tribute,” Woman’s Exponent, Apr. 1910, 38:68.)

  3. [3]Lucy W. Smith, “Daughters of the Revolution,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Dec. 1898, 27:[65].

  4. [4]Association.

  5. [5]Annie Wells Cannon, “Stake Presidents of Relief Society,” Woman’s Exponent, Jan. 1909, 37:[33]–34.

  6. [6]Utah Woman’s Press Club.