February 1909

1 February 1909 • Monday

This morning I am scarcely able to rise but feel compelled to go up and attend to duties of importance, I have Miss Lease coming and Sister Smith; we are to celebrate Aunt Zina’s birthday this afternoon and evening and it will be to me a very pleasant affair for she was all that was good A typical mother in Israel and a true saint in charity and love and good fellowship. About 2. the Reaper’s met and had a fine program in my office, after that the carriage came and 3. of us. Sister B. W. Smith L. W. [Lucy Walker] Kimball and E. B. Wells drove up to Zina’s old house Presidents Smith Winder and Lund were guests– a very sumptuous banquet was served to the following guests. 16 in number President Smith Sarah & Edna Pres. Winder and Maria Pres. Lund and wife Lucy W. Kimball E. B. Wells W. [William] B. Dougall & Ria [Maria Young Dougall], Hattie [Harriet Hooper Young] & Willard [Young], Riga [Orson Rega Card] & Zina [Young Card] [p. 32] {p. 86} <Zebulon [W. Jacobs] & Chariton [H. Chariton Jacobs] 18. A very pleasant party.>

2 February 1909 • Tuesday

This morning late again and Mrs. Lease called Sister B. W. Smith came and we talked over affairs, finally went to the Mass Meeting at the theatre and had a full house and fine spirit Rev. [Herbert] Hayes offered prayer splendid music, a letter was sent to me from the Mercantile Ass’n to be read commending our labors, Sister B. W. Smith came and sat beside me In all respects it was successful, The Committee on Resolutions were Annie Wells Cannon Chairman, [4 lines blank]1 Sister Smith came back with me having sat through the entire meeting, she is certainly a good listener and walked all the way home from the meeting called me a few minutes [p. 33] {p. 87}

3 February 1909 • Wednesday

I feel rather annoyed that the letter sent to Mrs. Hallister has not been answered it is now time also one sent to Mrs. Swift and I do hope they will come before the meeting of the Board. [p. 34] {p. 88}

4 February 1909 • Thursday

Today is to be a meeting of the Yukon Pacific Exhibit Committee but only Ort & Spence Clawson came we talked over a good many matters and Spencer Clawson gave us a better idea of the models to be made of the Temple & Tabernacle than we had ye[t] [p. 35] {p. 89}

5 February 1909 • Friday

This is the anniversary of the birthday of Presiding Bishop N[e]wel K. Whitney2 he would be one hundred and four years old– died at 55 in 1850– today is the meeting of the General Board and I am dreading it very much Sister Smith came early and reclined on the lounge Annie could not come because Margaret is ill– we got along fairly well but I was not well at all and some unpleasant things came up– finally about prohibition and Ida Dusenberry denied what she had said at the last meeting and it was very disagreeable– at last when the final adjournment was considered there was some difference of opinion and at last it went over to the regular time two weeks from date [p. 36] {p. 90}

7 February 1909 • Sunday

Hurried off to the fast meeting quite late had always been early before, but was in time to get in and as usual sat by Sister Smith came out and sent off some messages and tried to go to the Cannon home as tomorrow is Emmeline’s 16th. birthday and the dinner is to be today I bought a dress pattern for her and caught a car and went off with my arms full. I had previously been to the funeral services of Charles R. Savage in the Assembly Hall– which was a very impressive service full of love and sentiment for his memory. the Car to the farm was off the track so I went to see Louise and the twins and had dinner there, then came home in pouring rain and began writing in the Relief Society record, the wind became so furious that I telephoned Dot and went up there in the storm, Will and Dot came to the car to meet me [p. 38] {p. 91}

8 February 1909 • Monday

This morning came to the office early– Betsy telephoned she was home– Margaret was quite sick– Emmeline’s birthday was stormy, I was awfully busy all day it seems there is no end to work it grows more constant and people expect so much. It was not the Reapers meeting although I had really thought so. Day was very disagreeable as to weather and no letters came in reply to mine sent off on the 26th. of January & yet others came to be attended to I really am working very hard and am anxious about Brenton and Margaret– I have had some talk over matters with Margaret C. [Curtis] Roberts and unsatisfactory reports from Annie T. Hyde. Lizzie Wilcox called as this is the anniversary of her mothers birthday Elizabeth Jane Du Fresne Stevenson and also Sister Elizabeth [Cooper] Pixton an old friend of mine [p. 39] {p. 92}

