August 1889

2 August 1889 • Friday

Still going on with mailing alone– Emeline not able to come– preparing copy too, all the time– husband here again today and I spent the time with him much of it at least, but it is good to have his society– [p. 107] {p. 134}

3 August 1889 • Saturday

<news of the fire around Murray [Idaho]1 reached me on the street today> Considerable excitement over the election, expected on Monday– nearly died with fatigue today Meeting in the 14th ward some spirited speeches. no fears by the peoples party anticipated– there has been a great many meetings of Liberals to inspire their party to vote–2 our folks have had some too. no news yet

4 August 1889 • Sunday

Came up to Ogden last evening and stayed with Annie Mamie went home on the train after I came up. Br. Cannon has gone to Logan also Pres. Woodruff and it is their Conference [p. 108] {p. 135}

5 August 1889 • Monday

<telegram received tonight in Ogden– saying danger past.> Early the voting began and the Peoples Party seemed exultant though quiet but later on in the day things changed and the Liberals became wildly exuberant– Later on bonfires were laid in Main St. and stands were erected and bands were out and the mob were preparing to make a Hurrah– At night no one could stand the noise and furore.

6 August 1889 • Tuesday

Today has been a day of trial on account of the feeling of the Liberals to get possession of the City in February– they feel confident. We however are just as sure as we can be that we shall carry the election. if the people do their duty as well as they know it. [p. 109] {p. 136}

7 August 1889 • Wednesday

Preparations in progress for Dr. Pratts birthday she will be 50 years old tomorrow. I have not written anything on account of my anxiety about my children I gave towards the present and refreshments Lillie Freeze came to see me and talked all over how the party should be conducted

8 August 1889 • Thursday

Hurried all day and my husband came early and stayed all day had lunch and sat reading the papers until the buggy came for him. I walked myself– there were few there when I came, but some came in afterwards and finally the good Dr. herself. [p. 110] {p. 137} <called to see Mary Ann [Needham] Sears her little Frank [C. Sears] is dead>

9 August 1889 • Friday

This is Louisa [Free Wells]’s birthday she would be 65 years old I think. Emeline and Lyde took flowers up to her grave. The party was a success in every way as we expected and speeches made & poems written etc and impromptu speeches. A great many flowers were given to her & a Silk dress and by a few of us an album for photo’s

10 August 1889 • Saturday

Have had a letter from Mell and directions for traveling from Will via Umatilla [Oregon]. I expect to get a pass part of the way. Went up to Annie’s staid all day & Sunday and came home Monday morning felt so low spirited Annie had such bad news [p. 111] {p. 138} from Mell– feel so troubled.

11 August 1889 • Sunday

Charlie [Justus C.] Earl’s birthday thirty four not yet married. Staid at Annie’s all day Went a ride towards evening and spent the night then helped Annie a little– held the baby3 some such a sweet baby not nicer than Geo. Q.

12 August 1889 • Monday

Came down on early train John Q. too– Meeting of the Bullion & Beck Mining Co. My husband very much annoyed– complained to me of some of the apostles. he felt very indignant– how strange once those men would have crawled to him– no accounting for the [p. 112] {p. 139} changes that come when there is another administration.4

13 August 1889 • Tuesday

Ort has been in to see me and talked about Robert Elsmere– he is infatuated with the book, would like time to write such an one himself. I think he could as good or better perhaps he will sometime tho’ I always thought I should and never have yet.

14 August 1889 • Wednesday

Girls still away paper not out. Came down and brought Sweetie today on the D. & R. G. had a nice time with her she slept with me. Annie C. went home and Minnie is here and I am so glad not to be alone– Louise is good company [p. 113] {p. 140}

15 August 1889 • Thursday

Today have been so worried getting this and that ready, Hospital work proofs to read– such dreadful ones too– Louise is here and we are having a nice visit together– work, work, tho’– Trying to get ready to go away but no farther along than ever– very discouraging–

16 August 1889 • Friday

Paper coming out this morning and such a disagreeable thing happened– Husband came in and brought a gentleman to lunch <Angus M. Cannon> and it took up my time & attention so the paper is simply awful– then he stayed all night too so he had dinner, supper, lunch & all. Electric cars today [p. 114] {p. 141}

