November 1890

1 November 1890 • Saturday

Such lots of work to do paper delayed and the girls very careless about working. Could not get my proofs in time to read them & felt very much annoyed– This would have been the birthday anniversary of Irene Pomeroy– not a very pleasant day– found when I came home that the Esquire had been staying here in my absence– I had Mr. & Mrs. [George W. and Lydia Howard] Colburn from Iowa to entertain he is Will’s cousin. I went up to the old place with them only Emeline at home– then to see Rule at the Wagon shop– he subscribed for the paper they seem greatly pleased– went away on 7 p.m. train D. & R. G. and I took 7.30 for Ogden to see my children sat by Jude [Jode] all the way– [p. 329] {p. 329}

2 November 1890 • Sunday

This is Belle’s birthday 42– years old– hardly seems possible– I sent her half a dozen silver tea-spoons handsome ones, engraved I. M. S.1 She has given me many elegant presents in her life– it is rather a nice day and I have a desire to be out but Annie is not well neither is little Margaret– Q. took me over to see Mrs. Richards, I had a long talk with her– and with Josephine West– We had a most delicious dinner– Margaret seemed quite ill– then I came away to the train John Q. drove me down– Annie Sears Wells & baby and Jode were on the cars with me– we had quite a visit coming down and they brought me up from the depot in a carriage with them– [p. 330] {p. 330}

3 November 1890 • Monday

Work– work though I read my proofs last night– girls very dilatory– the Esquire came to pay his last call before going away– we had a pleasant hour or two Minnie [Minerva White] Snow came and I took her in to see him. He showed us the blessing Pres. Lorenzo Snow had given him in August and we read it. He wants me to write to him– he will write to me when he goes back– Lydia Ann is going with him, so he will not be alone, that will be better for he is feeble– in the evening I went up to see Lydia Ann and came home by Nettes– and had a pleasant call– Harry came down with me, this is Emma [Kofod]’s last night here, she goes in the morning [p. 331] {p. 331}

4 November 1890 • Tuesday

Today has been dismal so dark– Emma went away and as usual when one goes the house seems deserted. May has been in, says her mother started off this morning all right. Worked hard to make up the paper and then they never put it on the press. Went down to the Post Office & did some errands etc. in the evening went to Bishop Geo. H. Taylor’s birthday party– gave him a book mark as a souvenir– Br. & Sister Horne brought me home in their carriage, a bright moonlight night & very sad for me all the same as I was all alone, and for the first time in many months– the thought too that I might never see my husband again as he is aged and infirm and may never come back so many things might happen before we meet. [p. 332] {p. 332}

5 November 1890 • Wednesday

This is my Sister Ellen’s birthday. She will be 59– born in 1831. she has had many changes in her life a large family, but only one husband2 which to me seems a great blessing; but we are not all constituted alike in this world and cannot judge each other. It is a dismal day here any way, though one is reminded it might be a good day for hunting ducks and the reeds and willows that fringe the water’s edge will be magnificent in foliage today– so picturesque so– full of nature’s languor. I have had some great annoyances to hinder me and to upset me. I am always expected to be a miracle & to do all sorts of unpleasant things with a marvelous grace and if one should fail who is to be answerable. [p. 333] {p. 333}

6 November 1890 • Thursday

Such a dismal morning and I slept late and fasted [illegible] I did not get any steak Paper goes to press this morning– after waiting until my patience was exhausted– Such a ridiculous thing to put me off like that– have heard from Belle that she is pleased with the silver spoons and has had some very nice presents from others– Ria Dougall & Phebe Beatie were here talking over the suffrage affair and the sending of Delegates to Washington– They are greatly annoyed with the methods that have been used, and seem to think something ought to be done in it– have been in the Lion House saw Twiss [Naamah Carter Twiss Young] & Aunt Susan [Snively Young] and two or three of their empty rooms– such a dreary place. [p. 334] {p. 334}

