February 1918

1 February 1918 • Friday

Annie came up in afternoon It is Cavendish [W. Cannon]’s birthday he is 23 yrs old. She sent him a present then came over to the office to see me– When we went away we met Clara Beebe and she said she would call and go with me to Emily Smith’s wedding. After supper I dressed and Clara came for me. It was a very nice wedding. Eleanor (Eugene [Sears]s wife assisted. Belle said she did not care to go but she was here to stay with me at night. [p. 32] {p. 36}

2 February 1918 • Saturday

Belle left in good time and I went over to the office In the afternoon I went for a long auto ride with Mrs Simon [Ida Maas] Bamberger and Bertha [Greenewald] Bamberger. We stopped at a florists and bought some plants. They bought a very pretty little plant for me. I enjoyed the ride greatly. Katharine stayed with me and read to me from a new novel called Comrades, a war story. [p. 33] {p. 37}

3 February 1918 • Sunday

Katharine walked over to the Temple Gate with me and I went in to the Fast Meeting. Many spoke but it was not as interesting as some times. Af[t]er the meeting June took me up to Kate’s where I had dinner and visited with Kate & Aunt Susan and stayed all day. Charley [Charles H.] Wells went down to the hotel with me and Belle and Dot & Will were there He staid quite awhile and visited We had a very pleasant evening. [p. 34] {p. 38}

4 February 1918 • Monday

Belle did not go home until about noon We had just heard that Alonzo [P.] Kesler had met with a dreadful accident which later resulted in his death. After I came back to the office from my lunch I went up stairs where Clarissa & Amy were holding a meeting of stake presidents on Red Cross work. Annie came in quite early she had been to a meeting of the Woman’s Republican Club where she gave a paper on Red Cross work. We went out to dinner then came back and she read the paper and some magazine articles to me before we went to bed. [p. 35] {p. 39}

5 February 1918 • Tuesday

Annie went home about ten and I dressed and went over to office a little later. I feel very sorry for Sister Julina but do not think it would be quite right for me to go up there. Belle came up in good time and she and I went over to the administration building to visit with Sister Edna [Lambson] Smith. She Edna has a room there for her self and daughter and we had a very pleasant evening Pres. Smith came in for awhile and visited with us. Edna is a most entertaining and unusual woman [p. 36] {p. 40}

6 February 1918 • Wednesday

This morning I prepared to go to the funeral of Alonzo Kesler. The Genl. Board had a taxi for the members and we went to gether. I met Miss Henkle of Chicago and had a pleasant chat with her. I went with Sister Nibley and sat by her, Julina was there but I did not get to speak to her.

Belle stayed again to night because I wanted her to go with me to hear Dr Brimhall give his talk on the Doctrines of the Church We had a pleasant evening. [p. 37] {p. 41}

7 February 1918 • Thursday

To day we held a meeting of the Genl Board and transacted much business. Every one is talking about the terrible disaster– the sinking of the transport Tusconia with United States troops on board. and surely these days are full of horrors. The Genl. Board met at 10 o’clock had lunch at the Hotel Utah at noon and met again at 2 o’clock. We are reading the R.S. history as compiled by Mrs Gates as well as the usual work of the society. Belle was here when I came over and we spent the evening together. [p. 38] {p. 42}

8 February 1918 • Friday

Belle went to Temple and I went to office later to Z.C.M.I. to lunch. Annie came up to go with me to Em [Emmeline Cannon Martineau]’s. it is Em’s 25th birth day and she invited her mother and Aunt Belle and her sisters & sisters in law for the afternoon. Belle went down on the car but went to see Eugene & Elinor instead of going with us. We had a very nice visit and I recited for the girls before we separated. Katharine came home with me and stayed at night. Her mother and father went to the opera. [p. 39] {p. 43}

9 February 1918 • Saturday

This morning Mrs. W. M. [W. Montague] Ferry [Edna Truman Ferry] called for me and took me to a meeting of the Liberty Loan Committee There were delegates present from the several counties and ways & means were discussed. We had luncheon at noon then went in to a meeting of the whole committee at 2 P.M. at which H. J. Grant presided. After the meeting Mrs Ferry took me and a party of ladies to the opera of Martha we saw the last act. We then went to the Red Cross head quarters and back to the Commercial Club to dinner and an evening session of Liberty Loan Committee Belle was with me at night. [p. 40] {p. 44}

