July 1895

1 July 1895 • Monday

This is cool weather for the opening of July– I have been busy with preparing editorial matter– and attending to callers– I went out to lunch today– Aunt Zina came home and– Minnie Snow called to see me, she said they would start for Soda Springs tomorrow President Snow and herself– and some others– Mrs. Jennings came in and said she was going to leave for San Francisco and came to say Good Bye– in the evening I went to Mrs. [C. Louise] Boyden’s entertainment and took Louise my little grand-daughter with me she came and stayed all night– I enjoyed her company very much– {p. 211}

2 July 1895 • Tuesday

This morning was the Silk Association and Mrs. Bennett came early and talked to me about the Republican party, she said there had been a meeting the night before and that the men assembled had decided to call out some of the Republican women and strengthen the cause. Mrs. Salisbury came and joined in the conversation and finally Mrs. Allen and at last Mrs. Caine and we held our meeting and talked a great deal. Mrs. Caine brought me the most exquisite lily I almost ever saw, it was fragrant too very & fair– it filled the room with delightful perfume Sister E. S. Taylor brought me some money from Sanpete– {p. 212}

3 July 1895 • Wednesday

Mrs. Salisbury Mrs Bennett Mrs. Caine Mrs. Taylor and myself sent for a set of books to study political science. 1.45 apiece– Em. slept with me last night– I felt very lonely for some reason. Today I have written to Mrs. Catt– Mrs. S. M. Kimball and Mrs. Farley [Susan Harvey] Granger from California have been to call– Mrs. Kimball wanted to get names of Republican women– Mary Freeze, has also been in and we had a long talk about many things Sister [Julia Jinks] Druce too called to see me on Republicanism Emeline Wells came to tell me she goes to Denver to the summer School at Colorado Springs leaves on the 6th. Sep feels a little better– Dot & Belle have {p. 213} both been over–

4 July 1895 • Thursday

Last night the cannons & fire rockets and things of that sort kept up such a noise one could not rest, the day was fine, and John Q. went fishing and came round to Belle’s and Annie came up with baby– then I went up to dinner and afterwards Annie & the children went over to Abram [Cannon]’s to a sort of party, and I came home again and wrote letters etc. my heart was heavy as it always is on holidays and the evening was spent here alone reading and writing, I wrote to Verona [Dunford Hillard] and to Mrs. Thompson and Miss Anthony and Mrs. Catt and read some of Sonya Kovalevsky finished it in fact– {p. 214}

5 July 1895 • Friday

All day yesterday I was very anxious and lonely this morning Annie came with Abram’s surrey and some of the children and took me for a ride around the Park the morning was delightful and I fully enjoyed the fresh air– Yesterday I received a letter from Mr. [Charles K. C.] Crane1 Chairman of the Republican Committee of the Territory asking for an interview and today Judge [James A.] Miner2 and also his wife3 called– later Mrs. Trumbo. tomorrow morning we shall have a meeting here of a few ladies and Mr. Crane will be present– the kindergarten children went to the Park today– the day has been fine George M. Cannon called with Judge Miner– {p. 215}

6 July 1895 • Saturday

This morning at eleven quite a number of ladies came also Apostle John Henry Smith and Mr. Crane.– Mr. Crane read a letter he had prepared to the Republican women of the Territory and also some other written matter and we all talked discussed the feasibility of a separate organization and of one composed of both men & women, voted upon it and also upon the other the majority were in favor of the women organized by themselves. Mrs. Salisbury nominated myself and Mrs. Allen members of the Territorial Central or Executive Committee. At 4 o’clock the Kindergarten meeting was held in my office, and the Saltair excursion plans discussed and some business done {p. 216}

7 July 1895 • Sunday

This is Rulan [Rulon S. Wells]’s birthday he is 41 today, I could not unlock my door last night and slept at Annie’s. When I came home I found a telegram from Miss Anthony saying they would be in Ogden this morning. Of course it was too late– I looked up on some important matters and wrote three letters one to Mrs. Colby in regard to her coming here and others to friends in the East & West. My paper is out for the first of July– I have brought home a Lippincotts magazine with a very good short story An Unsatisfactory Lover by Mrs. Hungerford (The Duchess) it is the first of her stories I have ever read but seems to be a very good one and well written. {p. 217}

