June 1902

1 June 1902 • Sunday

<Emily Sears Roberts birthday> We are on the train for Montpelier [Idaho] and had breakfast in the dining car Belmont‒ reached the town about nine and found a carriage in waiting drove to Br. John [G.] Bagley’s residence and after resting and warming ourselves for it was bitterly cold started for Paris [Idaho], Sister Mary [Margaret Mary Allen] Bagley and Sister Julia P. [Parks] Lindsay with us. We were overtaken by a snow storm before reaching there and in fact were caught in something of a blizzard‒ reached Br. [Walter] Hoge’s very weary had dinner and Sister Cannon went on to Br. [John U.] Stucki’s. In the evening Prest. [William] Budge came in and Sister Cannon & Br. Stucki and talked over the arrangements for the Conference the following day. Slept with Sister Lindsay this is my first visit to Bear Lake Stake which I had so often talked of making. [p. 184] {p. 109}

2 June 1902 • Monday

This morning we held our meeting in the First ward meeting house as the Tabernacle would have been too large and cold, the weather having been unpropitious on account of yesterday’s storm A good attendance however and both Sister Cannon & myself did a little talking. Several of the sisters dined with us at Sister [Amelia Smith] Hoge’s and we had a full afternoon meeting. I spoke about an hour giving them some particulars of the National and International Councils and of the new subjects to be introduced into the Relief Society. Presidents Budge and [James H.] Hart were both present and each spoke a few words. After supper at Br. Stucki’s we drove over to Bloomington [Idaho] and I went to Br. Hart’s and Sister Cannon to Sister [Elizabeth Cannon] Piggotts. Sister Lindsay stayed with me‒ [p. 185] {p. 110}

3 June 1902 • Tuesday

This morning awoke with Br. Hart singing hymns. Had early breakfast and Br. H. showed me some very old books that were published in 1780. that treat exhaustively of plural marriage‒ meeting at eleven A.M. A number of sisters came also the Bishop and we had an interesting meeting. Sister Hart1 is a fine hostess and we enjoyed the visit very much. Sisters Cannon & Piggott dined there and we had a pleasant visit. After dinner Br. Hart took us over to Paris and we went thro’ the new Fielding Academy a very handsome building and standing on a high eminence overlooking the valley and the famous Bear Lake in the distance. drove to Montpelier and held an evening meeting. slept at Br. Bagley’s and had quite a pleasant time. [p. 186] {p. 111}

4 June 1902 • Wednesday

This morning drove about the City and made one or two calls. Had lunch and drove to station bade our friends good bye and took train for home. We had a hot day but a long talk over many things reached home about nine went over to see Belle found all well and came home to sleep. Of course I felt anxious about my mail but too tired to even read much as I would wish to. I am glad the journey is over, it was pleasant in some ways but tiresome in others and one questions whether much good has been accomplished when things are rushed through. The yellow rosebushes are simply loaded with bloom and the perfume is very sweet indeed. My house is a great comfort but I need companionship. [p. 187] {p. 112}

5 June 1902 • Thursday

This is Daisie’s birthday was my first thought on rising, went over to Belle’s and had breakfast then on to the office where I found Louise and bundles of letters‒ also callers, Margaret Caine and then Sister Sarah J. Cannon who had been over to the Temple and told me the news‒ later came Sister Stevenson about the Sanpete Conference and so on and soforth‒ did not get time to open all my letters, Margaret came home with me and I went through the rest of my mail. I saw Belle and Lucile a few minutes and read some chapters of the Doubting Heart published in Littell’s Living Age of some years ago. It is a finely written story‒ much better than the usual style of the present day. I was shocked to learn of the death of Francelle [Pomeroy] Robson of Mesa City‒ [p. 188] {p. 113}

6 June 1902 • Friday

I tried hard yesterday to get down to Annie’s however she came up to see me, but today I broke away from the office and succeeded in getting there rather early for me‒ before dinner time. Annie & myself went out around and I called to see the new baby at Martha [Telle Cannon]’s[,] Lewis [T. Cannon]’s baby a little girl now three weeks old. named Martha [H. Cannon], the mother’s2 and grandma’s3 name. I had a nice visit with all. George Q. and Louise went to Saltair to a party of the University and Emmeline came home to sleep with me. She enjoys coming and I take delight in having her with me, as I do either of my own grandchildren, they put me so much in mind of my own dear little ones. [p. 189] {p. 114}

