September 1908

1 September 1908 • Tuesday

<Sarah Jane Cannon Hattie Harker and several others came Ida Dusenberry & Margaret–> I am not well at all, I really scarcely know how to keep up yet I must if it is possible. This is my little Eugene [Harris]’s birthday anniversary, he would be 64 years old if he had lived, I have tried to do some arranging of my books papers and magazines have had many callers, met some fine strangers on the street, Mrs. & Miss Iredell asked me many questions about our city, went up to see Isabel in the evening Mr. & Mrs. Parker were there I did not stay long, had a pain under my heart and took some paregoric came home and felt much worse, sent for the Elders to come and pray for me Sister Midgley came and did all she could to revive me and finally I recovered sufficient to go to bed. {p. 276}

2 September 1908 • Wednesday

This morning went up usual time even though I had been so ill and heard more about Sister Little who is dangerously ill with some brain trouble out of her mind. I went to Belle’s and had lunch and hurried back because of Ida & the trip to Idaho Julina Smith has been in to see me, quite a wonderful thing as she rarely makes calls, mentioned that Annie Hyde was healed and had gone to Ogden, we wonder if she is really healed or if it is temporary only, Dr. Margaret C. Roberts has been in to see me also Lizzie Wilcox and one or two more, Ida & Margaret, Ben Harker and others I have been specially busy. Wrote a long letter to Sister [Hannah Baldwin] Crosby and Sister [Sarah Bunce] Syrett to Panguitch explaining matters they did not understand, am home and do not feel well at all {p. 277}

3 September 1908 • Thursday

This morning first thing telephone message from Sister Frank Y. Taylor1 about Wells day at Granite Stake, and asking for biographical sketch from one of the boys Junius if possible, Hebe his public career in positions of trust and so on poem and speech from me and music singing and speeches from Annie & May and all the wives, an afternoon of the Wells family. I went to see Louise and the twins such little beauties, and she looked lovely– Annie Jack and Theodore were there and Annie came up with me, Kate came to see me, and finally I went up to Belle’s to dinner I took Louise a baby book Emilie and Margaret go home tomorrow and I may never see them again, One never knows, and yet there is the hope of life and all being well {p. 278}

4 September 1908 • Friday

Today Emilie & Margaret left on noon train for home in Chicago, Sep came to the office to bid them Good Bye, Dot went to depot. Belle attended Committee meeting of Pioneers– Board Meeting today, had much business to transact, but came out very well, I went up to Belle’s and had Supper, they were very lonely, I am weary and have been writing and going over figures until eleven o clock. It is now near midnight and I am alone, Betsy the maid is in her own room, A gentleman from New York came to see me today about the Redpath library, says it will be delivered within 30 days, I cannot decide about going to Idaho which time is best now or after October Conference {p. 279}

5 September 1908 • Saturday

Today has been busy, busy and so many calls, this way and that, and I had promised to go to Sister Ruth M. Fox residence to dinner and see my namesake Emmeline Blanche Fox, who is sorely afflicted with heart trouble and dropsy– she is eleven years old now, and a very promising child, gifted intellectually and in music also. Sister R. E. Little is still very ill and her condition serious, Annie Hyde is much improved and has great hopes of permanent recovery. Dr. Ellis R. Shipp went with me to Sister Fox and we found Mattie [Martha Horne] Tingey there on our arrival, we had a very pleasant social time and finally Sister Fox asked us to bless Blanche and Dr. Shipp offered prayer, Sister Tingey anointed and I was mouth in sealing the anointing. Then we had dinner and soon came away as it is some distance out of town {p. 280}

6 September 1908 • Sunday

Went early this morning to the Temple, sat by Sister Lyman and Sister Smith, Pres. Jos. F. Smith was there and presided, Pres. John R. Winder was also there and John Smith Patriarch, and Hyrum Smith Geo. A. Smith and Rudger Clawson. Not a large gathering & Reed Smoot. There was very good singing Emma Lucy Gates sung as a solo “O, ye Mountains high” prayer Jos. E. Taylor, Benediction Loren Farr Went to Jode’s new home and had lunch then went to 18th. Ward meeting and from there to Belle’s, saw Josephine [Wells] Moffatts new baby2 2 boys now. then to Hebe’s he was not at home called at Budd [Horace G. Whitney]’s and had a little visit with him. came home about six p.m. and have been writing ever since. {p. 281}

