January 1896


4 and 6 January

Celebrated statehood for Utah and the inauguration of Governor Heber M. Wells.

19 January

Because of the expense, could not travel to celebrate Utah women’s suffrage with the National American Woman Suffrage Association in Washington, DC.

5 February

Utah State passed an age of consent bill that women had lobbied for, protecting girls from marriages before age eighteen.

13 September

Gathered poems for her book to be titled Musings and Memories.

3 November

Ran for one of five at-large seats in the state senate on the Republican ticket; was defeated by Democrats including Martha Hughes Cannon, the first woman state senator in the United States.

27 December

When her longtime friend Mary Houston Kimball died, EBW wrote, “She has lived a good life & now in the fulness of years has gone to rest like a shock of corn fully ripe.”

1Ay 150

E. B. Wells (Christmas 1895

1896– Gift from Geo. Q. Cannon {p. 3}

1 January 1896 • Wednesday

wea.2 dark & windy towards evening

A dark morning I had slept at Annie [Elizabeth Ann Wells Cannon]’s with Louise [B. Cannon] & Emmeline [Cannon], had my breakfast up stairs. Annie was busy with the children getting them ready to go to their Grandpa’s3 for the day. I came down <from> to Annie’s to Belle’s [Isabel Whitney Sears] to wish them a Happy New Year and give them a remembrance, as it may be I shall not be with them another year. I went up to the meeting of the Inauguration Committee, and after the meeting adjourned, suggested to the Chairman, that it was noticable women were not considered in the proceedings or in any way recognized as a part of the new state. Had dinner at Belle’s– all the children were there, and Mr. Roberts (J. G. [John Gillette]) Mr. [Septimus Wagstaff] Sears took the boys to the Lyceum Matinee & Belle and Mr. Sears went to the theatre in the evening– I came home to do some writing as usual. Letters today 3 from New York, 1. Washington 1. Provo– one delicate handkerchief from Annie. Wrote chain letters to Mrs. [Elizabeth Claridge] McCune & A. W. [Augusta Winters] Grant also wrote to Spence4 & Mrs. Ammons {p. 37}

2 January 1896 • Thursday

wea. snow deep and very cold day–

Was very late this morning snow fell heavily during the night. Cars run with difficulty wires down etc. Mrs. [Emily Tanner] Richards & Miss McMaster5 first callers this morning, then Mrs. [Mary Vance] Gilmer– went out to do some errands– had my new dress fitted. Have been very much annoyed all day. Morgan Richards from Parowan has been in to see me. He is the new Auditor of the State. Called on Hebe [Heber M. Wells]– found Brie [Briant H. Wells] there our young Lieutenant. Martha [Harris Wells] has great satisfaction in her three sons, all good and moral and all likely to become more or less distinguished. Saw Charlie [Charles S.] Burton about party in the Theatre. Dr. Pratt [Romania Bunnell Pratt Penrose] came in and sat during the evening we talked upon the principle of plural marriage and what had transpired during its practise, the future outlook. I have had no letters today of any particular importance, except from Am. Pub. Com. {p. 38}

3 January 1896 • Friday

wea. very dismal day

Felt very wretched, letter from Mell [Melvina Whitney Woods] & handkerchiefs for the girls Xmas. Stickpin for Gene [Eugene S. Sears]. Letter from Pallas [Woodward Clark]. also later one from Helen [Philleo] Jenkins of Detroit. one from Phoenix Arizona– Mrs. Ellison of Kentucky called & Mrs. [Elmina Shepard] Taylor, Mrs. [Margaret Mitchell] Caine, Miss McMaster, Mrs. [Margaret Walker] Salisbury Mrs. [Annie Taylor] Hyde Mrs. [Caroline Stockdale] Thomas, Mrs. Samson and others Aunt Zina [Diantha Huntington Young] and Zina [Young] Card. Have had lunch at Dr. Pratts– Sister Wright from New Zealand called, and I had some conversation with her, she has just come in, Mrs. [Lillie Moore] Pardee came in a few minutes, with her little girl Florence. Hunted dress trimmnigs and so forth. So many want to get particulars about inaugural parade and ball Maria [Young] Dougall Phebe [Young] Beatie and Amelia [Folsom] Young have all been in– letter from Marilla [Young] Ricker– I went this evening with Miss Wright to Sister Redges in the 22nd ward and found Sister R. very pleasant and helpful, came home earlier than usual, but do not feel well– Lucile [Sears] came over. {p. 39}

