January 1894


25 January

Was named a patron of the National Council of Women. EBW wrote in her diary, “If any one had given me a quantity of gold I could not have been much more astonished.”

10 February

Orson F. Whitney dedicated EBW’s new house.

4 April

Chaired the semiannual convention of the Utah Territorial Woman Suffrage Association.

28 April

Women formed a silk association with Margaret W. Salisbury as chairman and EBW as vice chairman.

17 July

EBW reported in her diary that President Grover Cleveland had signed the enabling bill for Utah statehood.

25 July

Received a letter from Susan B. Anthony urging women to lobby for equal suffrage in the Utah Constitution.

5 September

Paid property taxes for the first time and considered protesting taxation without representation.

A Present from Mell [Melvina Whitney Woods] in 1888

Journal of 1894

Emmeline B. Wells

“To the mem’ry of those who have left us

Fill the New-Year cup to day,

And then to the glorious living

Who must cheer and guide our way.” {p. 3}

1 January 1894 • Monday

January 1, 1894. Monday

Last night I watched the old year out and New Year in alone, Annie [Elizabeth Ann Wells Cannon] my youngest living daughter came in to see me, Belle [Isabel Whitney Sears] <the eldest> had been over earlier, Mell was far away in Northern Idaho– it is always more pleasant to have your own dear ones around or near you, on memorial days– or holidays but one must submit to circumstances, with the best possible grace. As I had dined at Belle’s on Christmas I had promised to dine At Annie’s on New Year’s and so after going over to Thorndike House1 I went up Annie’s and spent the day. We had a very pleasant time though little Emmeline [Cannon] is not very well and Annie has a bad cold. President [George Q.] Cannon had called in the morning. I came home before dark and brought Louise [Cannon] with me, to stay all night. Dot [S. Isabel Sears] and Lucile [Sears] came here from the Theatre also to stay, Mr. [Anthony C.] Ivins2 came home with them he had been their escort and came in to the hall and parlor, the first man who had been inside since I had moved in, and as he is dark complexioned it is said to be good luck. [p. 1] {p. 4}

2 January 1894 • Tuesday

Jan. Tuesday the 2nd. Louise went over to her Aunt Belle’s to breakfast and I went to the office as early as possible. Found several letters waiting and most of them contained money which seemed a good omen. Of course it was only small amounts but still propitious. In the afternoon went to the Gen. Relief Committee Executive Meeting. The evening I worked late as usual and succeeded in sending away some mail. Read late & felt a little nervous and disturbed. the wind blew and my rest was quite disturbed.

3 January 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday Jan. 3rd. This morning was the silk Com. Meeting at ten, that seems to early for me, Mrs. [Isabella Fisher] Bennett came in like one with good news rejoicing over the result of the Election (special) which occurred yesterday in consequence of the death of one of the members to the Legislature. The Republicans had won the day by a large majority. Mrs. [Margaret Walker] Salisbury and Mrs. [Corinne Tuckerman] Allen came in smiling over it but Mrs. [Margaret Mitchell] Caine who is a good Democrat was not so jubilant. About noon I received a dispatch from Harry [Henry R.] Allen saying Daisie [Dunford Allen] had a son born weighing ten pounds. That was good news I also had a number of letters and all very good Meeting of Committee on Midwinter Fair–3 [p. 2] {p. 5}

4 January 1894 • Thursday

Jan. 4. Thursday Geo. Q [Cannon]’s4 birthday and Annie is working hard to get ready for so many children. All the cousins of near his age. He is thirteen today—such a tall boy. They are to have Magic lantern panorama pictures. the parlor is warmed and the whole house thrown open. It is the regular Fast Day, and I meant to have attended the meeting, but could not, Martha Hughes Cannon came in, Dr. E. R. [Ellis Reynolds] Shipp and several others who talked to me of the meeting in the 14th. Ward and the 18th. The principal thought at present is how to provide for the poor and unfortunate. I went in to Annie’s in the evening and saw the company assembled, it was a very pretty sight, so many happy merry little folks. It was a very cold night and the wind blew fiercely. I stayed quite alone.

5 January 1894 • Friday

Friday Jan. 5. This morning the wind is awful had a letter from Daisie yesterday written on New Year’s Day telling me her nurse Mrs. [Elizabeth Allen] Klein Harry’s sister was taken ill at her house on Xmas day and she had to go to her mother’s such a disappointment. Meeting of Mid winter Fair Committee. I am very much annoyed at the way the matter is being conducted. There seems so little method and good judgment exercised, but we can’t have things as we like, so we must submit. Had a letter from Sister Lucy [Woodward Hewlings] and a call from Sister Adeline [Woodward Earl]. [p. 3] {p. 6}

6 January 1894 • Saturday

Saturday Jan. 6. A most terrific wind-storm has been raging all night & in some ways it is enjoyable, but when one is cold and lonely it makes one more melancholy still. The weather is excessively cold and complaints from the poor who need fuel, food and clothing makes one depressed to say the least. I tried to get everything ready so I could stay at home all day on Sunday and get the rest needed for mind and body– heart and brain. Another silk meeting and I was in a sleigh for the first time this year.

