January 1904


6 January

The First Presidency advised Bathsheba W. Smith, Relief Society general president, that only women who could pay their own way should represent the organization at the International Council of Women meetings in Berlin.

29 February

The Daughters of Utah Pioneers honored EBW with a party at the Beehive House. She turned seventy-six years old, but it was only her eighteenth actual birthday anniversary.

15–17 May

The John Q. and Annie Wells Cannon family went to live with EBW while they had a house readied for them on the Cannon Farm; the new house was completed in September.

3–7 October

EBW and associates entertained distinguished visitors from the Netherlands, C. V. Gerritsen and his wife, Dr. Aletta H. Jacobs. Gerritsen delivered an address at the women’s peace meeting in Barrett Hall, and EBW read a resolution.

24–25 October

EBW’s grandson Septimus Whitney Sears and his wife, Gertrude, moved into her house. They stayed until June 1905.

6 December

Elmina Shepard Taylor, Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association general president, died. She was honored five days later at funeral services in the Assembly Hall on Temple Square.

1 January 1904 • Friday

Rose late after sleeping with Emm. [Emmeline Cannon] in Louise [B. Cannon]’s room, had a cup of tea and breakfast in room, went down into parlor and later John Q. [Cannon] bade us Good Bye and then Annie [Elizabeth Ann Wells Cannon] and myself had tea and she dressed and went up town to see him off and call on the Governor,1 George Q. [Cannon] came and we visited some Margaret [Cannon] and Emm. went out on the pond skating. Annie came on the 4 o’clock car and we had dinner right away. roast chicken peas and potatoes and plum pudding mince pie and fruit cake. Annie had the Xmas tree decorated again and she gave me a handsome handkerchief lace & maguerites, I gave the girls cards and ribbons & the others book including Katharine [Cannon]– May W. [Wilcken] Cannon Hugh [J. Cannon]’s wife called also Olive [L.] Cannon and I caught the six o’clock car Geo. Q. with me, Belle [Isabel Whitney Sears] & Lucile [L. Lucile Sears] were on the way to call on Mrs. Evans as I came home {p. 33}

2 January 1904 • Saturday

It was noon when I reached the office Louise there busy working, Sister Bathsheba W. [Bigler] Smith called and I was very glad to see her– walked up to the President’s office with her, Sister M. I. [Mary Isabella Hales] Horne is not so well today, have had very few callers. Nett [S. Annette Wells] Culmer, Kate [Catherine] Wells, Annie Cannon Emeline Cavendish [W. Cannon],2 George Q. George J. Cannon Very distressing news of the disaster in Chicago. Have written quite a number of letters, Margaret [Mitchell] Caine has been in and I told her of the Board Meeting Came home about Nine went to see Belle gave her a Diary– Came home and read in “Three Fair Women” by Ella Wheeler Wilcox Went to supper with Margaret to Royal Came home so very weary and made ready for the Sabbath Fast Meeting in Temple read until after midnight {p. 34}

3 January 1904 • Sunday

Rose early went away to the Temple without tea, very cold. President [Joseph F.] Smith & Counselors were there and six <seven> Apostles John Henry Smith, George Teasdale, M. [Matthias] F. Cowley Owen Woodruff Rudger Clawson, George A. Smith Hyrum [M.] Smith. Seymour B. Young President of Seventies. Sung Come let us anew Prayer Bishop Romey [George Romney] sung Wait & Murmur Not. J. [John] R. Winder remarks, Sisters [Emilie Damke] Maeser, Buching Swartz Apostle Cowley M. G. [Martha Harris] Wells Jos. [Joseph S.] Wells, sung The great and glorious morning, Br. [L. John] Nuttall Sisters Rommey3 [Elizabeth Downes] Langton, [Ellis Reynolds] Shipp, Br. [Charles W.] Penrose Sisters [Ida Smoot] Dusenberry, [Margaret Curtis] Roberts, [Emma Nield] Goddard, [Priscilla Paul] Jennings, R. S. [Robert Stewart] Campbell Br. [Benjamin] Goddard Sister Youngberg, sung The Spirit of God etc. Br. [James E.] Talmage Tom Hull, Minnie [S. Ephramina Jensen] Snow, Geo. A. Smith dismissed by Ed. Anderson. Went up to Sister Jennings to hear her letter to Helen Gould, Went to 18th. Ward Meeting called on Hannah [Free] Wells, went to the Wells House to dinner came home late cold and weary {p. 35}

4 January 1904 • Monday

<Lucile is sick with a severe cold> Went up late Louise helping Grace [T. Cannon]– had a fine letter from Mrs. [May Wright] Sewall, Aunt Bathsheba came and brought hers, we read both lovely letters Phebe [Young Beatie] & Margaret were there others came in Sister M. W. [Maria Richards] Wilcox Julia A. Druce Julia [Jinks] Druce Carrie S. [Caroline Stockdale] Thomas and one or two more Reaper’s Class held meeting. Hurried thro’ the day and went to Annie’s, caught the ½ past five car and reached there with the others, had fine dinner, beef steak and plum pudding, mince pie & cake, fruit too. Teachers of S.S.4 met in parlor Annie and myself stayed up stairs, until they were gone then went down and had a little visit, slept with Louise George Q. [Cannon] was 23 today, his mother gave him a clock for his room I only gave him handkerchiefs, he had other gifts from the girls and boys. It seems strange that he is so young in ways. {p. 36}

