March 1881

1 March 1881 • Tuesday

Went early to work had many callers & congratulations, somehow I do not feel happy about it, the chain I feel free to wear as a token of love from those whose hearts are true and never can be alienated. It recalls the days that are past when all things were widely different and I was in obscurity, unknown & unrecognized. <husband spent the day with me> [p. 53] {p. 57}

2 March 1881 • Wednesday

Busy mailing all day May & Emeline here helping me, went to see mother Whitney. She rejoices in my good fortune as do all who have known my days of sorrow. Joseph E. Taylor was in several times. I cannot help thinking how strangely things have shaped themselves, there may be honors yet in store for me.

3 March 1881 • Thursday

Finished mailing went up to Mell’s and down to Annie’s took Lucile to the depot, saw Mary Ann [Needham] Sears off for California received another letter from St. George from Sister Eliza. Zina [Young Williams]’s boy Sterling has taken carbolic acid by mistake1 Sister Horne Corneel [Cornelia] & Minnie [Permelia E. Horne] called on me, many others had my photograph today [p. 54] {p. 58}

4 March 1881 • Friday

Belle sent word she was coming, all of the girls are going to the theatre. I am to stay with the little ones Macbeth by Mc’Kenzie2 Belle went with John Q.[;] Alfales [Young] came home with me, much in his former manner.3 Staid about an hour. I read and wrote and thought. hope to get a good picture for the Jubilee box. storm came on late.

5 March 1881 • Saturday

Storming severely. Went out to look after the poor called to comfort several Belle and little ones went up to Mell’s to dinner I have had lots of folks in the office, [Edward W.] Tullidge came and told me his troubles promised to go to wash and anoint a sick woman tomorrow with Sister Smith, Belle & Lou are not well. [p. 55] {p. 59}

6 March 1881 • Sunday

Got up early and went with Sister B. W. Smith to Brighton to wash and anoint a sister previous to her confinement. Sister Emma [Smith] Rock. Annie invited us all over to dinner, Belle & children Mell & Will Louie & I. We were detained over there so long that dinner was over ere I returned. Joe [Joseph] Sharp Johmnie Reed [John B. Reid] Dan [J. Daniel] Spencer called in the evening. reading & writing the time passed–

7 March 1881 • Monday

Came to the office was busy preparing copy, had lots of callers, and suffered much from my cold felt quite ill. was out in the afternoon. in the morning too in fact, called at Sister [Phebe Carter] Woodruff’s and gave a dollar towards the chair which is to be presented to her tomorrow [p. 56] {p. 60}

8 March 1881 • Tuesday

The office was full all day long; some controversy here about words and poetry. Mrs. King, Woodmansee Howard and other ladies were in and quite an interesting conversation occupied an hour or more. Went to the birthday party of Sister Phebe Woodruff4 My husband was with me, and there was a very congenial company together, all pleasant

9 March 1881 • Wednesday

A very nice day or at least morning, wind blew furiously in the afternoon, and a storm begun; in the evening there was an entertainment in the Social Hall. Comedy and comic operatta in which Louie had a part as contralto singer.5 We all went to the entertainment which proved a successful one. Louie did well tho’ suffering with a severe cold. [p. 57] {p. 61}

10 March 1881 • Thursday

Went to Annie’s in the evening. Was very stormy Sep was there and had to come home with me, it was snowing quite fast. Belle and the children are still here. She is having a dress made for the wedding of Georgie Clawson.6

11 March 1881 • Friday

Today Holden has been to see me. talked over the matter of purchasing this place7 of wanting to buy the place in the 12th. Ward and so forth. O how my heart ached; how anxious I do feel to secure it. It is the only place I can ever feel at home in I never want to leave it. Belle & Mell went to the sociable tonight [p. 58] {p. 62}

12 March 1881 • Saturday

An awful stromy [stormy] day I gave the Esquire a ticket for the Entertainment in the Social Hall. My throat is very sore, & keeps growing worse. The farce & operatta went off better than before if possible. A crowded house. Damp and dismal. I was sick all night, my head was very bad indeed.

