January 1909


6 and 8 January

EBW supported Prohibition activities and legislation. “Prohibition is the watchword now for our State and we feel it an essential proposition to the Legislature, to act upon,” she wrote on 8 January.

8 January

On this date, EBW noted the beginning of her service on the Yukon-Alaska-Pacific exhibit committee, which planned a display of Latter-day Saint history for the 1909 Seattle world’s fair. Other committee members were Orson F. Whitney, Andrew Jenson, George D. Pyper, and Spencer Clawson.

26 February

Susa Young Gates stated that “the three greatest women the Church had produced were Eliza R. Snow Elmina S. Taylor Emmeline B. Wells.”

19 June

EBW watched the demolition of the Deseret News building, old Tithing Office, and Wells home, which made way for construction of the new Hotel Utah.

16–17 July

EBW and her associates contested with non-Latter-day-Saint women about who should entertain a delegation from the International Council of Women as they came to Salt Lake City. Insults from the opposition press struck at EBW.

26 August–19 September

For a month, EBW visited with her daughter Mell and her family at the Woods beach house on Lake Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. She took Katharine Cannon with her.

2 December

EBW cleaned out her desk in the Templeton Building, carried some things home, and moved her files into the Relief Society offices in the new Bishop’s Building.

1 January 1909 • Friday

<A bright & Happy new year home coming.> Arrived in Salt Lake City at 8.15. A.M. from Spokane Washington, I think the first time in my life in all my journeyings to and fro that I reached home New Year’s day. There seems no demonstration Dot [S. Isabel Sears Buchholz] & Bob [Margaret Cannon] two of my granddaughters came to meet me and I was very glad to know all were well at home. I went to my eldest daughter’s1 home and had breakfast and then to the office and looked at my mail and then to the Cannon home where my largest family lives, we had dinner and quite a good time only Baby George Q. [Cannon] was sick and I did not see him, stayed all night there Louise [Cannon Andrew] came down and so I saw her and the twins2 There seems to be a general feeling that this is to be a good year and prosperous. We talked over everything that had transpired while I had been absent, had a fire in the parlor & music [p. 1] {p. 55}

2 January 1909 • Saturday

<I gave baby George Q. 50 cts. present> This morning is fine went off just before noon and found all as usual up at the office did not get over to see my dear Sister [Bathsheba Wilson Bigler] Smith, because of so many hindrances with people coming and going, in fact did not see half my mail. There were letters and gifts for Christmas and things innumerable to see to and the day was soon gone, lunch at Tea Rooms & then some of the children came in and the day was soon gone and very little accomplished except to unpack my trunk and get out the things Verona [Dunford Betts] had sent, I had taken the little caps & jackets down yesterday and she had put them on the babies; very cute indeed. The twins (Louise’s) have grown very fast since I have been away, it seems so peculiar that she has these two boys, they are very fine Went to Belle’s [Isabel Whitney Sears] and we had quite a jolly time but when we were about retiring a wire came to say Brent [E. Brenton Sears] was ill & <calling for his mother.> [p. 2] {p. 56} <At once the scene changed and tears & lamentations followed. luckily Will [C. William Buchholz] was at home from Bingham–>

3 January 1909 • Sunday

This morning I seemed to be late although I was up early, slept with Belle in the new home to which they moved recently. A fine large front bed room, we had little sleep Belle none worth mentioning, the whole house in commotion because of the serious illness of Brenton in Las Angeles [Los Angeles]. Belle asked me to take his name to the Fast meeting in the Temple and I did so. [C.] Byron Whitney was also prayed for, he has small pox. Ort [Orson F. Whitney] made the opening prayer for which I was grateful. President Jos. F. Smith John R. Winder A. [Anthon] H. Lund, F. [Francis] M. Lyman, John Smith Patriarch, John Henry Smith, Heber J. Grant, Rudger [J.] Clawson George F. Richards George A. Smith, Orson F. Whitney were all present, more than usual of the authorities, Presiding Bishop C. [Charles] W. Nibley was also there, and I went up to Belle’s afterwards and later to Annie [Elizabeth Ann Wells Cannon]’s and stayed all night at Belle’s slept with Lucile [L. Lucile Sears]— [p. 3] {p. 57}

