February 1903

1 February 1903 • Sunday

Rose early and went to the Temple took up the name of my grandson Edward Brenton Main Sears to be prayed for– Prest. John R. Winder presided– Prest. Angus M. Cannon offered the prayer and called the names of those whose names had been handed in and made an excellent prayer. Miss [Lottie] Owen sung “The Beautiful City” very sweetly. Prest. Winder made opening remarks and then Br. Cannon spoke– afterwards others. I went to see Sister E. S. [Elmina Shepard] Taylor– then to Annie’s Cavendish [W. Cannon] had been baptized in the Jordan River in the morning by his father. he is 8 years old today. He was blest or confirmed in Fast Meeting by Sylvester [Q.] Cannon his uncle. John Q. Annie and the children were nearly all at the meeting I had dinner and spent the evening came home at nine car– reached here at ten {p. 53}

2 February 1903 • Monday

Went up early this morning to the office, commenced work right away. Sister C. S. Williams came and then Sister B. W. Smith and we talked over some Council matters, and about representation at the Executive session to be held in New Orleans in March. I went to the President’s office and the Des.1 News twice– about copy and proofs. The day is awfully stormy. Mrs. Egbert Roberts [Melissa Taylor Roberts] called on me this morning. Reapers Club met in the afternoon‒ Letter came from Mrs. Dusenberry asking that the meeting be postponed. I wrote replies to the Cor. Sec’y2 Flo Jamison Miller and to Ida Dusenberry and for Sister Smith a note to Moses Thatcher– in answer to an invitation she could not accept. Came home in a heavy storm. {p. 54}

7 February 1903 • Saturday

Went out to look after important matters and with Annie to buy presents for Emmeline We had quite a pleasant time only it was excessively cold and sort of damp too. {p. 59}

8 February 1903 • Sunday

Stayed in bed in the morning and wrote in the Relief Society rcord. then drest and hurried off to catch the Cars for the Cannon Farm. Arrived in time for dinner, and found all well and happy. John Q. and several others went down on the same car We had a fine dinner I had given Emmie a warm coat and she had several other valuable presents in the way of clothing. In the evening most of the family went to the evening meeting it being Ward Conference. {p. 60}

9 February 1903 • Monday

To-day is the anniversary of Hyrum Smith’s birthday one hundred and three years ago– the day is being observed at the Bee Hive House by the Smith family. Several of the connections were invited a number of the Taylors. {p. 61}

10 February 1903 • Tuesday

Today Sister Stevenson invited the First Presidency Apostles and wives also Patriarch John Smith. Sister Denwoodey [Anne Hill Dinwoodey] had a party in the afternoon A Kensingten to which I was invited and from there I went also Emily [Wells] Grant to Sister Stevensen’s. We had an elaborate dinner– there were at our table Joseph F. Smith and Julina [Lambson Smith], Apostle John Henry and Josephine [Groesbeck Smith], Sister Rhoda [Taylor] Lyman Anthon H. Lund and Mrs. [Sarah Peterson] Lund, Mathias [Matthias] Cowley and Abbie [Hyde Cowley], Rudger Clawson A. Own [Abraham Owen] Woodruff and Helen [Winters Woodruff] John Smith Emily Grant and myself fifteen at another table were Bishop Geo. H. Taylor and wife3 and Angus M. Cannon and Amanda [Mousley Cannon], <Dr. C. [Charles] F. Wilcox> We had a very pleasant and sociable evening together. News came of the death of Samuel H. Hill– {p. 62}

14 February 1903 • Saturday

Two cute Valentines from Verona’s boys Robert [C. Hillard] & Barry [Hillard] came today. I have not sent any valentines to any one at all. This was my brother James [D. Woodward] birthday. I think he would have been 80 years old his wife4 has just passed away very recently how strange all this seems after so many years. I had only seen her once in my life– they had one child that died when a babe. {p. 66}

