March 1900

1 March 1900 • Thursday

This is another charming day. The annual meeting of the D. & R. was held in my office today‒ I had the room decorated and all fixed up fine. Sister Clarissa Smith Williams in behalf of the Society presented me with a pin <badge> of the Society of D. & R. it was most unexpected and more than I was prepared to acknowledge in words. The election of officers resulted in Lucy W. Smith Regent[,] Maria Y. Dougall 1st Vice Regent[,] 2nd Vice Regent C. S. Williams, Secretary Emily H. Cannon, Cors Sec.1 Mary A. H. Cannon[,] Assistant Sec. Mabelle Snow[,] Treasurer Clara Clawson[,] Historian Alice M. Horne[,] Registrar Phebe Y. Beatie‒ Chaplain E. B. Wells {p. 96}

2 March 1900 • Friday

Lucile Sears is 24 today‒ Dot is giving her a party, Em sent her a silk waist or two‒ her mother gave her a ring set with pearls. I gave her a picture medalion Art wins Heart. the weather has been very fine, party went off well. I am writing a Peace pamphlet for the Committee on Peace & Arbitration, of the National Council of Women‒ Hannah J. Bailey Chairman‒ it requires time and serious thinking, to do this in time of war‒ and when as we believe wars will increase‒ {p. 97}

3 March 1900 • Saturday

This forenoon worked hard at important matters, this afternoon attended the sisters Conference and addressed the meeting for over half an hour. This is really the first opportunity I have had of speaking about my trip to England‒ in a large Assembly‒ of course I had spoken in gatherings of clubs and parties but in a large meeting in this City I had not‒ in Sanpete County‒ Mt. Pleasant‒ in Box Elder, Brigham City‒ in Juab‒ Nephi‒ Weber in Ogden‒ Reapers, Press, & Mrs. [Matilda Moorhouse] Barretts party2 & other gatherings {p. 98}

4 March 1900 • Sunday

Fast day and I was not well but went to the Eighteenth Ward Chapel‒ Rulon [S. Wells]’s baby was blest and named Dorothy had a very good meeting gave something to the poor {p. 99}

5 March 1900 • Monday

Received some important letters one from Mrs. Sewall which I answered immediately and one from Charlotte Perkins Stetson. Pasadena Cal. I wrote an important letter to President Lorenzo Snow in reference to Relief Society duties and responsibilities. Susa Young Gates is in the City and her husband.3 I saw her on the street today and I really could not speak to her I turned so faint. I wrote to Prest. J. [James] W. Paxman of Nephi today about the R.S. Conference I had promised to attend. {p. 100}

6 March 1900 • Tuesday

<An important day> Today I was really ill could not eat any breakfast and was faint felt thoroughly sick‒ soon after going to the office, Br. [Philo T.] Farnsworth4 came to negotiate with me for another room‒ take mine and get me one farther up. I agreed to the proposal for I foresaw it was inevitable. I tried hard not to worry but it did upset me and in the evening all my things except those in the closet were taken up stairs, into Room 507, temporarily. I stayed until I was weary and then went home and over to see Belle Mr. Sears had been suffering from one of his attacks of gall stones. I answered Mrs. Stetson’s letter about coming to Utah in April. {p. 101}

7 March 1900 • Wednesday

This is Sister Rachel R. [Ivins] Grant’s birthday and she is 79 years old. I went early to the office & to the Republican headquarters George A. Smith went with me and we had a little talk about matters. I went back and Sister Horne came and stayed until almost night. A Board meeting of the Woman’s Store was held in my office but before it was out I had to go to a Meeting of the Rep. State Com.5 It was decided that the Ex. Com.6 take the matter of a Debate in hand. and refuse it on the ground of the itinera[r]y already worked out. A terrible wind storm really prevented my sleeping all night I was ill and faint and suffered very greatly in my feelings. My anxiety for my children and my posterity is exceedingly intense. I know the promises that have been made and the mercy our Father extends to his children. {p. 102}