4 January 1909 • Monday

This is the anniversary of the signing of the constitution of Utah by Grover Cleveland President of the United States, and it is the birthday of our boy George Quayle Cannon and I am going down there to dinner, but it is not a party because baby3 is sick, did not get off until late but caught the car on which John Q. [Cannon] was, and he kept the driver steady, so that it was not so dreadful, I gave George Q. five dollars instead of a present, as he has many expenses and has had a rather hard time I pray he may have more prosperity this year. He goes to work tomorrow morning for Silver Bro’s– 2.50 per day I have the greatest hopes for him he was certainly born to the purple. We talked until very late at Annie’s up stairs in her beautiful room It is one of the finest bed-rooms I have ever seen, South, East corner of the house– John Q. was correcting copy of outlines for Priesthood. Annie helping, a new step in the work [p. 4] {p. 58}

5 January 1909 • Tuesday

To-day finished the Circular Letter to the several Presidents of Stakes of Relief Society and Y.L.M.I.A.4 Sisters Martha Horne Tingey and May [Mae] Taylor Nystrom came and Emily S. [Tanner] Richards, Sister Bathsheba W. Smith was to come but had not remembered it and therefore I went to the Bee Hive house for her signature and we finished, Circulars to be printed Signed officially to send out. There was quite a grand party at the Bee Hive from 2. p.m. until evening and I was one of the guests. Wore my blue Rajah silk, Sisters B. W. Smith Mary Campbell, Margaret Crismon Emily [J. Smith] & Ida [Bowman] Smith, Elizabeth [Claridge] McCune Annie D. [Davis] Watson Edna [Lambson Smith] & Sarah [Richards] Smith, Augusta [Winters] Grant, Emma [Adams] Empey, Elizabeth Groesbeck Ann D [Bringhurst Groesbeck], Sister [Amelia Crossland] McDonald Sr. Sister Fanny [Frances McDonald Margetts] & Annie [Anna Stromberg] McDonald Rebecca [Neibaur] Nibley, Sister Nephi W. Clayton [Sybella Johnson Clayton], Sister [Melissa Smith] Bowman, Sister Frank [Y.] Taylor [Alice Neff Taylor] and a few more and the men were Joseph F. [Smith] Br. Winder & wife5 Br. Lund & wife6 Nibley & wife7 Jacob F. Gates & wife8 and a few more [p. 5] {p. 59}

6 January 1909 • Wednesday

To-day is the Birthday Anniversary of Horace G. Whitney whom we call Budd. I presented him with a book entitled Borrowings. Very witty and in short paragraphs that one can catch up at leisur. Went over to the Temple, saw Sister Bathsheba and had a talk with her also met Susa [Young Gates] in fact she came here and we talked over plans to help the prohibition cause Susie was not feeling well and had left a part of the matter with Edna to get a testimony or a word of counsel from Joseph F. Smith, as after what had been said at the Bee Hive we felt in duty bound to take some iniatory step for the women of our faith.9 Saw Ann D. Groesbeck and others on the same subject. [p. 6] {p. 60}

7 January 1909 • Thursday

This is a fine day and looks very propitious, went over to the Temple to see Sister Bathsheba W. Smith the dinner was being served, but I could not stay, there are too many things to be looked after, there were quite a number of people going through. Brother [Achilles A.] Ramseyer came to see me about Sister Presendia [Huntington] Kimball, we had a conversation on the leading women in the Church He is a Swiss and speaks French very pleasant and not <at> all presuming or offensive as some foreigners are. Sister Mary [Ware] Gates died last night, she is the last one of the 3 wives of Jacob Gates who was one of the 7. Presidents of Seventy, long ago. There are indications of colder weather, it is extremely cold in the far North. Quite a bunch of letters today some I have answered. Went up to Belle’s to stay with Dot– & Lucile at night [p. 7] {p. 61}