8 July 1895 • Monday

I have invited Mrs. [Margaret Maxey] Zane, Mrs. McVicker, Mrs. Sears (Belle) Mrs. Cannon (Annie) to come to the Reaper’s Club and hear Mrs. [Augusta Winters] Grant give her topic– the day is very pleasant Mrs. Annie [Taylor] Hyde and [Maria Richards] Wilcox came in good time. The lecture was on [Henrik] Ibsen and was excellent– Afterwards we had the election of officers for the next three months Mrs. Grant was elected Chairman and Mrs. Folsom Secretary. I tried hard to get through my work early but failed signally and came home weary and disspirited body and mind & in view of the Republican meeting tomorrow rather depressed. Mrs. Bennett Mrs. McVicker and several others have been in, I wrote tonight to Kate Field in reference to Republican literature. {p. 218}

9 July 1895 • Tuesday

This morning I had a letter from Maria Fletcher a young woman who was here teaching for some time, she has written a sketch of me and given a specimen of my poetry. from Autumnal Musings. She is in Chicago but will go to Indianapolis– I felt rather excited all day in view of the meeting to be held– but at the time went over with Mrs. Allen to the Templeton parlors, the ladies were slow in gathering but we had a fair representation. Mrs. McVicker was elected temporary Chairman and Mrs. Allen temporary Secretary– after some deliberation of the question of a separate organization, a permanent Chairman and Secretary were elected Mrs. Wells and Mrs. Pardee– Executive Committee & Finance Com. 2 Vice Chairman & Treasurer {p. 219}

10 July 1895 • Wednesday

<Meeting at Minnie James of Committee on R.S. excursion> This has been a very rainy day and the Utah Kindergarten Association had calculated on making something by the excursion to Saltair– between showers quite a number of people most interested went out to the Beach– but it was next to impossible to bathe, the wind was high the Lake rough of course, and thunder and lightning made it very unpleasant– Annie’s children four of them were there, and Emma [Sears] went with George Hawley on the train with Aunt Zina & myself and several of the Wells family– I had an opportunity to speak to some of my friends whom I rarely ever see– we came home on a late train & reached Thorndike before midnight– I was so weary I could not even sleep {p. 220}

11 July 1895 • Thursday

Today was the Old Folks excursion to Pleasant Grove and I fully intended going but was scarcely well enough– Mrs. <Annie> Hyde left for Chicago very suddenly and I think will go to Europe. I worked steadily at the mailing and got off one sack full of mail. I am anxious about the Republican Woman’s gathering as we have not yet succeeded in getting a hall– Mr. [John C.] Graham called on me to day urging me to go to Provo and effect a County organization of Republican women– I have promised to go on Thursday next. {p. 221}

12 July 1895 • Friday

Another unpromising day for the excursion of the Y.M. & Y.L. to Saltair & they have calculated so much on it– expecting great things however many went in spite of the unfavorable weather– Mrs. Pardee came down and we went over the letter and tried to ascertain about a hall but failed. Mr. Crane called and he procured the Council Chamber in the Wasatch Building– for tomorrow at four o’clock we sent notices to Herald & Tribune to publish– Sister Kimball & Sister Horne called and we talked politics and the R.S. excursion. Mrs. McCune called to take me for a ride– took Sister Kimball home– I had to refuse on account of my work at the mailing {p. 222}

13 July 1895 • Saturday

Today is fine after so much disagreeable weather though not so bad as to be unbearable like in many places east & West North & South– the bands are out and the City full of people came in from all parts to the Democratic Territorial Convention– Women are delegates in about equal number with men– it opened at 10. A.M. with a great deal of eclat. Aunt Zina and Sister Horne are delegates Jane S. Richards of Ogden & Sister B. W. Smith were both on the platform– also Mattie Hughes Cannon Electa [Wood] Bullock of Provo & other ladies– We had a meeting of Republican women at 4 p.m. at the Wasatch Building and presented plan of organization & address to the women of the State {p. 223}

14 July 1895 • Sunday

Sep came over here to sleep last night– I wrote my editorial after coming home at ten– we have had such beautiful nights of late I have written the 45th chapter of In Rural England sent off today manuscript sent me by Maria Fletcher also letter to her– official notices to Mrs. [Annie] Atkin of Provo4 and Mrs. [Emily Crane] Watson of Parowan of their election on Ex. Com. State Republican Committee of Women– Wrote a letter to Will asking him some questions and Annie came and brought baby and Emmeline and spent a few minutes or perhaps an hour. Belle has been over once or twice. Mrs [Sarah Wagstaff] Sears & Mrs. [Charlotte Radford] Pilcher went to the Tabernacle and to the organ recital after. I went to Annie’s in the evening came home before eleven. {p. 224}