4 January 1896 • Saturday

wea. very fine weather–

The morning dawned bright and clear and very beautiful, and I was glad to see such an auspicious day for Q. [George Q. Cannon]6 our dear boy, and while I was making ready to go to the office, the guns fired a salute the whistles began to blow and I knew the President of the United States had signed the Proclamation.7 I flew as it were over to Belle’s and gave them the news; they had not noticed the whistles until then, bells were pealing out vigorously and all was joyous noise, I took the first car and found the city streaming with flags and banners. All was gaiety and I was soon joined by other women anxious to participate in the demonstration of joy and gladness. Mrs. Salisbury invited me to lunch with her at the Exchange– I went and had a pleasant time sent a telegram to Miss [Susan B.] Anthony– Rec’d one from Miss [Anna H.] Shaw Philadelphia– Slept at Annie’s– {p. 40}

5 January 1896 • Sunday

wea. clear & cold–

Came home late– went over to Belle’s and then to the Tabernacle, Apostle George Teasdale recently from Mexico was the first speaker then Brigham Young [Jr.] (Apostle.) Went up with Louis [Robison Wells] to Lydia Ann [Alley Wells]’s had dispatch from Susan B. Anthony, Rochester N.Y. Had dinner at Lydia Ann’s & Susan [Alley Wells]’s Went to see Aunt Zina and Mrs. Zina Y. Card. had a pleasant time came home very late to read and think. How strange it all seems, and how wonderful that one of our boys8 should have had the honor of being the first Governor of Utah as a State– I have so many letters to write and am so worried by certain people who think they know so much more than I do, how things should be done– that it makes my head fairly swim. The night is very cold, everything is freezing up. {p. 41}

6 January 1896 • Monday

wea. bright and fine–

<Mailed letter to Anthon H. Lund in Liverpool>9 The town was all astir early, guns firing and bells ringing and joy everywhere– parade formed at 10– A.M. and begun to move at eleven A.M. crowds on the principal streets almost impossible to get through, I was very ill but finally succeeded in going to the Tabernacle, after much struggling obtained a seat by Martha– the proceedings of the Inauguration were impressive and somewhat solemn though there was some cheering and applause, but scarcely as much as we had expected– the decorations were very fine indeed an immense flag covered nearly all the top of the Tabernacle with a fine large star in the centre– a large eagle over the organ & flags and drapery. Went to the inaugural ball in the evening– with John Q. [Cannon] and Annie– sat in Governor’s box– {p. 42}

7 January 1896 • Tuesday

wea. dismal– dreary day

The ball was a great success tho over-crowded– and yet very enjoyable, decorations extra-fine. electric light, bee hive, star and lettering also flag. Martha received very many demonstrations of her son’s popularity– was introduced to hundreds. I sat with her most of the time. John Q. and Annie were in the Grand March but J. Q. did not dance George Q. danced once with his mother– Septimus took Lucile into the gallery to look on.

This morning I was really very ill– could not scarcely keep up– only reached the office at half-past one– p.m. Mrs. [Sarah Sanderson] Boyer of Springville and Mrs. [Lucy Rice] Clark of Farmington came about the Convention at Washington. Mrs. Roberts of Layton wanted me to make a speech and present a picture to Jos. L. Rawlins– at the Knutsford tonight– declined the honor. Mrs. [Margaret Walker] Salisbury came to see me we had some confidential talk– {p. 43}

8 January 1896 • Wednesday

wea. very bright

Mrs. Salisbury has reposed great confidence in me– really it is refreshing. This morning Annie went up on the same car with me– there has been a terrible fire at Mercur– [J.] Bates Wallace was buried today– he died the day before yesterday of scarlet fever– it is very sad. So many people have been in today that it has wearied me very much I sent off foreign letters today written last night to Copenhagen, Berne, Roterdam Honolulu– Mexico, Canada, also one written today to Helen [McKenzie] Crawford Cor. Sec’y Federation of Clubs. One to Sarah M. Kimball one to Louie [Sarah Louise Bolton] Felt one to Ellen C. [Spencer] Clawson. Received letter of congratulation from Mrs. [Carrie Chapman] Catt New York City– have had many calls today– have been feeling very ill– Sep [Septimus Whitney Sears] came home tonight. Mr. [Septimus Wagstaff] Sears & Emily [Emma Whitney Sears] went to Opera– Wrote in the R.S. Record– {p. 44}