10 February 1918 • Sunday

Belle left about noon and I went to the Tabernacle in the afternoon It was the conference of the Pioneer Stake. Heber J. Grant & Levi Edgar Young were the speakers. After dinner which I had in hotel dining room I went up to the 18th ward to a ward Relief Society conference Bud [Horace G. Whitney] sent his car to take me & bring me back. It was an interesting meeting but quite long I bore testimony of the mission of the prophet Joseph. We had the sacrament. The Relief Society & Primary had the evening session of Pioneer Conf. Annie came to hotel afterwards and staid at night. [p. 41] {p. 45}

11 February 1918 • Monday

Annie went home about ten and I dressed and went over to office I had arrangements made to go to Ogden tomorrow and expected Clarisa to go with me. Went out to lunch as usual and came rather early over to hotel. Belle came up to stay at night. I went in the afternoon to see Julina. She is better and I had a nice visit with her. We went in to see the Temple clothing She has it very nicely arranged. [p. 42] {p. 46}

12 February 1918 • Tuesday

Today is Lincoln’s birthday and a holiday I left at 8.30 with Mrs E. A. [Emma Adams] Empey to attend a conference of N. Weber stake in Ogden. Mrs Marriott asked especially for me to come. It is the 1st conf. since she was re in stated as president. We went to a home for dinner and had a nice warm dinner. I spoke at both sessions. There were several brethren there. We came home about six o’clock. I had dinner down stairs Annie came up to stay with me. She read me a very strange article by A. Conan Doyle called The New Revelation. [p. 43] {p. 47}

13 February 1918 • Wednesday

Dr Middleton called on the phone to say he was back and would come to see me later in the day. I am very glad that he is as is home Belle came in on her way to the Temple was not very well. in spirit. Annie stayed until about noon and then went with me to office. Brent came up and in the evening Belle & I went to the lecture on church doctrine in the Bishop’s building These lectures are very enjoyable. [p. 44] {p. 48}

14 February 1918 • Thursday

To day is Valentine day and the birthday of two of my girl hood friends Elizabeth [A. Pond] & Abbie [Abigail A.] Pond one born the same year that I was and the other two years earlier both were sealed to Bishop [Newel K.] Whitney in Nauvoo [Illinois]. We had a long board meeting begining at ten and two with lunch at hotel. Susie is reading the history and then there is much business to attend to besides. Katharine came to stay at night. [p. 45] {p. 49}

15 February 1918 • Friday

Katharine went off early to school and I went over to office about noon Annie came in and she went with me to lunch at Z.C.M.I. we then went back to the office where she went through the old Exponents to find some missing numbers for the church historian. She also had a number of letters to sign. Mrs [Martha Tippett] Spangler and Mrs Collir [Estelle Rager Collier] were in the office. Mrs [Mary Francis Kelly] Pye came about a book for the Utah Woman’s Press Club. Belle came from Temple and was with me at night [p. 46] {p. 50}

16 February 1918 • Saturday

After Belle left I went over to the office then out to lunch I was to have gone in the afternoon to a meeting of the Daughters of the Revolution but went up to see Aunt Julina who is not very well and I stayed until nearly six o’clock. Katharine came rather early she had been to the mattinee and came straight to stay with me. We had quite a pleasant evening. [p. 47] {p. 51}

17 February 1918 • Sunday

Katharine went away in time for Sunday School and I rested in the morning then dressed and went to the Tabernacle meeting, Bishop [Heber C.] Iverson was the speaker and it was very good indeed Had dinner in dining room. Belle came up to stay and Sep and Brent came in evening. [p. 48] {p. 52}

18 February 1918 • Monday

Annie telephoned in morning to say that she was going out to Saltair to organize a relief society. It is one of the stormiest days of the year, and almost too wet to go out Belle went down home & Katharine came straight from school. She and I had dinner together and she read to me until quite late [p. 49] {p. 53}

19 February 1918 • Tuesday

Katharine went away early to school. and I went over to the office and out to lunch as usual. Margaret [Cannon Clayton] met me in Z.C.M.I. and went with me to have Nell Silver put the vibrator on. then she went with me over to the office. Belle came up to stay at night and Dr. and Mrs [Margaret Palmer] Middleton came and staid for quite awhile in the evening We had a very nice visit with them. He has just returned from a trip east [p. 50] {p. 54}