7 January 1894 • Sunday

Sunday Jan. 7. Em. [Emma Sears] & Lucile came over and asked me to dine there at two p.m. or thereabouts and after doing some writing I went over; found Mr. [Septimus Wagstaff] Sears much better though he has been besieged with men who want positions in the Legislature and ask his vote and influence. I have tried to rest. Elise [Gasser] came over and did several little things for me, and afterwards I made some headway with my writing. Wrote to Daisie in the morning and in the evening to Mrs. Pennimaen [Lydia Coombs Penniman] of Milwaukee and to Mrs. Salisbury to A. [Alfred] W. Mc’Cune and to some others. including Mrs. John Crowford [Emma Levens Crawford] of Brigham City. Letter from Harry R. Allen the first letter he has written to me.– [p. 4] {p. 7}

8 January 1894 • Monday

Monday Jan. 8. This was an awful morning, it has been blowing for three days and last night it snowed and blew and this morning the storm was severe for a few minutes; the cars could not run and I was late in getting up town. Copy was missing and such a hunt for it, Janitor found it at last, and then I began answering correspondence, wrote Mrs. [Mary Ann Weston] Maughan Logan, Maria [Taylor] Mc’Rae Arizona– Mrs. Stock Idaho, Mrs. [Eramina Lind] Freestone Vernal, Mrs. Larsen Moroni Mrs. [Caroline Rasmussen] Fillerup, Lake View, Minnie B. [Rasmine B. Jeppesen] Jones, Helper, Emery Co.– Mrs. White came in and I had actually forgotten it was the Club Meeting– “The Reapers”– The ladies came and the papers were interesting Mrs. Ella W. [Ellen Wilcox] Hyde first followed by Mrs. Minnie H. [Permelia Horne] James, on Oliver Cromwell– Mrs. [Rebecca Ellen Mantle] Little and Mrs. [Mary Lois Walker] Morris came next in order– had a bright cheery letter from Mell suggesting many new names for my house, and giving particulars of Daisie’s confinement. Went to Gen. Relief Com. Meeting. Went to Mrs. [Phoebe Young] Beatie’s after and had dinner, then to Salt Lake Herald Office with notice for the morning paper. Had Buffalo Mail and Express sent me with my picture in it and a sketch about me etc. The Holiday number of the paper is out and contains Christmas and New Year’s editorials, how many of these I have written in the last 17 years. Tonight I am here alone and it is midnight now I have a poem under way but cannot finish it yet. [p. 5] {p. 8}

9 January 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday Jan. 9. Silk Meeting at eleven ladies of Committee all present and also Mrs. Jane S. [Snyder] Richards of Ogden. Mrs. Bennetts petition to the Legislature and Mrs. Caine’s article for the pamphlet were read and discussed.

A fire at the Worlds Fair Grounds in Chicago consumed the Peristyle[,] Music Hall, Casino, and part of the Manufacturers Buildings. loss to exhibitors one million dollars.5 Drew Verona [Dunford Hillard]’s money from the Zion’s Saving Bank and got P.O. Order to send to her 22.20cts. wrote a letter to Mrs. C. Young Provo and Mrs. Martin Wilson Ward Ogden– lunched with Miss [Ada] Patterson and visited Mrs. Peterson a very destitute person. Came home about nine o’clock–

The weather is fearfully cold, and yet quite pleasant. Went to bed rather lonely and very thoughtful–

10 January 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday Jan. 10. This morning went off about 10 A.M. and as soon as I reached the office began work, on Relief Committee, had some sorrowful tales told me that were very annoying and calculated to depress one. [p. 6] {p. 9} However– I wrote a letter to Verona and sent off the P.O. Order for 22.20– the money I drew for her from the Zion’s Savings Bank. I had to help look over the article on Silk Culture that had been prepared by Mrs. M. A. Caine for the Pamphlet and the Petition to the Legislature also– Went out to lunch with Mrs. Caine, and afterwards to the meeting of the General Committee for the Midwinter Fair. Mr. [Patrick H.] Lannan presiding. Mr. McGuire [Charles H. Maguire]6 of the Commission reported his trip to San Francisco and the space he had secured for the Utah Exhibits. Very little business transacted. A light snow fell during the afternoon and weather cold. Mrs. A. R. Smith a member of our World’s Fair Committee S. L. County died yesterday. It really seemed quite sad. John Q. [Cannon] & Annie go to Mrs. Sarah Jane [Jenne] Cannon’s tonight to a Musicale. Mr. Nat. [Nathaniel M.] Brigham U. S. Marshall and Mrs. Luella Cobb Young were married this evening Dr. [David] Utter performed the ceremony. Unitarian Reverend. A quiet wedding, only a few intimate friends and relatives invited. Ex Gov. Arthur L. Thomas daughter7 and Boyd Park’s son8 were also married this evening– [p. 7] {p. 10}

11 January 1894 • Thursday

Thursday Jan. 11. I rose very late and knowing I had a meeting of the Ex. Com. of the Midwinter Fair– I rushed off immediately When I arrived at the office the ladies had already gathered there and were waiting for me– Mrs. Salisbury was very free in presenting her views, and while we were lingering after the meeting Annie came in, she was preparing to go to the dinner party to be given in honor of President Geo. Q. Cannon’s birthday– he is 67 years old today– Went out with Mrs. Caine to lunch and then we took the article on sericulture to Harry [Henry A. L.] Culmer–9 tried to get on with my mailing, Mrs. [Marilla Johnson] Daniels of Provo came in to see me and several others. Stayed and worked until nine p.m. then came home to my own dear little home and kept on writing just the same. Went to bed about one o’clock had been reading one hour and after retiring read Ardath a little while.