7 November 1890 • Friday

Today it is 16 years since Mell was married to Major W. W. Woods– it is a much finer day than the one on which she was married, though still a November day, how much one has to look back upon as one advances in life– How well I remember the day and the ceremony and now the man who performed it his wife and the witnesses are all dead except us. Will Mell & myself– that was the day on which I may say I first had a real parlor of my own not a very grand one but better than I had ever had before. An ingrain carpet cane seated chairs & rocker centre table the very one on which I am now writing and two small tables. We had a family reception and a quiet wedding affair altogether. [p. 335] {p. 335}

8 November 1890 • Saturday

This morning Mrs. Emily Richards called early to invite me up to spend the evening at her house as she expected Representative [Charles S.] Baker and wife3 from Rochester whom we had met in Washington and who had been very nice to us when we had tried our subject before them. Lest I might be taken by surprise should they call on me, I dusted and warmed the parlor and prepared myself to be presentable. However they did not come but a great many ladies from the 14th Ward meeting called and we discussed several subjects and had quite an interesting time. Went up to Emily’s in the evening– Met Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Low– [p. 336] {p. 336}

9 November 1890 • Sunday

Emily had very nice refreshments prepared Br. Penrose was there & Luella Young and her sister Fanny Clayton, also Mr. & Mrs. Arthur [and Isabel Cameron] Brown Some way she always makes me uncomfortable. Br. Penrose came home with me– but I came in alone so very dreary for one who has been accustomed to have so many around This morning only rose in time to make preparations to go to Ogden went off by the 1/2 past one train, had a pleasant ride on the train and found on arriving that Annie had been quite ill. Spent the day and evening there enjoyed it very much indeed and especially the evening. Baby & Sweetie have had colds. Q. had a new drum to show me. [p. 337] {p. 337}

10 November 1890 • Monday

This morning after breakfast Annie took me in her carriage over to F. D. Richards and Sister Lettie [L. Letitia Peery Richards] & also Aunt Jane talked to me about the article I am to write for the Exponent about Mabel Clare [Richards]– who died recently– she has been a great sufferer–4 then I was late for the U. P.5 Train it had gone so I came on the D. & R. G. and had a quiet time– no one that I knew on the train. Found letters from both Belle & Mell on my arrival very good news from both places tho’ Belle has not yet recovered. The children are well and she is getting along well with the Dr. in the effort to cure her hip that has troubled her so many years. All alone in the evening working away at the papers. [p. 338] {p. 338}

11 November 1890 • Tuesday

This morning was dismal so dark and I was not able to get up, but I was obliged to on account of my work, and felt better after I had succeeded in dressing myself– went out for breakfast and then on an errand or two saw Edna [M.] Wells who told me she was going to San Francisco on a trip– also that Mrs. Beatie and Florence [B. Beatie] were going. just after noon the wind rose furiously, it was scarcely possible to walk in it. I went to the Lion House to take my recommend for the Relief Society to join this Ward as I had resigned my position in the 13th on account of having moved from the Ward. Meeting in South East room– June Gersh. May Nett & Edna have all been in today. I have been working very hard had a party of strangers– [p. 339] {p. 339}

12 November 1890 • Wednesday

This morning Dr. Pratt came and asked me to go and help to wash and anoint Sister Penrose–6 went with her in the buggy to Aunt Zina’s and then came home again, found a young lady waiting for me– Mrs. Mary Grant Majors. A journalist and a most interesting person– Mrs. [Margaret Blaine] Salisbury had been in during my absence she is the delegate or one of them to the Columbian Fair in Chicago in 1892– or 1893. I went to her house having missed the opportunity of seeing her here. It was Auntie’s old place– and what memories it called up– got along fine with her, very gracious she was to be sure, wanted me to give her some points &c. At 4 Aunt Zina and I went down to Penrose’s Sister Smith & Dr. Pratt came after wards and we attended to the ordinance. [p. 340] {p. 340}