9 February 1909 • Tuesday

<Spence Clawson brought the map of Illinois on pasteboard and walked with me to the Social Hall> Today the Social hall for so many years our first place for recreation is to be rededicated and I am to go and wear my grey silk dress, there is to be a banquet at 6. p.m. and I was in good time and visited with dear friends It is to be a very select affair, Rulon [S.] Wells came without his wife and sat by me at table. Joseph F. Smith was at the head of the central table and John R. Winder on his right at the head of the next table and Anthon H. Lund on his left on the other side The repast was bounteous and in great variety “piping” hot and the flowers were sweet and handsome mostly daffodils ferns carnations & roses, hyacinths, and potted plants. Next Joseph F. on the right side was Sarah Richards Smith next Alice Kimball Smith then myself opposite me was President Bathsheba W. Smith, the tables were filled with distinguished guests all the way down [p. 40] {p. 93} Hymns were sung first God moves in a mysterious way after supper a sort of program of speeches, though President Jos. F. Smith made some explanations and called upon Presiding Bishop Charles W. Nibley to dedicate the Hall or more appropriately rededicate it his prayer was eloquently and simply sublime, then reminiscences were given by A. [Amos] M. Musser, John T. Caine H. B. Clawson George Romney & Margaret [Judd] Clawson and Joseph F. Smith himself in his sincere and earnest manner he announced the 9th day of February was his father’s centemary and it seemed a fitting tribute to his memory.

10 February 1909 • Wednesday

Wednesday Feb. 10. I went to see Sister Farnsworth had lunch in the library and went down to the Packard Library on State St. Susa gave a party for the B. [Brigham] Young sisters in the Social Hall and to her Bible class. I am sorry Belle is not here to attend but trust all will be adjusted in her favor afterwards I am sure she is worthy [p. 41] {p. 94}

11 February 1909 • Thursday

This is an awful day the wind and sleet and it is not fit to go out in, and in the morning I felt as if I could not face it but I did however and Ort & Spence came and we made a sort of estimate between us Spence took the figures and we went to the Presidents office to see what donation they would make but found it was a meeting in session of the Board of Education and had to withdraw as we could not wait so long. I had a large number of postals given me to send out to men and women on the prohibition question sent to the Senators and others and worked awfully hard at my mailing [p. 42] {p. 95}

12 February 1909 • Friday

Lincoln’s birthday and the Daughters of the Revolution celebrated in his honor at the home of Apostle George A. Smith and wife,3 fine decorations and flags of all nations with many pictures of Abraham Lincoln and relics of the civil war. at the repast napkins with stars and stripes and place cards with his picture and name on the back and a miniature flag on the card beside each plate I took Emeline [Young] Wells as my partner could not persuade Abbie [Wells Chapin] to go although she has her pap[e]rs, and all that. the music was very fine and songs appropriate, speeches and anecdotes of the war and of the life of the great statesman were graphically told [p. 43] {p. 96}

13 February 1909 • Saturday

The most terrific storm but I went out all the same and really worked like a veritable slave to get off some papers also went to the Bee Hive, Julina [Lambson Smith] came and urged me to come and I fixed the orders for Julina to go to Honolulu [Hawaii] and to pay Ida S. Dusenberry, and the Deseret News. Had lunch shook hands with President Smith who is going to Honolulu also but is not telling the public,4 Julina entrusted me with it but dare not tell her Aunt Bathsheba lest she should tell it and make trouble, It would be Joshua K. Whitney’s birthday if he were alive he would be 74 today. He was once a fine young man filled a good mission in England [p. 44] {p. 97}

14 February 1909 • Sunday

Have been at home all day have written two very important letters one to Flo Jamison [Florence Jameson] Miller and one to Lillian M. Hollister both in reference to International Council matters It is the anniversary of a very important day in my history in 1845.5 and it is the anniversary of Don Carlos Whitneys birthday born in 1841. or perhaps earlier 1839 The letters are so important that it has affected me very much indeed and I scarcely understand how it is the women of the east do not understand us better [p. 45] {p. 98}

15 February 1909 • Monday

Worked hard all day Reapers Club very interesting Sister Smith came with letter from Flora Jamison Miller or from M. Josie [Merab Josephine] Nelson about money due annually letter answered off hand telling her the money would be forthcoming. Sister Smith did not stay to the meeting but went direct home to her own house and the meeting was rather late I tried very hard to get some mailing off but did not succeed [p. 46] {p. 99}

16 February 1909 • Tuesday

<Violet Lloyd came to day to stay with me> Was late going up even tho’ I had tried to be early, found mail quite a little and soon Sister Smith came and staid until meeting of D.R. which was an interesting one– paper by Phebe Y. Beattie and Julia P. M. Farnsworth, May [Wells] Whitney came with documents from Ort and I was to go to the Presidents office which I did and left my own meeting found at Presidents office June Wells wife & daughter6 were there to introduce to the President Governor [Fletcher D.] Proctor of Vermont and wife daughters7 & young Secretary, I met them and Mrs. [Minnie Robinson] Proctor gave me a red carnation out of her bouquet– June took them to the Tabernacle for a recital and I went back to work [p. 47] {p. 100}