15 July 1895 • Monday

Went early to the office & did a few errands, had some work on Committee for the Relief Society excursion & the paper had proofs to read went up to Mrs. Salisbury’s to lunch at one o’clock and had a very pleasant time– she is going away to Bay Horse Idaho with Mr. Salisbury and take the boys5 with her Mrs. Walker & Stella [Salisbury] will go later on to Helena Mont– Mrs. Walker is quite a fine woman I think. In the afternoon finished off all the mailing left over and, packed it all into the sack myself– It was a very hard day’s work for me and I was really quite exhausted when I finished, came home & wrote my editorial and was off early in the morning– {p. 225}

16 July 1895 • Tuesday

<Fiske’s Civil Government came today five copies–> Annie came up to take me for a ride but I had gone to the office so she took Mrs. Pilcher– I was very glad indeed that she could take her– Silk meeting at eleven o’clock and Mrs. Salisbury came for a few minutes gave a chick [check] for 25 dollars– – Aunt Zina came and Mrs. Allen excused herself– Mrs. Bennett stayed during the meeting and also Mrs. Caine so we had a quorum. Mr. Salisbury came in about 2 o’clock and we had a little talk about the women of the party and he told me he had arranged for mileage for me to the end of the year– also that I could sometimes take some one else with me– In the evening Mrs. Allen called for me to go to the Ex. Com. of the Republicans {p. 226}

17 July 1895 • Wednesday

This morning I was a little late– Miss [Elizabeth M.] Snedeker is to make up the paper alone it is her first attempt. Pearl Russell is away in the country– I have been up to Aunt Zina, down to the Railway Office– and on ever so many errands and did not get to Saltair until the quarter to six train. Everything went off well at the Excursion and I had a very nice time for me– Louise has been up today and told me her father was sick, which worried me considerable but I felt I must go all the same– I had refreshments at Emily Richards table– and enjoyed it all very much– Mr. Sears came to see me today about having a well driven and I consented. Scott [Daniel Hanmer III] Wells goes to Annapolis tonight. {p. 227}

18 July 1895 • Thursday

I rose very early and reached the depot in time Mrs. Pardee was in waiting, on the train were Will [William C.] Bryan & Dave [P.] Felt and they talked all the way to Provo Mrs. Reed [Alpha Eldredge] Smoot met us at the depot with a surrey & took us to her house, called upon Sister [Mary Wride] John on the way; We held two meetings with the Utah County women– Mrs. Bachman was Chairman in the morning and Mrs. Snyder in the afternoon. A Committee brought in a Report favoring working in unison with the men– and it was voted upon & carried– we came home on the 3.15. train and I went to Annie’s to dinner– came home about ten wrote a letter to Br. Bleak St. George and to Fred Hayes of Heber City and card to W. S. Webster– Belle came over a minute or two Lucile came home tonight {p. 228}

19 July 1895 • Friday

Started off early to go to the Davis Co. Relief Society Conference at Farmington and found myself too soon for the train– went up town again and missed Aunt Zina– went up alone– Mrs. Odell6 was on the train talked with her for some time. Arriving at Farmington heard of the severe illness of Sister Alice [Steed] Clark wife of Amasa [L.] Clark– and it sort of cast a gloom over us all. Sister Mary [Stevenson] Clark Sister [Susan Noble] Grant’s first counselor seemed to be quite ill, and disturbed over her daughter in law’s illness. Had an excellent Conference however and went to Sister [Helen Cheney] Miller’s to dinner– and had a pleasant time– ripe cherries, & raspberries and many vegetables– came home and went to see Aunt Zina at her own home– {p. 229}

