June 1905

4 June 1905 • Sunday

Br. Lund, Sisters Maeser Caine L. L. G. Richards Amy [Adams] Thomas

M. A. [Mary Ann Stearns] Winters Bishop <W. [William] B.> Preston Minerva [Richards] Young Wilford Woodruff Junius F. Wells spoke of the birthplace of Joseph Smith and his mission to purchase his home where he was born Sharon1 Sister Empery [Empey] Sister C. C. R. Wells Lizzie [Elizabeth Liddell] Felt {p. 30} the choir Sunshine in the soul Myra [Shamira Young] Rossiter Seymour B. Young When the prophet was on his way to Carthage jail he called at D. [Daniel] H. Wells home and said Don’t think me the worst man in the world– and he answered him that he looked upon him, as a good man and held him in high <esteem>2 {p. 31}

3<don’t strike your children {p. 32}

upon any account nor for any reason> {p. 33}

9 June 1905 • Friday

Hannah Wells 76 today, and Pioneer Stake Relief Society Conference, and Sister Smith and myself came away in R. E. Little’s surrey and Sister Thomas with us and after taking a ride we went to the Royal and had supper It was a fine Conference in regard to the speaking Sister B. W. Smith was there and spoke twice {p. 94}

10 June 1905 • Saturday

This has been a very full day with work and calls have had many visitors and in the evening went out to Granite Stake where the Mutual Improvement Association General Boards gave an elaborate reception to Stake Officers and friends Margaret went with me. I met many old friends and enjoyed the evening very well, music fine and delicious refreshments. dancing for all who cared for it Junius danced with Margaret, and was quite attentive to us both. President Jos. F. Smith and Patriarch John Smith and wife4 were present also Julina Alice & Mary Edna5 too, F. [Francis] M. Lyman and wife,6 met Miss Thalia Grant Smith from Mo. [Missouri] William Smith’s daughter– {p. 95}

11 June 1905 • Sunday

This is the Anniversary of E. [Elijah] K. Fuller’s birthday he would have been 94 today had he lived. I rested in the morning as I was weary and had a severe headache and went up on the 12. M. car and to the Tabernacle. It was the Conjoint Conference of the Y.M. & Y.L. and P.A.7 Associations and Junius was to speak on the topic. Is the Mutual Imprvement Association’s work verified in the lives of its members? Or perhaps justified is a better word, And Ruth M. Fox spoke to a subject, and so did Minnie Loveland Snow the music was fine Nellie Druce Pugsley sang her very best. Louise Margaret and myself had dinner with Sep and Gertrude at their new rooms. No. 17. 5th. South {p. 96}

8Samuel W. Richards 81 years old [for] seventy one years he had been treasuring the sayings of Joseph Smith {p. 32}

12 June 1905 • Monday

Today have been very busy with mailing and also letter-writing, wrote to Sister [Mary Adams] Ollerton Parowan and to Sister [Cedaressa Cartwright] Shepherd Beaver and answered many telephone calls, and waited upon callers. Louise and Emmeline were here helping me with mailing and finally we made ready and went to the Primary entertainment in the 22nd. ward, President Joseph F. Smith and Edna also Alice and Mary T. were there and many Primary workers from the several Stakes of Zion. Sister Bathsheba W. Smith was there and told me Alice Horne had a little girl9 born this morning. I had to speak upon Sister Eliza R. Snow and there were many other exercises very entertaining. {p. 97}

13 June 1905 • Tuesday

Was very busy Sister Jane S. Richards came early and spent the morning, Margaret came to help mail, wrote to Heber City and to Kamas about Conferences. Went down to Belle’s and over home then came down to Annie’s to stay with the children, she had gone to Mamie’s [Mary Alice Hoagland Cannon’s] to a party, it is Emily [Cannon Willey]’s birthday also Lawrence [W.] Sloan’s and Ann [Y.] Cannon’s, George Q.’s youngest daughter 15 years old. Joseph Wells and Margaret and myself had dinner together in the Ensign café {p. 98}

15 June 1905 • Thursday

A party at Mrs. Jennings today a dinner or luncheon Sister B. W. Smith and myself were very much honored. {p. 100}

1016 June 1905 • Friday

11Mrs. Howard A Thornton
29 Parkwood Ave
Grand Rapids Mich {p. 33}

19 June 1905 • Monday

Today is Brent’s birthday and I gave him my book of poems and for his wedding present a half dozen silver spoons, engraved S, 4, 15, 05– for April 15, 1905. I went down to Belle’s but they Brent and Inez were not there, I had a bite to eat and hurried back to get to the train for Louise Annie came too and we waited for hours, she went off to Portland {p. 104}

22 June 1905 • Thursday

Party at Mrs. Jennings very fine, lost my elegant satchel on the way home, was in the carriage with others {p. 107}

30 June 1905 • Friday

Today I attended the R.S. Conference of Ensign Stake in the 12th. Ward meeting house and spoke during the afternoon. The Salt Lake Temple closed to day for vacation, a month– Louise is expected home to-night from Portland {p. 109}

12Louisse cane home from Portland {p. 34}

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June 1905, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1905/1905-06


  1. [1]Junius F. Wells spearheaded a project to commemorate the birthplace of church founder Joseph Smith in Sharon, Vermont, by buying the property and erecting a monument in the form of a large stone obelisk, which was dedicated on the one hundredth anniversary of Joseph Smith’s birth, 23 December 1905. For a description of its completion and references, see EBW, Diary, 23 Dec. 1905.

  2. [2]Confirmation of the encounter between Joseph Smith and Daniel H. Wells appears in “Historian’s Office, Martyrdom Account,” The Joseph Smith Papers, 2.

  3. [3]text: This sentence was written across the top of two pages.

  4. [4]Probably Hellen Fisher Smith.

  5. [5]Julina Lambson Smith, Alice Kimball Smith, Mary T. Schwartz Smith, and Edna Lambson Smith were all wives of Joseph F. Smith.

  6. [6]Rhoda Taylor Lyman.

  7. [7]Young Men’s and Young Ladies’ and Primary Association.

  8. [8]text: This entry comes from volume 32 of the diary.

  9. [9]Zorah H. Horne (1905–1998).

  10. [10]text: This entry comes from volume 32 of the diary.

  11. [11]text: This address was entered in the handwriting of someone other than EBW.

  12. [12]text: This entry comes from volume 32 of the diary.