17 February 1909 • Wednesday

Today the President and party left I did not see them again only Rachel [Smith] & Edith [Smith] who are going with their father and mother also Emily & Emma [Smith] who is Julina’s Edna’s daughter, Sister Elizabeth McCune is also going for her health. there were nine in all. I hope they will be successful and enjoy themselves for the President needs some respite from his grave & great responsibilities, Bishop C. W. Nibley and his wife Ellen [Ricks Nibley] have gone with the party [p. 48] {p. 101}

18 February 1909 • Thursday

Today more than ever busy and feel I must hasten with my work which grows much more important and in fact soul-telling, many things happening that disturb a sensitive person to the very depths of one’s entire being, Margaret who has been so ill is a very little better and that helps one to be more cheerful– we the Yukon Pacific Committee went up to the Presidents office and had an interview with Presidents Winder and Lund; Heber J. Grant was there also and we came away a little better posted about affairs. We are to have stated expenses as nearly as possible before the Quorum on Wednesday to see what appropriation can be made so as we will know the limitation of means [p. 49] {p. 102}

19 February 1909 • Friday

This morning invited Annie to go with me to Social Hall party, of the Genealogical Society and she accepted, and I worked hard to get ready for the meeting and then we got through it very well and toward the last Alice M. Horne made an imperative call for the letter she had sent me, which I had kept strictly private I felt both hurt and embarrassed to begin with it was entirely out of order, and should have been suppressed– but for the sake of President Bathsheba W. Smith whom I so dearly love I could not refuse, as she thinks Alice knows more than any one else on the Board. whereas Alice is erratic and not to be relied upon as correct.8

After the meeting we went to the party and it was a fine affair, all splendid and we enjoyed it all Annie Emeline & Kate Wells were there, all conducted in the best manner [p. 50] {p. 103}

20 February 1909 • Saturday

This morning went off in good time although I only reached home last night 12. M. slept scarcely at all. had so many visitors Bishop David Staker [Stoker] of Bountiful long talk on Relief Society work and Prohibition. Mrs. Webber on Battleship to be named Utah and what we ought to do to get in first on the Silver service to be given by the State & about Georgie [L. Georgiana Fox Young]’s operation and her mother9 and a dozen more things Others kept coming & telephone to be answered finally Sister Maria [Banks] Francis who wanted to tell me what was going to be done for my birthday by the Press and the Reaper’s clubs, gave Bishop Staker Incorporation documents Sister Smith came very late and Alice M. Horne with her and brought more letters and names for the Quinquennial with her and insisted on having me leave everything to reply [p. 51] {p. 104} <20)> she was so persistent that I left my own work and did it as quick as possible– then she wanted me to write Sister Annie T. Hyde’s letter while she and her grandma who is the President sat there; and I positively declined to do it, unless I was alone– as soon as they had gone I wrote the letter to Sister Annie Taylor Hyde and Dot and Will came in and they delivered the letter– they notified me by telephone.

21 February 1909 • Sunday

10|Sunday– wind blew furiously all night long and no sleep (much) for me. Violet the new girl is going to meeting and I am going to do a few things at home and try to rest Senate last night killed the bill on prohibition11– it means very much for us. Sister Annie T. Hyde is still very ill and others, Margaret is still ailing and so is Mamie Cannon [p. 52] {p. 105}

22 February 1909 • Monday

Off early to the office and a meeting of the Pacific exhibit not much done however This is Washingtons birthday, flags out and a regular holiday for working people I did as much as usual however and stayed after the elevator stopped, my work is fearfully behind and so many events take place that one cannot get on with one’s own particular correspondence [p. 53] {p. 106}

25 February 1909 • Thursday

Today I am very nervous and am trying my best to get ready for regular meeting of Alaska Yukon Pacific Exhibit Committee finally Spencer and Ort came but not George Pyper– well I was to go to 19th.Ward in the evening and so persevered the best I could Emily Richards and Mrs. [Elizabeth Pugsley] Hayward and Mrs. Piercy came about Suffrage work and we did quite a lot all went out to lunch together and Sister B. W. Smith came. Dressed and went to Relief Society reunion in New hall and had a pleasant time, Met Br. [August W.] & Sister [Mary Spencer] Carlson– Sister Smith did not feel able to go so I went alone [p. 56] {p. 107}

