March 1895

4 March 1895 • Monday

This morning sent my trunk to cousin Sam. K. Hall’s and went into Executive Session in the red parlor of Ebbitt House– at noon or about one p.m. not having half finished business, Mr. Burch manager of Hotel invited all the ladies to lunch– While in the dining room Mrs. [Hannah S.] Bailey the new treas. asked to speak to me privately and we withdrew to confer. Seraph Young [Ford] was there with me. Went back to Ex. Session and it lasted until 6. then went to Mrs. E. P. [Ellen Powell] Thompson’s 1729 12th. St.1 Mrs. Thompson would have me lie down and sent up to my room a delicate lunch tea and luxuries. I slept a few minutes then went to Ebbit House to have an intrview with Miss Anthony {p. 92}

5 March 1895 • Tuesday

Slept at Mrs. Thompson’s and stayed all forenoon talking over our question with her & one or two people who called had lunch Mr. Thompson came home and after awhile went over and saw the Hall’s took a valise with me went to the hotel & from there to the train for Philadelphia Mrs. [Louise Barnum] Robbins the new Cor. Sec’y of the N.C.W.2 Rev. Anna Shaw and Lucy Anthony3 Mrs. Avery & myself– we dined together in the R.R. Restaurant at Philadelphia then went on to Somerton [Philadelphia, Pennsylvania] and the pony carriage met us at the Station We reached Milrae about ten at night– {p. 93}

6 March 1895 • Wednesday

The room in which I slept at Milrae was the Anthony Room all yellow nearly in its furnishings yellow marguerites on many of the decorations. I never saw a house more perfect in its appointments. she has 32 closets everything modern– and so homelike in all its details. We breakfasted off the daintiest china. Miriam the eldest came into my bedroom and talked with me before she went to Philadelphia to school– the other two little ones [Rose and Julia] have a governess, and a fine nursery and schoolroom Mrs. Avery’s office is also very pleasant, and has every Convenience and while she did much planning for the Council others did the mechanical work which lessened her labors {p. 94}

7 March 1895 • Thursday

Stayed until late yesterday came home to Mr. Hall’s in the middle of the night, they let me in of course and slept in the same room I had before I went to the Ebbitt House– in the morning I went to see after the money from home called at Miss Snow’s on Miss Anthony & Mr. [Caleb Wheeler] Spofford went with me to the Bank to draw the money then to Mrs. Thompsons and Mrs. Lockwoods and all around and got everything fixed to go I tried to be ready in every respect and to see all the dear places and people who had been so kind but really could not do so– {p. 95}

8 March 1895 • Friday

wea. fine

<Washington D.C.> Sent off letter to Don Spencer U.P. Agent Salt Lake City, about pass– packed my trunk went out and bought ticket & berth, took a walk on Penn. Ave. with Mrs. Hall Blanche came to say Good bye– bade Mr. & Mrs. Hall adieu and left Washington 2.25. on Chesapeake & Ohio R.R. Pullman Milan passed thru Alexandria, & many other familiar towns by name, <1> Gordonsville <3> Covington <2> Charlottesville Was on the train all right arrived at Indianapolis at the residence of Mrs. Sewall about eleven A.M. A very handsome house wide stone steps up the front entrance Mrs. Sewall greeted me most cordially and welcomed me like a queen as She verily is queen of hearts– {p. 96}

14 March 1895 • Thursday

Came home this morning in a big snow storm & got in at 3.10– but staid in Pullman until 7 o’clock took a cab and went to the office left my traveling bags there and went down to Annie’s on the car, found them at breakfast, saw the new baby– Annie’s little ones had all had measles while I was away, but were now out again baby is a beautiful boy from there went down to Belle’s and learned she had been sick for weeks Mr. Sears had not come home from St. Louis– all were pretty well except Belle Mrs. E. S. Richards & Nellie Little came down for me and were in quite a way about the Convention but I do not feel at all distressed– {p. 102}