8 January 1909 • Friday

<Letter from Isabel in Los Angeles today. Brent no better. I went over to the Temple today> Came down usual time, no news. H. [Hiram] B. Clawson Sr. took me in his buggy and we visited on the way, he was in Nauvoo [Illinois] and knew the Prophet Joseph Smith intimately when he was a boy. He is 82 years old now. I had some quite important mail and a number of callers who needed posting on subjects of interests to our cause. Prohibition is the watchword now for our State and we feel it an essential proposition to the Legislature, to act upon. Men & women are working in earnest to bring about such legislation as will abolish saloons At 3. p.m. we had a meeting here of the Alaskan Exhibit Committee10 of which Ort is Chairman. Members present were only O. F. Whitney Andrew Jenson George D. Pyper and myself. Discussed a sort of plan to submit and appointed a meeting for Monday the 11th. at 3. p.m. Sister Mary Gates funeral today at the home of her son Claude [Claudius W. Gates] in Forestdale. Dot and myself talked until after midnight. Lucile had retired. [p. 8] {p. 62}

9 January 1909 • Saturday

I came down earlier than usual this morning having expected Mrs. Emily S. Richards to come in to send off suffrage literature to the Counties in Utah petitions to be signed to go Congress of U.S. on Miss Susan B. Anthony’s birthday anniversary Feb. 15. 1909. She came not and I waited in vain– Letters this morning quite important one from New York a reorganization of Relief Society in Brooklyn, later in the day one from Mell [Melvina Whitney Woods] no word from Belle about Brent, whom we are all anxious about. After lunch Mrs. Richards & daughter came and finished the matter and sent off by mail. Cavendish [W. Cannon] Katharine [Katherine Cannon], Abram [H. Cannon], David [W. Cannon] and Jack [John Q. Cannon Jr.] all came had been to practise for their grandpa [George Q.] Cannon’s birthday and the day here was full of people asking questions. A thunder storm came up about four p.m. Betsy [E. Walker] came home today from nursing and has opened the house To night I came home just one month since I left here Dec. 9.in the early morning. [p. 9] {p. 63}

10 January 1909 • Sunday

Have had a night of faintness possibly weak heart, due to weather atmosphere perhaps. Dot telephoned word from her mother, Brent had a better night the one before she wrote. I tried to get through a few little things and then went up town to mail some letters and into the office to get one or two things, stayed so long I had to walk down stairs and came home before Betsy, we had a little supper and she told me about the meeting on prohibition in the Tabernacle, strong plea for the laws prohibitory to liquor etc. Betsy went to Ward meeting and I was writing and trying to rest. Doing some letters to my own girls in the North11– I am very anxious about Brent and feel so sorry that Belle has had to be away now when the class in Genealogy are doing such special work [p. 10] {p. 64}

11 January 1909 • Monday

<Today was the Alaskan Com.12 but only Ort & George Pyper came.> This morning is the birthday anniversary of George Q. Cannon and the party is at Annie’s home and I am invited & want to go if possible, because all the children nearly are in the exercises and I love to see them, and hear the music. For the banquet I do not care at all. There were no cars going direct and so I gave it up and there seemed a storm threatening and it was as well that I did not go I spent the evening in trying to do some much needed work and in resting my brain, and I have a severe cold and throat trouble, and I am altogether so weary, I telephoned late to know how the party was going and Margaret answered me that they had all gone home and the family were all in bed except her self all had gone off well and there had been 17 new babies since last January. Had a talk with Ort about his Epic Elias [p. 11] {p. 65}

12 January 1909 • Tuesday

This morning Sister B. W. Smith came over from the Temple and while we sat here talking and preparing orders and signing them Alonzo E. Hyde came and told us that Dr. [Elvira Stevens] Barney was dead, and Annie [Taylor Hyde] wished me to write an obituary notice of her and make it as good as I could, he brought a picture of her for me to have one made for the paper and I took it over to the News to have it done, I am so busy all the time and such things come. in and delay my own work very much, I feel I must do this for the sake of one who has done much good for women in her day and who helped the unfortunate. Death seems stalking abroad everywhere, there certainly have been many pioneers of Utah called away [p. 12] {p. 66}