12 January 1894 • Friday

Friday Jan. 12. Meeting of Ex. Com. Midwinter Fair at my office at eleven A.M. all members present including Mrs. [Eliza Kirtley] Royle Mrs. [Jeanette Kendall] Chisholm and Mrs. Phillips– settled by vote that Mrs. Caine should go to [p. 8] {p. 11} the Midwinter Fair as our Representative and that her salary should be $60 per month with expenses paid. After the meeting adjourned the silk committee held a short session– and <formally> signed the petition to present to the Legislature. Mrs. Salisbury reported to me that Mrs. Norris could not write the article on Music, and I asked Dr. [Ellen Brooke] Ferguson, to write it.10 Annie came in and seemed so annoyed with me, I felt it very much indeed for I would do anything to please her, and love to be with her and the children as much as possible, but I feel that I must do some public duty and that will give me development in the direction of the pursuits I am working in as well as influence one cannot work for the elevation and uplifting of humanity unless there is some public encouragement as well as personal effort. In the afternoon went to a joint meeting of the Executive Committees and presented the matters we had decided upon in the morning. Belle and Em– went to the theatre last evening with Deseret News Tickets– John Q. gave them. Mr. Sears seems to be getting along nicely in the Legislature– Received a very interesting letter from Miss [Margaret] Windeyer, daughter of Sir Wm. Windeyer [p. 9] {p. 12} the young lady was Commissioner for New South Wales duly empowered and with as fine credentials as any one there.

13 January 1894 • Saturday

Saturday Jan. 13. Today I have issued a call for A special meeting of the W.S.A.11 of Utah to be held on Monday at 3. p.m. in my office– I have been busy all day with the mailing never once going out. Mrs. Holmes of Chicago came to see me, a very stylish and sweet mannered woman Annie has been up twice, folded me some papers. Elise took the little ones to the matinee. Belle had a letter from Sep [Septimus Whitney Sears] containing the account of Dr. [Robert S.] Harvey’s death dropped dead on the street in Spokane. Sister [Mary Isabella Hales] Horne came in awhile– Zina Crocheron [Walker] and baby12 have been in. I had a sweet letter from Verona telling me of some Christmas things. Lately I have not had such nice pleasant letters as formerly.

14 January 1894 • Sunday

Sun. Jan. 14. This morning was quite alone, and looked over some manuscript of my articles which I intend keeping also some magazines music and art journals thus spent a pleasant and restful morning, dressed and went to Annie’s to dinner, spent the remainder of the day there. Baby Emmeline is beginning to walk– [p. 10] {p. 13} she is a great beauty. Annie told me of the Musicale given by Mrs. Sarah Jane Cannon and also the Family Dinner Party given on President Cannon’s birthday at Carlie’s [Caroline Young Cannon]– President [Wilford] Woodruff and Jos. F. Smith were among the guests and had made some excellent remarks, Pres. Woodruff spoke of the time when the vacancy in the Quorum of the Apostles was to be filled at the time Br. Cannon was chosen and said all the members of the Quorum had the same name presented to them in their mind simultaneously– a thing which had not been known in any other case. Pres. Smith said that President Cannon had by his voice and pen done more to establish the Gospel and carried it further by this means than any other one man since Joseph [Smith] the Prophet. I came home at dusk and wrote until midnight. Elise was here until about nine p.m. then I was alone– and there were so many things I wanted to accomplish– but one cannot do all the work one would like. [p. 11] {p. 14}

15 January 1894 • Monday

Monday Jan. 15. This morning had breakfast at Belle’s Thorndike House– Mr. Sears and Lucile went to Ogden with the Legislature Company. Afterwards I went to the office and wrote two letters East one to Mrs. [Harriet Taylor] Upton Treasurer of the N-A.W.S.A.13 and the other to Mrs. [Millie Burtis] Logan Rochester N.Y. Went over to Mrs. Beatie’s and had lunch with Aunt Zina [Diantha Huntington Young] and Phebe and then to Calder’s Music Store to a Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Gen. Relief– then back to my own office to a special meeting of the officers of the Utah W.S.A– we transacted some business in relation to a Mass Meeting and also in reference to fees and dues. Br. Andrew Jenson came and looked over some old numbers of the paper to fill out his file, I worked a while after he went away and then came home in a storm of wind and sat up until after midnight, the wind blew furiously and I could have enjoyed it had it not been for the house rocking so with the storm. It was somewhat alarming. [p. 12] {p. 15}

16 January 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday Jan. 16. Rose in good time the wind blowing a fierce gale, and sleet dashing against the house and almost blinding one. Received a Pass Book on the Street Car today, and went hunting up people in reference to the tickets for the Concert in the Tabernacle on the 25th. Auerbach14 will print four hundred, Prof. [Frank W.] Metcalf15 called on me– Attended meeting of the Gen. Com. on World’s Fair. Several ladies present whom I had not met before– Mrs. [Cynthia Briggs] Terhune Mrs. Frank [Mary Ayer] Pierce, Mrs. [Sarah Irwin] McNiece– Mrs. Salisbury in the Chair Miss Naomi Conkling Secretary– worked all the evening at the mailing came home and commenced other writing etc. and at midnight was still unwilling to leave off and retire, though my neck was so stiff and painful I could scarcely write. I am anxious to hear from Daisie and the new baby & all my dear ones who are not here. It really does seem very strange to be here alone and coming home late when I had always been accustomed to have so many around me– Was invited to Annual Meeting and dinner in 7th Ward Relief Society also to evening meeting of the Y.L.M.I.A.16 but could not go to either. [p. 13] {p. 16}