7 September 1908 • Monday

Labor day and street parade streets crowded with people & bands of music and all sorts of recreation going on street cars loaded. women and children in the hot sun, no mail no paper, begun work right away Annie went to the Bee Hive to Committee Meeting of the L.D.S. affair and I had mail at noon hour card from St. George & Letter from Detroit Lillian M. Hollister, also other mail matter. This evening at seven I am to go down to Louise to see her and the twin boys are to be blest John Q. & Annie– Sister Andrew Richard’s mother her brother Oscar [W. Croxall] Margaret Cannon Lucile Wallace myself and nurse John Q. blest them and named them Richard Cannon Andrew first born Denton Cannon Andrew second born, then light refreshments were served & we came away– {p. 282}

8 September 1908 • Tuesday

The usual routine Sister Smith came over and we talked of many things past and present and of those who have gone before we went down to see Mr. Lewis [Louis M.] Potter of New York who is making a bust of Joseph Smith at Mr Fins [Binn’s] in Cleveland Ave. and Sister Smith seemed rather pleased and he came home with her and I accompanied them and she showed him her primitive work done in Nauvoo and one drawing of of Joseph of which she has always been quite proud {p. 283}

10 September 1908 • Thursday

Today I plucked up courage to write to Mell and tell her I could not come until after the October conference, I feel I must not, besides too many things are pending and I am short of funds so that I cannot settle up enough to be absent any length of time. I hate to make them feel unhappy about it but they have had Annie and that helps some. It is the anniversary of Emmie [Emma Whitney Wells], she would have been 55 today, it seems almost impossible when one recalls all the events {p. 284}

11 September 1908 • Friday

Today was the meeting special and it went off well did not quite settle about the bookcase but it does not matter to me at all I feel glad when a meeting is over, so all is tranquil and today has been fairly good. and Clarissa came for the first time since her illness or quarantine for small pox no one had it except Bathsheba [Williams], and she was not very bed [bad], so all went off free in a way. {p. 285}

12 September 1908 • Saturday

Well worked like a trojan and had some very disagreeable complaints come in but got over the affair without discussing it too much. Ida came and her grievances I wish she could be more contented, she need not complain still young with life all before her and her children well and her affairs prosperous, I know it is wrong to be so discon[ten]ted– and it makes other people miserable. {p. 286}

13 September 1908 • Sunday

Today I stayed at home and later went to the house of Hebe and Jode and Rule and tried to get them interested in the Wells day at Granite Stake, there was a sort of conference of Salt Lake Stake and I attended May Wells and Annie & Kate were there Br. George [H.] Brimhall was the speaker and I was asked to make the opening prayer much to my surprise and yet I did not refuse. I am very fond of Brother Brimhall and think him a superior man in many ways he is one of my favorites among our brethren, certainly deals with subjects of spiritual nature in a masterly manner and is gifted too with delicacy of language, I was very weary and not equal to much writing after my return home, in fact had walked considerably for me {p. 287}

14 September 1908 • Monday

Today was the Reaper’s and although only a few came we held a meeting and it was quite au fait– Sister Julia Druce came and Sister Maria Francis and Julia A. Druce the daughter and Chrstina Trescott and we had a very good time, I took the chair as the Chairman was not present, it was quite a Social and enjoyable, I felt better for the company of these dear sisters. A very hard day for me in some ways but I put my work aside to give some attention to notes I was making for the Wells Day at Granite Stake There were no letters of consequence {p. 288}

15 September 1908 • Tuesday

<Impressions & Reminiscences of Daniel H. Wells> Today was meeting at Granite Stake I had tried to prepare something about President Wells and finally managed to get away and arrived barely in time to get a bite to eat and be ready for afternoon meeting and Sister [Emma Smith] Woodruff the President insisted on my presiding during the Wells program– it succeeded very well there was not much music but enough to please some of the folks and give the choir a good chance to show off– Annie read my poem that was written for the dedication of the monument and then spoke a few minutes, Nett read the poem by Br. Nesbait [Naisbitt] and Victor [P. Wells] read Ort Whitney’s [illegible] Daniel {p. 289}