8 March 1900 • Thursday

Mr. Sears birthday, such an unpleasant forenoon, several things which proved to be of an offensive nature transpired. Sister Stevenson came to see me and several other friends, Annie T. Hyde, and one could scarcely think collectedly for the women who wanted to give their views on my moving. Belle is to have turkey for dinner and other delicacies too. We did most of the mailing and I made preparations to go to Mrs. Annie Lewis Johnson’s in the evening, expected Sister Horne would be there wanting me for company home, I went in good time Prest. A. [Angus] M. Cannon and Dr. M. H. [Martha Hughes Cannon] were there– and the only notables. Mrs. Johnson had everything fixed up the best possible Singing speech making and refreshments‒ Prest. Cannon dedicated the house and the sister to her work Came home on the last car leaving Main Street 12 midnight {p. 103}

9 March 1900 • Friday

This morning felt very ill & could scarcely get up at all‒ went to the office however and did all I possibly could, many callers, who inquired why I had moved and regretted my being so far up in the building tho’ the view was ever so fine. I arranged some papers and did extra work, no special news, from the East or West. Went thro’ my drawers and fixed up copy. {p. 104}

10 March 1900 • Saturday

This is Daniel [H. Cannon]’s birthday eleven years old‒ such a fine little fellow, I gave him a story book called “The Pot of Gold.” We all rejoiced when he was born‒ Annie has a cow that gives a large quantity of milk, and cream is very thick. I worked hard at letter writing all day, and had many visitors, then went down to Annie’s to dinner, and spent the evening. Q. was home from Provo and most of the conversation was about his going away. He showed his letter from the First Presidency and his mother seemed quite gratified as also did all the family. Margaret had made the birthday cake. and all was very pleasant. I spent the evening and Q. and Annie came up to the car with me. One can’t help a lonely feeling about one so young going far away, but he will be set apart and have his endowments‒7 {p. 105}

11 March 1900 • Sunday

I was scarcely able to get up but finally put on my wrapper & wrote some letters one to Nora [L. Elnora] Reynolds Mt. Pleasant, and one to W. [William] H. Gibbs Malad‒ and to Mrs. Katharine B. [Bartlett] Gallison Orange New Jersey‒ then went to the Tabernacle to attend the Stake Conference‒ the authorities were voted in and Apostle [George] Teasdale preached a short time then President George Q. Cannon, there was a large congregation and a goodly flow of the Spirit. I came direct home and began writing again‒ wrote to Emily Roberts and Daisie D. [Dunford] Allen‒ I read some in magazines & wrote in my diary etc. The moon is glorious and stars sublimely grand. {p. 106}

12 March 1900 • Monday

This morning was glorious in sunshine, and everything delightful in nature. I ran over to see Belle before going to the office. Had a letter from Carrie Chapman Catt not very satisfactory. Lots of callers. Elise Gasser Conner I gave her a copy of my Poems. She seems very serious. Mrs. E. S. Taylor, Margaret A. Caine, Frederica Nielson of Tooele and my own dear Annie, who just came in a few minutes while out searching for a girl. I prepared my letters concerning women on Jurors of Award in the Paris Exposition, one to Chauncey M. DePew and one to Commissioner General Peck and another for House Committee‒ sent off letters to Martha [Parker] Wilcox Cedar Valley Eliza [Elisabetha Diem] Alispach Payson Pauline [Bryner] Pace Price, came home very weary and commenced writing; cards <received> announcing a son8 born to Theron Royal Woodward. {p. 107}

13 March 1900 • Tuesday

In addition to regular duty and going up and down I wrote a number of letters one to Theron R. Woodward congratulating his wife9 and himself on the birth of a son. {p. 108}

16 March 1900 • Friday

Lizzie Kimball said she wanted me to have Sister Kimball’s gavel, and would give it to me‒ I felt quite elated over it‒

Went to 15th. Ward Society Hall two p.m. spoke upon the life of the former President Sarah M. Kimball and read the poem by Lula Greene Richards, and an address by Eliza R. Snow given July 18. pleasant afternoon and refreshments went to 17th‒ ward in the evening spoke there also and then was presented with a handsome silk flag by a little girl. I had many compliments {p. 109}

