June 1889

1 June 1889 • Saturday

Fixed all I could this morning and attended to people calling. This afternoon had a call from Mr. Brown of Chicago (Junius [Wells]) of the Des. News. Sister [Augusta Joyce] Crocheron [Lucy Rice] Clark & [Wilmirth Greer] East and others. Went off on the train to Ogden at 1/2 past seven– and found them all well– Annie had been to the depot during the afternoon to fetch me, we had a very pleasant evening [p. 76] {p. 103}

2 June 1889 • Sunday

This is Hattie Fuller [Harriet Fuller Laney]’s birthday she must be 37 today and such a family of little ones. Annie & the children and myself went riding after dinner and then I went to see Sister Jane S. Richards who has been quite ill– spent the entire evening there, then C. [Charles] C. Richards went home with me and we had ice cream and refreshments–

3 June 1889 • Monday

Came to depot– who should be on the train but Carlie Young [Caroline Young Cannon] and family. John Q. came down with me, left him at the depot. Almost as soon as I came home Mrs. Emily S. Richards came to invite me to go to the Lake with a paarty in honor of Judge Sanford [Elliott Sandford] & wife there were about fifty people on the train in our party– had dinner out there at the restaurant– [p. 77] {p. 104}

4 June 1889 • Tuesday

Had two letters from my husband this morning full of tenderwords and appreciation I had written him so that he received it on Saturday night Went to Mill Creek to Primary two meetings– had lunch in the schoolhouse Dr. Pratt & I Ellen Clawson & Camilla [Cobb] went to see Aunt Zina & Bathsheba tonight. Wrote to Mary Ann [Price] Hyde & Annie Christianson

5 June 1889 • Wednesday

This is Daisie’s birthday my eldest grand-daughter. I sent her a gold thimble– registered– I am in hopes it will please her. How I wish she was near me and others of my own to soothe and comfort me and for companionship too O how I mourn my loved ones. John Q. came down today– have been very busy trying to get mailing done [p. 78] {p. 105}

6 June 1889 • Thursday

This is Fast Day but really I had not thought of it in time to go to meeting wrote a note to Br. [George Q.] Cannon– asking for an interview– felt very much worked up about the magazine so much being said about allowing it to appear. I have no fear of competition except with the backing of the Y.L.M.I.A.1

7 June 1889 • Friday

This morning I rather expected Br. Cannon to send for me but no message came until evening when the Watchman came to inform me that Br. Cannon was coming in to see me. He came and we had a private interview in the parlor and I said to him all I could concerning my circumstances. &c [p. 79] {p. 106}

8 June 1889 • Saturday

Today I intended to go to the 14th Ward meeting but could not on account of my work– however I managed to call upon Sister Sarah M. Kimball and to look over her manuscript prepared for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the town of Phelps in New York State where she was born– and at which time she will represent her family.

9 June 1889 • Sunday

This is Hannah Wells 60th birthday. Her children gave her a set of china. It is a lovely day I went up to see June– had a cup of tea and lunch there– went to Ogden on the 3.40 train– Annie & the folks met me at the depot & I dined with them. We had a lovely ride and pleasant evening together. [p. 80] {p. 107}

10 June 1889 • Monday

<Strawberry Festival 14th Ward> This morning left for Brigham City to attend Conference met with a young girl a stranger going on to Portland her name was Carrie Wilson. Also met Hadley D. Johnson a prominent Democrat & newspaper man. Arrived at my destination at depot and found Sister Lillie Freeze on the same train going up to attend Conference

11 June 1889 • Tuesday

<Big Concert in the Tabernacle> The Primary had been postponed so we went to see the sick and Pres. of Stake2 Helen Neel[e]y to whom the Bishop O. F. Whitney and myself both administered Today the R.S.3 Conference Ort spoke in the morning and I followed. In the afternoon I occupied nearly all the time and in the evening Sister H. A. [Harriet Squire] Snow and I both [p. 81] {p. 108} went to see Amy Madsen– had a lovely evening.

