December 1894

9 December 1894 • Sunday

After a restless night the wind being furious and fairly shrieking– I felt nervous & wanted rest– Emmie came over with my breakfast and lighted the fire– I read during the morning in the Bible and several other books– later I made up the Hospital accounts for the money one thousand dollars given from the Church– Eugene brought over my lunch Geo. Q. came on horseback to the door– and later Elise with my dinner John Q. called and urged me to go there to sleep. The wind has kept up very high all day long. Tonight I have been reading over some old poems of mine and Beatrice Harridon’s book In Verying Moods– George Elliotts [Eliot’s] Lifted Veil etc– the wind snow & sleet have made the day dismal only we need snow very much– [p. 343] {p. 137}

10 December 1894 • Monday

This is May Wells fortieth birthday– it is an awfully dreary day– slush and mud– I took my Account to the President’s1 office– he was there alone– very kind and fatherly– the Reaper’s Club in the afternoon– papers– on W. D. Howell’s and George Sand– very good indeed– M. A. Caine reported her trip to Davis Co. in the interest of the W.S.A. excellent success Mrs. Aurelia S. [Spencer] Rogers chosen Delegate– Sister E. S. Taylor came in reference to Washington & also Tooele– her husband2 is very ill– was to come in the evening but did not– suppose he is worse– letter from Tooele for some one to attend Conference– answered– have been very much occupied today and not very well– [p. 344] {p. 138}

11 December 1894 • Tuesday

This morning we had the silk meeting. Mrs. Salisbury was present and presided– so lovely– Aunt Zina came in late– Mrs. Bennett was present– also Amelia & Margaret we heard the report prepared for our Delegate– at Washington D.C. It is Verona’s birthday and I tried hard to write her a letter but could not get time. How well I remember her birth and her many sicknesses in babyhood– how much she clung to me as she grew older and how eccentric she was as a child– O, dear the things one has to endure and the ties so sacred and tender and the rending apart after all, how it breaks one’s heart. I have commenced a poem, it came to me– the subject and I am wrought up with it– but time is inauspicious– one cannot do so many different things. [p. 345] {p. 139}

12 December 1894 • Wednesday

Daisie’s wedding day three years ago– now only two 1892– well she has a fine son3 and a sweet home– and a good husband4 I think– Sep seems to think they are happy and contented. I hope so I am sure for it seems a rare thing nowadays. I am reading a great deal now and trying to do a great deal too– have a letter from Rachel Foster Avery who is on the Program Committee for the Convention in Atlanta Georgia I am full of the Convention and of the Council in Washington– Mrs. Eli H. Peirce [Lydia Snow Peirce] has been in to ask for items on the origin and growth of Suffrage in America– these sort of things keep me going and I try <to> do so much for others. Gen. [William] Booth the great leader of the Salvation Army is here– and will speak in the Tabernacle tomorrow evening– dined at Annie’s and spent the evening [p. 346] {p. 140}

13 December 1894 • Thursday

Had a letter from Mell today telling me she had won the debate on Suffrage– a lawyer was her opponent– it was quite a victory– she is much better– speaks fearfully of Daisie’s baby–5 laments the excessive taxation this year in Idaho. I have a letter from the W.S.A. in Utah Co. asking advice– and have had some communication of a serious nature brought to me today, which is in flat contradiction of the same person’s sentiments confided to me– it is calculated to make one suspicious of a trusted friend. Stayed in the office and worked late at the mailing came home very weary. My sister Mrs. [Adeline Woodward] Earl and her daughter Addie called to day and gave me some news of our Eastern relatives. Read a few pages of Sappho by Thomas Wentworth Higginson sent two booklist to Daisie & Verona [p. 347] {p. 141}