17 January 1894 • Wednesday

Jan. 17. Wednesday This is Mary Jane Whitney Groo’s birthday, she is fifty years old– half a century– time flies– I seldom see her now or any of the family except the young Bishop–17 It is a beautiful day, cold and clear– sun shining brightly. I went to Savages to try again for a photograph side-view I want to get a picture good enough for a steel engraving, for the History of Utah. Br. Jenson was at the office all the morning looking over papers to make up files of the Woman’s Exponent– Mrs. Salisbury and Mrs. Caine were here talking over the Midwinter Fair and silk. Mrs. S. gave me such a beautiful red rose– American Beauty– At 3. pm. Dr. Ferguson brought me the article on music written for the pamphlet and read it to the ladies of the Committee in my office– Prof. Metcalf called on me to ask when I could meet with the Committee on Legislation for the Charities and Corrections in reference to the school of instruction for the blind. Nellie [Ellen Colebrook] Taylor came to arrange about the party for Dr. E. R. Shipps birthday and so the day was full of important work. I had been invited [p. 14] {p. 17} to a Musical at Mrs. Mason’s Unitarian and also to a sociable in Farmer’s Ward but could not go to both but attended the gathering in the Farmer’s Ward– as it was in honor of President Woodruff’s son [A.] Owen who is to go upon a mission to Germany. The house was very full and the feast was quite delicious, everything of fine quality and in great abundance. The program was not up to as high a standard of excellence as one would expect but the short speeches from President Woodruff and also Jos. E. Taylor and C. [Charles] W. Penrose were very good and to the point. Br. Owen Woodruff had a handsome Bible presented him by the Deacon’s Quorum. Came home about eleven o’clock and took up my writing to do a little.

18 January 1894 • Thursday

Jan. 18. Thursday Belle came up town with me– we paid [Herman H.] Anderson the architect the last money due him for plans etc. and Belle gave Chloee [Chloe Young] Benedict a very handsome Mexican drawn work handkerchief– her own handiwork. I have worked harder today than any time for years– and really beyond my strength, attended meeting of the Ex. Com. of Gen. Relief Committee– Received a very [p. 15] {p. 18} pleasant letter from Mrs. [Mary Frost] Ormsby mailed from the Palmer House Chicago– Belle had a letter from Sep Jr. [Septimus Whitney Sears] today. she is preparing to go to Logan with Mr. Sears tomorrow– Wrote Mrs. Grant tonight also J. B. Swenson a list of Presidents. Was very weary and could not retire until one this past midnight–

19 January 1894 • Friday

Friday Jan. 19. I watched Thorndike house and noticed the lights were burning long before daylight– so I presumed the party caught the early train for Logan Dot went with her father and mother– Lucile is still in Ogden– Em. came over and brought me hot coffee and breakfast– Eugene [S. Sears] was making paths, it had been snowing heavily, during the night and early morning. I left here shortly after eight A.M. and took the nine thirty U.P.18 train for Centreville– Aunt Zina was at the depot waiting, when we reached the station a sleigh and span of horses was in waiting and we drove direct to the meeting house, found the congregation waiting– the meeting was a very good one, and the audience attentive. President Wm. R. [p. 16] {p. 19} Smith of that Stake had been buried the day previous. He was a very able man and will be much missed among the people. Aunt Zina addressed the sisters powerfully upon faith. At noon we drove with a party of nine to Br. [John] Ford’s where we dined, it is a very handsome house and the dinner was fine. We rested and dined and drove back to the meeting house. Br. [John W.] Hess19 and J. [Joseph] H. Grant were both at our Meeting. I was the first speaker in the afternoon, occupied nearly three quarters of an hour– afterwards Aunt Zina Brs. Hess and Grant Sister Browat [Elizabeth Harris Browett] who spoke in tongues and Aunt Zina interpreted, then Aunt Zina dismissed in tongues. We went to Br. [Nathan T.] Porter’s to dinner supper and from there took the train for home; learned on the way that Mr. Sears had his arm hurt in Logan– Arrived home very weary after the day’s exercises– for I had to rise very early after having a night of restlessness and the morning was a severe storm– which did not hinder our going but was really fatiguing.

20 January 1894 • Saturday

Jan. 20. Such a terrific wind rose in the night and the house shook and my bed seemed to rock– one could scarcely be composed [p. 17] {p. 20} but I tried to feel that the preserving care of our Heavenly Father was over and around me in the storm as well as in the calm, and I slept and woke at intervals– the sky was light and though the wind blew such a fearful gale, yet the heavens were almost brlliant in their whiteness. Morning came at last but the wind had not ceased. I scarcely dared to make a fire– but gathered courage and made myself ready to go to the office. Mrs. Salisbury and Mrs. Bennett were there waiting– we talked silk and matters pertaining thereto and afterwards I went to Br. [Horace S.] Ensign’s house on 13th East to find Prof. [Evan] Stephens– did not succeed then went to the Assembly Hall and saw both Stephens & Ensign– arranged about large posters for the Charity Concert. Went to all the bookstores looking for a copy of [William Cullen] Bryant, but failed to get that and selected George Eliott as a present from the Press Club to Mrs. Shipp as it is her birthday. The ladies met at my office and we went en masse to her parlor and surprised her– She is 47 years old today– [p. 18] {p. 21} I had a letter from Anna Eva Fay20 today dated at Newark, New Jersey.

