February 1910

1 February 1910 • Tuesday

Cavendish [W. Cannon] was 15. today and I got Margaret to buy him a book and gave it to him– other things were given him and it was a happy day– and there were many things to be recalled. I am getting better slowly and can go home now in a day or two

2 February 1910 • Wednesday

A very fine day although very cold and I am still in the office and Margaret with me trying to get a few things done and letters answered and editorials written letter from Hiram [W. Clark] & one from Ellen [Woodward Fuller] with messages and she may come up this year {p. 47}

3 February 1910 • Thursday

The days come and go and I am only fairly well– tomorrow is the meeting and I am not yet recovered but will attend to it– my minutes are ready and I am trying to be brave and nerve myself to the ordeal.

1Today Florence Grant Lucy [Stringham Grant]’s daughter was married to Willard Smith son of Sarah [Richards Smith] & Joseph F. [Smith] had dinner at her father’s2 home President Winder is very ill has pleurisy added to pneumonia [p. 34] {p. 26}

4 February 1910 • Friday

Today is the Birthday of C. [Charles] W. Penrose, he is in Liverpool [England] and is 78 years old, he is a very remarkable man and Romania [Bunnell Penrose] is devoted to him– it is very cold and dreary and I am still in the office night and day. The meeting was very good, Mrs. Segel [Rachel Ulman Siegel] called to see me also Mrs. Rhykart [Blanche Mackintosh Rykhart]–

3Today Counselor Ida S. Dusenberry came early and so did Sister B. W. Smith– meeting in the big room. Blanche Mackintosh [Rykhart] called and brought me a bouquet of carnations and Mrs. Sol Seigel [Solomon Siegel] also to pay her respects– there were fourteen members present at the meeting. I became rather weary tho’ all went off fairly well– and I remained here over night Margaret with me slept in the reception room, and had a perfectly good night except waking every now and then [p. 35] {p. 27}

5 February 1910 • Saturday

This is the birthday of Bishop C. W. Nibley I gave him a book called Scottish Tales and wrote him a letter. he is 61. today Bishop Newel K. Whitney would have been one hundred and fifteen years old, Belle is very proud of her father and so am I. {p. 48}

4Birthday of Presiding Bishop Newel K. Whitney and of Presiding Bishop Charles W. Nibley– wrote letters to Annie R. [Ross] Duke Heber City Utah– Mary W. [Woolley] Fletcher Magrath Canada, Eliza A. [Thornton] Hall West Portage Utah– Margaret has gone home Emmeline & Cavendish have both been in today letter from Mell and one from Mrs. H. C. Nelson Emmett Idaho and others [p. 36] {p. 28}

6 February 1910 • Sunday

I went up to Belle’s alone on the car and slept there and went this morning to the Temple and there was a very good meeting and Sister Smith spoke a few words, Edna sat on the other side of me and I went directly home to rest–

5Went to Fast meeting in the Temple sat between Sister Bathsheba W. Smith and Edna L. Smith– Jos. F. Smith & Anthon H. Lund were in the Stand John Henry Smith, Hyrum Smith Heber J. Grant of the Apostles and Seymour B. Young Rulon S. Wells of the Quorum of Seventy, it was an excellent meeting Sister B. W. Smith spoke a few words. I went direct home and rested afterwards and tried to rest all day, did not feel very well but read some Dave [David H.] Clayton came and spent the evening with Margaret in the parlor I was reading up stairs. This is little Newel M. Whitney’s birthday he would be would be 63 today if living [p. 37] {p. 29}

7 February 1910 • Monday

I went up with Margaret in the morning and commenced my usual work yet could not do very much, the dishes had come the China in dozens and dozens, I am still recuperating yet not strong I go home in the evening most of the time