13 January 1909 • Wednesday

This morning there is more news of death and of serious illnesses. Just have heard that Sister M. W. [Maria W. Richards] Wilcox is very sick and not expected to live, it seems quite sudden as she was at the Tabernacle on Sunday and one can scarcely credit such a serious illness so soon, but life is very uncertain and it is well to be prepared for sudden changes. I have many letters most of them relating to business and I am so exhausted all the time that I can do very little real work People come to me for so many things in the way of information that regular duties come hard indeed. This evening Sister Wilcox passed away about eight o’clock and only 3 days so very ill. I seem to get on very slowly with my writing, and answering letters and so on. [p. 13] {p. 67}

14 January 1909 • Thursday

The weather is very unfavorable and days dark and dismal, and first heat and then cold. Now comes the news of the death of Lorin Farr in Ogden a veteran in the Church and an intimate associate of the Prophet Joseph– He recalls to me always his mission in New England when I was at my old home, he was also in the home of Elias Harris in South Orange [New Jersey] after they moved from Wendall [Wendell, Massachusetts]– he was 24 years old then and unmarried, afterwards married Nancy [Bailey] Chase– He has been a public spirited man all his life in the Valley, Sister Annie [Ann] Gibson Sharp is dead that makes four acquaintances of mine now lying dead. It seems almost incredible and makes one feel terribly depressed. I am finishing the article for Dr. Barney tonight and must be off early to get it over to the News13 and keeping up late and sleeping so little is very wearisome [p. 14] {p. 68}

15 January 1909 • Friday

After a night of restlessness I rose early and went direct with my copy to the Deseret News office to Carpenter and then to the office and off to the funeral of Dr. Barney in the 17th. Ward meeting house, Phebe [Young] Beatie & Jote [Josephine Beatie] Burton came along and took me in the Surrey, and I was late after all, Bishop [Franklin S.] Tingey came down and asked me to go on the stand to speak and Clarissa [Smith] Williams went up with me. I was asked to speak and declined because of hoarseness, Clarissa spoke and then President Joseph F. Smith sent word to me to speak so I took up my courage and spoke a short time, our meeting was at 3. p.m. & Sister Sarah Jenne Cannon took me to lunch and then we had the meeting. It was quite a full meeting with Letters & Business and we were very much embarrassed with the opposition to a resolution on prohibition being opposed.14 Outlines left over for a Committee to do. [p. 15] {p. 69}

16 January 1909 • Saturday

This was to have been the D.R.15 Meeting at Mrs. [Mary Ellen Richards] Webber’s but it is postponed until Monday on account of Sister Wilcox’s death. Sister [Julia Murdock] Farnsworth came to help with the Outlines and we went to the Des. News and got in the Resolution on Prohibition for Saturday’s Newspaper.16 We went over the Outlines carefully and barely finished at 12.30. 2 hours and a half. Miss Rhoda Knowlton came for the Outline and I had a serious talk with her about them I presented her with a copy of “Flat” a [p]late of the Wasatch by Alfred Lambou[r]ne, She seemed very much pleased Emmeline [Cannon] has been up, to have her tooth treated and she seems greatly distressed. I have done so little I am very much annoyed for my work falls behind for other people. Came home as usual and tried to rest for tomorrow Bishop Elias [S.] Woodruff telephoned me asking me to speak at the funeral tomorrow [p. 16] {p. 70}