13 November 1890 • Thursday

Have just found time to breathe freely after the mailing; I am quite ashamed of it indeed I ought to have been more energetic or had someone help me. I have so many letters to write and things to finish and really I feel that I cannot get sufficient time to be courteous to people who call or on whom I ought to call. Such a struggle for existence and so hard to keep above water. I would be glad to have all my time to devote to literature in a very different way instead of being obliged to get my own living. If some of the beauties of life had fallen upon me, and I had shelter and protection from some great-souled man how different my lot might have been and might be now– and thus I pray it may be in the future [p. 341] {p. 341}

14 November 1890 • Friday

My mailing has dragged on terribly finished only today such a long drawn affair I have made of it– Mrs. Jones of Council Bluffs has been to see me and had quite a talk with me then went away with Lillie Freeze to a meeting in the 17th Ward. So many interruptions people coming to talk or really coming for nothing, had to excuse myself from Sister [Permelia Horne] James to go to a business meeting and was away the remainder of the afternoon. I had important matters to write about and needed to be alone but could not accomplish it until after time to shut the gate. The Wall is quite a protection at night from callers & people who come for nothing [p. 342] {p. 342}

15 November 1890 • Saturday

The Esquire came from the Court Room where he had been in attendance upon the Robison case and spent a couple of hours or more. I prepared lunch for him. Mrs. Boyden came and had a short visit with him. About two he went to the Court-room, it was so cold but he was very well wrapped up. After that I made ready to go to Ogden put up a bolt of white linsey to take to Annie and could not get off until 1/2 past seven train. Sat by Rodney [C.] Badger all the way– he talked of the times and what people are saying about the Manifesto &c. found Annie not very well nor baby either, had a pleasant evening though with Annie [p. 343] {p. 343}

16 November 1890 • Sunday

All day Sunday we were visiting and had everything as nice as could be– delicious dinner and candy and pop-corn in the evening. A telegram came to say Talula was coming next morning. John Q. has been made editor of the paper. Frank the business manager. I am very glad as he did all the work before any way & got no credit Frank carrying off the honors. As it is now he will have some show to be appreciated. President Cannon & Pres. Woodruff preached in the Tabernacle today. Little Louise & Q. went to Sunday School. Daniel & Robert are neither of them very well, nor yet Annie herself– no word from Mrs. [Catherine] Lewis the nurse yet. [p. 344] {p. 344}

17 November 1890 • Monday

Miserable cold dull day, went to the Gardo House this morning and read three galleys of proof to President Woodruff, Geo. Q. Cannon & Jos. F. Smith. was there about two hours, then went to an executive or business meeting of the Utah W.S.A. at Sister Sarah M. Kimball’s Walked home with Emily Richards, just been home about a minute when my husband came in to see me– we had a nice little visit. Meantime Julia [Clark] Taylor came for some directions about writing and sending a circular letter to the county organizations. She is the Cor. Sec’y. She wrote 12 letters– June came after his father just then Dr. Barney came and spent the evening. [p. 345] {p. 345}

18 November 1890 • Tuesday

This morning Pres. Wells went back to Manti and I am very glad as I really think that is the best place he can occupy. Lydia Ann is there too and she will feel better when he is there. Such a busy day. Wrote several letters one to Frances Dickinson Chicago enclosing one five dollar bill to make me a member of the Queen Isabella Statue Fund7 and also wrote to Mrs. Greenhalgh and Mrs. M. M. [Maria Miller] Johnson and other ladies in reference to Christmas paper etc. Wrote the article about Mabel Clare Richards tonight. Wrote to Belle today and feel that I must write to Mell and the others wrote to Annie about her mince meat recipe. Sat up ever and ever so late had a nice fire in the parlor coal came today. [p. 346] {p. 346}