6<Letters from Beaver Manti Price Mexico– papers from London & New York Mary A. [Burnham] Freeze made a long call> Came up in good time the Committee Sisters Farnsworth Thomas & Horne took the rug to the Utah University and presented it in the name of the Relief Society– have had many visitors some strangers and Mary Freeze Lydia D. [Dunford] Alder two nurses– two tourists and other gentlemen, Margaret has been with me, sent letters and documents to Mrs. L. [Lewis] W. Shurtliff [Emily Wainwright Shurtliff] Mrs. Nellie [Quibell] Becraft Mrs. M. Josie Nelson Union City Indiana with draft $33.35 dues for N.C.W.7 from N.W.R.S.8 Ann M. Cannon and other young women called from Y.L.M.I.A.9 [p. 38] {p. 30}

8 February 1910 • Tuesday

Emmeline Cannon’s birthday 17 today gave her a dress, not feeling very well, a meeting in the afternoon of W.C.10 Store, & directors Pres. Winder is very low tonight Margaret is here tonight and reading to me I am very weary and can scarcely keep up {p. 49}

11<Sister Ann [Evans] Lewis died today> It is Emmeline Cannon’s birthday and she is at school I gave her a dress, came up this morning with Margaret found letters from G. G. [Georgina Geertsen] Marriott N. Weber Stake, <& Betsy Walker Preston> Reports from N. Sanpete, Wasatch & Alpine Stakes, callers were Mary [Shepherd] Horne, Anderson, Prest. Stahl [Oleen N. Stohl], Br. Barton Anderson Heaps and othrs. This afternoon the Woman’s Cooperative Store held its annual Board meeting here in my office 8 members were present of the Board of Directors C. S. Thomas Pres. Ruth M. Fox Vice Pres. M. H. [Minnie Horne] James Sec’y, C. C. R. [Caroline Raleigh] Wells, Sarah [Taylor] Howard L. G. [Louisa Greene] Richards Mary Morgan and myself, leased the store for 2 years again. Wrote to G. G. Marriot sent documents, wrote Bishop [Edwin F.] Parry [p. 39] {p. 31}

9 February 1910 • Wednesday

Do not feel very well have had many visitors & am weary of talking. Bishop Nibley & John Q. and Sisters Woodruff, [Emma Adams] Empey, Jensn [Emma Howell Jenson] Williams Roberts, 2 Nibleys several nurses and others

12Bishop Nibley and Ellen [Ricks Nibley]’s daughter and son’s wife– John Q. came in Margaret came up with me, but soon went down home after getting some errands done for me Letters this morning not important, wrote to Mrs. Joseph Howell [Mary Maughan Howell] Washington D.C. to vote for me at the annual meeting of the George Washington Memorial Ass’n annual meeting. sent her certified authority Sisters Woodruff Jenson Howarth Roberts Empey [May] Anderson and several nurses called, Margaret came up at evening, letter from Hyde Park rather important. News from Prest. Winder more hopeful Dr. Frederic Cook heard from in Bannock River Seine rising again [p. 40] {p. 32}

10 February 1910 • Thursday

<Betsy is to be married today in Logan> Much the same thing as yesterday visitors asking questions & tiring one out, and one can get no reserve force out of the silence One needs recuperation after an illness such as mine was. Letter from Mell– I was right in not letting her know of my illness

13Came in good time alone soon had visitors Susa Y. [Young] Gates with manuscript etc. and we talked until I was weary thn Mary A. Freeze very interesting but made me languid then some gentlemen <Messrs.> Anderson Huffaker & Lee thn Josephine Spencer and Emma Empey, Dr. Roberts, S. A. Heaps looked up on missionary letters and did various other things, letter from Woods Cross and papers etc. paid for new bonnet– good news from President John R. Winder in the paper 2 men came from Coop Furniture Co. for chairs– wrote to Mrs. [Mary Ann Greening] Till letter & poem with copy from Ogden about Jane S. Richards– [p. 41] {p. 33}

11 February 1910 • Friday

Mrs. Heaps left today because she will not sleep alone in the house at Waterloo I am sorry because I meant to have her at home when I am able to go but she has taken a room at Sister Adair I have engaged Mrs. [Maggie] Anderson to come but cannot come until Monday– {p. 50}