20 February 1918 • Wednesday

Belle went over to Temple and I dressed to go out to a luncheon at Mrs Flora B. [Bean] Hornes given by the Daughters of Pioneers in my honor Annie came to go down with me and also Clara Bebbee [Beebe]. It was a very nice party Belle came down from Temple. Annie prepared supper in our room and Belle came up to go with me to the lecture in Bishop’s Building. Just as we went to step on elevator it shot up & I fell in the shaft. I caught a cable & hung until rescued. Belle held on to me by lying flat on the floor. After I was taken out I came over to the hotel and Dr Middleton came and dressed my arm and hand and attended me. Both Belle & I and every one <were much alarmed.> [p. 51] {p. 55}

21 February 1918 • Thursday

We had a fairly good night every thing considered but of course did not sleep much Belle sent for Nell B. Silver who bro’t the radiator and went over me with it. The Dr. came and gave me some attention. There were many callers every body so upset about my accident Annie went to Temple with her stake board. she came over twice. Dr M. C. [Margaret Curtis] Roberts, May [Mary] K. Pye, Ann B [Bringhurst] Groesbeck, M. Y. [Maria Young] Dougall, Louie B. [Bouton] Felt, May Andersen, Mary Davis, Ida Dusenbury, Geo. A. Smith, Dot & Will, Louise & Rich [Richard D. Andrew], June, Clarissa, Mrs Empey, Lucy [Rice] Clark, Emily [Young] Clawson Mrs [Elizabeth Cain] Crismon S. J. [Sarah Jenne] Cannon, Romania Penrose, Jno. Q. Brent [Sears] Keith [Sears] W. [William] N. Williams. There was a meeting of the Genl. Board, & arrangements completed for my birthday and entertainment of Jane Addams. [p. 52] {p. 56}

22 February 1918 • Friday

Sep was our first visitor to day. I had a pretty good night. Belle went to Temple about noon Annie came up to stay bro’t marmalade from Margaret. Miss Elsa Bamberger bro’t me roses and jelly. Mrs B. Bamberger came with a bottle of bordeux. Daniel [H. Cannon] came about noon, then Emmeline W [Wells], then Kate who bro’t a box of candy then Em bro’t a rice pudding and caranel cake June was also here and Jno. Q. before going to a meeting of the Sons of the American Revolution The Herald Republican and Tribune reporters called up to know how I was1 and many others called Annie read from the bible, the Woman’s Companion and a new book Kitty Canary. [p. 53] {p. 57}

23 February 1918 • Saturday

A very good night last night and a quiet pleasant day. Annie stayed all day and read and wrote for me. A note to Miss Elsa Bamberger thanking her for the roses and to Mr & Mrs Geo [and Grace Fleming] Relf thanking them for the basket of sweet peas and to Adeline for the card & handkerchief. Seymour B. Young & Nettie [Annette Wells] Culmer came The Relfs sent the sweet peas about 4 in the afternoon. Dot & Mrs Marion [Beatie] Whitney came in afternoon, also Jennie Hyde and Amy Lyman & Margaret Lyman. Belle & Katharine & Annie and I all went to Marie Dougalls to party given by Utah Woman’s Press Club and Reapers. Belle stayed at night. [p. 54] {p. 58}

24 February 1918 • Sunday

Had a rather quiet morning spent day except for few moments in eveni[n]g in my room. At evening went for a Change down to the lobby. Belle was with me all day. Callers were Mrs Fellow,2 June, Sep, Brent and Cavendish who is down from Hyrum for a day. He came on way to depot. Dr Middleton came to dress my hand about dusk and made a short visit. Belle stayed at night. [p. 55] {p. 59}

25 February 1918 • Monday

Annie came at noon and we went down to the Mezzanine floor and I had my picture taken sitting by a table with an open book in my lap. Clarence Neslan [Neslen] and Dr Middleton and Mrs Relf came in the parlor and Mrs Relf bro’t me a beautiful plant hyacinths. The Dr dressed my hand and Mrs Empey & Martha [Mary]3 Davis called. Annie & I went down to Daniels Winifred [Smith Cannon] had all Daniels sisters and Ruby [Derr Cannon] besides us it was the 3rd Anniversary of their wedding. Louise & Betty [Elizabeth Andrew] came up to the hotel with me and later Annie came to stay at night. Amy came & bro’t me some letters one with a handkercheif from a little girl in Canada and one from Col. R. [Richard] W. Young at Camp Carney [Kearney] [p. 56] {p. 60}