13 March 1881 • Sunday

This morning Signor Alessandro Gavazze [Gavazzi] an Italian evangelist came in. He preached at 11,30 in the Presbyterian Church to a large assembly The Esquire & Br [Horace S.] Eldredge spoke in the Assembly Hall. In the evening Signor Gavazzi spoke in the Methodist Church Rob came home from Logan. John Q. & Annie [p. 59] {p. 63} and baby came to dinner

14 March 1881 • Monday

A terrific snow storm. throat bad went to the office staid all day. Husband came and spent an hour or two there then we went to Aunt Margaret [Young]’s and had supper and staid the evening. A pleasant company. Camilla [Mieth] Cobb & Mrs. Reynold’s8 sang beautifully. Coming home the Esqr. was very entertaining

15 March 1881 • Tuesday

Georgie’s wedding today snow and blow, Joseph E. [Taylor] has been in talking to me. Ort came in & told me H. B. [Hiram B. Clawson] Was going to make a speech, The paper is delayed for paper.9 The wedding was a success as far as beauty and style. The bride in white satin and orange blossoms and so forth. There were a great number there I gave Georgie a book <Dr. Holland’s Complete Workes> [p. 60] {p. 64}

16 March 1881 • Wednesday

To day is the birthday of Sister King. She invited me to dinner Her daughter Louie [Louise King Spencer] was there. She had a number of presents I gave her a fan. I went to the big house on the corner to dinner supper Sister Robison was there. Belle has been out calling Louie went to the Opera Dot has a sore throat. I am feeling miserable to <night>

17 March 1881 • Thursday

<The Czar10 was assassinated today> Belle intends going home. Clara went home last night & has not returned. Belle got her own lunch. I came home to see them off. Dear little things, how beautiful they are. Lou. met Belle at the depot, and then came up to Annie’s to dinner. its their wedding day John Q. gave Annie an elegant Russian feather fan. Annie gave him Ossian’s poems. [p. 61] {p. 65}

18 March 1881 • Friday

I went to the Opera Bouffe last night. The Chimes of Normandy, Emilie Melville troupe. John Q. & Annie went. Clara has left me most unceremoniously. Today Emeline has been helping me mail– we are partly done. Miss Cornelia [Cook] came to see me. Daisie [Dean Dunford] & Onie are with me. A letter from Belle saying Dot has a burning fever. went to Mell’s to dinner

19 March 1881 • Saturday

A telegram from Belle early requesting Louie to come to Ogden. Miss [Rebecca] Mantle Miss Claridge Daisie & Onie and Lou. all went to the Matinèe. Lou left and went to Ogden by the three-forty train. Annie came up to see me. Br. Cannon is expected, John Q. went to Ogden to meet his father. I am so tired. Such a confusion all day– weary weary [p. 62] {p. 66}

20 March 1881 • Sunday

Went to meeting Erastus Snow & George Q. Cannon preached. Onie went with me. Louie is in Ogden Dot is no better. I have been alone all the evening, a most unusual thing– wrote to Ellen my sister– looked over my French, Daisie & Onie are in bed and asleep– weary waiting Louie has come train three hours late– Dot is bad indeed

21 March 1881 • Monday

A beautiful day– had lots of calls, no word from Dot Mell took me up in the buggy, got a letter from Polly11 a pretty pair of stockings for George Q. puss. A letter from Bell12 in Washington and ordered pictures five– feel weary and sad– Have been studying my French & reading here alone– all in bed and fast asleep except myself [p. 63] {p. 67}

22 March 1881 • Tuesday

Carlie <Carrie> Granger [Snyder] would have been 28 today. I suppose Lucy [Woodward Hewlings] is mourning and lamenting for her. It has been a royal day. My husband came and spent a few hours with me– we talked and visited pleasantly. Ort called tonight. He seldom comes now. Rob & Lou went for oysters. The oyster season is just about over. I wrote to Belle tonight. No word from Dot.

23 March 1881 • Wednesday

Another tiresome day in the office, wrote some letters, talked a great deal and advertised in the daily papers for a girl. I do not like to see Louie have so much to do. [p. 64] {p. 68}

24 March 1881 • Thursday

A most lovely day passed as usual went to have my picture for a painting Weggeland went too. Mell went to Ogden today Lucile is quite sick Dot better.

25 March 1881 • Friday

Today Lou. came home from school, saying there would be two weeks vacation. It is very gratifying to me Poor Lou is tried [tired] out. [p. 65] {p. 69}

26 March 1881 • Saturday

Louie is so busy doing all the house work and giving the children lessons in painting. In the afternoon I went to Conference of the Young Ladies Louie was there too13

27 March 1881 • Sunday

Before I was up here was Belle & Mell, Belle came from Ogden last evening she returns by afternoon train Lou & I go to depot with her Dot & Lucile are with her.

none of us went to the Tabernacle. Br. Cannon preached, spoke a good word for women [p. 66] {p. 70}

28 March 1881 • Monday

Work! Work!