14 December 1894 • Friday

This morning was clear & cold had letters from Mrs. [Ellen Battelle] Dietrick and St. Joseph Arizona also Mrs. Jex Sp. Fork– called at the bank to ask about interest saw Mamie & Emily Cannon & baby Elizabeth [Cannon]– they spoke of President [George Q.] Cannon’s birthday– and the program– had a letter from Phebe Couzins–6 Wrote to Mrs. Bullock at Provo on the suffrage question– Have been mailing all day nearly except when giving advice to old and young– I have been much excited over the affairs of the Relief Society as relating to program for National Council– and seem not to make any headway. Elise came up and helped me with the mailing and after I came home I read some in Thomas Wentworth Higginson’s Book Atlantic Essays about the Greek Goddesses– [p. 348] {p. 142}

15 December 1894 • Saturday

A very cold morning snowing heavily and wind fierce– R.S. Stake Conference in the Assembly Hall today. Letter from Hebe Wells this morning containing two dollars in currency– also letter from E. [Elizabeth Morgan] Gourley Goshen 1.00 Sub. in paper– Many disagreeable people came in and upset me. Worked very hard trying to get on with mailing and other matters– Louise came Aunt Zina, Sisters E. S. Taylor M. A. Caine, M. E. Irvine, M. A. Hazon [Hazen] L. D. Alder, M. S. Snow, L. K. Spencer, I. Long.7 Press Club this evening mostly upon [William Cullen] Bryant a very good meeting indeed. [p. 349] {p. 143}

26 December 1894 • Wednesday

Today is full of Xmas left over from yesterday– this & that Annie is without help– [p. 360] {p. 144}

27 December 1894 • Thursday

An awful day wind blowing terrifically one can scarcely stand up in it, and I have had a fearful night, such shrieks in the wind when one is alone– dismal indeed– I love the wind when it sweeps softly sighing and moaning even pitiful but not when it is so wild with groans and shrill messages of pain. All day I have been working hard at my mailing I seem totally unable to get through it. Lula [Greene Richards] sent the title of her article8 to me today– she has a sick child. Mrs. [Rebecca Dilworth] Riter is dead. she was in her 80th. year– her funeral was yesterday from the 9th. Ward meeting house. Belle is not well, has a bad cold. Called on Miss Couzins with Mrs. [Ruth May] Fox. She is a great talker. [p. 361] {p. 145}

31 December 1894 • Friday

This morning called at Belle’s and found her very pale and ill. At the office Sister Brockbank came and told me of their trouble– Pearl had upset me about my editorial and then the club time came– Miss Couzins came and spoke;9 we had two good papers from Ella Hyde and Joan [Millar] Campbell and afterwards a letter came signed by several persons who wish to make trouble. No one could misunderstand the spirit of envy and jealousy in the communication. Aunt Zina came to confer with me about some Council matters and Margaret Caine to talk about Suffrage– I went out & bought a few New Year’s gifts for the grandchildren and went up Annies & down to Belle’s and then home to close up the New Year [p. 365] {p. 146}

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December 1894, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Wilford Woodruff.

  2. [2]George H. Taylor.

  3. [3]Martin W. Allen.

  4. [4]Henry R. Allen.

  5. [5]Martin W. Allen.

  6. [6]“Miss Phoebe Couzins, of St. Louis, the famous lawyer and lecturer of National reputation will be in our city now very soon and will probably give one or two lectures while here. . . . The women of Utah owe her some gratitude for speaking publicly against their disfranchisement and at a time when our people were most unpopular.” (“Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Dec. 1894, 23:220.) In another editorial, EBW gave additional information on Miss Couzins’s visit, identified lectures she gave in Salt Lake City and Ogden, and explained, “Miss Couzins is accompanied by her brother, who is like herself a sort of semi-invalid.” (“Miss Phoebe Couzins,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 and 15 Jan. 1895, 23:228.)

  7. [7]EBW here referred to her granddaughter Louise Cannon, Zina D. H. Young, Elmina Shepard Taylor, Margaret Mitchell Caine, Mary Rutherford Irvine, Mary Bainbridge Hazen, Lydia Dunford Alder, Minnie Jensen Snow, Louisa King Spencer, and likely Eleanor Oates Long.

  8. [8]This may be L. L. Greene Richards, “Brothers and Sisters,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 and 15 Feb. 1895, 23:235.

  9. [9]“U. W. P. Club,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 and 15 Jan. 1895, 23:227.