12 February 1910 • Saturday

I was in the office all day we had the Committee on Conference, Emily Cummngs [Williams Cummings] was here Ida came early Sister [Harriet Bennion] Harker was late– Sister Smith forgot all about it but came at last Margaret came home with me and read for me all the evening

14Lincolns birthday had committee meeting Ida came from Provo and Sister Harker & B. W. Smith and myself going over mission work Sister Emily Cummings and Priscilla Jennings came to see me [p. 43] {p. 34}

13 February 1910 • Sunday

We were alone all day at evening Margaret had a visitor who brought her a box of candy and they had a fire in the parlor. I love the fire in the grate it seems so companionable and social– if one can be waited upon how we the girls and myself enjoyed our parlor & piano

15Joshua [K.] Whitney’s birthday today I have been at home resting and doing very little, Margaret stayed with me– David Clayton came in the evening and I was alone reading and meditating [p. 44] {p. 35}

14 February 1910 • Monday

Valentine Day, went to Bishop Nibley’s to dine and to Salt Lake Stake Reunion, in Automobile with Sister Rebecca [Neibaur] Nibley, gave an address to the audience came home in snow storm Annie with me, Margaret came we slept in the office I have slept there ten or twelve nights {p. 51}

16<Kate Wells came in this forenoon> Came up in a terrific wind could scarcely stand, trees swayed it had been blowing fearfully all night Margaret was with me, have been to the Salt Lake Stake Reunion dined with Bishop & Sister Nibley and Sister Nibley took me with her in her Auto to the meeting in the 16th. Ward hall, spoke to the sisters it was really a social– Sister Nibley spoke the President Sister Harker spoke a few words. Annie came up from the Farm and went to the Social– Ria [Maria Young] Dougall has been to see me today also Sarah Jenme [Jenne] Cannon two Miss Williams,17 Mrs. Piercey called I wore my new bonnet many letters one from Verona [Dunford Betts] none very important snow storm <this afternoon> [p. 45] {p. 36}

15 February 1910 • Tuesday

<Sister Maggie Anderson came yesterday after the class to my house to stay with me> Many callers– and letters and I am trying to keep myself up Susa comes and talks with me about the book she is writing for the Y.L.M.N.I.A.18 and talks to me of the historical characters that are to be described, she is very brilliant and forceful and has no doubt a future before her that will be worth while.

19Paid for my pretty silk waist to dressmaker this morning Sister Lydia D. Covington 1.50 J. H. Mainwaring [John H. Manwaring] Springville paid 3.00 for Emma [Noakes] Bryan.. [p. 46] {p. 37}

16 February 1910 • Wednesday

D.R. Society met in Reception Room. Alice M. Horne Regent a good attendance– Mrs. [Mary Ellen Richards] Webber will bring me the title of her book on Aeroplanes’ her paper on the subject was good also Mrs. M. S. [Mabelle Snow] Cole’s on Womens Property Rights in Utah20

21Today has been awfully busy and people coming and going and the meeting of the D.R. at 3.P.M. in the reception room Regent A. M. Horne in the chair, decided to change Constitution and committee appointed, paper on Aeroplane by M. E. Webber, in the evening Bishop Nibley brought strangers to see the new building, Margaret is with me [p. 47] {p. 38}

17 February 1910 • Thursday

This was a busy day for me and I finished copy and did some other things proof reading Margaret helping me, wrote some letters and was very much occupied Susa came and talked with me told me how Sister E. R. Snow blamed her for marrying Jacob [F. Gates] and had selected her for President Relief Society of the world22 {p. 52}

18 February 1910 • Friday

I finished my minutes last evening and Ida came early from Provo just as I had expected she would meeting was late Prest. Smith at the Studio and had to be sent for Annie went and brought her– had the groups of Conferences read and discussed

19 February 1910 • Saturday

Went home alone last night Secretary [James T.] Hammond waited with me for the car– came in time this morning, did not have a very good night, and a miserable day– tiresome people, Mrs. Peterson (Riverton) wanted me to write to Bishop Ball about 17th. of March put away our silver safely