9 January 1896 • Thursday

wea. dark & damp–

As soon as I reached the office so much business pressed in upon me– I went out with Mrs. Caine to have some lunch– At 4. p.m. the Committee on Aunt Zina’s birthday met[.] Sister [Bathsheba Wilson Bigler] Smith had to go home because of Maude [Merrill Lloyd], she has a boy10 born one or two days ago– I had to act as Chairman, and Sister [Mary Isabella Hales] Horne offered prayer We formed some Committees and engaged the banquet at the Templeton Hotel– the meeting continued until after eight o’clock at nine Zina Card and myself went up to Sister E. S. Richards I came home on ten oclock car cold and dismal– commenced writing here all alone and O, so weary– It has been such a tiresome day for me, finished three letters to M. A. [Mabel Ann Morse] Hakes Maricopa Arizona, M. J. [Martha Marcussen] Hammond San Juan & Sara [LeDuc] Pope Uintah– {p. 45}

10 January 1896 • Friday

wea. cold & clear

Was late at the office this morning and found Annie & Margaret Caine when I arrived. Emily S. Richards came soon after and we went and engaged Christenson’s hall– got notices & spoke for tickets. Went out to do some errands and Margaret [Cannon] with me & Emily [Emmeline Cannon]– Kindergarten meeting at the office at 4. p.m. Considerable excitement on the streets over the election of Senators– much betting etc. Leap Year Ball, Women celebrate Statehood Thursday Jan. 16. came home early and commenced writing letters, finished one to Temperance [Ricks] Hinckley, Bannock [Idaho], Julia S. Lindsey [Parks Lindsay] Bear Lake [Idaho], & Lucinda [Howell] Hoskins, Malad [Idaho]. Sep has been home all the afternoon and will sleep at home to night. Very cold and dark and dreary {p. 46}

11 January 1896 • Saturday

wea. very good

George Q. Cannon’s birthday 69. years old– The family are giving a party in his honor– Presented him with an elegant gold watch $2.50.00 children gave songs, music and recitations in his honor. Annie and her family were all there. John Q. gave a sketch of the Cannon home in the Isle of Man.

I have had a very wearisome day, Suffrage meeting at one p.m. and then after that was over the ladies of the three Central Boards met to arrange for Aunt Zina’s banquet– the Meeting commenced at 4. and lasted until after 8. I came home and did some writing– had a letter from Miss Anthony and one from Mrs. [Rachel Foster] Avery– had a very lonely night and not feeling well either. Had a message from Jos. F. [Smith] about going to Washington {p. 47}

12 January 1896 • Sunday

wea. very fine indeed

I stayed very late in bed to recuperate if possible after such an exciting week, did not try to go to the Tabernacle– but kept on with my writing all day long and seemed to accomplish very little after all. The day is remarkably fine Elise [Gasser] came over and helped me considerably– In the evening I went to the Tabernacle to hear O. [Orson] F. Whitney give his lecture Oratory Poesy & Prophecy– it was a very fine lecture but not so original as I had expected. Quotations from many great people Carlyle Emerson, Byron and others Wrote to Mell today and directed to San Francisco She is there by this time I suppose– finished a number of letters to Stake Presidents and did some reading, rested too. {p. 48}

13 January 1896 • Monday

wea. quite pleasant

This morning was rather late in going up to the office and found people waiting; a letter from the Governor enclosing one from Detroit, and one from Detroit <to me> and another from Colorado, also other matters of less importance– Emily Richards came and soon after Mrs. [Maria Young] Dougall, Zina Card and Susa [Young] Gates– we went over the matter of invitations and souvenirs again– and lists of names. A letter later in the day from Mrs. [May Wright] Sewall surprised me as I had not expected she would rally sufficiently to attend to any matters so trivial yet– I am very glad she is going to take the matter philosophically and not go into a decline or become morbidly melancholy–11 She is a very remarkable woman of magnificent parts and good literary taste and ability. {p. 49}