7 June 1902 • Saturday

This morning hurried off to get Emmeline home, and found lots of work waiting for me, I had fully intended going to Conference in the Assembly Hall but could not get there‒ went over at noon to find Sister Smith and Sister Horne and went with them & Sister Cannon to Sister Dougalls and had lunch there; then flew back to the office and to the afternoon meeting. We had President J. R. Winder & Apostle John Henry Smith to speak to us and I also spoke a short time and Sisters S. J. & C. C. Cannon, after meeting I did a lot of writing and was late getting home and so faint I really had to go over to Belle’s for some supper Lucile came over with me for a few minutes‒ I was completely exhausted [p. 190] {p. 115}

8 June 1902 • Sunday

I lay in bed this morning until nearly eleven trying to rest‒ then fixed around the house seeming neglected‒ wrote letters to Daisie and Verona and looked up on some important matters that had been waiting time to attend to. I felt very miserable all day‒ took a sponge bath and changed apparel then went over to see Belle[.] Marian & Lucile Buchholz were both there, sweet little girls, Will Dot and baby had gone to the Cannon Farm. I came home and stayed quite alone reading and resting went to bed early but had very little sleep. the nights are beautiful though the weather is hot for June. If I was not troubled over financial affairs I might have more enjoyment [p. 191] {p. 116}

9 June 1902 • Monday

<Hannah Wells birthday 73. Letter from Mell today.> Monday morning on arriving at the office found with my mail Madame [Lydia von Finkelstein] Mountford’s letter announcing her arrival in Salt Lake at the Kenyon‒ so of course must [c]all as soon as possible. I went down and was with her an hour or two‒ later in the afternoon she came up to see me. Susa came from Provo while Madame was there, and also Miss Alice Reynolds of Provo who is to leave soon for Chicago to pursue her literary course of study at the University in that city– Lulu Gates is to play at the theatre “The Jolly Musqueteers.” I do not feel well enough to go and see so gay a play as that‒ [p. 192] {p. 117}

10 June 1902 • Tuesday

<Sister B. W. Smith paid me a nice visit this forenoon‒> Have been to the President’s office with Susa and saw Reed Smoot and President [Anthon H.] Lund about her going to Copenhagen‒ Reed Smoot sees the advantage of our taking every opportunity offered of making friends with women of prominence in the world; of course it is a question of money in the strict sense and yet to me it seems strange that the brethren should hesitate when such advances are made toward us as a people‒ really the woman’s day is dawning and means must come as well for the work cannot be done without it. The annual meeting of the D.R. was held in my office today and I was elected Historian Belle is first Vice Regent I am very glad to have her do a few things of this kind. [p. 193] {p. 118}

11 June 1902 • Wednesday

<yesterday evening wrote to Sisters Pallas and Ellen [Woodward Fuller]‒> This morning no mail and I had one or two early callers, then went in to Dr. Nell C. [Clawson] Brown and had my head treated‒ then did some copy and went off to a dinner party at Sister Lucy B. Young’s. Madame Mountford was the guest of honor‒ there were beside her and myself Sarah J. Cannon, Dr. Romania B. Pratt‒ Emma Gates Mrs. Noble4 & [R.] Mabel Young Sanborn‒ the dinner was elaborate and Madame’s conversation specially interesting and Mabel sung for us two fine songs‒ Susa went off to a meeting and party at Augusta Grant’s‒ I came home at Nine & wrote a letter to Em. S. Roberts [p. 194] {p. 119}

12 June 1902 • Thursday

Was late in getting to the office Louise & Sister S. J. Cannon were there and Susa & Lucy B. Young came soon after and then George Q. and John Q. and this one and that one etc. Letter from Mrs. Ida H. Harper saying Charlotte Ives Cobb Kirby demanded recognition in the History of Woman Suffrage in Utah,5 Susa answered peremptorily and I felt somewhat relieved[.] Apostle Brigham Young & Bishop O. F. Whitney have both been in and altogether the day has been a busy one. Wrote some of the copy and called on Madame Mountford at the Kenyon and asked her to have tea at Annie’s on Saturday. Sister E. S. Taylor and Maria Y. Dougall came in to tell me of the success at the President’s office and we had some conversation on topics of general interest [p. 195] {p. 120}