17 January 1909 • Sunday

Rose early and went to the 14th. Ward to the funeral of Sister Maria Wealthy Richards Wilcox. a very intimate friend and one with whom I have been associated many years. She was a beautiful woman and very neat and prim always well-dressed and carried herself well, a temple worker for over fifteen years, in daily attendance a woman very prompt, and one to be relied upon. Raised a fine family and she had been fortunate in keeping them in the faith, there was a crowded house and beautiful flowers, handsome white casket and Bishop Woodruff presiding Presidents John R. Winder & A. H. Lund were both there and spoke also Bishop [George] Romney Sister Bathsheba W. Smith and myself. 3 solos one by Edith Grant Then we shall understand, Lizzie T. [Elizabeth Thomas] Edward Face To Face, Mrs. Geo. Q. Morris [Emily Ramsey Morris] Love Divine Adolph [Adolphus C.] Madsen dismissed. Afterwards I went to see L. A. [Lydia Alley Wells] & S. H. [Susan H. Alley Wells] & Kate [Catherine A.] Wells [p. 17] {p. 71}

18 January 1909 • Monday

A very warm day for winter the Reaper’s social met today and then I was notified to go Spncer [O. Spencer] Clawson’s to the Alaskan Exhibit Com. meeting because Spence had gout and could not come out. Andrew Jenson was to leave for Scandinavia & he must give a report. I went although I was due at a meeting of the Daughters of the Revolution at Mrs. T. [Thomas] G. Webbers [Mary Ellen Richards Webber], and would necessarily be late; however reached Mrs. Webbers in time for the tea & greeted the ladies. Mrs. C. F. [Charlotte Fox] Richards was just about to depart for Las Angeles [Los Angeles] and I was glad to see her before going. I had a letter from Belle today which was very consoling and pleased me very much lifting a burden from my spirits. I also had a letter from Miss Edith Hare London, and in which she informed me that she thought my branch of the Hare’s were of Sussex as they were famous in the world of literature and art17 [p. 18] {p. 72}

19 January 1909 • Tuesday

<Wrote an important letter to the Presiding Bishops about Hospital18> This morning went off in good time had callers first thing and then after doing some errands & work dressed for the meeting and party at Sister Emma [Howell] Jenson’s, walked all the way there and found a crowded gathering of the Relief Society, they had fine music and good reading in Church History & I was invited to speak and responded, Sister B. W. Smith also spoke & Clarissa Williams and Sophia [Taylor] Nuttall who has been very ill, every thing was pleasant and a good spirit prevailed. Sister [Fanny Trussler] Howell mother of Sister Jenson was 80 years old today and Abbie H, [Hyde] Cowley 46. today, she told us. Refreshments were served and a happy spirit along with it. I rode home in President Smith’s carriage; heard Rachel [Ivins] Grant had pneumonia, saw Mary Wells [Whitney] who told me. Margaret is still at Thatcher’s, had very disagreeable time telephoning about nurses. Throat very uncomfortable, could scarcely lie down at all. [p. 19] {p. 73}

20 January 1909 • Wednesday

<Letter from Verona today> This morning was gloomy and Betsy went away early to her nurse duties, I was late getting away finished my editorial and took up the copy. Senator Reed Smoot re-elected to-day. Visitors were Annie [Anna Seegmiller] Musser Sarah Jane Rich [Miller], Libbie [Elizabeth] Rich Pratt, Kate Thomas who told me about Mrs. May Wright Sewall very unpleasant news.19 Alfred Lambourne who showed me two letters from distinguished persons in reference to his books that were very complimentary to him. He is a genius no two ways about it. one letter was from Charles Warren Stoddard, a literary writer and critic one from Duncan Mc’Allister Wrote a letter today to Sister Wilcox family on her decease expressing sympathy of the General Board and telling them of her virtues. Letter from New Haven Conn. Br. Lambourne is writing a book or publishing one already written. The Legislature today elected Reed Smoot for the 2nd term in the U.S. Senate 6 years [p. 20] {p. 74}

21 January 1909 • Thursday

<Prepared In Memoriam for Sister Wilcox today> The 105th. anniversary of the birthday of Eliza R. Snow Smith, one of the greatest women of this dispensation a poet, a writer, an author, a high priestess in the Temples.20 a special friend of mine and one to whom on more than one occasion I rendered signal service, and felt honored in the voluntary act. I was late this morning for the night had been miserable in many ways, and my heart almost stopped beating, the wind blew strong and I was some what alarmed lest I might faint. I consoled myself by reading and in prayer. Mrs. McMim [Grace S. McMillen] called on me today about an article on suffrage, for the Ladies’ Literary Club. Margaret [Mitchell] Caine came and I took her to dine at the Lower Tea House. Meeting of the Alaskan Exhibit Committee at 3. p.m. at my office, that is now a permanent date. I am here alone again & wind blowing furiously. I have commended myself to the care of the Lord. [p. 21] {p. 75}