14 January 1896 • Tuesday

wea. quite fine

Mrs. [Emily S.] Richards was in and said Joe [Joseph T. Richard]’s baby [Martha C. Richards] was sick and she was not sure she could go to Washington at all and wanted to dispose of her ticket. The ladies are making an effort to sell the tickets –so we can make some money, but the prospect is rather discouraging. Margaret and myself went to the Jewish lunch. Amelia was in and talked of her trouble with her father– it seemed distressing and uncalled for. I am sorry for any one who has domestic trouble it seems the worst of all. My work lags terribly. I was invited to the 7th. Ward Relief Society meeting today but could not attend. It was at Sister [Caroline Stockdale] Thomas’ house. I have several letters of congratulation from different states. and have published most of them. {p. 50}

15 January 1896 • Wednesday

wea. drizzling rain

Today has been very busy and Pearl [Russell] goes so slow with the paper that it is very annoying. I am haunted with people who hinder me and make me nervous, and cannot get on with my own work, Zina Card promised to send me word last evening whether she would go to Washington or not but did not keep her word with me and left me quite unsettled. My impressions have been all along that I should go, but how has not seemed to divulge itself. I cannot borrow the money with no prospect of paying immediately and so I am in doubt. Miss Anthony tells me the National will celebrate for us with a great deal of eclat on the 23rd and wants suggestion– Br. Joseph Horne was 84 years old today– had a family party {p. 51}

16 January 1896 • Thursday

wea. rain and sleet

This is the day of the Leap Year Ball and we are hurrying with memberships and trying to get decorations etc. Mrs. McCune went with me to the Senate Chamber and to the County Clerk to get the pictures of [Elizabeth Cady] Stanton & [Susan B.] Anthony– the Committee did well in getting flags and bunting and the hall was in gay attire– I came home and dressed Lucile [Laura Lucile Sears] Emmie [Emma W. Sears] & Jean [Jeanne Russell] Alford went & the Parsons boys.12 Geo. Q. Cannon gave a dinner party to the presiding authorities of the Church John Q. and Annie were there and Frank [J. Cannon] & Mattie [Martha Hughes Cannon] and came afterwards to the Ball at Christenson’s– it was a very fine affair socially– not one of the Richards family came near. I stayed until late sat at the door with Ella W. [Wilcox] Hyde taking in the money until half-past tan <ten>– Came home thoroughly exhausted and completely down in spirits the night was dismal. Wind rose tremendously and I could not sleep at all scarcely– {p. 52}

17 January 1896 • Friday

wea. high wind

This morning the wind was simply frightful– one could scarcely keep one’s balance even to go as far as Belle’s– I went off as early as possible and sure enough Mrs. [Emily S.] Richards was on hand to know all about the party– and was very disagreeable when she learned that no more had been made. Threw up if I had not been working for Aunt Zina’s party I might have succeeded better– it is too bad Aunt Zina had not heard it. I lived through it however and shall take good care she never says the like to me again. I cannot endure it. I have already had too much of that sort of treatment. I am very weary indeed but made an extra exertion to get my report condensed and elaborated both– sat up until six– writing and rewriting. {p. 53}

18 January 1896 • Saturday

wea. dismal & dreary pouring rain at night

All day going over party bills and money etc. Meeting about Aunt Zina’s birthday and the Presidents of Wards called together– Sister [Mary Isabella Hales] Horne instructing them in their duties. The day was sort of dismal George M. [Cannon] came to see me talked confidentially of his own domestic affairs. Zina [Young Card] was in and suggested an office for her mother somewhere in or near the main St. I have had many letters and some dispatches of congratulations quite pleasant in regard to our equal suffrage in the new State. Came home after going clear up to Richards very much exhausted and low spirited. Sister. [A. M.] Wimbley of Philadelphia is dead, died at Sister Ruth M. [May] Fox’s– [George] Henry Snell died yesterday– with liver enlarged13 etc. He married Mary [May] Allen Clawson last October sent off my report tonight. {p. 54}