20 July 1895 • Saturday

This morning came up and found several people waiting for me– Lucile came with me– had several letters to read & quite a number of things to do. Mrs. Bennett & Mrs. [Antoinette Brown] Kinney and some strangers and Mr. Webster and Mrs. [Emma Roethlisberger] Hayes one of the teachers from Sevier Co. Miss McMaster who had transcribed a part of the Convention when Miss Anthony & Miss Shaw were here, she goes East tonight– At 2.30 Mrs. Allen came and we went to the Executive meeting of the Territoria County Committee– Mrs. S. M. Kimball, Mrs. Ruth M. Fox, Mrs. W. [William] F. James [Lizzie F. James], Mrs. I. E. Bennett besides Mrs. Allen & myself were present. In the evening we had a meeting of the Republican Women at the Wasatch rather a slim attendance, We sang Julie Ward Howe’s Hymn Battle Hymn of the Republic {p. 230}

21 July 1895 • Sunday

Mrs. McVicker & Mr. Harrington were the speakers I also spoke a few minutes– Mr. [John E.] Pilcher arrived this morning, from St. Louis. I went to the Post Office at noon, had a letter from Kate Field, she is about to start for the Sandwich Islands– I went to the Tabernacle, Br. [David] McKenzie preached on the atonement– & gave many good reasons, why we believed in it. After meeting went to Annie’s and found Mamie [Mary Hoagland] Cannon and baby7 there Louis [Lewis M. Cannon] & Sylvester [Q. Cannon] soon came and Mr. Webster– Louise is not very well & Emmeline has had croup– she upset us all by breaking a bottle of medicine and spilling it all on the bed, we were alarmed lest she had taken some of it– I stayed until ten in the evening– wrote to Mrs. Nielson, Hyrum, today {p. 231}

22 July 1895 • Monday

<Grant Smith called to talk over the situation> Went up in good time Lucile could not go with me– but as soon as she came I left for Mrs. Pardee’s and found Owen Court at last. 730– It seems so strange in those garden lots to find so many little homes. This was part of Br. [Alexander] Steels lot once. She wrote the notice for a meeting and we signed it. I was in time for the Reaper’s Club Miss Julia Druce read a paper on [John] Ruskin– and we decided on program after some discussion. Voted to send for set of books of study prepared by the Committee of the N–A.W.S.A. money handed me– to send– I came home in pretty good time and wrote for awhile sent letter to Sister [Ruth Welton] Tyler of Beaver– and did some other necessary work for copy John Q. is not so well {p. 232}

23 July 1895 • Tuesday

Went up early and tried to get ready to mail– many hindrances– letter from Miss Susan B. Anthony– and callers in abundance, saw Aunt Zina for a few minutes Sister [Margaret Farquhar] Steel and Mrs. Allen were both in a short time. I had a conversation with Mr. James Chairman County Committee– and Mrs. C. [Clarence] E. Allen [Corinne Tuckerman Allen] also came to see me– talked of the situation. Mr. Sears & Belle have decided to go to Parley’s Caňon tomorrow and take the family– Em. has gone to Ogden today to stay for a week– saw John Q. and Louise & Emmeline up town– came home in pretty good time and found the folks getting pic nic ready for their “out”– Mr. & Mrs. Pilcher Will [C. William Buchholz] & Dot, Mr. [John G.] Roberts & Lucile besides the three boys & Mr. & Mrs. Sears. {p. 233}

24 July 1895 • Wednesday

This morning cannons were fired but not many and everything was quiet for a holiday like Pioneer day. The covered wagon and party of twelve for even Elise went and I stayed at Belle’s to watch & take care of the house. Wrote to Mrs. [Mary Ann Bosworth] Hubbard of Willard about meetings & to Carrie Chapman-Catt and sent P.O. Order for books for the Reaper’s Club– felt very lonely & depressed in spirits. The family came home happy having spent a pleasant day in the mouth of Cotton Wood Caňon, Annie & family were also near them with several of the Cannons. I remained at home in the evening and tried to compose myself & write on my poem {p. 234}

25 July 1895 • Thursday

To day we are to have a meeting of the Republican League at the Wasatch and I have been very busy getting things in shape for it– It is a great undertaking and I fear Gov. [Arthur L.] Thomas who was to speak for us is out of town Br. Harring Barlow Ferguson spoke for us. We transacted considerable business, Mrs. Sarah F. [Farr] Smith was made Chairman of Salt Lake County and Mrs. Arthur [Isabel Cameron] Brown of the City and some appointments were made for precinct City work, the meeting was adjourned subject to call. I have been very busy reading & writing at home I have a poem under <way–> {p. 235}