13 June 1902 • Friday

To tay has been unusually busy, Susa has been in and out with schemes and I went over to the Temple and talked with Sister Smith then Sister Horne came and Lula Richards and H. A. Badger and we four went & called together on Madame Mountford‒ Br. [L. John] Nuttall was there he had been to see me previously. I came back and hurried off to the ward entertainment for Sanford [W.] Hedges, George Q. & Margaret came afterwards the wind had been blowing furiously and I came home alone‒ very weary [p. 196] {p. 121}

14 June 1902 • Saturday

<Flag day many flying in the different parts of the city> This morning more tired than usual, had a restless night and was late going off went over to Belle’s for breakfast, found Susa and others had been to see me. Went to see Sister B. W. Smith and found her going off to the Kimball reunion at Saltair, urged me to go with her, so did Julina but I could not on account of Madame Mountford’s visit to Annie’s at the Cannon Farm. We went off on the 1/2 past 3. car and had a pleasant time. Susa went home to Provo after having Lunch with me. Sarah Jane & Sarah J. were at Annie’s also Dorothy [Cannon Hyde] came home at 7. I soon came down home too late for Belle’s folks. Margaret and Fred [Frederick A. Caine] went to Logan to day‒ to see the [Frederick and Margaret Thompson] Mitchell’s [p. 197] {p. 122}

15 June 1902 • Sunday

Another fine day, rose late Br. Mc Farlane6 came to fix my front door lock. I went to the Tabernacle to hear Madame Mountford‒ she discourrsed on the 23rd. Psalm. Prest Jos. E. Taylor followed her in a very able address. After meeting there was some music for her on the organ, and then Madame & her Secretary came home with me. She seemed pleased but was undoubtedly hungry. We went over and called at Belle’s‒ Belle took me a ride in their new buggy after Madame had gone up to the Hotel‒ [p. 198] {p. 123}

16 June 1902 • Monday

Today the meeting of the D.R. Mrs. [Julia R.] Farnsworth the new Regent presiding‒ I had some decorations and furnished some refreshments of my own choice ices and cake from Franklin’s ice cream parlors also the service. I was very glad to be able to do it. there were about a dozen of us at the meeting. We adjourned for three months until the 16th. of September. The day was quite a success and indeed the Society has been in every way a blessing to us all I believe. Sister Clarissa Smith is the Chaplain and is a very good one indeed. I think her an excellent woman, she has many good qualities, and will be sure to be put forward by the President there is everything in her favor [p. 199] {p. 124}

30 June 1902 • Monday

Today has been very warm and trying to one’s ne[r]ves.

U.W.P.C.7 met at Sister Alder’s parlors very handsomely decorated. Sister Alder gave a talk on her visit to Scotland, there was music by the mandolin & songs by Mrs. George D. Alder [Julia Caine Alder], and refreshments served Scotch cakes among other things. An original poem by Sister Alder was read by Miss May [C.] Alder, it was about Mary Queen of Scots. [p. 213] {p. 125}

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June 1902, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1902/1902-06


  1. [1]Likely Sabina Scheib Hart.

  2. [2]Martha Howell Cannon.

  3. [3]Martha Telle Cannon.

  4. [4]Perhaps Loretta Mecham Noble.

  5. [5]Utahn Charlotte Cobb Kirby rightly asked that her efforts in support of suffrage be recognized; she had been a spokesperson for the cause as early as 1869. She competed with EBW for leadership in the movement when EBW went to the National Woman Suffrage Association meetings in Washington, DC, in 1879 and when the Utah Territorial Woman Suffrage Association was formed in 1889. (Beeton, “Feminist among the Mormons,” 22–31; Madsen, Intimate History, 189–190; EBW, Diary, 8 Mar. 1879.)

  6. [6]Perhaps James McFarlane.

  7. [7]Utah Woman’s Press Club.