17 August 1889 • Saturday

Had a pleasant time last evening <husband stayed here> and felt quite comforted and rested too– breakfast in the dining room news of severe storm at Nephi terrible thunderbolt– burnt the telegraph wires off. they needed rain however it came like a deluge– boy paralyzed seems like rain here

18 August 1889 • Sunday

Went to the Railroad office yesterday and to the graveyard & took loose flowers first to Mellie’s children’s graves and then to our girls– O how sad– then to Belle’s children and spent some time riding in Liberty Park went to Miss [Georgina] Mather’s. my pongee dress not touched went to depot– [p. 115] {p. 142}

19 August 1889 • Monday

<Mells birthday yesterday 39– sent telegram> All day yesterday with Annie until then went home rained fearfully in Salt Lake & Ogden. I sat up until fixing my story of Hephzibah went to bed a few hours until nearly ten, then went to Post Office Railroad and Stores– Then to Ogden Afternoon train and Annie and I went out & bought a wrap and hat– very suitable for traveling–

20 August 1889 • Tuesday

sat up late with Annie & left early this morning on Utah Northern dined at Pocatello [Idaho] sent telegram to Will from there– [p. 116] {p. 143}

21 August 1889 • Wednesday

Along the route was agreeable nothing serious or specially interesting had supper late after dark a lady came up to walk over with me to the Hotel Spring Hill in Montana. Had a nice evening with Mrs. Hackett and then went to Butte [Montana] by night train returning in the morning took train for Garrson [Garrison, Montana] arrived there at 10 staid until 6.15

22 August 1889 • Thursday

Took Northern Pacific road last night had a nice supper slept well this morning met some ladies who were very cordial went on to Spokane Falls [Washington] saw the burnt city of Cains Met Mr. [Warren] Hussey5 & he took me to his house, rode out with them to see the place & falls Met Bishop Talbot Rev. Crawford & Lane spent a pleasant evening [p. 117] {p. 144}

23 August 1889 • Friday

Mr. Hussey brought me to the train in his buggy, Rev. Mr. Lane was going over and I was in his charge boat ride very charming, yet the scenery much spoiled by the recent forest fires. Had a fine dinner on the boat– Mr. Lane was very attentive. From the boat to the train again and came to Osborne6 where I took the stage alone.

24 August 1889 • Saturday

Arrived here last night after dark. The stage ride was over the mountain road a perilous one it seemed to me to be. At Beaver half way Mell and Daisie met me– had a nice hot supper and came home in a two seated buggy from there, the forest fires were still burning. And one new one had broken out in Green Gulch– The meeting was exceedingly pleasant & we sat up late talking [p. 118] {p. 145}

25 August 1889 • Sunday

Yesterday I went down town with Mell my trunk was left behind but arrived last night. Daisie went to Sunday School she has charge of it and takes much interest in it. Mell has invited Chief Justice Wier [Hugh W. Weir] to dinner also Barry and Verona– we had a fine dinner and when we were seated at the table, Will asked me to pronounce the blessing. In the evening Major Hopkins and Mr. Hawkins called.

26 August 1889 • Monday

Monday afternoon Mell Daisie Ellen [Hitchings] & Miss Jeeson [Francis Geeson] went with me on the Mountain or up the Golden Gulch for a ramble or walk we gathered flowers and evergreens, visited a miner’s cabin of which we saw quite a number all now forsaken. We came back by Cougar Gulch felt very weary but more than repaid by the exertion [p. 119] {p. 146}

27 August 1889 • Tuesday

<Louie’s birthday such a sad one> Daisie sung for me almost every evening since I came Sunday night we had an exceedingly pleasant time, and last evening before going to bed the rain was pouring down. Every one is rejoicing in having rain on account of the fires. It has rained all the day until towards evening. I have been at Verona’s today had lunch there. Judge dines there every day.