20 February 1910 • Sunday

Came home alone again and had a fairly good night, Sister Anderson was very kind and today went to the Tabernacle, Margaret came about 12.30– she is very gracious and good company reads to me made me beef broth wrote to Mell last evening Alice M. Horne’s wedding anniversary Feb. 19, 1900– {p. 53}

21 February 1910 • Monday

Went up alone <with Margaret> in good time several letters. Margaret soon went home to see after dress for Katharine [Cannon] and help with affairs Annie came up and went to see her Aunt Sarah Jenne, came back to me, I came home alone. Annie wrote to Ida– I wrote 7 letters–

22 February 1910 • Tuesday

Margaret came last night Margaret is with me and she took my blue silk dress to be made I have been looking over letters and manuscript am very weary Margaret has gone to a party in the Cannon Ward. She came home alone and we talked of the Holiday Feb. 22nd.

23 February 1910 • Wednesday

This is the busiest day as it is after a holiday– the Committee are busy with plans and I am busy with newspaper work and talking with the people who come and go. The Press & Reaper’s Club met tonight and gave me a silk dress it was a beautiful tribute.23 Ruth M. Fox more than any one else {p. 54}

24February Wednesday 23 1910

A very fine program had been prepared by the Press and Reaper’s Clubs on my account and in my honor and the two Clubs mett and joined together to presnt me with a gray silk dress pattern and some extra goods for a waist or large scarf– exercises carefully arramged and the presentation was made by Dr. Ellis R. Shipp [p. 54] {p. 56}

24 February 1910 • Thursday

Today I am trying to compose myself it has been difficult for me to go over the past so many changes since 1845. there is always memories creeping over one’s mind, and there are new things coming all the time to be thought out, weary after the night of compliments

25Today 65. years since that very peculiar and significant marriage26 by Pres. Brigham Young between Bishop Newel K. Whitney and myself and today I am not very well and am working very hard on my editorial about affairs– [p. 55] {p. 39}

25 February 1910 • Friday

The changes that come every day are wonderful, those who are interested in our work come for advice and information, Susa came and gave me a pin genealogical Society one also for Sister B. W. Smith Br. [Benjamin] Goddard joined in the two presents.

26 February 1910 • Saturday

It is almost too much to do and tonight I am going to Annie’s I went with her and a buggy met us, to go thro’ the mud and water, we arrived safe and all the children were so delighted and the parlor looked so inviting with its coal fire and we sat and talked very late {p. 55}

27 February 1910 • Sunday

this morning all went to Sunday school except myself & Margaret afterwards Geo. Q. wife & baby Louise twins and Richard [D. Andrew] a fine family party– delicious dinner and most interesting family party and the evening is very delightful– tomorrow the day will be so dull.

28 February 1910 • Monday

The blue silk dress has come and I have put it on and we are to go to dinner at Isabel’s Sisters B. W. Smith & P. P. [Priscilla Paul] Jennings in her carriage, we had turkey & plum pudding cake pie and all condiments, reception to hundreds of people & party in the evening27

28Everything in the Relief Society headquarters in the Bishop’s building was being put in order for the party in my honor29 and I went to Isabel’s to dinner– She had planned for it before I was really ill– invited Sister Bathsheba W. Smith Priscilla P. Jennings and Susan and Hannah Wells and myself but Hannah did not arrive– we had roast turkey, plum pudding, mince pie– vegetables salad tea etc. and all served in superb style on fine linen with exquisite taste and flowers very beautiful ones roses and carnations. From the dinner at 2. P.M. we went back to the building where all was ready for the reception, from 4. to 7. [William C.] Clive’s band (string band) music very fine and we immediately commenced receiving– the rooms looked very beautiful, there were many choice & fragrant flowers, that had been gifts of love and some potted plants. There were near six hundred people and we shook hands with them all– they were served with lemonade & cakes at 7. the doors were closed and at 8. invited guests began to come in. President A. H. Lund and wife30 Apostle F. M. Lyman and wife,31 Golden Kimball & wife,32 B. [Brigham] H. Roberts and wife,33 Heber J. Grant, Rulon Wells <& wife>34 Joseph S. Wells and wife35 John Q. and Annie and many more, the refreshments were very fine and the singing and speeches were harmoniously blended. Many very complimentary things were said and a cake with 82 <colored wax> candles was in the midst and several trying to blow out the candles [p. 59] {p. 61}

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February 1910, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1910s/1910/1910-02


  1. [1]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  2. [2]Heber J. Grant.