19 January 1896 • Sunday

wea. cold & clear

Emily S. Richards and Sara A. Boyer were to leave for Washington on the 6. o’clock train this morning. I have been at home all day writing and so on. Louise Margaret & Emmeline came down– Belle came over and Elise [Gasser] too– she helped me with coal and so forth. I sent off letters to Susan B. Anthony Nicolas [Stott] Shaw14 Mrs. C. [Clarence] E. Allen [Corinne Tuckerman Allen] and Emily [Richards]’s credentials. Wrote a letter of nine pages to Mrs. Catt– and had it all finished to go off in the morning– can scarcely believe I am not going to Washington It don’t seem true at all. The weather is warmer than it has been and not half so healthful. {p. 55}

20 January 1896 • Monday

wea. quite pleasant

This morning I found I had sent Emily the wrong credentials & so I forwarded hers with an apology– all morning I was busy Geo. M. Cannon was here & we talked over a great many things, Zina came in and we had some conversation about the party that was in prospect, invitations, committee, etc. And the Reaper’s Club met and the exercise of Annie T. [Taylor] Hyde giving an account of her trip to England was given in a very pleasing and modest way. There was no time for Political Science– the matter of the bill for raising the age of consent Dr. Condon’s bill was brought up and discussed and a Committee appointed to look up on the matter– the same evening wrote to Mrs. Rachel Foster Avery and other letters. This is Sister [Ellis Reynolds] Shipp’s birthday– {p. 56}

21 January 1896 • Tuesday

wea. quite fine after rain in the morning

<Frank J. Cannon & Arthur Brown elected–> This is Aunt Eliza’s birthday I was invited to the Senate Chamber but was very late on account of going to the President’s office to talk over Washington Convention affairs– The Presidency wished Zina and myself to go, but I had no money and Zina would not go without me– We went down to the Legislature and heard part of Frank J. Cannon’s speech and then to the Senate and listened to the discussion in regard to women sitting on juries. [John F.] Chidester had introduced it, yet he was one who did most towards equal suffrage. Some smart lawyer I suppose had put him up to it. Well they killed it in the Senate the House had rejected it previously. Mrs. [Clara Bewick] Colby said some brave words for us and three of us sent her a dispatch thanking her– Zina & Margaret Caine, with me, I also asked Miss Anthony to postpone the Celebration to Monday {p. 57}

22 January 1896 • Wednesday

wea. very rainy & turned cold– I was delighted to think that the Certificate of the new Senators had to be signed by a woman as well as a man Mrs. Lillie R. Pardee Chief Clerk. I had quite an interview with the Governor (Hebe) [Heber M. Wells] yesterday. Today I looked up some on transportation and found I could get a pass to Omaha and return. Have waited all day for an answer to my telegram A reception was tendered Frank Cannon in Ogden today. Very brilliant affair indeed– Mrs. [Isabel Cameron] Brown has been giving entertainments to parties and making liberal donations to charities here and there. Maria Dougall, Annie & Margaret [Cannon] were all here and many women asking for details about Aunt Zina & her life and how to celebrate. {p. 58}

23 January 1896 • Thursday

wea. dreary & little snow

This morning could scarcely believe my eyes when I saw there was no notice of a telegram Letters from no notables, but of consequence to me– congratulations from Mrs. [Harriet Taylor] Upton and from others. This morning I finished the verse for Aunt Zina’s card President A. [Angus] M. Cannon came in. and regretted as all the brethren have that I was not in Washington. Federation tea and informal Meeting at Mrs. Mc’Vicker [Emma Kelly McVicker] this afternoon– Her uncle and aunt Welch were there, have come on a visit from Rochester N.Y. Much business discussed. Executive Meeting appointed for Feb. 12. 1896. Sent dispatch to Mrs. [Corinne Tuckerman] Allen to night. and to Frank Cannon on the U.P. Train to day Wyoming Division. I am so weary– Dot [S. Isabel Sears] is still quite ill. Mrs. Parker is very sick Senators Frank J. Cannon & Arthur Brown left this morning– {p. 59}

24 January 1896 • Friday

wea. very fine day

I tried to be early, Lucile came up– took the revise over and had Mrs. [Maria Young] Dougall here to go over the cards & other matters. So many objections urged against the Templeton Banquet– I have spent half my time replying to questions and so forth. Today Mrs. [Ellen Spencer] Clawson & Mrs. Clark Julia Clark Taylor gave a Kensington tea Annie was invited and so was Lena [Helena Fobes Wells]– and consequently Lena and myself did not call on Mrs. [Isabella Fisher] Bennett as we anticipated. I prepared a magazine sketch and did some other regular work– Margaret Y. [Young] Taylor and Carrie S. [Stockdale] Thomas both made suggestions concerning the party and were rather unpleasant about it. I came home tolerably early and begun a Sketch of Aunt Zina’s life and labors, I was so weary that I could scarcely finish, slept very little. Mrs. Parker had a premature birth today. telegram from C. [Clarence] E. Allen {p. 60}