17 March 1900 • Saturday

worked hard in the morning went to Third ward meeting in the afternoon and spoke the very first one‒ Sister Horne Annie Hyde and Clara [Clarissa Moses] Cannon were there also Mary Ann Hyde‒ Bishop [Thomas] Maycock addressed us had been very ill all winter. had tea & picnic in the vestry and then ran off to be at Annie’s wedding anniversary dinner‒ gave her a suitable present and carnations‒ went to 12th ward in the evening‒ had a splendid banquet sat by John Henry Smith who took me in to supper‒ Sister [Jemina Hough] Midgley read a paper‒ really almost all taken word for word from my editorials in the Exponent. I find this has been done in many cases in the outside places as well as here & elsewhere {p. 110}

18 March 1900 • Sunday

Went to see Belle a few minutes and did some writing then to the Tabernacle and heard Elder Harry [Henry] S. Tanner quite an eloquent sermon, then back to the office and took home some things the place is so full and running over with papers magazines and books and no closet or cupboard to put things out of sight. I feel very much upset over the way I have been treated by the Bullion Beck10 people and there seems no way of redress. {p. 111}

20 March 1900 • Tuesday

To day was open day at the Cleofan‒ Lecture on Oriental Art by Cora Hooper Eldredge at the residence of Mrs. W. [William] W. Riter [Priscilla Jennings Riter] a goodly number present and a fine showing of Oriental rugs and other beautiful things all telling the superior workmanship of the oriental peoples. Mrs. Eldredge talked entertainingly and read from magazines some things to illustrate her lecture. The Cleofan is doing remarkably good work in the direction of art and literature, and socially is very successful. {p. 112}

21 March 1900 • Wednesday

This is little Herbert Whitney Sears birthday and a very unpleasant day went over to see Belle in the evening Mr Sears not at all well everything very far behind with my work yet expecting to go to New York and in view of many other duties it seems too much work to get through with {p. 113}

22 March 1900 • Thursday

This evening train to Nephi Sister H. A. Badger accompanied me to the Conference {p. 114}

23 March 1900 • Friday

This morning the Conference was held in the Tabernacle at Nephi Apostle Teasdale Prest. J. W. Paxman and Counselor [Charles] Sperry present also Bishop Park [Thomas H. G. Parkes], Sister Mary [Mitchell] Pitchforth presiding. {p. 115}

31 March 1900 • Saturday

O what a busy day trying so hard to get ready for Conference & get my papers for the Paris Exposition also at the same time my paper is not all off yet and I must see to one more right away as it is hard to make people understand about financial matters‒ and that is the only thing that keeps me behindhand with the paper‒ {p. 116}

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March 1900, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Corresponding Secretary.

  2. [2]EBW, Diary, 20 Dec. 1899.

  3. [3]Jacob F. Gates. (1900 U.S. Census, Provo, Utah, 243A, accessed 24 May 2021,

  4. [4]This Philo T. Farnsworth (1849–1920) was the son of Philo T. Farnsworth (1826–1877) by his first wife. Lewis Edwin Farnsworth (1865–1924), son by a third wife, became the father of the Philo T. Farnsworth (1906–1971) who was the inventor of television.

  5. [5]Republican State Committee.

  6. [6]Executive Committee.

  7. [7]George Q. Cannon, son of John Q. and Annie Wells Cannon, joined the expedition to Mexico, led by Benjamin Cluff. (See EBW, Diary, 9 Apr. 1900.)

  8. [8]Emory C. Woodward. (1900 U.S. Census, Hyde Park, Illinois, 295B, accessed 20 May 2021,

  9. [9]Estelle C. Woodward. (1900 U.S. Census, Hyde Park, Illinois, 295B, accessed 20 May 2021,

  10. [10]The Bullion, Beck, and Champion Mining Company was established in 1881 by John Beck. (Addams, “Bullion, Beck, and Champion Mining Company,” 170–171.)