16 February 1903 • Monday

Today the Daughters of the Revolution meet at Sister Maria Y. [Young] Dougall’s and the paper will be on Washington. There were present in the parlor Mrs. Julia P. M. [Murdock] Farnsworth Regent and Mrs. Belle M. Sears Vice Regent– Mrs. Elizabeth R. [Richards] Wright Secretary, Mrs. Clarisssa [Clarissa] S. Williams Chaplain, Mrs. Mary E. R. [Ellen Richards] Webber, Registrar Mrs. E. B. Wells Historian Mrs. Myra Y. [Young] Rossiter Treasurer. Mrs. Julia F. [Farnsworth] Lund, Maria Y. Dougall Carlie Y. Cannon Alice Merrill Horne Clarissa Y. [Young] Spencer

visitors Sister Bathsheba W. Smith and Charlotte F. [Fox] Richards. Mrs. Lund read the paper– tea was served and general visiting indulged in Another guest was Mrs. Wm. H. King [Louisa Lyman King]. {p. 68}

19 February 1903 • Thursday

Today the morning was very full of work and it seemed almost impossible to get myself in readiness to go to Sister Stevenson’s widows party. I rushed off at the last moment and arrived in time for dinner which was quite elaborate– many hot dishes vegetables and meats with all the accessories tea coffee & chocolate, pie, cake, oranges apples and ice-cream. I finished copying the verses and took them to Sister [Sarah Boulton] Felt’s office to be used if she so wished– I think they are good enough to set to music– do not know how they may feel. Br. [Ebenezer] Beesley approved however and they will be set to music– spent the evening at Sister Stevenson’s came home very late and alone as usual. {p. 71}

20 February 1903 • Friday

Today I read my revise and took it over read some letters to Sister Smith and sent off some papers. then we went up to Sister Lydia Spencer Clawson’s to wash and anoint her preparatory to her confinement. Sister Smith offered prayer and I washed <& sealed that> and Sister Smith anointed– and she sealed the anointing– then we had a cup of tea and came away. It was a pleasant two hours together or perhaps more. Emmeline is here with me tonight I am very fond of having the children with me. Sister Sarah J. Cannon Sister Jane S. Richards, Sister L. L. G. [Louisa Lula Greene] Richards, Sister E. J. Stevenson and others have been in today to see me. We have had rather a pleasant time taken as a whole. Louise and Margaret both came and Kate [Catherine] Wells as well {p. 72}

21 February 1903 • Saturday

A very dense fog this morning and a terrible accident happened to a motorman, who may perhaps lose his life through it– all due to the heavy fog– I was late and did not like to leave Emmeline so took her to the First West car on her way home. Mrs. Salisbury came to see me‒ and I was of course delighted, she looks well except she seems very nervous. told me her boys had to leave Cornell because of the Typhoid fever and were in Brooklyn at her brothers‒ thinks she may send them to Stevens Institute at [blank] [Hoboken] New Jersey Annie came up and we went out together, for a few minutes. I wrote to one or two people and started a letter to Mell, then hurried home to avoid being in the fog as there is danger certainly. Mrs. Salisbury brought me a Xmas present she had for me for Xmas 1902. {p. 73}

22 February 1903 • Sunday

This morning staid in bed reading until late, then bathed and dressed for tabernacle, the services were extra good. Singing America prayer singing “O God our help in ages past.” sermon by Nephi Morris excellent. Anthem “God of Israel”– benediction. I thoroughly enjoyed the meeting– after coming home and having dinner finished my letter to Mell, then did some reading and went over to see Belle. Isabel Delamere and Miss Tate came to see Sister Walden, I did not go down to meet them. I am so busy and see so many people on week days in my office. There is so much to do in looking up matters for our Society. I wrote a little and did some reading and finished the Bazar– looked through dozens of old letters to find some Receipts I wanted. Weather is moderating {p. 74}

23 February 1903 • Monday

Went to the office as early as usual– tho’ it is a holiday paper being just out I felt it a duty and therefore worked nearly all day– Ellen [Hitchings] Harrison came to see me, she seems quite fond of me and is very good to do little things for my comfort. I tried to get through some odds and ends of my work and did accomplish a little. It was not a day to have many visitors Sister Nielson came to ask about Building money, and I explained to her the conditions as they are at present. It would seem restful if one could have a holiday really and not have to do much of anything except what would be really the most agreeable. Yet duty makes many calls upon us even when we have not an occupation {p. 75}