19 November 1890 • Wednesday

Prepared copy and read proof– had lots of callers Hannah and Abby were both in separately– Br. [William J.] Armitage who used to teach Louie painting was buried today from the 15th Ward. Went out to dinner and went in to Rosa’s to see Mamie Cannon Caroline Raleigh called on me– and Dr. Barney to talk over a name for her house she had has decided on naming it “Acorn Maison.[”] it will be in the glass of the door– a pretty design between the two words, of an oak tree and acorns with birds in it. Commenced writing a story for the Contributor– wrote letters to Sister J. P. M. [Julia Permelia Murdock] Farnsworth, R. W. [Ruth Welton] Tyler, and others, read some in magazines etc. and went to bed about three A.M. [p. 347] {p. 347}

20 November 1890 • Thursday

This morning prepared copy, went up to Susan’s and had dinner with the family. Walked down with May Ort came in to see me & told me a dream he had about Emmie my Emmie. Sister [Elmina Shepard] Taylor came and spent an hour or so, June has been in and some people from the country. I went out and purchased a little trifle for Sister Horne this is her birthday she is 72– and then I called on her. It is an illustrated poem “Sea Breezes.” Came home did up my work etc– and commenced work over again. Wrote my editorial and Notes then wrote on the story for the Contributor,8 until three o’clock A.M. and now commenced in my diary. How strange it seems to be here alone, and formerly so many around me at the old home. [p. 348] {p. 348}

21 November 1890 • Friday

This is a dull day and I am trying to get a few ideas together in my mind, and fasten them together to make an interesting complete story. I have some parts of A Christmas Eve that will do for my paper if I can finish it,9 and I am so anxious to get a poem done, but fear that will be quite impossible. My mind is all right on either stories poems or articles of a different nature if I could only leave the mailing & folding to some one else. However I am not in the least able to do that and must do all I possibly can to save money; to me it is complete drudgery but I suppose it is a relief and even better for me than constant writing and thinking, I ought to have some hours of recreation and employment to make variety. [p. 349] {p. 349}

22 November 1890 • Saturday

Today I have been more than busy and in fact it seems to me a regular thing with me, no time to reflect, or to write elegantly always hurry and bustle and answering questions and trying to do so many different things. Women writers most of them only write a few hours in a day and have lots of exercise in riding walking and company I am so crowded for time and now doing so much in making up fires carrying in coal etc. washing dishes, and I do get so tired that I can scarcely think at all. Went off on the evening train to Ogden & found them all pretty well. Making preparations for Thanksgiving. Sister Richards telephoned over and told us the children were sick. Aunt Zina is not well at all [p. 350] {p. 350}

24 November 1890 • Monday

This morning when I got up a young woman was sitting in the office with her baby crying.10 She told me she had no place to go to, and did not know what to do, I asked her some questions and found she was the young girl Nelson Empey had interceded for to go to the Deseret Hospital to be confined– she can stay at Br. Romney’s as a wet nurse a day or two longer. I do not suppose I can have her here long but it will be a relief for a few days to have some one cook etc. Hanmer’s [Daniel Hanmer Wells Jr.] birthday forty one today. I suppose the girls his sisters will think of it and send him some trifling memento. [p. 352] {p. 351}

25 November 1890 • Tuesday

Every moment I can possibly spare from real drudgery I am putting in on the story Aunt Esther’s Sweetheart The first pages are now being set in type and I am struggling on with the remainder. I have other literary work too letters & so on, but until I can finish the story, most other work will be laid over. The ladies come in and out with matters pertaining to suffrage business and such like. I want very much to finish the thing and go up to Annie’s tomorrow and not have to rush so, but it is not always possible to bring one’s thoughts into proper shape, and then my story covers too much paper for the Contributor space is a feature of their work and in fact must be even in books. So it has to be a consideration with writers. [p. 353] {p. 352}

26 November 1890 • Wednesday

All day trying to get off to Ogden spent some time in trying to look up on a place for the store and at last succeeded– the place is on South Temple just East of the Theatre, Caroline Raleigh was here until after time for the 5 o’clock train and so I thought to catch the 1/2 past seven but found it impossible to make the necessary preparations. I was doing the last work on my story and could not get it to suit me, sat up very late and gave all the attention I could to its finale. I do not know whether it will take well or not but feel how much better it could have been made if I had but taken time to its construction. I miss my girls O, so much had no one to judge at all of its merits and little opportunity to read it over by myself– such a lonely night. [p. 354] {p. 353}