There were about thirty ladies came to the party but nearly fifty had been invited; we had music singing and recitations and an enjoyable time.

21 January 1894 • Sunday

Sunday Jan. 21. The anniversary of Sister Eliza R. Snow’s birthday, she would have been ninety years old. It is a very pleasant day and I determined to take a rest did not get up until I had my breakfast Em. brought it over to me. I wrote to Daisie first of all and then begun looking over my mail letters that were crammed in drawers in the old house where we were so crowded– such a task Elise brought me supper and I sat like one in a dream. I came across many unfinished articles and some poems, one in particular that I had begun before my Emmie was born more than forty years ago, how strange it all seems, What a mystery envelops all our lives, how wonderfully we are brought upon and how little we really know. Belle came over for a short time. This has been a very uneventful day to me, so entirely different [p. 19] {p. 22} from other days. I seem to have lost something, my life is so full at all times and today has been almost too quiet.

22 January 1894 • Monday

Monday Jan. 22. A dark dreary morning almost too warm for the time of year– went to the office in good time– and prepared copy. Annie came up and brought me a nice lunch. Reaper’s Club at 2. p.m. Letter from Mrs. [Rachel Foster] Avery Secretary of the National-American W.S.A. also from Mrs. [Ellen Batelle] Dietrick about press matters– About thirty five ladies attended the Club and immediately after the Ex. Board of the W.S.A. of Utah had a meeting <in the office>– Prof. Metcalf of the Committee on Charities and Corrections came to show me the petition prepared to present to the Legislature and the Bill asking for an appropriation for a school for the blind. He wanted me to approve it as I was a member of the Committee. Then I went to the Ex Com. Meeting of the General Relief Committee, and we discussed the matter of employment [p. 20] {p. 23} and payment for labor– and also concerning the Charity Concert to be given in the Tabernacle. I heard today that the Senate of France had passed a bill giving women suffrage who were engaged in Tribunes of Commerce. Wrote a letter to Mell tonight after coming home– also five pages of editorial. Mrs. Mc’Cormick [Hannah Keogh McCornick] presented me with two tickets for the concert.

23 January 1894 • Tuesday

Tues. Jan. 23. Came home quite early for me and went in to see Belle, she had rheumatism– Mr. Sears was absent in a committee meeting. Dot had gone to George [T.] Odell’s to a party– This has been a very busy day. Miss Patterson came to see me and several poor women came for help from the Relief fund. Meeting of the Midwinter Fair Committee at the Chamber of Commerce only ten ladies present– adjourned after some business by the Executive Committee Mrs. Salisbury and Mrs. Caine came back to the office with me and we [p. 21] {p. 24} talked over some magazine articles. During the night I was very ill had a nervous chill and severe attack of palpitation of the heart. Terrible depression of spirits–

24 January 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday January 24. Belle’s Sidney [W. Sears] and Annie’s Eleanor [Cannon] were both born on Jan. 24th. also Mell’s husband–21 so it is quite a day of days to us. Annie has been to the graveyard and John Q. I went to Mrs. [Emily Tanner] Richards on A. St. this morning to consider the propriety of sending things to the Midwinter fair and to choose with the Ex. Com. what should be sent– there were present Mrs. Salisbury, Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Royle Mrs. Richards and Miss [May] Preston and later on Mrs. Caine. We were there several hours and had tea and cake served to us. Afterwards I sat for a picture in Savage’s and Dr. Pratt [Romania Bunnell Pratt Penrose] aunt Zina Sister [Sarah Ephramina Jensen] Snow and Sister [Mary Elizabeth Knight] Bassett and Caroline Raleigh [Polmanteer Wells] and several others came in. I went to Annie’s and dined at half past six and spent the evening. Came home soon after nine, finished my editorial. Had an invitation today from the Legislature to be present at the meeting of the Committee [p. 22] {p. 25} on Education and Public Libraries and offer any suggestions I might think proper, also had letter from Mrs. [Ruth Welton] Tyler of Beaver and Mrs. <John A.> [Millie Burtis] Logan of Rochester.