16 September 1908 • Wednesday

Today we had the meeting of the Utah Council of Women and nominated delegates to go to Buffalo [New York] to the Suffrage Convention There were present besides myself Emily S. Richards Lucy S. [A.] Clark, Hannah [Settle] Lapish Mrs. Elizabeth [Pugsley] Hayward & Mrs. Ezra Thompson [Emily Pugsley Thompson] Ex. Mayor’s <wife> Tonight a terrific thunder and lightning shower electric storm in all its fury about ten a loud clap of thunder seemed to burst over our heads and shake the earth as it were– lights went out all around <2> houses just across from me were struck with lightning, people ran out into the street. {p. 290} <Betsy ran up stairs to me thought our house was struck>

17 September 1908 • Thursday

Daughters of the Revolution met at Mrs. Wrights the Regent and had a fine paper by Mrs. Clarissa Y. Spencer and light refreshments, I was asked to pray and responded but I really have not recovered from the shock of the thunder clap when the lightning struck across the avenue, I did manage however to collect my thoughts, I called on Sister Thomas as I came out of the meeting on my way back to the office It was my first call and the house seemed so strange, and queer I remember her house in the 7th. Ward was something like it– whether it is the want of hospitality a sort of cool atmosphere {p. 291}

18 September 1908 • Friday

Today was Board meeting and rather a pleasant one more so then usual 16 members present, Ida appointed Chairman of a Committee of Arrangements for the October Conference and I have to see to reception and get house for it and so forth refreshments and all {p. 292}

19 September 1908 • Saturday

Today has been busy full of work and Ida came with a new idea not very pleasing to me and she had so much to say that I forgot I was to go to Georgie [Young]’s funeral and as soon as she had gone I began to rush to get ready and found I was very late but Mell [Melvin D.] Wells caught up with me and took me in his auto and I arrived when they were singing the 2nd. hymn a seat had been kept for me but I was so late some one had taken it and I was ushered into the East room where I never heard one single word, but sat in an easy chair and rested. Came back to the office and did some more work and came home usual time {p. 293}

20 September 1908 • Sunday

Stayed at home all day did not go out at all Dot and Will, Lucile and Herman came to the house Belle came & fixed the sewing machine to go to Brent & Inez in Californiia, and it seemed quite good to have someone come in Betsy went off to meeting later in the evening a Miss Leary friend of Betsy’s came and her beau to see Betsy and spent the evening until quite late {p. 294}

21 September 1908 • Monday

This morning heard that Sister Smith had been ill and tried to ascertain facts, it seems she had eaten something that disagreed with her at the party at Josephine [Groesbeck Smith]’s house given in honor of John Henry [Smith]’s birthday on the 18th. of September the day of our semi-Monthly meeting, she went there after the meeting, Saturday went to Maud [Merrill Lloyd]’s to visit her and was taken violently ill there, <I> went to Belle’s and had lunch there and hurried all I could to get mailing off sent one lot for which I was very glad it is hard to do so much without help heard this evening that Sister Smith was better but don’t know particulars about her. {p. 295}

22 September 1908 • Tuesday

I was busy all day trying to get mailing done and let Betsy stay at home because of the machine and errands to be done and did as much as possible at my mailing and I was really very fatigued and cannot keep on too long I ache so around my waist and then there are interruptions with people coming and telephone messages, have felt somewhat worried about Sister Smith although I really feel she will get better and live some years yet to finish her mission in bearing testimony of Joseph the Prophet and preside in the Temple {p. 296}

23 September 1908 • Wednesday

<anniversary of the death of Bishop N. K. Whitney–> Betsy came up 2 letters for her from England she helped me with papers all day, got through nearly not quite, towards evening went off to see Sister B. W. Smith, Maud Merrill Lloyd lives in McLellan Ave. new house pretty situation, found <Sister Smith> her very comfortable in bed. [Benjamin T.] Lloyd made quite a fuss over me, and seemed delighted to see me. Sister Smith was pleased, went from there in the storm to Emeline [Young Wells]’s to family gathering, came home late streets flooded Gershom brought me safe to the Waterloo car came home drenched after midnight had some hot water to put my feet in and a good fire and hot drink {p. 297}

24 September 1908 • Thursday

Went up early as usual and finished mailing, did not have many people today heard Sister Smith was better had telephone message from Mrs. C. [Clarence] E. Allen [Corrine Tuckerman Allen] about an Art exhibit in Berlin, wants us to send silk specimens, asked if she might write to Ann C. Woodbury at St. George. also if she could call upon me and get information and tell me of her appointment to get exhibits from America. wrote a long letter to Sister Mary E. Smith agent at Logan and did some odd work besides finishing the mailing, Sister Smith is improving though it is bad weather Sister Wardroup [Amelia Woolley Wardrop] came to see me she is the new President of the 12th-13th ward Relief Society {p. 298}