  3. [3]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  4. [4]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  5. [5]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  6. [6]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  7. [7]National Council of Women.

  8. [8]National Woman’s Relief Society.

  9. [9]Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association.

  10. [10]Woman’s Cooperative. The Woman’s Cooperative Mercantile & Manufacturing Institution was organized in Salt Lake City in December 1890. For a summary of its history, see EBW, Diary, 19 December 1890.

  11. [11]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  12. [12]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  13. [13]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  14. [14]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  15. [15]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  16. [16]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  17. [17]Likely daughters of Clarissa Smith Williams.

  18. [18]Young Ladies’ National Mutual Improvement Association.

  19. [19]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  20. [20]Mabelle S. Cole, “Property Rights of Women,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Feb. 1910, 38:49–50.

  21. [21]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  22. [22]It is unclear what this statement, which is reported thirdhand, may have meant. Snow was one of Brigham Young’s wives, and she was close to his daughter Susa, recognizing and encouraging her many talents. Susa married Jacob F. Gates in 1880, and Snow died in 1887. Thus, whatever conversation occurred would have been decades in the past. While Gates was never called as Relief Society general president, she distinguished herself as a leader, teacher, and editor for the Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association, the Relief Society, and the Genealogical Society through a long and useful life. She rendered service to the church much in the tradition of Eliza R. Snow and her successors. Nonetheless, she struggled to reconcile her ambitions and busy work schedule with her commitment to her family responsibilities. The remark reported in this entry may reflect Snow’s recognition of the constraints placed upon Gates’s service because of her decision to marry and raise a large family. It may also reflect Gates’s or EBW’s characterization of a remembered conversation.

  23. [23]A party in honor of EBW’s eighty-second birthday was held in the Relief Society rooms in the Bishop’s Building and hosted by members of the Utah Woman’s Press Club. (“Social and Personal,” Deseret Evening News, 25 Feb. 1910, 5.)

  24. [24]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary. The preprinted date at the top of this page is 23 February 1910. That is the correct date of this entry. EBW revised the preprinted date to 23 February 1912 when she made another entry on this page two years later.

  25. [25]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  26. [26]EBW’s marriage to Newel K. Whitney in February 1845 may have seemed “peculiar” or “unusual” from more than one viewpoint. The two differed in both age and experience, and theirs was a plural marriage at a time when such marriages were not talked of openly. In 1891, EBW referred to the “peculiar” nature of the marriage: “how peculiar does my marriage to him appear at this date, more like a dream than a reality.” At the same time, she attested to the character and faith of Newel K. Whitney, writing in her diary, “He was a wonderful man in many respects aristocratic and reserved. . . . What perfect faith and trust he had in the Prophet Joseph.” (EBW, Diary, 5 Feb. 1891.)

  27. [27]A reception in the Bishop’s Building hosted by the Relief Society general presidency and board members also honored EBW on her eighty-second birthday. (“Aunt Em’s Birthday,” Deseret Evening News, 28 Feb. 1910, 5; “Many Friends Greet Veteran Yesterday,” Deseret Evening News, 1 Mar. 1910, 5; “Birthday Is Observed,” Salt Lake Herald-Republican, 1 Mar. 1910, 12.)

  28. [28]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  29. [29]“Public Reception,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Mar. 1910, 38:61.

  30. [30]Sarah Peterson Lund.

  31. [31]Rhoda Taylor Lyman.

  32. [32]Jane Knowlton Kimball.

  33. [33]Probably Dr. Margaret Curtis Roberts.

  34. [34]Josephine Beatie Wells.

  35. [35]Mamie Lovell Wells.