12 June 1889 • Wednesday

This morning Sister [Elmina Shepard] Taylor came from Salt Lake. it is the young folks conference and Ort and I both went again and both spoke. Sister Freeze spoke in tongues and I interpreted– so she did yesterday and I also interpreted.4 Ort came home and I stayed over in Ogden until train time

13 June 1889 • Thursday

I was sick and could not go to Ogden to the Conference as I had intended. It was a very great disappointment to me especially on account of my paper. I had so many sisters in to see me. Aunt Zina and Sister Howard went off today on the Southern train– I was to go tomorrow but I know I cannot do it. I have told Aunt Zina it must be Saturday [p. 82] {p. 109}

14 June 1889 • Friday

Last night I spoke to J. Q. [John Q. Cannon] thro the Telephone and he said Annie was coming down today. She came and I went out with her they both had lunch here and I went with her to the depot. Little Daniel was with her, he grows such a fine baby. I went afterwards to the graveyard took flowers for all our loved ones children & grand children– went to the strawberry festival in the 20th Ward– Y.L.A.5

15 June 1889 • Saturday

This morning more work could not go to Sanpete sent a telegram to Aunt Zina at Moroni– worked unceasingly all day long Bishop [George] Romney was hurt today. fell from a building. Terrible wind storm this afternoon. Went to Ogden on the 1/2 past seven train felt very ill and somewhat alarmed about my symptoms [p. 83] {p. 110}

16 June 1889 • Sunday

Slept late this morning and tried to rest felt very weak and faint after I rose– We had a pleasant day and a nice dinner and then the carriage to go for a ride & to the train– Bishop [William B.] Preston C. [Charles] R. Savage & Geo. Goddard too were on the train– had been up to see about the Old Folks Excursion. Have been to my old home only outside & in the garden tonight.

17 June 1889 • Monday

Rose very late and felt very disagreeable, had many annoyances through the day– no news from the absent children. Wrote a letter to Belle this evening and tried to get some of my work done. The weather is very hot and all helps to make one feel miserable So many people calling and one trying to work & all the time soaring away [p. 84] {p. 111}

18 June 1889 • Tuesday

This morning Annie came down and brought baby we went to the Studio to see the Pastelle painting of Louie (Will Clawson is doing Annie made several suggestions, she had to hurry away to catch the train. I bought a silver cup for Brent [E. Brenton Sears] and wrote a letter to Mell & to my husband bought a silk dress for Louise by Annie’s request.

19 June 1889 • Wednesday

Today all has been hurry & bustle trying to get the mailing done, so many hindrances– heavy mail this morning but nothing from my loved ones. all so silent it is painful. Weather very hot– wrote a note to Jos. F. Smith last evening asking for an interview– Lucy B. Young went to Provo today. Dr. Pratt has been in talking. | . . | three men have been lost in a boat on Salt Lake [p. 85] {p. 112}

20 June 1889 • Thursday

The weather is very hot and unpleasant and it seems utterly impossible to do all I ought. My mind is full of material for po[e]ms but not the least opportunity for writing them out. There really does seem so much work to be done in this workaday world. If there was only some more rapid method of getting one’s thoughts on paper.

21 June 1889 • Friday

This is the birthday of my sister Pallas [Woodward Clark] she is 70 years old today. I suppose they will have a grand celebration for her at the old home in Orange [Massachusetts]. Things are changed with us, very much indeed– our family is scattered all over the United States. I went to Nephi to attend Conference started this morning. Spoke in the afternoon meeting. [p. 86] {p. 113}

22 June 1889 • Saturday

Sat evening we dined at Sister [Rebecca May] Udall’s and had such a pleasant time a small party of us. Sisters Pitchforth [Amy Chase] Bigler & [Elizabeth Parkes] Bryan– slept at Sister [Matilda Picton] Teasdale’s– and spent such a pleasant evening with her. In the morning we had a nice visit and went to P.A.6 Conference and addressed the children then on to Sanpete– Sister Jesson [Diantha Broderson Jessen] met me at Chester & I met my husband soon after.

23 June 1889 • Sunday

We have been visiting all night this morning went over to Pres’t. [John B.] Maiben’s to see him then to Sister [Rebecca Atwood] Wareham’s– to meeting in the afternoon; had a fine time in the evening and next morning went up to the Temple. Visited in my husband’s room some what went to the meeting to organize the W.S.A.7 for Sanpete Co. had a nice time that evening too– [p. 87] {p. 114}

24 June 1889 • Monday

This morning went up to the Temple– saw some baptisms performed and went round through the rooms felt a heavenly influence. paid 3.00 into the Temple8 attended the morning meeting and was blest by Anthon H. Lund and A. [Anthony] W. Bessey. Aunt Zina was also blest. We dined in the Temple In the afternoon completed the Suffrage organization.