27 November 1890 • Thursday

<Zina Sophia Hanson came today & her baby> This morning took up my copy as I had promised and found I was too late for the morning train, came back and wrote a letter to my husband and mailed it immediately; I think he will be pleased with it & then I fixed a little lunch and a big bundle and went down to the depot and caught the 1/2 past 3 train– it was awful slow and when I reached Annie’s dinner was over but there was plenty for me & more than enough of good things. The children were delighted and we had a delightful evening. John Q. was at home and we had pop corn and lunch at eleven and the time was occupied in brilliant conversation– Br. Cannon had been there the day before and stayed all night and they were all gratified with his visit [p. 355] {p. 354}

28 November 1890 • Friday

This morning John Q brought me to the train and I came down to the meeting first of all– train was late and the meeting had already commenced– but I spoke a short time– afterwards we took shares here in the Office and transacted other business– towards evening Dr. Pratt came and I went with her up to John W. Young’s and we talked with him about the Deseret Hospital, and he promised us some money on Monday next– May & Nett have been in to see me today and it is Nett’s birth day; though I really had not thought of it until after she left the house. In the evening I went to Mrs. [Isabella Siddoway] Armstrong’s birthday party which was certainly a very pleasant affair and the refreshments were delicious in the extreme came home & sat writing until 5 A.M. [p. 356] {p. 355}

29 November 1890 • Saturday

This morning left on the 7.10 train for Provo to attend the meeting of the W.S.A. of Utah Co. arrived about 10. A.M. and went to Sister [Mary Wride] John’s– had dinner there and enjoyed conversing with her. The meeting was well attended and I spoke about three fourths of an hour– read the New Constitution of the National American W.S.A. to them– coming home Lydia Ann was on the train and we sat and talked. I was very weary and so was she; Louis [Robison Wells] came to meet her at the depot and I came up with her. Found Zina [Hanson] here all night and very comfortable. Had a fire in the parlor and commenced writing immediately, sat up until eleven & in the meantime started to write to Mell but felt too much exhausted to finish it. [p. 357] {p. 356}

30 November 1890 • Sunday

Today I tried to rest as this is a day of rest and did not rise until late Zina made me tea and toast and I enjoyed my morning nap very much– After I did get up went on with my letter to Mell and in the afternoon went to the Tabernacle. John Morgan was preaching and I always like to hear him speak. Afterwards I went up to Lydia Ann’s and Susan’s and had dinner with them and in the evening Harry and Nett came in and we had quite a pleasant interview and then I came home about nine and commenced writing again finished Mell’s letter and sent off a lot of others & also newspapers. I have been doing some reading as will & feel quite weary and as I am to have a meeting here in the morning must go to bed. [p. 358] {p. 357}

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November 1890, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Isabel Modalena Sears.

  2. [2]Elijah K. Fuller.

  3. [3]Jane Yerkes Baker.

  4. [4]“Mabel Clare Richards,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Nov. 1890, 19:84–85.

  5. [5]Union Pacific.

  6. [6]Probably Elizabeth Lusty Penrose.

  7. [7]This fund anticipated the 1893 World’s Fair: Columbian Exposition, which was held in Chicago. (“Queen Isabella Pavilion,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Dec. 1890, 19:103.)

  8. [8]EBW’s story, “Aunt Esther’s Sweetheart,” appeared in the Contributor, Dec. 1890, 12:61–72.

  9. [9]Her story, “One Christmas Eve,” appeared in Woman’s Exponent, 1 Dec. 1890, 19:89–91, 94.

  10. [10]Zina S. Hanson. (See EBW, Diary, 27 Nov. 1890.)