25 January 1896 • Saturday

wea. dismal & drizzling

This morning went over to see Belle first of all, then up town Letter of acceptance from Br. [John] Nicholsen and wife.15 Mrs. [Priscilla Paul] Jennings came in to see me, and several others– took Article about Aunt Zina to the news office, and card to Juvenile– went to Maria [Dougall]’s and to Templeton. Papers being distributed very well. Meeting of Committee of the whole at 4. p.m. a majority present– final arrangements agreed upon– Aunt Zina’s article published. Br. [Charles W.] Penrose called– for information for Bishop Hopkins [John Hopkin] of Croydon. Receipt for money from Treasurer National Society Washington D.C. I did very little after coming from the office– the Committee Meeting had been tiresome and I was completely exhausted. I went to bed about 12. M. but slept very little before morning. {p. 61}

26 January 1896 • Sunday

wea. bright & clear

Stayed at home all day and tried to rest– Sep’s birthday he is 22. years old. had a telegram from Henry [R. Allen] from Wallace Idaho saying Daisie [Dunford Allen] had a son16 born yesterday at 7 p.m. Jan. 25. Wrote today to W. [William] W. Woods, to Mell– to Maria Dougall and to Mrs. Helen P. Jenkins Detroit also to my brother Hiram [E. W. Clark]. I had some anxiety about the letter to Mrs. Jenkins not knowing what reply I ought to make as she had spoken to me of plural marriage & our belief– Col. Sowers was at Belle’s tonight also Will [C. William Buchholz], Dot was up and dressed– Sep did not come home to dinner as we expected he would– I was alone during the evening and felt quite nervous and thought much about the affair in Washington tomorrow– {p. 62}

27 January 1896 • Monday

wea. dark and damp

This morning was in good time at the office, Miss McMaster came up to talk to me about being Committee Clerk in the Legislature. I had several callers and went over to see George M. Cannon who was not in the Bank. Went down to the Legislature and then to Mrs. [Margaret Walker] Salisbury’s then to the Memorial Services at the Woman’s Club Room. Mrs. [Antoinette Brown] Kinney is President and had charge– Rev. Hudson Marshal [Nathaniel M.] Brigham Dr. Hughes wife17 Mrs. Hamilton Mrs. Alma took part in the exercises. Called on Mrs. C. [Charles] W. Bennett [Isabella Fisher Bennett] afterwards, then went to Mrs. Salisbury’s then heard of Mrs. Salisbury having fallen in Deadwood and hurt herself quite seriously, had been in bed a week and gone to Hot Springs S.D. came home and set to work vigorously but felt so weary, went to see Annie on the way home {p. 63}

28 January 1896 • Tuesday

wea. windy & disagreeable

Went off as early as possible and had a telegram from Rachel Foster Avery on my arrival. Very cheering– last night in Washington Utah was celebrated and created much enthusiasm. I shall be glad to learn particulars– Mr. Morton Evangelist was introduced to me by President A. M. Cannon and Mrs. Kinney came along soon after and we went to the Juvenile Office and engaged Federation Club Books. Went down to Legislature went into the House, and talked with Bishop [Thomas J.] Stevens, Don Hiner [Daniel Heiner] George L. Nye, W. [William] W. Wilson. James X. Ferguson, Atkins [James Andrus] from St. George and others in regard to a minute Clerk Miss McMaster Atkins talked about organizing Republican women in Washington Co. Went to Lena’s and had dinner, Hannah [Free Wells] was there– Lena & myself called on Mrs. Bennett & Mrs. [Jennie L.] Howat. came home overtired– {p. 64}