25 June 1889 • Tuesday

Left here <Manti> early this morning. Sister Jesson took me over to Chester in the buggy. A rather pleasant ride. Felt very sorry to bid my husband Good Bye. Reached Nephi about Aunt Zina with me. We went to the Suffrage Meeting and both spoke, reached home at night. perfectly exhausted [p. 88] {p. 115}

26 June 1889 • Wednesday

Today I feel I must go up to see Annie on the Afternoon train, hurried and went off and stayed with her the next day we had a ride over the hills and fields. John Q. came to the City, and went up on the train with me. The children were delighted I had been so long away. Had a nice evening with Annie enjoyed it very much.

27 June 1889 • Thursday

This is the sad day of the death of Jos. & Hyrum [Smith] Bishop James Watson died today. I came home at evening and heard of it. His family are broken-hearted. Sister [Matilda Moorhouse] Barratt & her cousin9 are sadly cut up. It is a dreadful blow to the Ward as well. He was a most excellent man and Bishop too. [p. 89] {p. 116}

28 June 1889 • Friday

I have the picture of Louie painted by Will Clawson but do not like it very much something not quite right about it. Am anxious for Annie to see it and know what she things about it. It is done in Pastelle and for a mate to Emmie’s. It is not as good I am sure I am much disappointed in it. It is not good enough in expression.

29 June 1889 • Saturday

Such a busy day with copy. trying so hard to get work done, and to prepare a lecture for the Suffrage Association in Ogden according to my promise.10 Feel my mind so full but not able to systematize a few ideas in the form I would like to present them. Weather excessively warm. Minnie went home tonight [p. 90] {p. 117}

30 June 1889 • Sunday

I lay in bed late, then after a light breakfast set to work writing and reading out loud so as to know what time such a speech as I wished to make would take. Such a dreadfully hot day. O, dear I have been looking over some of the girl’s things my sweet girls and it has nearly killed me. O, the tears–

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June 1889, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1880s/1889/1889-06


  1. [1]In a letter written from Laie, Hawaii, on 24 August 1888, Susa Young Gates proposed a magazine for the Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association. The idea was approved by President Wilford Woodruff on 2 October 1888. The Young Ladies’ presidency, Elmina S. Taylor, Maria Y. Dougall, and Martha H. Tingey, agreed to begin the Young Woman’s Journal on Gates’s return to Utah, which occurred in May 1889. President George Q. Cannon set apart Susa Young Gates as the journal’s editor that summer, and the first monthly issue appeared in October, priced at two dollars a year. Abraham H. Cannon, manager of the Juvenile Instructor, gave business advice and printed the journal, expecting reimbursement from the receipts. Lucy Bigelow Young, Susa’s mother, traveled through the territory securing subscriptions during its first year. (Gates, History of the Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association, 101–107.) Abram H. Cannon noted in a diary entry on 24 January 1890, “I agreed with Susa Young Gates this morning to become a half owner in her magazine, The Young Women’s Journal on the following terms: She is to have full charge of the Editorial department and I am to control the entire business. All expenses are to be first paid from the proceeds of the business, and then the remainder, if any there be, is to be equally divided. Should there be a loss we share alike in that. I stipulated, however, that I am not to be known in connection with the business.” (Horne, Journals of Abraham H. Cannon, 128.)

  2. [2]Rudger J. Clawson.

  3. [3]Relief Society.

  4. [4]The speeches and interpretations of tongues at the conference in Brigham City are described in Ray Evans, “R. S., Y.L.M.I.A., and P.A. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 July 1889, 18:31–32.

  5. [5]Young Ladies’ Association.

  6. [6]Primary Association.

  7. [7]Woman Suffrage Association.

  8. [8]For information on the practice of patrons making a donation to the temple when they entered for family ordinances, see EBW, Diary, 27 Oct. 1893, footnote.

  9. [9]Annie Davis Watson.

  10. [10]“Address to W.S.A. at Ogden,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 July 1889, 18:30–31.