25 January 1894 • Thursday

Thursday Jan. 25. This morning’s mail brought me a letter that astonished me very much indeed. It was from Rachel Foster Avery Cor. Sec. of the National Council of Women– and informed me that I had been made a patron of the Council– an honor which I should never have anticipated, and if any one had given me a quantity of gold I could not have been much more astonished. It was certainly a very handsome compliment– Mrs. Geo. A. Lowe [Anna Maria Dewing Lowe] and daughter22 called on me– the World’s Fair things some of them were brought in, Geo. [F.] Gibbs came from the President’s office and talked about the Hospital. Later I received a call from Mrs. Charles [Lila I.] Reed and some other ladies. Mrs. Reed was particularly amiable and invited me to go to the Literary Club Friday. Later on Mrs. Mc Vickor [Emma Kelly McVicker] the Cor. Sec. sent me an invitation to the Club formal. The Central officers of the Suffrage Association met at four p.m. at my office to arrange for a sort of Mass Meeting. [p. 23] {p. 26} Two little boys belonging to the Drum Corps were run over in the street while parading with the Company– went to the Concert in the evening and took Emmie with me, we had nice seats and the music was very enjoyable– Emmie came home with me and stayed all night, among other letters today was one from Verona, saying she was about starting for San Francisco and she spoke of her plans for the Winter–

26 January 1894 • Friday

Friday Jan. 26. This is Sep. Jr.’s birthday and quite a memorable anniversary on account of the severe ordeal of the day 20 years ago– when Aunt Zina who was officiating as accoucheur announced in the middle of the night that she could not bring the child into the world. About day break we succeeded in getting an East Indian woman named Booth and before many hours the boy was born– now he is away in Idaho and we have none of us seen him for more [p. 24] {p. 27} than a year. I had a Russian gentleman come to see me this morning and had quite an interesting time in talking to him– he has all the peculiarities of his race– he is not willing to admit that there is starvation in Russia. I went to the Ladies’ Literary Club I met there many of our ladies Mrs. [Mary Ellen Richards] Webber and daughters, Mrs. Julia C. [Clark] Taylor, Mrs. Nervie [Minerva Empey] Richards, Mrs. Caine, Miss Lucile Young, besides nearly a hundred outside ladies and some Apostates– Mrs. [Mary Vance] Gilmer Mrs. [Jennette Kimball] Lawrence, Mrs Woodward, Mrs. [June Spencer] Daggett– And some years ago no Mormon could be admitted as visitors even now things are different– we are sought after. The meeting was in the Woman’s Industrial Home, and was a pleasant suitable room– the silk portieres made for the permanent Woman’s Building, were there on exhibition and many specimens of silk and cocoons– Mrs. Salisbury lectured upon the Womans’ Building, telling us so many interesting things women had done– then Mrs. Caine supplemented it with an exhibit of silk and very practical talk on the subjects [p. 25] {p. 28} Mrs. Salisbury was very eloquent and gave her lecture in such perfect style that it was doubly interesting and attractive. She is very beautiful and has a most magnificent appearance. Mrs. [Minnie Pegram] Fabian is the President and Miss Geogianna Webber Secretary– the platform looked quite handsome and there were quite a number of lovely flowers, some trailing smilax & the arrangement was quite effective. The peculiar thoughts and emotions that I experienced during the short space of the afternoon– it would be quite impossible to tell, suffice it to say, things have changed in many ways– we are getting more recognition and stand more on an equality with other women than formerly. I came home at seven p.m. instead of attending the Entertainment for the Dumb to which I had received a special invitation, but I could not go so far out and so far home– I dined at Belle’s Mr. Sears. [p. 26] {p. 29} was in a very good humor having been complimented so much upon a speech he had made in the Assembly the day for– Miss Mamie Porter was at Belle’s visiting the girls and Doal [Dot] was out with the Misses Knott. I came home and read my proofs.

27 January 1894 • Saturday

Saturday Jan. 27th. This morning Mr & Mrs. Sears Emmie and Eugene went to Provo with the Legislative Party to visit Sugar Factory– Insane Asylum etc. and I was up in good time– So many messages came in early from this one and that one in reference to this and that I was completely overwhelmed– Pearl [Russell] was behind and the day was spoiled for me by being harassed– Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. Caine came in to talk of silk and May Wells [Mary Wells Whitney] and Nette [Susan Annette Wells Culmer] to see about Suffrage Meeting– and Mrs. Benson and Dr. [Ellen Curtis] Gage about an argument on Suffrage for and against etc. Nett [Jeanette Sharp] Ferguson and Joe Sharp’s wife to get some World’s Fair goods and other ladies to look after their papers and so on. finally. May[,] Nett and myself called at the Manitou to see Mrs. Elmer B. Jones [Nora Jones] and invite her to speak at our meeting, but she was [p. 27] {p. 30} not in– left a message– in the afternoon I went hither and thither on business and then down home and dressed for the evening to go to Mrs. Bennetts and meet with the Silk Committee and talk to Mr. [Charles S.] Varian, who is to present our petition and prepare a Bill– have had several letters today but none of very great consequence–

28 January 1894 • Sunday

Sunday Jan. 28. Have been at home all day, trying to rest and refresh my weary brain and heart– Mr. Sears and Belle went to the Tabernacle– Louise came and helped me dust my books and get some of them into the bookcase– Belle came over and brought my dinner– Elise came and waited upon me and fixed some of my things. I have written to Mrs. Rachel Foster Avery <Philadelphia> in reply to being made a Patron of the Council and also to Mrs. Tyler of Beaver, Mrs. Bartlett Vernal Mrs. Kempe St. John’s Arizona, Mrs. [Electa Wood] Bullock Provo, Mrs. [Ellen Lee] Jakeman Provo, Mrs. Elmer B. Jones Salt Lake, Mrs. Susan E. [West] Smith [p. 28] {p. 31} in reference to the Hospital and ever so many more– sent off 21 letters– and do not feel half satisfied even– I hope tomorrow may be a more satisfactory day than Saturday was. Heaven help me to endure is my fervent prayer–