24 February 1903 • Tuesday

This morning rushed off to find lots of mail waiting & went over the letters hurriedly then off to Mrs. Salisbury’s found them looking for me. Went up stairs a moment by the grate in Mrs. Salisbury’s room then down to lunch Laura Shearman [Laura Keim Sherman] was there and Stella [Salisbury] Mrs. S. & myself We had a pleasant time. Then went in the carriage to drive, went first to Mrs. Caine’s then through the Park. A fine span of horses black and a good driver. I fully enjoyed the ride and I am very fond of Mrs. Salisbury Annie came up afterwards and brought her work arranged for the Mother’s classes that I might see it beforehand. I wrote to Susa [Young Gates] and to J. [Joseph] A. McRae in Denver, came home and went to see Belle and then to prayer & meditation {p. 76}

25 February 1903 • Wednesday

This is a particularly fine day warmer and more comfortable in the forenoon Sister Hyde, Sister [Harriet Taylor] Badger, Sister S. J. Cannon Sister E. J. [Emma Jane Holman] Bennett and others called then Louise Geo. Q. and Miss Taysum, reporter for Truth. at 3.30. p.m. the Committee met– Mrs. M. I. Horne and Counselors S. J. & Clara [Clarissa Moses] Cannon Sister B. W. Smith, M. C. Lambert, Emma S. [Smith] Woodruff Maggie C. Hull and the Committee on Plan of Work Annie W. Cannon Carrie S. [Stockdale] Thomas and Julia S. [Stringham] Woolley, the Committee reported– and report accepted– and a vote of thanks given and some discussion followed on time etc. Afterwards Sister Smith and myself went over letters and then called at George A. Smith’s and had supper. then I came down went to see Belle then home. {p. 77}

26 February 1903 • Thursday

Went to see Belle first this morning then to Miss McFarlane on an errand then up town to work visitors Miss Tucket, S. J. Cannon, Lucile Mrs. Bertha [Goss] Beck, Mrs. Emma J. Bennett from Provo after noon went to Legislature talked with Mrs. Coltour [Mary Geigus Coulter] about Gentile Testimonials for New Hampshire then sat in Legislative Hall for an hour or more then called at Governor [Heber M. Wells]’s office– then back to work. Annie came with Katharine and went over the party list– then sent off notes to Jane S. Richards Ogden Susan [Noble] Grant Woods Cross, Sisters Goddard, Farnsworth Taylor, Caine [Lelia Tuckett] Freeze Hyde, Dusenberry Dr. [Ellis Reynolds] Shipp. Louise Margaret & Emmeline have all been in also Ann [M.] Cannon I came home exhausted after the days exertions, have been trying to rest and meditate– {p. 78}

27 February 1903 • Friday

<Birthday letter from Mell & Present from Daisie [Dunford Allen] night socks–> This morning hurried and rushed with mailing and then went to the President’s office with Sister Smith and Mae Taylor [Nystrom] and had an interview with the three Presidents of the Church in reference to Susie’s letter– from New York– did not get much satisfaction– learned that President Smith had no confidence in Major [James B.] Pond no more than I have not at all. Then we went on to Sister Woodruff’s and found the company seated and having refreshments. cold chicken and salads‒ etc. etc. hot chocolate– Sister Smith Sister Horne and myself made brief remarks and then the response from Sister Woodruff was given– after that general conversation and then the company broke up– Sisters & Prest. Frank Taylor sang a hymn “God moves in a mysterious way” Br. Woodruff’s favorite– came home from there– {p. 79}

28 February 1903 • Saturday

<Press Club honored me specially came in late Claire Clawson Benedict died to day> The sun rose bright but there was a high wind, it quieted down however and I went off to Belle’s, she gave me a reading light for my room up stairs. Lucile [Sears] 3 pairs of stockings and Gertrude a handkerchief. Sarah Jane Cannon gave me a handsome china cup and saucer, Bought some flowers to take down to decorate with– everything was ready Sister Davey there helping Sister Walden went with me At half-past two a car-load and more came. We had a pleasant afternoon and lateer Sister Smith Richards and Horne each made a few rema[r]ks and Lula & Ellis both, had a little poem for me. I spoke a few words and then refreshments were served– after some had gone We sang the hymn O my Father and then all went away except me and Sarah Jane who came when I did. {p. 80}

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February 1903, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1903/1903-02


  1. [1]Deseret.

  2. [2]Corresponding Secretary.

  3. [3]Elmina Shepard Taylor.

  4. [4]Mary Jane Bean Woodward Farnham.