25 September 1908 • Friday

This morning first caller Clarissa Williams then others and Bishop O. F. Whitney who recounted to me his trip to Portland and the North West and scenes where Race had figured conspicuously. Some Sad and some pleasant. Susie Gates came in the middle of it and of course turned the conversation on more general topics, then Belle came and we all talked and talked, finally Ort went and then Susie told me some of her schemes for the Genealogical Society making it more or less memorial for tablets and dividing it into sections. Belle seems to be a good advisor and pleased with her association in it and that pleases me very much.3 Sister Harker came and we had a confidential talk over matters and I wrote to Sister Lydia E. [Horne] Walker Prov and Sister A. P. Anderson <Centerville> {p. 299}

26 September 1908 • Saturday

I rose early and went to the office and to the 16th. Ward Meeting house to the Salt Lake Stake Relief Society Conference I spoke a few minutes in the forenoon and 23 minutes in the afternoon, it was a fine Conference, although Sister Williams was released and Sister Harker appointed, Sister Bradford & Sister Reese were made Counselors, Secretary and Treasurer sustained same as before, Program Committee met at five p.m. in the office and at 6. p.m. another deputation on important matters to settle a difficulty, and it was very embarrassing and unpleasant meantime Sister Emily S. Richards stayed with me and Ida Dusenberry came back, Emily took me to supper at Franklins afterwards, I came home late and weary wrote to Sister Layton St. Joseph Stake– {p. 300}

27 September 1908 • Sunday

Rose very early and went to the Temple to the Fast meeting, President Jos. F. Smith presided and President Winder & President Lund were all present also the Patriarch John Smith, and Dr. Seymour B. Young Susie Gates spoke and Sister Maeser & others, it was a very fine Meeting and President Smith was very cordial with me. I went to the office and wrote a letter to Sister S. [Sarah Caldwell] Tyson about Wyoming being represented and sent off notices to both her and Sister Layton, then went to Belles and had dinner, with the family and then to see Louise and the twins, and came home 9.30. Annie made a speech on the marriage question in Young Ladies Convention opened up the subject to be discussed {p. 301}

28 September 1908 • Monday

<Reaper’s Social today several ladies present good meeting> Emily Crosby [Williams] who used to go to school to me in 1852 in the 12th. Ward saw me to day on the street, she lives in Winder Ward and told me her husband’s name is Williams, she has hair as white as Snow I do not know how old she was when she went to school but one of the larger girls. I recall only a few of them and there were 65 pupils 2 Eldredge girls 2 or 3 Boltons, one Haight, [illegible] many boys, Boltons, Workmans, etc etc.

I have had several noted people today and went at evening to see Sister B. W. Smith and found her very comfortable indeed Annie & John Q. finished the program and I sent it off to Provo to Ida to approve I came home and sent off notices to members of the official meeting in October. {p. 302}

29 September 1908 • Tuesday

Had a bad night up early and hard at work all day not much accomplished tho’ I tried very hard to get through brought my work home & finished nearly, felt very much better to have done the notices, cannot tell what will be, although we have made great calculations, Phebe [Young Beattie] & Hazel [Beatie Kimball] and several of the Committee on program and arrangements have been in for advice and suggestions, and I am so crowded with extra work it is almost impossible to think as one should. I feel more need of rest and can scarcely get any with so many calls and such a rush of work at once, every thing behindhand and it makes one more or less unhappy. Louise and babies are doing well. {p. 303}

30 September 1908 • Wednesday

Today hurried off found two women waiting and any amount of work to be done, had lunch & dinner at Belle’s went up there twice today. Dot low-spirited, Will gone duck-hunting, he will give us all some ducks if he is successful, it is nice for him to have a vacation. There is much said concerning the coming election, some threats too and Conference is near, and there is always more or less to be done this time we are to have a reception for the sisters from a distance and even though we have committees appointed the burden falls upon the secretary however much one tries to escape it {p. 304}

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September 1908, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Likely Elizabeth Campbell Taylor.

  2. [2]Alexander D. Moffatt. (Alexander Douglas Moffat, Birth Certificate, 2 Aug. 1908.)

  3. [3]For the relationship between Relief Society leaders and genealogy committee officers Isabel Whitney Sears and Susa Young Gates, see Allen et al., Hearts Turned to the Fathers, 67.