29 January 1894 • Monday

Monday Jan. 29. Went up town early and after fixing copy– went to Tithing Office premises and saw Bishop [William B.] Preston the Presiding Bishop– he showed me the rooms where we could store the goods and chattels belonging to the Hospital and made arrangements for the moving by team. I engaged two women to assist in packing and went down myself to see how matters stood. Called on Hon. Alma Eldredge of Coalville in reference to the Woman’s Industrial Home and he favored our presenting a Memorial to the Legislature asking that it be given to the women of the Territory for a Hospital– Belle, Annie, Mrs. Caine & Mrs. [Eva Pritchard] Hasbrouck & Dr. Ferguson– [p. 29] {p. 32} were in the office looking over World’s Fair things– Mrs. Salisbury’s little boy23 who was injured on Friday is not so well and she cannot leave him. I have written today to Mrs. [Mary Mitchell] Pitchforth, of Nephi– Mrs. Crosby of Springerville of Arizona and Mrs. Avery of Philadelphia– received several letters– came home about 8 p.m. Aunt Zina has been in twice or three times, we have conferred together in reference to the Hospital– have been spoken to again about the argument on Suffrage–

30 January 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday Jan. 30. This morning rose early saw the sun tipping the mountain tops with a rosy glow before I left my bed. Was up town before nine, Pearl had not kept her promise, how hard it is to make everything even– The goods from the Hospital were being removed and Belle’s things came to the Office– also the desk & [p. 30] {p. 33} medicine cupboard– I had a call from Br. [Nephi] & Sister [Elizabeth Clucas] Packard of Springville, and Ellen Jakeman of Provo Dot came and wrote wrappers all day long. Aunt Zina went with me to Mr. Eldredge Ch. of Com. [Chairman of the Committee] on the Petitions and Memorials and we had another interview in reference to obtaining the Woman’s Industrial Home for a Woman’s Hospital. He is still favorable and gave us some good suggestions how to proceed– thought as I did that we should have influential women sign the Memorial– I could not get to the Midwinter Fair meeting, the revise came over to be read and I had to go down to the Hospital and the storm set in snowing heavily. Mrs. Caine came and brought the Bill Mr. Varian had proposed to follow our petition asking for the bounty on cocoons, she was quite dissatisfied with it and I was not disposed to criticise it too much, however I did suggest changing one paragraph [p. 31] {p. 34} This evening was the meeting of the Press Club– I gave verbally my visit to [John Greenleaf] Whittier the poet and read his poem entitled Revelation. afterwards gave an account of the meeting of the ladies in the Willard Hotel in Washington, when a committee was nominated to prepare a Constitution for the International Press Federation of Women– Came home alone made a fire and put up my Temple clothing for the morning to go to the Temple with a party of sisters to officiate for some of Aunt Zina’s dead relatives, as an honor to her birthday.

31 January 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday Jan. 31. This morning was up by candlelight saw the sun rise over the mountains Eastward and prepared to go to the Temple. How strange this Temple work would have been to our foremothers– wonderful have been the revelations of the Latter days– [p. 32] {p. 35} But the world is moving onward spiritually very rapidly and we who are living now will undoubtedly see great changes yet to come. The Temple is indeed a sacred and holy place and one feels the solemnity on entering there– it seems as though we should make special preparation more even than we do– and put aside all thoughts of common place things, lifting our souls into the region of sublimity that is truly exalting in its nature. That will remain with us afterwards and help us when the battle of life we are compelled to fight is stern and hard and fierce. But with most people it is not so, they talk of everyday mundane affairs and the sense of the beautiful surroundings is only temporary and makes no lasting impression– Would that we could all rise to the higher planes of thought and feeling and thereby become more truly spiritual and divine in our daily associations with each other.

At the Temple I met so many dear friends and the hymns were uplifting in their rendering. Joseph E. Taylor made the remarks and after prayer as usual, we went to [p. 33] {p. 36} the clerk and had a name given us for the dead relative of Aunt Zina for whom we were to work. The name given me was Sarah Marshall Hyde, but whether she lived in this generation or another one we could not ascertain. It is always more pleasant to know something of the one for whom you are receiving endowments, it lends a charm to the work and is a stimulus to the mind. Lydia Ann [Alley Wells], Susan [Alley Wells], Martha [Harris Wells] and Hannah [Free Wells] were all there, and Caroline [Raleigh Wells] also. I sat most of the time by Martha– we got thro about 3 o’clock Willard Young [five words relating to a temple ordinance redacted]– I dressed and went direct to the office– from there to Mrs. Salisbury’s where I found Mrs. Caine and Mrs. Royle and we went over the bill again in favor of bounty on silk.