22 January 1909 • Friday

<meeting at the office by appointment– to hear report from Sister [Caroline Stockdale] Thomas> Morning not very pleasant snow deep, no path and I am here alone after a fearful night of terror, a terrific clap of thunder shook the house and I was alone but no harm came to me. I made out through snow and wind and reached the car safely– a busy day and Annie telephoned Dot telling her to have me stay up there Dot telephoned me and I went of course as I had fully intended to do any way. I slept there and had Belle’s room, Lucile going into little Lucile [Buchholz]’s room Dot has a verry tender feeling for me, and has fixed all so nice I have had a busy day and the deaths of my old acquaintances seem to depress me very much indeed. I know all is well with them— [p. 22] {p. 76}

23 January 1909 • Saturday

A busy day tried to get minutes and did not do very well at it and at last I succeeded in getting a few things accomplished sent off letters and had word from those at a distance and felt a little had been done, had many callers and felt that I must rest it is a time of anxiety and annoyance– legislature is not very congenial or consistent, Annie telephoned for me to go down there & stay over Sunday, which I shall do, she insists I must go before dark and Emmeline came in from the dentist and we took the car— had a fine evening & tomorrow is the Pioneer Stake Conference and I shall stay with Margaret [p. 23] {p. 77}

24 January 1909 • Sunday

Annie <& John Q.> went off early to the Conference & all the rest to Sunday School and only Margaret & myself at home. I read my proofs we had a pleasant day. Eleanor [A. Cannon] would have been 18 today if she had lived, and Will [William W. Woods] is 67 or 68 today, we had a late dinner and in the evening Dave Clayton [David H. Clayton Jr.] came over also Israel [E.] Willey and his wife21 and children22 then Mamie [Mary Alice Cannon Cannon] and Lewis [M.] Cannon after the Union Conference Meeting which John Q. & Annie had attended– a fine fire in the handsome parlor, Sarah Jane [Jenne Cannon] has moved up in town and Martha [Telle Cannon] is going too had Ruth M. [May] Fox, Emily C. [Caldwell] Adams and others last evening to see me [p. 24] {p. 78}

25 January 1909 • Monday

<Wrote an important letter to Ida Smoot Dusenberry today> I was late getting a car but at last succeeded and went up with Bishop Lewis M. Cannon who paid my fare took 2nd. West at 9th South, and reached the office all right. very cold day– so much to do almost impossible to get through however I made good use of the time, was up at Dot’s and found all well and am going there tonight, some very important things done today had promised to preside at a preliminary meeting on prohibition on Wednesday Ruth Fox telephoned and I was feeling so depressed I could not tell what I would do. several Gentile ladies will be there—wrote several letters [p. 25] {p. 79}

26 January 1909 • Tuesday

<Mrs. Hallister [Lillian Bates Hollister] Cor. Sec’y23 & to Mary Wood Swift> Early this morning Alice M. [Merrill] Horne telephoned me to say her grandmother President Bathsheba W. Smith wanted a meeting today, about the Quinquennial at Toronto24 whereas it had all been decided on Friday that I should write I had delayed hoping to do the matter carefully and say the wise things, after due consideration I was very much upset, had to telephone many & to Provo and Bountiful, Emily S. Richards came in and while we were talking Sister B. W. Smith came declared she knew nothing of such a meeting. Ida came and others 15 in all, Sister Thomas not prepared to report and the question of delegates came first and was decided by ballot letters were Annie W. Cannon & Lizzie S. [Elizabeth Stevenson] Wilcox, very unsatisfactory meeting to me and some others– sent off ltters same night to Pres. & Sec’y [p. 26] {p. 80} Well one can scarcely believe that there could be so underhanded a trick as was done after the open way in which the called meeting was conducted, as came out afterwards.