26 February 1909 • Friday

Hurried and hindered all day long Alaske Yukon Pacific Exhibit meeting letters to reply to for Pres. B. W. Smith and mailing and trying to get ready for the party at Lion House Susie [Susa Young Gates] spoke at the Officer’s meeting in Pioneer Stake on her public work made the statement tha[t] the three greatest women the Church had produced were Eliza R. Snow Elmina S. [Shepard] Taylor Emmeline B. Wells. Annie felt she should have said Mary Isabella Horne instead of Elmina S. Taylor At the Author’s Club banquet were E. B. Wells guest of honor– H. B. [Harriet Bennion] Harker Pres. Mrs. E. [Ephraim G.] Gowans [Mary Lyman Gowans], C. S. Williams, A. W. Grant, Minerva R. [Richards] Young, Lizzie [Elizabeth Cain] Crismon Mrs. [Vilate] Nebeker Bennion, [Eliza] Slade Bennion Lizzie S. Wilcox Miss Connelly Dr. M. C. Roberts, Mrs. Wm. Stuart [Sarah Taylor Stewart] Mrs. Jos. S. Richards [Louise Taylor Richards] Mrs. Richard Lyman [Amy Brown Lyman] Very fine in all respects [p. 57] {p. 108}

27 February 1909 • Saturday

Today I am trying to do the things most necessary getting off letters to Presidents of Stakes and mailing and visitors coming, flowers sent Lilies of the Valley from Dr. Ellis R. Shipp who is very ill– Violets from Kate Wells meeting of Pacific exhibit Sister Smith here with more letters to be answered and I am too busy to feel comfortable Kate went home with Sister Smith and finally the Committee left and I went out to supper came back to work, no word from my own folks. yet. [p. 58] {p. 109}

28 February 1909 • Sunday

Cavendish drove over with Margaret Katharine & Theodore, wind blew very severely, found that John Q. & Annie were at Emily [Cannon Willey]’s where Mamie [Mary Alice Cannon Cannon] was very bad two doctors in attendance and one more called in, Dinner served without the father & mother, both with Mamie, she has given up hope for herself, but faith and prayers may not be in vain– roast pork and its accompaniments, celery etc & Lemon pie and excellent cake, George Q. & baby Geo. Q. came over to see me & we enjoyed what we could, and visited. I came away and went to the 18th. ward meeting, two returned missionaries [Sidney D.] Alder & [John A.] Spencer, Officers &c. of the Relief Society sent in their release & Bishop read them and they were accepted, walked down with Sister [Margaret Harley] Randall to Des. News corner. [p. 59] {p. 110}

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February 1909, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1909/1909-02


  1. [1]The Committee on Resolutions included Annie W. Cannon, Nellie Walker, Susa Young Gates, May Booth Talmage, Rachel Miller, and Mrs. L. E. Hall. (“Forceful Talks on Prohibition,” Salt Lake Herald, 3 Feb. 1909, 1.)

  2. [2]Newel K. Whitney was born on 3 February 1795 rather than 5 February 1795. (Marlboro, VT, Town Clerk, Vital Records, vol. 1–2, 1768–1857, p. 44, microfilm 28528, DGS 4032907, image 26/165, FHL.)

  3. [3]Lucy Woodruff Smith.

  4. [4]President Joseph F. Smith served a first mission to the people of the Hawaiian Islands in 1854. He remained a friend and advocate of the Hawaiian people throughout his life. As church president he visited the Hawaiian Islands four times, in March 1909, May 1915, February 1916, and May 1917. (Dowse, “Joseph F. Smith and the Hawaiian Temple,” 279–302; Smith, Life of Joseph F. Smith, 421.)

  5. [5]On 14 February 1845, EBW was sealed to Newel K. Whitney in Nauvoo, Illinois, by Brigham Young. (EBW, Diary, 1862 or Later, 7.)

  6. [6]Helena Fobes Wells and Abbie Hannah Wells.

  7. [7]Governor Proctor’s daughters were Emily Proctor and Minnie Proctor. (“Proctor, Fletcher Dutton,” in White, ed., The National Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 14:448.)

  8. [8]EBW here refers to Alice Merrill Horne’s attempt to influence decisions made by the Relief Society board, including the selection of delegates to the June 1909 International Council of Women quinquennial meeting in Toronto. EBW was hurt by the tactics Horne used to assume authority in the name of her grandmother Bathsheba W. Smith. (EBW, Diary, 26 and 27 Jan. 1909; 20 Feb. 1909.)

  9. [9]Eliza Gibbs Fox.

  10. [10]text: Here EBW used an L-shaped mark that was perhaps intended to indicate the start of a new paragraph or a new line.

  11. [11]Joseph J. Cannon sponsored a bill in the Utah State Legislature to support prohibition, a measure that was opposed by the committee on manufactures and commerce and then by a majority in the state senate. (“Senate Kills Prohibition Bill in Stormy Session,” Salt Lake Herald, 21 Feb. 1909, 1.)