Went back to Sister [Maria Young] Dougall’s and greeted Aunt Zina and the company– about seventy people were gathered. Lorenzo Snow was the most distinguished guest Jos. F. Smith and President Woodruff [p. 34] {p. 37} were not there Geo. Q. Cannon is in Washington– Aunt Zina looked quite handsome in blonde lace cap and grey silk. Sister Horne had black silk and an elegant lace cap (real) and was accompanied by her husband,24 Angus M. Cannon and Mattie [Martha Hughes Cannon] were there, James Sharp and Lizzie [Elizabeth Rogers Sharp], Will [William W.] Riter and Prissie [Priscilla Jennings Riter], Mrs. Jos. [M.]Watson [Annie Davis Watson] Mrs. P. P. [Priscilla Paul] Jennings, Mrs. Emma [Smith] Woodruff Mrs. Sarah Jane Cannon, Mrs. Sarah M. [Granger] Kimball, Dr. R. B. Pratt, Hon. Hugh [M.] Dougall and wife,25 Mrs. Alfred Mc’Cune [Elizabeth Claridge McCune], Mrs. Sarah H. Smith, Mrs. Susan [West] Smith, Mrs. Julia A. [Cruse] Howe, Mrs. Ann D. [Bringhurst] Groesbeck, Mrs. Mamie Croxall, Mrs. Maggie [Margaret Curtis] Shipp M.D. Dr. Ellis R. Shipp, and so many others– The refreshments were handsomely served on small tables with dainty linen. At my table were Mrs. Marian [Mumford] Beatie, Kate [Catherine MacSwein] Dougall, Emma– Woodruff Sarah Jane Cannon & myself– Mrs. Mc’Cune recited comic piece The New fashioned singing. and Wilby Dougall [William B. Dougall Jr.] gave some fine musical selections on the piano.26 [p. 35] {p. 38}

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January 1894, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1894/1894-01


  1. [1]It was a custom for some British and American families to give a name to their residences. In that tradition, Septimus (who was from Great Britain) and Isabel Whitney Sears chose “Thorndike House” as the name for their home on 400 East and Westminster Avenue in Salt Lake City. Thorndike, Massachusetts, is the name of the town where EBW’s brother Hiram E. W. Clark lived. (EBW, Diary, 23 Dec. 1885; Knight, “What Do the Names of British Houses Mean?”)

  2. [2]Anthony C. Ivins, a reporter for the Salt Lake Herald, called on EBW on 13 April 1894; and he spoke to her on 23 April about the National Press Association. He is mentioned again on 24 November 1895. (EBW, Diary, 13 and 23 Apr. 1894; 24 Nov. 1895; Utah Gazetteer, 1892–93, 398; Salt Lake City Directory, 1899, 441.)

  3. [3]The California Midwinter International Exposition of 1894, instigated by M. H. de Young, was a world’s fair held in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park. (Evans, All about the Midwinter Fair.)

  4. [4]EBW’s grandson, son of John Q. and Annie Wells Cannon.

  5. [5]A New York Times article lists damages as considerably less. (“Loss on Exhibits Not Heavy,” New York Times, 10 Jan. 1894, 5.)

  6. [6]Patrick H. Lannan was president and general manager of the Tribune Printing and Publishing Company. Charles H. Maguire was secretary of Turngren Mining Company. (Salt Lake City Directory, 1899, 498, 552.)

  7. [7]Ella Thomas.

  8. [8]Samuel C. Park.

  9. [9]H. L. A. Culmer compiled Resources and Attractions of Utah as They Exist Today, Set Forth for the Enquiring Public, Especially for the Midwinter Fair, California, 1894 (Salt Lake City: Geo. Q. Cannon & Sons, 1894).

  10. [10]The article by Dr. Ellen B. Ferguson was printed as “History of Music in Utah,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 and 15 Feb. 1894, 22:92–94. Ferguson also wrote “History of the Drama in Utah,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 and 15 Feb. 1894, 22:94–95.

  11. [11]Woman Suffrage Association.

  12. [12]Zina Caroline Walker.

  13. [13]National American Woman Suffrage Association.

  14. [14]German Jewish brothers Frederick H., Samuel H., and Theodore H. Auerbach from California built a mercantile business in Salt Lake City in 1864 and later established a notable department store called Auerbach’s. (“Pioneer 1848–1868 Companies,” Heritage Gateways.)

  15. [15]Professor Frank W. Metcalf was principal of the Institution of the Deaf Mutes, a department at the University of Utah. (Frank W. Metcalf, “The Utah School for the Deaf, Salt Lake City, Utah 1884–1893,” 7–9, in Fay, Histories of American Schools for the Deaf, 1817–1893; EBW, Diary, 29 and 30 Jan. 1894; 4 and 7 Feb. 1894.)

  16. [16]Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association.

  17. [17]Orson F. Whitney.

  18. [18]Union Pacific Railroad.

  19. [19]John W. Hess served as bishop of the Farmington Ward and later as president of the Davis Stake. (“Hess, John W.,” in Jenson, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, 1:463.)

  20. [20]Born Ann E. Heathman in Southington, Ohio, in about 1850, Anna E. Fay was one of the most famous mediums and mentalists of her day. She was best known for presenting “the indescribable phenomenon,” in which she appeared to mentally manipulate a variety of objects while being tied to a stool. (Cullen et al., Vaudeville Old & New, 1:369; Carrington, Physical Phenomena of Spiritualism, 149–150.)

  21. [21]William W. Woods.

  22. [22]Catherine A. Lowe.

  23. [23]Orange J. Salisbury Jr.

  24. [24]Joseph Horne.

  25. [25]Mary Streeper Dougall.

  26. [26]This celebration of the birth of Zina D. H. Young was described in “Mrs. Zina D. H. Young,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Mar. 1894, 22:100. Another celebration, detailed in the same Woman’s Exponent article, was held the same day in Cardston, Alberta, Canada, at the home of her daughter, Zina Young Card.