27 January 1909 • Wednesday

Today I kept the promise to preside at a called meeting of Mormons & Gentiles at Sister Empey’s I was chosen Chairman & Mrs. A. [Andrew] J. Gorham [Maude Smith Gorham] Secretary and it was a very enthusiastic meeting, after I came home to the office I found the letter waiting for me at the door, which I consider a deciet & an insult to the Board and only for the sake of her revernt grandmother I would expose her to the General Board. June [Junius F. Wells] came to see me today and was Very gracious and I told him about the meeting Woman’s Store25 meeting today [p. 27] {p. 81}

28 January 1909 • Thursday

<Julia [Farnsworth] Lund baby boy26 to day> This has been a day of work came to the office before 9 o’clock and have been finishing making up the paper that I left yesterday afternoon to go to the Prohibition meeting now it is done and what next I do not know, the brethren did not come to the 3. p.m. meeting, because Spence Clawson is still very ill with gout, but they did not let me know & therefore I was waiting I wrote one or two letters meantime [p. 28] {p. 82}

29 January 1909 • Friday

<Betsy came home tonight> Friday morning went up to George J. Cannon’s to see Sister Grant in her casket and attended the funeral in 27th. ward meeting house, then came back and went to the funeral of John Nicholsen [Nicholson] in 18th. Ward chapel, rode home in carriage of President Jos. F. Smith and Edna and Sister B. W. Smith 4 of us, and had some conversation with the President. about his two funeral sermons, went to Bee hive house after with letters to read to the Relief Society President [p. 29] {p. 83}

30 January 1909 • Saturday

A very busy morning with proofs of revise and all afternoon was ill with Neuralgia, [Woman’s Press] Club met and decided to meet monthly in the afternoon 3.30 last Friday of each month. Next meeting to be at Mrs. John Q. Critchlow [P. A. Florence Snow Critchlow]’s residence, so many ideas, present were Mesdames Critchlow, Shipp, Francis Done Widtsoe Card Wells Caine27 8 members present– current items, and sentiments of Sister Zina D. H. [Diantha Huntington] Young, once President of the General Relief Society, I was really very ill with neuralgia in my head, had a bad night— in great pain [p. 30] {p. 84}

31 January 1909 • Sunday

This is the anniversary of the birth of 3. women who have been conspicuous in the Church, Zina D. H. Young, Jane S. [Snyder] Richards,28 Margaret S. [Thompson] Mitchell,29 the first named born 1821, 2nd 1822, 3rd 1838. I have been suffering during the night and today much severe pain & feel so worn out that I have no vitality left. I am totally inadequate to the work I desire to do. Emmeline has come over and brought me some of the birthday dinner & is spending the night here and is reading to me. Betsy came home late, I like to have one of my own with me. It is a fine moonlight night and I love the moon and stars and the firmament altogether hope I may be assisted in doing my work [p. 31] {p. 85}

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January 1909, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1909/1909-01


  1. [1]Isabel Whitney Sears.

  2. [2]Richard C. Andrew and Denton C. Andrew.

  3. [3]George Q. Cannon Jr.

  4. [4]Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association.

  5. [5]Maria Burnham Winder.

  6. [6]Sarah Peterson Lund.

  7. [7]Rebecca Neibaur Nibley.

  8. [8]Susa Young Gates.

  9. [9]EBW here refers to steps in support of prohibition legislation.

  10. [10]This committee was formed to arrange a church exhibit at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition—a world’s fair that opened on 1 June 1909 in Seattle, Washington. (“The Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition,” University of Washington University Libraries, accessed 9 Dec. 2020, https://www.lib.washington.edu/specialcollections/collections/exhibits/ayp; “Mormon Exhibit at Seattle Fair,” Inter-mountain Republican [Salt Lake City], 14 Mar. 1909, 12.)

