November 1910

2 November 1910 • Wednesday

Isabel’s birthday went up to dinner at her house Dot came over and we had a pleasant hour or two. {p. 105}

5 November 1910 • Saturday

1My Sister Ellen’s birthday and such a busy day for me– Election coming and so much pending and the anxiety is overpowering almost yet I feel we as a people will win against the Americans2 who have banded together as Philistines. [p. 309] {p. 229}

8 November 1910 • Tuesday

Quotation about contention Jude 9th verse3 {p. 106}

9 November 1910 • Wednesday

Went to Cannon House to dinner Theodore six years old had a very hard day meeting of thankfulness opened with prayer, had a pleasant evening at Annie’s

10 November 1910 • Thursday

Have had a busy day so many callers, Mr. Erickson [Ephraim E. Ericksen] of the Chicago University about Thesis on Economics, Annie came to meet him– Mrs. Lillie [Lelia Tuckett] Freeze came to see me, {p. 107}

12 November 1910 • Saturday

4This morning went very early to the office expecting to accomplish a very great deal but a poor unfortunate woman and two little children came, she had just reached the City by train from Scotland and was without friends, had traveled the entire distance from Glasgow to Salt Lake alone. After much telephoning and talking I succeeded in getting Bishop David A. Smith who took up the matter and arranged satisfactory for her fare etc. to go to Maeser5 where she had a little home, and wrote to the Bishop of the Ward. I feel grateful for this help by Bishop D. A. Smith and it eases my mind considerably, she waited here about six hours.

Have had visitors today Bishop D. A. Smith Brothers [William] Keddington Barton– Ericson6 John Q. Cannon and others and several ladies Annie W. Cannon Sarah Eddington Margaret C. Clayton Enmeline Cannon Cavendish Cannon Kate Wells,7 have striven to get my revise corrected, look up Sociologiccal and economic matter for a young lawyer’s Thesis. Sister M. E. Tullidge Kanab,8 Runling Lewiston, Allen Wellsvelle [Lucy Smith] Cardon Logan and have talked over the ‘phonee with several of the visiting nissionariees who are to go North next Monday [p. 316] {p. 233}

13 November 1910 • Sunday

Felt miserable this moning and in the midst of feeling faint George Q. came with a surrey to take me to his house to dinner. They are in a neat new cottage and Ruby is really a very good wife and efficient housekeeper a tender mother and exemplary in all duties. John Q. & Annie and Margaret and David came nine at table a fine dinner John Q. pronounced the blessing, had a pleasant afternoon, Annie had an appointment for ward Confernce in 6th. Ward S. L. City new organization in consequence of the death of Ellen [Riley] Watson– George Q. has left the Telephone work today– I have not done all I intended in my home today but am glad I had the visit with my children and family, it is very pleasant and satisfactory one should devote a part of one’s time to one’s very own–

It is the anniversary of the birth of Joseph F. Smith our President today he was born in Missouri when his father9 was imprisoned in Liberty jail with his brother the Prophet Joseph Smith Nov. 13. 1838– seventy-two today [p. 317] {p. 234}

14 November 1910 • Monday

10Wrote a long letter to Ann C. [Cannon] Woodbury, Sisters E. S. Richards & C. S. Thomas started to visit as Missionaries Cache Hyrum & Benson Stakes, went on 4.15 railroad train to Logan– James Saville dangerously ill, consultation of four Doctors Apostle C. W. Penrose called on me today also several ladies, Jennie Hyde invited me as guest of honor to her home party on Friday Nov. 18. 1910– Wrote letters to Clarissa S. Williams, to Mell & [p. 318] {p. 120}

24 November 1910 • Thursday

Did some writing then went to the office had a chat with Golden Kimball then went up to Dot’s Isabel and Lucile were there fine turkey & things pleasant {p. 108}

27 November 1910 • Sunday

Stayed at home forenoon afternoon went to see Louise came home 10. p.m. Wrote a letter to my cousin in Boston William A. Woodward– Louise seemed quite happy

11A fine morning but very cold and have had a restless night so many things on my mind and I was very full of pain possibly from taking cold– have been much exercised of late about my work for the dead which has been very desultory. In looking up this morning I found the title of a Book which may be helpful must try to obtain it. “The History and Antiquities of Boston by Pishey Thompson”– published 1856. [p. 331] {p. 235}

28 November 1910 • Monday

Letter from Durham England and one from [Don C.] Driggs asking questions {p. 109}

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November 1910, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  2. [2]American was a political party in the state of Utah. (Alexander, Utah, the Right Place, 255.)

  3. [3]Jude 1:9 reads, “Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.”

  4. [4]text: The entries for 12 and 13 November 1910 come from volume 38 of the diary.

  5. [5]Maeser, Utah.

  6. [6]Ephraim E. Ericksen. (See EBW, Diary, 10 Nov. 1910.)

  7. [7]text: EBW has dotted the e here.

  8. [8]Perhaps Mary Elizabeth Tullidge Little (1832–1914) of Kanab, Utah. (1910 U.S. Census, Kanab, Utah, 137A; “Mary Elizabeth Tullidge Little,” Find A Grave, accessed 18 Mar. 2022,

  9. [9]Hyrum Smith.

  10. [10]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  11. [11]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.