15 March 1895 • Friday

Met many old friends yesterday issued a call for Convention of Board to be held Saturday sent out Postal cards as well worked very energetically in making preparations– saw most of those I was anxious to meet on returning, sent off some notes to those most interested in me, Dot acting as Secretary learned of many deaths that had occurred in my absence went to Sister Beatie’s but only saw Maria [Young] Dougall Aunt Zina was not there and Phebe was out Emily [Wells] Grant’s little Daniel had died while I was away– and she is almost broken hearted I slept in my own house and felt quite at home– {p. 103}

16 March 1895 • Saturday

Preliminary meeting not half the members present but enough to transact business, we decided on holding a Convention4 and appointed some committees– {p. 104}

25 March 1895 • Monday

We met in Convention at ten o’clock and after some preliminaries totally uncalled for, some one nominated me to preside, Mrs. E. S. Richards, Mrs. C. [Charles] W. Bennett [Isabella Fisher Bennett] Vice Presidents & Zina D. H. Young Chaplain– Nellie M. Little Sec– Augusta W. [Winters] Grant Ass’t Sec. Call & Prayer then Com. on Memorial of 15 ladies– then speeches & so on– Memorial prepared & read & adopted then we went into the Convention and F. [Franklin] S. Richards introduced it– I was very weary & we were hindered over many things– we were to speak before Committee on Elections & suffrage the following morning and I made up my mind concerning it– {p. 113}

26 March 1895 • Tuesday

Went before the Committee at 10. A.M. [John F.] Chidester in the chair– Mrs. S. M. Kimball introduced the speakers– Mrs. Emily S. Richards had a type written article Mrs. Carlton [Georgianna Snow Carleton] verbal– Dr. [Martha Hughes] Cannon written one Mrs. [Joanna ] Melton verbal– Dr. Pratt written Mrs. [Lillie Moore] Pardee read some & talked some, my own was last and was entirely a talk– I have no very concise sayings ready at a moment’s notice and yet I speak rapidly. Aunt Zina said a few words Mrs. [Jane Snyder] Richards of Ogden excused herself– on the ground of having such good sons & husband etc. It was very tiresome to push matters so fast and try to do so much in a short time.5 {p. 114}

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March 1895, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Ellen Powell Thompson was president of the Woman Suffrage Association of Washington, DC. (“District Representative,” Washington [DC] Evening Star, 16 Feb. 1898, 7.)

  2. [2]National Council of Women.

  3. [3]Lucy Elmina Anthony was a niece of Susan B. Anthony and secretary/companion to Anna Howard Shaw. (“Lucy E. Anthony Is Dead at 83,” Philadelphia Inquirer, 6 July 1944, 9.)

  4. [4]The convention of the Utah Woman Suffrage Association was held in the City and County Building in Salt Lake City on 18 March 1895. A memorial was drafted and read to the men in the constitutional convention in the afternoon. (“Convention and Woman Suffrage,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Apr. 1895, 23:241.)

  5. [5]“At ten o’clock the morning of the 19th, a hearing was given to the ladies’ who had been invited to speak before the Committee who had the memorial in charge. Hon. J. F. Chidester Chairman of the Committee, Mrs. Sarah M. Kimball introduced the speakers with a few preliminary remarks. Mrs. F. S. Richards read a carefully prepared and logical paper, Mrs. Carlton now of Wyoming formerly of Utah told in a very interesting manner of the practical work of the franchise in that state, Dr. M. Hughes Cannon read an able paper, every word of which was telling, the subject being whether women would be more susceptible to priestcraft than men. Mrs. Joanna Melton spoke very forcibly illustrating her remarks in a very original way. Mrs. A. S. Pardee followed with some bright thoughts in expressive language and read a few paragraphs from the Arena for February clinching her arguments in good style. Dr. R. B. Pratt read a paper giving her view and embellishing beautifully the facts she presented. Mrs. E. B. Wells was last on the list and spoke to the question without notes, or references. A few minutes being left Mrs. Zina D. H. Young was invited and made a few remarks upon woman’s place in the world, and Mrs. Jane S. Richards of Ogden being urged to speak came forward with a few pertinent words, this closed the hearing before the Committee.” (“Convention and Woman Suffrage,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Apr. 1895, 23:242.)