  11. [11]EBW’s daughter Melvina Whitney Woods and granddaughters Daisie Dunford Allen and Verona Dunford Betts.

  12. [12]Committee.

  13. [13]“Woman’s Tribute to Dr. Elvira S. Barney,” Deseret Evening News, 16 Jan. 1909, 25.

  14. [14]EBW seems to have mistakenly added “being opposed” in this sentence. She likely intended to express embarrassment over opposition by some general board members to the proposed resolution in favor of statewide prohibition.

  15. [15]Daughters of the Revolution.

  16. [16]The resolution in favor of prohibition was published as “Women Want Prohibition,” Deseret Evening News, 16 Jan. 1909, 1.

  17. [17]EBW was the daughter of Diadama Hare Woodward.

  18. [18]This letter may have been related to hospital bills referred to in EBW, Diary, 21 July 1909. The Relief Society general presidency also helped supply linens to L.D.S. Hospital and supported the hospital’s training of nurses. (See EBW, Diary, 13 July 1908; 20 and 29 Aug. 1908.)

  19. [19]EBW does not elaborate on this “unpleasant news.” At the time, May Wright Sewall was promoting the adoption of a peace program by the International Council of Women. (Boomhower, “But I Do Clamor,” 98–116; Phillips, “Sewall, May Eliza Wright,” in Notable American Women, 3:270.)

  20. [20]Eliza R. Snow supervised women’s ordinance work in the Endowment House on Temple Square, which served from 1855 to 1889 as the predecessor of the Salt Lake Temple, which was dedicated in 1893. Snow’s successors, Zina D. H. Young and Bathsheba W. Smith, each simultaneously served as Relief Society general president and as matron of the Salt Lake Temple. All three women had known Joseph Smith in Nauvoo and knew of his teachings that women who received temple ordinances would become part of “a kingdom of priests.” (Minutes of the Female Relief Society of Nauvoo, 31 Mar. 1842, in First Fifty Years, 43.) Bathsheba Smith stated that the goal of the temple was to make women “a kingdom of priestesses.” (“Pioneer Stake,” Woman’s Exponent, July and Aug. 1905, 34:14, quoted in “Introduction,” First Fifty Years, xxviii.) In keeping with this understanding, Latter-day Saints sometimes called women who served in the temples “priestesses” and referred to the woman who presided over other female temple workers as a “high priestess,” as seen in this entry.

  21. [21]Emily Cannon Willey.

  22. [22]Emerson C. Willey and Alice Willey.

  23. [23]Corresponding Secretary.

  24. [24]The International Council of Women, which generally held its international meetings quinquennially (every five years), had met in Berlin in 1894, London in 1899, and Berlin in 1904. In June 1909 the ICW would meet in Toronto, Canada. In between the quinquennial gatherings, executives met in a smaller group, including one in Copenhagen, Denmark, in which Susa Young Gates participated in 1902. (“History,” and “About ICW,” International Council of Women, accessed 5 May 2022, http://www.icw-cif.com/; “Editorial,” Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star, 25 Sept. 1902, 64:618; Handbook, International Council of Women, Quinquennial Congress, Toronto, Canada, 1909 [Toronto: Hunter, Rose, 1909].)

  25. [25]The Woman’s Cooperative Mercantile & Manufacturing Institution was organized in Salt Lake City in December 1890. For a summary of its history, see EBW, Diary, 19 December 1890.

  26. [26]Alton F. Lund.

  27. [27]Members attending the Utah Woman’s Press Club meeting included P. A. Florence Snow Critchlow, Ellis Reynolds Shipp, Maria Banks Francis, Sarah Forbes Done, Anna Gaarden Widtsoe, Zina Young Card, EBW, and Margaret Mitchell Caine.

  28. [28]Jane Snyder Richards was born on 31 January 1823 rather than 1822. (Jane Snyder Richards, Death Certificate, 17 Nov. 1912.)

  29. [29]Margaret Thompson Mitchell was born on 31 January 1840 rather than 1838. (Margaret Thompson Mitchell, Death Certificate, 6 Apr. 1924.)