26 July 1895 • Friday

This is a fearfully hot day and one can scarcely get through their actual work. The Presidency returned from Alaska this morning and President Woodruff is feeling much better– the matter of the women taking part in public affairs is to come before the First Presidency and a meeting will be held tomorrow– Some of the brethren have been to President Angus M. Cannon deprecating the course he had taken in the affair and the whole matter is to come up & to be settled amicably. I hope sincerely that it will be decided for the best good of all parties concerned. and no doubt it will be– John Q. is ailing and not able to be at the office {p. 236}

27 July 1895 • Saturday

So many things are happening one can scarcely credit what is going on at all, it is the meeting of the County Committee and the arranging of the Ballot vote– I did not feel very much pleased with the proceedings, some men are so uncouth with the ladies– I have some important letters and am trying to finish my poem begun so long ago– The Voice of the Mountains8 and also to go on with the story In Rural England– and when one has editorial work to do beside other political and literary work– letters to write and questions of all kinds to answer to satisfy the public in the performance of duties it is very fatiguing {p. 237}

28 July 1895 • Sunday

This morning I wrote a number of letters and made ready to go to the meeting. I was determined to go and get my ma[i]l from the Post Office George Q. Cannon preached in the Tabernacle, a most important and significant sermon– he read whole chapters from the Book of Mormon and made many quotations from the Book of Doctrine and Covenants– the singing and particularly the Anthem was magnificent. After meeting I went to Annies and had a very interesting visit– I fully enjoy the time spent there with the children but as Annie feels so hurt over my political work it rather dampens my ardor, so that I cannot be exactly myself in other respects. {p. 238}

29 July 1895 • Monday

This is the anniversary of my wedding day, when in all the buoyancy of youth and the full assurance of innocent physical life, and with consciousness of good mental endowments I joined my fortunes with one9 in whom my mother at least placed implicit faith and trust. I acknowledge I was too young to judge of men– My emotions were stronger than my judgment, I was practical and romantic and I know now that the sentiment I felt was not one strong enough to live upon air– I had indeed made a sacrifice and a very great one, but I knew it not at that time Since how severely have I felt it & yet it was unavoidable– Fate decided it for me. {p. 239}

30 July 1895 • Tuesday

This is Sweetie’s birthday Louise [B. Cannon]– she is to have a party of relatives at the Lake– I have promised to go at 2.15 and I must for she shall not be disappointed. Abram [H. Cannon]’s folks & the farm folks and some of our family are going. I succeeded in getting off in time– the day was burning hot– but I had time over there to see a few of my friends & talk a little with them. John Q. came over late also Abram and others and I spoke to Abram about the work for the Republican party The sisters & Angus M. the President of the Stake were up before the Presidency today and the matter settled in part about talking Democracy. Sisters Young Smith & Horne will be more moderate {p. 240}

31 July 1895 • Wednesday

Annie has been up today and I told her a little about affairs, She went to Br. Cannon’s to some dinner or some thing of the sort– and Abram told her he wanted to see me– the weather is very hot– I went with Edna [Lambson Smith] on some errands political– the Executive Committee met in my office to consider some important matters & decided that no bills could be paid by the Treasurer unless said bills had been authorized by Ex. Com. and then bills should be paid by checks– considerable discussion of this subject was done Mrs. Annie [Jones] Atkins of Provo was quite prominent in the discussion– {p. 241}

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July 1895, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1895/1895-07


  1. [1]Charles Crane was chairman of the Utah Republican Party and aspired to be first governor of the state of Utah. (Lyman, “Isaac Trumbo,” 41:135–141.)

  2. [2]James Alvin Miner served as associate justice (1896–1901) and chief justice (1901–1903) of the Utah State Supreme Court. (“Judge J. A. Miner Answers Sudden Summons of Death,” Salt Lake City Evening Telegram, 22 May 1907, 1; Smith, “Supreme Court,” Utah Division of Archives and Records Service.)

  3. [3]Harriet Baker Miner. (“Sudden Death of Judge Miner,” Deseret Evening News, 22 May 1907, 1.)

  4. [4]See EBW, Diary, 31 July 1895.

  5. [5]Orange James Salisbury, Robert Walker Salisbury, and Blaine Gillespie Salisbury. (1900 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, 241B.)

  6. [6]Perhaps Florence Grant Odell. (1900 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, 250B.)

  7. [7]Elizabeth H. Cannon.

  8. [8]EBW, “The Voice of the Mountains,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Aug. 1895, 24:35.

  9. [9]James H. Harris.