29 March 1881 • Tuesday

Today I got a picture from Fox & Simons Gallery and deposited in the Jubilee Box with seven pages of manuscript written on French paper to be preserved fifty years and opened by my eldest female descendant.14

Rode down with Rob came home alone [p. 67] {p. 71}

30 March 1881 • Wednesday

Today I have been so busy writing and talking. Sister Staines brought me some violets. Louie went to the theatre. and came home quite ill. Last night and to-day wrote up the Old Garret for Contributor15

31 March 1881 • Thursday

Today the paper goes to press. All preparations are completed for Sister Eliza & Zina, I have been so busy. Do not feel very well. Went down to meet train 8 carriages 31 of us. welcomed her heartily with flowers & honors.16 Sister Eliza spoke in tongues & Zina interpreted17 [p. 68] {p. 72}

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March 1881, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Sterling Williams survived the carbolic acid. (See “Sterling Williams,” Find a Grave, accessed 16 Oct. 2018,

  2. [2]This performance of Macbeth benefited David McKenzie, a popular retired actor. (“Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Mar. 1881, 9:148.)

  3. [3]Alfales Young, son of Brigham Young and Eliza Burgess, brought suit against the executors of his father’s estate, which was not settled until October 1879. Earlier, he had been a member of the Wasatch Literary Association and had frequented EBW’s house. (Alexander, Things in Heaven and Earth, 233–234; Taylor, Last Pioneer, 268; EBW, Diary, 30 Jan. and 6 Feb. 1878.)

  4. [4]Phebe Woodruff was honored on her seventy-fourth birthday. (EBW, “Enjoyable Affair,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Mar. 1881, 9:156–157.)

  5. [5]The entertainment raised money for the Eighteenth Ward Sunday School and featured soprano Edith Clawson, contralto Louie Wells, tenor Horace G. Whitney, and bass John D. Spencer in a farce, My Wife’s Bonnet, and an operetta, A Capital Joke. (“Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Mar. 1881, 9:148.)

  6. [6]Georgia Clawson married James E. Foote. (EBW, Diary, 15 Mar. 1881; 1900 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Utah, 55B, accessed 27 Aug. 2020,

  7. [7]EBW and her daughters lived in a house her husband provided them at 243 South State Street. Under financial duress, he sold the house in 1888. EBW’s diary describes moving from the house in 1888. (EBW, Diary, 30 Jan., 1 Feb., 20 Feb., and 1 Mar. 1888; see Madsen, Intimate History, 198–199, 268–269; fig. 19, following p. 242.)

  8. [8]Probably Mary Ann (Polly) Tuddenham Reynolds or Amelia Schofield Reynolds.

  9. [9]The Woman’s Exponent was printed at the Deseret News press, which had its own paper-making plant; however, that plant proved inadequate to meet growing demands. (See Ashton, Voice in the West, 177–179, 198–199.)

  10. [10]Alexander II of Russia.

  11. [11]Polly was living in the home of EBW in January 1878. (See EBW, Diary, 1, 3, 13, 21, and 24 Jan. 1878; 5 and 17 Feb. 1878.) In 1879, she traveled to England. (EBW, Diary, 2 June 1879.) She may be the same Polly who wrote from St. Louis. (EBW, Diary, 5 Mar. 1887.)

  12. [12]Charles Milton Bell photographed Washington notables. (“C. M. Bell Studio Collection,” Library of Congress Researchers.) On her first visit to Washington, DC, EBW had her picture taken in a photo gallery. (EBW, Diary, 14 Jan. 1879.)

  13. [13]Louie Wells was named general secretary of the Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association in 1880. EBW reported sessions of the Relief Society, Primary, and YLMIA organizations in a Salt Lake Stake women’s conference held on 25 and 26 March 1881. (Gates, History of the Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association, 86, 153; EBW, “Womens Conference,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Apr. 1881, 9:165.)

  14. [14]For Jubilee Box, see EBW, Diary, 1 Feb. 1881, footnote.

  15. [15]EBW (Amethyst, pseud.), “The Old Garrett,” Contributor, Apr. 1881, 2:213–215.

  16. [16]Upon returning from their tour of the southern Utah Territory stakes, Relief Society officers Eliza R. Snow and Zina D. H. Young were greeted by women in eight carriages, refreshments at the Lion House, flowers forming a banner saying “Welcome Home,” and poems and addresses prepared for the occasion. (“Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Apr. 1881, 9:172.)

  17. [17]The speaking or singing in tongues, technically known as glossolalia, was typically followed by interpretation from another person. It was practiced privately among the women of the church as an expression of “comfort and consolation” and, as here, jubilation, but it was not a primary purpose of the Relief Society organization. (Derr et al., Women of Covenant, 68, 90, 132; Merriam-Webster, s.v. “glossolalia,” accessed 6 Aug. 2020,