5 January 1904 • Tuesday

<Lucile is worse today–> This morning heavy snow not many cars running Louise very wet wading in snow to get up in town. Annie & myself went in Sarah Jane [Jenne Cannon]’s buggy, found all right at ½ past twelve. I soon had visitors Sister Smith and soon after Sister Dusenberry and a few others Lucy A. [Rice] Clark and another one of the Clarks, Sister Smith was very much depressed and we both felt hurt at the turn things had taken, we know it is through misrepresentation of envious and jealous women. I spoke plain to Ida and told her a few facts. Afterwards I went up to Lyde [Eliza F. Wells]’s to the Cleofan and stayed there and had dinner, they had 33 ladies in the afternoon, Mrs. [Antoinette Brown] Kinney, Mrs. McMann [Georgina Parker McMahon] & Mrs. [Myrtie W.] Ewing were the speakers. Mrs. Ewing’s paper was on Art– old and new. the girls served refreshments, pleasant party‒ {p. 37}

6 January 1904 • Wednesday

<Many letters today‒> This morning was late Sister [Emma Smith] Woodruff came and we talked over many things, she seemed a disappointed woman, very dissatisfied with conditions as they exist today. I tried to be kind and helpful to her, and to maintain my own dignity and be loyal to Sister Smith and the Relief Society as a whole. Sister Jennings came afterwards and talked over the letter she had written to Helen Gould of New York, she wishes me to help her with it to get it off.

Soon Sister Smith came with an important letter from the Presidency advising her not to use any money to send to Germany but to send women who could pay their own way. Alice [Merrill] Horne came in and she was very much excited over it and rather more upset than one would think. Margaret Caine M. A. C. [Mary Alice Cannon] Lambert and others were here, later more came in‒ A very weary day indeed. {p. 38}

7 January 1904 • Thursday

<Mrs. [Lillian Bates] Hollister gave me her Manual5 elegantly bound‒> This morning sad news on Car Highwaymen held up street car at midnight motor-man killed conductor not expected to live. Excitement through the day. Louise came to help mail and soon after I came, Belle, then Sister Smith, Alice and Virginia [Locke Horne], then Margaret <Caine>, Margaret Salmon of Coalville to make inquiries about Mother’s work and one or two others. <A letter from the Presidency in regard to Berlin> Sister Smith is grieved beyond what I imagined she would be. I am deeply hurt for her as well as myself and almost more for Alice, however we must submit with the best grace possible Beatrice Hyde came for an order for her mother.6 Sister Horne is some better tonight. I came home fairly early and called at Belle’s first, Eugene [S. Sears] was at home; telephoned to Annie, all were at home and all right. {p. 39}

8 January 1904 • Friday

Went up early had everything in readiness for the meeting and though I felt very nervous, yet held myself as much under control as possible, Louise was here working and the day was pleasant. Clarissa [Smith Williams] came up and we talked matters over in regard to the trip to Berlin, she felt we must go and approved of the letter written by Alice for Sister B. W. Smith, except to make it still stronger. Prest. Smith came early but did not seem to understand the meeting as a Board meeting. Sister [Annie Taylor] Hyde soon came and then Sister Woodruff and others. Meeting was not satisfactory though better than some we have had. Nevertheless it was exhausting for me. Belle invited the sisters to meet at her home on Jan. 21. Aunt Eliza R. Snow’s anniversary one hundred years ago she was born. Went to French lesson had a talk with M. De Leony on palmistry.7 {p. 40}

9 January 1904 • Saturday

Saturday is always a trying day, Louise was here early and I came at eleven, had a singular dream cannot recall it all but would like to know its meaning. Aunts Presendia [Huntington Kimball] & Zina [Diantha Huntington Young] used to interpret dreams for us but now there is no one to do it. I did not accomplish much days are so short wrote some letters did some [e]rrands Had many callers and talked until I had no strength left wrote in one of my Book of Poems for Olive Derbage [Derbidge Christensen] as a wedding souvenir, Annie came up to see me, John Q. is at home. Miss Grace Cannon opened her cooking school today Louise is taking lessons from her. Belle & Annie have both been in & Kate. Lydia D. Alder Margaret Caine Mrs. Gregory & [Julia Morris] Golightly Mrs. M. E. [Mary Knight] Bassett. {p. 41}

10 January 1904 • Sunday

This is a pleasant day but very cold I stayed in bed very late and then after my breakfast went over some of my records and did a little recording, then went over to see Belle came home and cooked dinner for myself– while I sat writing in the evening a fearful wind blew up and I became much alarmed indeed I had really been warned of it and something seemed to say to me, go over to Belle’s a terrible wind storm is coming I feared it was only my fancy. However the wind came like a fierce gale snow blowing so it was blinding, then terrific flashes of lightning and roaring thunder as if it would crush all before it. Electric lights were like flame and I turned them off and lit a candle. I called Br. [Benjamin A.] Midgley who lives across the way and he came, he felt sure it was just about over. I stayed alone {p. 42}