26 February 1918 • Tuesday

Am rather nervous this morning but had a fairly good night. Last night I missed my ring the amethyst and Annie has been looking around the drawers and room all morning Belle telephoned that Herman [Buchholz] was very sick and she would not be up to day. She did not give any particulars and I am very worried. Louise came up & stayed until about 7 when Annie came back and stayed all night. Amy & Jennie came in. Mrs Simon Bamberger sent me a beautiful blue tulle neck piece for my birthday. I had 5 letters one from the Alpine Stake R.S. with a $5 check. A very funny letter from Ida. My hand hurts and I do not feel very well. [p. 57] {p. 61}

27 February 1918 • Wednesday

Had a very good night and did not get up very early. Miss McClellan [Sarah McLelland] called for Data about my life from 55 to 60. Was busy nearly all day giving data to different members of the board. Herman is quite sick & Belle stays with Dot. Katharine came up to stay with me at night and Annie & Jno. Q. went to the Orpheum. [p. 58] {p. 62}

28 February 1918 • Thursday

Katharine left quite early early for school and Annie came about 9.30 She prepared my breakfast but before I was up people began to come to see me. We had lunch at 12.30 in President’s suite given in my honor by Genl Board of R.S. At close of luncheon the photographers came with machines and took my picture. The public musical and reception began at 3 and continued until 7. about 800 people called to see me and flowers of every description from every where. People came from Ogden Logan, Provo and many other places. I had a beautiful fur from my grandaughter Em [Emma Sears] Roberts and gifts [p. 59] {p. 63} 4<from all gra5 and many friends mostly flowers. Belle came to luncheon and stayed with me at night. June came in and read all my letters and telegrams. Has staid until nearly midnight.>

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February 1918, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1910s/1918/1918-02


  1. [1]The Salt Lake Telegram reported, “Almost upon the eve of her ninetieth birthday, Mrs. Emmeline B. Wells, the ‘patron saint of Utah,’ barely escaped death this morning when she slipped into a partly opened elevator shaft in the bishops’ building. It is understood that Mrs. Wells attempted to leave the elevator before it had become properly adjusted and in so doing lost her balance and slid beneath the floor of the car and the landing. The wrist and hand of Mrs. Wells was badly bruised and she was slightly lamed from the severe jolt of the car, but she was able, with assistance, to walk to her rooms in the Hotel Utah.” (“‘Aunt Em’ Wells Falls in Shaft,” Salt Lake Telegram, 21 Feb. 1918, 2.) The writer for the Salt Lake Herald-Republican clarified, “Mrs. Emmeline B. Wells . . . one of the most revered women of Salt Lake, Wednesday evening met with an accident that, but for her own presence of mind, would have spelled death. The accident occurred in the Bishop’s building, Mrs. Wells falling into the elevator shaft at the first floor. She caught and clung to the lifting cable and managed to retain her hold until rescued. The fall to the basement would have been about fifteen feet.” (“Mrs. Emmeline Wells Has Narrow Escape,” Salt Lake Herald-Republican, 22 Feb. 1918, 6.) Similarly, the Tribune writer described, “With great presence of mind, Mrs. Wells, who will soon be 90 years of age, grasped a steel cable when she felt herself falling into the shaft and held on until friends came to her assistance. Aside from several lacerations about the hands, she was found to be uninjured and was reported to be resting easily last night.” (“Mrs. Wells Has Narrow Escape,” Salt Lake Tribune, 22 Feb. 1918, 7.) None of the newspaper accounts mentions the heroism of Belle Sears, her daughter, lying flat on the floor to hold EBW from falling further into the shaft until help came.

  2. [2]Likely Lucia Russell Fellows.

  3. [3]text: “Mary” is written over “Martha”.

  4. [4]text: The following insertion appears perpendicular to the entry for 27 February.

  5. [5]text: The remainder of this word is obscured by an ink spot.