29 January 1896 • Wednesday

wea. windy and damp

<Sent off letter to M. A. [Mary Ann Wilson] Lunt–> This morning went with M. Y. [Maria Young] Dougall to Templeton to look after arrangements for the party and then to Juvenile Office to see about the Federation Year Book, then with Margaret Caine & Zina Card to call on Mr. Crittendon [Charles Crittenton] of the Florence Crittendon Missions.18 Afterwards went over the matter for the Club Book and took it over then prepared copy wrote a letter to Mrs. [Mary Ann Greening] Till of Provo sent off several Receipts Two strangers have called on me today one Mrs. Archer Reporter for the Argus and Mrs. Aden a leading woman’s advocate This evening went to hear Mr. Crittendon in the big Tabernacle About five thousand people present– very interesting and quite thrilling, told the story of his conversion and gave many incidents of facts that were remarkable, came home after eleven completely exhausted– {p. 65}

30 January 1896 • Thursday

wea. fine weather

Today is very important, a wet damp drizzling rain and more than unpleasant I had worked hard in the forenoon and determined to go in the afternoon to the Legislature as I had supposed the Bill on the age of consent was to come up– I found them discussing the fire and police bill instead and listened with great attention to the speeches made by senators upon the subject– it was very interesting and I desired to hear and consider the matter. In the midst of it I was sent for to go to the President’s office and went with the messenger ([James A.] Cushing) in the buggy. Arrived I was ushered in and saw at once something very serious was wanted. President [Wilford] Woodruff sent for Geo. Q. Cannon and the affair assumed gigantic shapes. I was utterly astounded when Br. Cannon began to inquire of me {p. 66} about the celebration. Jealousy and envy and fear combined. It was frightful and overwhelming. I cannot imagine that men in high places could listen to such frivolous misconstructions and misrepresentations, yet it is so and one must submit to such injustice which is nobler than to notice it.19

31 January 1896 • Friday

wea. fine day

Decoration Committee had done their work well and the rooms looked tasteful, three large pictures were hung in the parlor– one of Joseph Smith oil painting, one of Brigham Young do [ditto] one of Sister Eliza R. [Snow Smith] a crayon– dinner for about 2.00 were served– souvenir cards at each place and picture & verse name & age– President L. [Lorenzo] Snow pronounced the benediction, after adjourning to the parlor– the program begun– by Capt. Willard Young who was master of Ceremonies. singing by Carroll C. [Croxall] Cannon– {p. 67} Other exercises were a poem by Sister E. H. [Emily Hill] Woodmansee read by Nellie C. [Ellen Colebrook] Taylor and one by Augusta J. [Joyce] Crocheron read by our Annie then the hymn O, My Father by the company address by Capt. Willard Young to his foster mother, speech by Geo. Q. Cannon– answer to the toast Relief Society by Sarah M. Kimball– a few words from Bathsheba W. Smith. address by E. B. Wells,.

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January 1896, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1896/1896-01


  1. [1]text: There is no pagination in this volume. Page numbers in braces are the numbering of the digital images at L. Tom Perry Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, http://cdm15999.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p15999coll20/id/49142. The “Ay 150” that follows was written in graphite and is not in EBW’s hand.

  2. [2]text: The “wea.” (weather) heading is preprinted in the diary.

  3. [3]George Q. Cannon.

  4. [4]Probably William C. Spence, who worked in the office of the president of the church and who handled railroad fares and permits for the church. (See EBW, Diary, 12 Feb. 1891; 24 Jan. 1902; 3 Jan. 1903.) He is listed as “clerk trustee-in-trust office, r. 60 E. First North” in Salt Lake City Directory 1885, 276.

  5. [5]EBW referred in several diary entries to Miss McMaster (without giving her first name) as a stenographer who typed convention reports for the territorial legislature and for the Woman’s Suffrage Association. (EBW, Diary, 3 June and 20 July 1895; 27–28 Jan. 1897; Cash Account—Aug. 1897.)

  6. [6]EBW’s grandson, son of John Q. and Annie Wells Cannon.

  7. [7]On this date, U.S. president Grover Cleveland signed a proclamation admitting Utah to the Union as the forty-fifth state. (Cleveland, Proclamation, 4 Jan. 1896.)

  8. [8]“One of our boys” refers to Heber M. Wells, one of the children of Daniel H. Wells.

  9. [9]text: The words “in Liverpool” from this note continue across the top of the following page.