28 August 1889 • Wednesday

Today the sun shines more than it has for many weeks the smoke from forest fires has been something dreadful, how they have endured it I cannot tell, it cheers all around at Spokane I gave Mr. Hussey my editorial7 and a letter to Annie to mail and here I have mailed one to Annie and a poem for the paper–8 [p. 120] {p. 147}

29 August 1889 • Thursday

Had a call from Mrs. Garrison and Mrs. <Dr.> Ingalls yesterday after Mell and I had climbed the mountain north of here– where there are several graves. 13 we counted. Today Mell & the girls accompanied by Mr. Hawkins & Mrs. Garrison have gone off on horseback for a gallop– Verona is having the C. J.9 Wier & Mr. Dorrity and Mr. Reed to dinner and I wrote a letter to Emeline.

30 August 1889 • Friday

The girls returned safe, during their absence Mrs. Johnson & her sister Miss Geeson called. Have had a letter from Emeline and four newspapers or perhaps six. The picnic for tomorrow has all been arranged and preparations made, had some music in the evening. Barry is very sick and Verona not at all well no letters tonight [p. 121] {p. 148}

31 August 1889 • Saturday

We started off about & Verona not able to go– when we had reached the foot of the hill just a few rods from the house off came one of the wheels, on my side, the horses stopped and we all alighted without even a fright. We walked on to Will’s office where we waited, for another conveyance. Our picnic was a pleasant one, and we had a nice dinner of fish fresh from the North Fork of the Coeur d’ Alene10

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August 1889, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Murray was Mell and William W. Woods’s community in northern Idaho.

  2. [2]The People’s Party in Utah Territory represented the political views of the Latter-day Saints, while the Liberal Party was led by non-Latter-day Saints. For EBW’s description of this election, see “Neither Defeat or Victory,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Aug. 1889, 18:44. For an explanation of the intense activity surrounding this election, see Lyman, Finally Statehood, 221–223, 263.

  3. [3]Daniel H. Cannon.

  4. [4]After the death of President John Taylor, disagreement over the handling of stock transactions in the Bullion, Beck, and Champion Mining Company involved members of the Quorum of the Twelve as well as outside stakeholders. (Addams, “Bullion, Beck, and Champion Mining Company,” 196–208.) Daniel H. Wells, who had been familiar with many business dealings as a counselor to Brigham Young until 1877, may have wished that others would listen to his advice in this matter. Complications in negotiations over the mine company shares were partially explained by George Q. Cannon in his journal, when he wrote in a conciliatory way, “I am led to think, with my sons, that the better course for me to take is not to assert this claim, but rather suffer wrong than do wrong. This is my feeling at the present time, though I have felt exceedingly strenuous in regard to the stock that I dedicated to the Lord and feel averse to it going into other people’s hands and for purposes for which it was not designed when I dedicated it.” (George Q. Cannon, Journal, 5 Aug. 1889; see also 3, 7, and 8 Aug. 1889.)

  5. [5]Warren Hussey was a banker serving the mining industry in Utah, Idaho, and Montana. (“Hussey, Warren 1836–1920,” Hussey, Dahler & Co. Records.) His First National Bank of Utah went into receivership during the Panic of 1873. (Bliss, Merchants and Miners in Utah, 210.) When the National Bank building burned in 1875, EBW wrote, “Hussey’s bank burned.” (“Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Dec. 1875, 4:101.)

  6. [6]Places mentioned from 24 August through 12 September (with the exception of Spokane Falls, Washington) are located in Idaho.

  7. [7]EBW wrote, “Mr. Hussey, so well-known years ago in Salt Lake City, has a bank here, and the writer is at present in his house situated far enough from the centre of town to escape the fire.” (“The Burnt City,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Sept. 1889, 18:52.)

  8. [8]Perhaps “Recollections of the Past,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Sept. 1889, 18:51.

  9. [9]Chief Justice.

  10. [10]In her editorial on the excursion, EBW emphasized the picturesque, noting the decline of the mining communities Osborne and Eagle from their populations of six thousand in 1884, as well as the burned hills. (EBW [Aunt Em, pseud.], “Picnic in the Woods,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Sept. 1889, 18:59.)