11 January 1904 • Monday

This is President Geo. Q. Cannon’s birthday Anniversarry and the family are celebrating it at Sarah Jenne Cannon’s home. Saw Belle this morning she has a serious cold and I feel worried about it, Lucile is not well either and the weather dismal. When I reached the office found Sister B. W. Smith, Alice M. Horne and Phebe Beatie also Louise, all talking about Germany and the harm done by the sisters who had been to President Joseph F. Smith against the use of the ten cent fund. Others came Bishop [Walter J.] Beatie who seems very ill. Many callers during the day, Miss [L. Estelle] Neff about Press Club it was a wearisome day I wrote a few letters and fixed some copy and took it over came home early had supper at Belle’s she seemed a little better. Gene came home with me I wrote a long letter to Alice {p. 43}

12 January 1904 • Tuesday

Louise came early all well down there Belle seems very sick– several letters of importance, Br. Fairbanks came in, and several ladies, went up to see Sister B. W. Smith Br. Jos. Bull died last night with pneumonia quite sudden. Br. [John] Tingey former Bishop of 17th. Ward was buried today, I had quite a pleasant time at Bee Hive House Prest. Smith showed us Views of Utah Building at St. Louis and groups of Utah people. Dark miserable day. Tried to get a few letters off and then took my French lesson & came home, called at Belle’s and had some supper. Belle seems a little better I did a few pages of writing and tried to rest for I was so weary. {p. 44}

13 January 1904 • Wednesday

This morning called at Belle’s found Belle a little better, went up town feeling comforted. Mail considerable, M. A. Caine came also Lizzie [Elizabeth Cain] Crismon Alice Horne asking me to sign her official bond which I did most awkwardly Sister B. W. Smith came was not feeling very well. Sister Elizabeth [Francis] Yates for advice about matters in her own Stake Have not felt so very well indeed have been very nervous and feel worn out cannot compose myself at all. Had a letter from Janie [Jane Cussons] Birkbeck telling me of her husband’s8 death on the 6th of Jan. buried on the 8th. {p. 45}

14 January 1904 • Thursday

I have been busy Aunt Bathsheba came and we arranged for a meeting of seven to consider Dr. [Romania Bunnell] Pratt and Dr. [Ellis Reynolds] Shipp and other matters. Had a fine feeling towards each other. Afterwards I telephoned to several and then went up to see Susa [Young] Gates– she told me what her feelings were and of a manifestation she received after a season of prayer concerning me about Berlin– She believes implicitly that I shall go and so do I. How it will come about is not known at present the Lord will open the way and I shall travel and see many beautiful things {p. 46}

15 January 1904 • Friday

Sister Jane [Tenney] Simons one of the Kirtland veterans died last night at Payson, she is the sister of Eliza T. [Tenney] Cannon she sang in the Temple in Kirtland. Today is to be an important one in getting an understanding of Drs Pratt and Shipp’s proposition in reference to teaching a class in obstetrics. The meeting was very disagreeable, no order about it and a bad spirit all the way through. I became so nervous I could not sit or wait or do any thing. Went up to Sister [Julia Murdock] Farnsworths later then to back to the office and home Little Emmeline came home with me to stay all night. I am so nervous that it is almost impossible to be quiet. I sat reading late in Inez one of Augusta J. Evans books {p. 47}

16 January 1904 • Saturday

This morning felt better and Emmie and myself had breakfast together and then went to Belle’s and the office. Junius [F. Wells] came up with me and took [Samuel K.] Hall’s manuscript to use in Wells’ History. Louise came and soon Sister B. W. Smith, then Annie Hyde & so on Ida Dusenberry Dr. E. R. Shipp C. S. Williams and C. S. Thomas. We took Cache Stake first and Taylor Stake afterwards then adjourned and made ready to go to the meeting of the D.R.9 at Dr. [Elias S.] Wright’s {p. 48}

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January 1904, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1904/1904-01


  1. [1]Heber M. Wells.

  2. [2]text: The last name was indicated by ditto marks in the original.

  3. [3]Likely Vilate Douglas Romney or Margaret Thomas Romney.

  4. [4]Sunday School.

  5. [5]Lillian M. Hollister, Manual of Parliamentary Terms and Procedure (Detroit, 1902).

  6. [6]Annie Taylor Hyde. (1900 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Utah, 21B, accessed 26 Oct. 2021, https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HT-DZ2Q-DXC?i=17&wc=9BQK-92P%3A1030550201%2C1030789001%2C1030886101&cc=1325221.)

  7. [7]For more information on palm reading and other similar practices in EBW’s era, see Historical Context.

  8. [8]Richard Birkbeck. (1900 U.S. Census, Cedar City, Utah, 263B, accessed 26 Oct. 2021, https://www.familysearch.org; Birkbeck, Death Certificate, 5 Jan. 1904.)

  9. [9]Daughters of the Revolution.