  10. [10]Llewellyn B. Lloyd. (“Llewellyn Benjamin Lloyd,” FamilySearch, accessed 27 May 2020, https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XXX4-Y7S?from=lynx1UIV8&treeref=K2V7-G78.)

  11. [11]EBW is referring to the death of Theodore L. Sewall, which occurred on 23 December 1895. He was the husband of May Wright Sewall (1844–1920), an officer in the National Woman Suffrage Association and the National Council of Women. (EBW, Diary, 28 Dec. 1895; “Theodore Lovett Sewall,” Find a Grave, accessed 18 Sept. 2019, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/46013223/theodore-lovett-sewall; Encyclopedia Britannica Online, s.v. “May Eliza Wright Sewall,” https://www.britannica.com/biography/May-Eliza-Wright-Sewall.)

  12. [12]Likely Edwin A. Parsons and Francis J. Parsons. (1900 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Utah, 56B–57A.)

  13. [13]text: The l in “enlarged” is crossed as though it were a t.

  14. [14]Nicolas Stott (1810–1896), married to Thomas Shaw, was the mother of Anna Howard Shaw, minister, lecturer, physician, and suffragist. (Encyclopedia Britannica Online, s.v. “Anna Howard Shaw,” last modified 28 Jun. 2019, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Anna-Howard-Shaw; “Anna Howard Shaw,” History’s Women; “Nicolas Stott Shaw,” Find a Grave, accessed 18 Sept. 2019, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/62801878/nicolas-shaw.)

  15. [15]Susanna Sarah Keep.

  16. [16]Stephen T. Allen.

  17. [17]Marie E. Gorlinski Hughes was the wife of Michael A. Hughes, an oculist and aurist. (Utah Gazetteer, 1892–93, 390.)

  18. [18]Charles Crittenton, businessman and philanthropist, founded a rescue home for unwed mothers in New York City in 1883, named in honor of his daughter, Florence, who died from scarlet fever in 1882. With a partner, Dr. Kate Waller Barrett, he founded the National Florence Crittenton Mission in 1895; it was chartered by Congress in 1898. Scores of Crittenton homes eventually spread across the country. (“Our History,” National Crittenton; Carol L. Urness, “Barrett, Kate Harwood Waller,” in James et al., Notable American Women, 1:98.)

  19. [19]Members of the Relief Society general board had failed to consult with President George Q. Cannon about the churchwide scope of a celebration to be held the next day in honor of Relief Society general president Zina D. H. Young. He called in EBW to say that church leaders wanted to “check [the] tendency to make birthday parties and to get up addresses extolling the virtues of some of our sisters and praising them beyond everything that was reasonable. . . . She admitted that she was to blame for this. It had been done at the suggestion of Sister Zina Card that her mother would be greatly pleased to have the poor fed on that day and a feast made for them.” Despite the rebuke, the banquet was held the next day, and President Cannon and three of his wives attended. He spoke to the gathering “in a tone of caution to the sisters, and felt greatly impressed by the Spirit to say what I did say.” (Cannon, Journal, 30 and 31 Jan. 1896.)

    For the participants, this gathering celebrated their purposes as women of Relief Society. “Mrs. [Zina D. H.] Young, Mrs. [Sarah M.] Kimball and Mrs. [Bathsheba W.] Smith were at Nauvoo, where they originated the first society under the guidance of the prophet, Joseph Smith. . . . At the request of the ladies, banquets were held in various places in honor of the birthday, the poor of the wards being the beneficiaries.” (“Honored Mrs. Z. D. H. Young,” Salt Lake Tribune, 1 Feb. 1896, 3.)

    Women often gathered to remember each other’s anniversaries and sometimes did temple work together for ancestors of the honoree. (EBW, Diary, 31 Jan. 1894.) EBW’s diary entries frequently noted the birthdays of friends and church leaders, including Eliza R. Snow and Bathsheba B. Smith, who also were general presidents of the Relief Society. (EBW, Diary, 21 Jan. 1882; 21 Jan. 1883; 21 Jan. 1887; 3 May 1902; 3 May 1904). In 1905, EBW reminisced, “For many years we sisters were in the habit of celebrating Sister Zina’s birthday and along with it Sister [Jane Snyder] Richards’ it seems strange not to do so now.” (EBW, Diary, 31 Jan. 1905).