December 1900

1 December 1900 • Saturday

This is another misty day opening winter– came up late feeling very weak and miserable, could not do much work try as I would managed a little writing and had a number of visitors, building meeting at 1/2 past 4. p.m. Some motions made and carried and drawings exhibited and plans talked over. There are many things happening towards the close of this century. It was the Salt Lake Stake Conference of the Relief Society and Sister Horne was not able to attend, which must have been very hard for her after so many years. Emily Cannon is getting better, and I do hope will soon be well again, Little Emmeline has come down to stay all night with me– Annie came with her for a few minutes. J. Ellen Foster sent me notices and instructions about Watch meetings for the close of the Century New Year’s Eve, under the auspices of the Red Cross {p. 330}

2 December 1900 • Sunday

Rose early Fast Day had no breakfast went to the Temple. Prest. Snow not there his wife Sarah died at 6 A.M. this day. Opened by singing Glorious things are sung of Zion”, <Lord we come before thee now> Prayer by Bishop [George] Romney sung [“]Praise to God immortal praise” Bishop Winder made a few remarks. next Mary F. Kelly, L. J. Nuttall, Br. [blank] Hester Cannon, Br. Bert, <Glorious things are sung of Zion> Samuel Richards, L. Wilson, Lillie T. Freeze, and ended in gift of tongues, interpreted by Aunt Zina. Sister E. Langton, Br. Musser Angus M. Cannon Anthon H. Lund meantime choir sung “Let us pray gladly pray” &c the[n] Br. Winder read in Revelations and said a few words then Choir sung “God moves in a mysterious way–” the[n] Br. Nicholson dismissed. A number of us went direct to [B.] Morris Young’s to a birthday party and meeting.1 A very pleasant affair, Prest. Frank Taylor presided Bishop Winder & Bishop Atwood were present also others, speakers were M. W. [Margaret Whitehead] Young A. S. [Armeda Snow] Young, F. Y. Taylor Aunt Zina Aunt Bathsheba, E. S. Woodruff S. B. [Sarah Beitler] Gibson, M. P. Young E. B. Wells {p. 331} Mrs. McGee, Br. McGee Br. [John] Hafen Lillie T. Freeze and sung in tongues Aunt Zina interpreted Br. Winder and singing was fine C. [Charles] J. Thomas led, Jesus mighty King in Zion, Br. McGee offered prayer, sung O, my Father‒ Geor. D. Pyper sung “Scatter Sunshine,” and Br. Thomas led in Who are these arrayed in white– and at the close “Lord dismiss us with thy blessing” prayer by Br. Winder. An excellent birthday dinner came next Br. Winder blest the food I sat next Sister M. J. Snow who sat next Br. Winder.

3 December 1900 • Monday

2|Dec. 3 Susa [Gates] & Stella Neff [L. Estelle Neffe Caldwell] <were visitors> Went to the office early Sister Jane S. Richards came to see me, and spent the morning, Sister S. J. Cannon, Annie T. Hyde, Dr. [Charles E.] Boynton and his wife Dr. Boynton paid me a visit– plumbers put in more radiators, my sister’s3 birthday 83 years old, I went to see her in the evening, and gave her one of my Book “Musings & Memories” She seemed in excellent spirits talked constantly, and though weak was brave– Presidents message to Congress– {p. 332}

4 December 1900 • Tuesday

<Mrs. Augusta J. [Joyce] Crocheron called on me twice today– & Martha G. Wells–> This morning felt very weak and unable to go but went off to Belle’s and then to the office– no mail to speak of and soon had callers. Susa came begging and pleading as before to have me take her in with me in the Exponent. She did the same last evening and I promised to consider. Br. [David H.] Peery of Ogden came over to shake hands with me saying I was the most popular woman or the greatest woman in Utah. Came back to the office and found Sister Jane S. Richards, Emily S. Richards May Anderson & Della Eardley. Annie came up and several others. I read all my proofs but did not get much extra work done.

Wrote letters to Mrs. Anna E. Higbee, Minneapolis, Minnesota and to Ida Husted Harper, Rochester New York. Read some in “A Friend of Ceaser” by William Stearns Davis and in the Century for December {p. 333}

5 December 1900 • Wednesday

<Wrote a letter to Brie [Briant Harris] Wells in the Phillipines asking for information> This morning felt very ill, but went off in good time Sister Brockbank came and had a long talk with me meantime Sister Crocheron sad and heavy hearted– then I went out to the Bank and finally to the Beardsley Tavern where I had lunch with the Governor, Heber M. Wells and Gen Charles S. Burton also <State> Senator & Bishop Orson F. Whitney, enjoyed the table talk very much. No letters to day worth mentioning, visitors Sarah J. Cannon Annie T. Hyde Harriet Ann Badger Margaret Cannon– drew the money of the two boys Robert C. Hillard and Barry N. Hillard from Zion’s Savings Bank– 55.85– 49.62 in two drafts on New York & sent them in a letter to Verona at Spokane Hotel Spokane Washington with special delivery stamp. Came home early for me 8 o’clock {p. 334}

6 December 1900 • Thursday

This is Adeline’s birthday she is 71 years old and Lucy is going to see her and have dinner, and I will go too if I can get away. I went out and bought a small shawl of homemade and finally finding I could not go to dinner went to Lucys to see if she had gone and found the door locked. Went back read my proofs attended to my visitors and got ready for the Meeting at 4.30. Mrs. Georgie Carlton was there when I came in about the Woman’s Council– and S. J. Cannon and L. L. G. Richards had been in and finally before time Aunt Bathsheba, Sarah J. Cannon Maria Y. Dougall & Julina Smith came later Aggie Campbell & May Anderson and Emily S. Richards and the business was finished. Then I went off to Park Ave. to my sister’s and spent a couple of hours, came home after ten worn out thoroughly exhausted. So much for so little, no congeniality possible. Cannot help feeling it {p. 335}

7 December 1900 • Friday

This is Annie’s birthday and I am at a loss what to give her, reading proof went twice across the bridge and up the worn-out stairs to the Deseret News– and down the street and up again to see something suitable but did not decide, had many callers, finally decided to go down and bought a Nickel candlestick and flowers (heliotrope and carnations). Went down to dinner– all there except Louise who came in later from the Juvenile Office. We were quite a fine family party with the twins. I spent the evening, Little Emmeline came home with me to stay all night– I was very ill in a great pain; had to get a mustard plaster on my side and could scarcely get a long breath. Commenced reading “Unleavened Bread” by Robert Grant– have just finished A Friend of Ceasar by Davis wrote to Mrs. Coleman today. {p. 336}

8 December 1900 • Saturday

This is my sister’s <(Cordelia [Woodward Holden])> birthday she is 75 years old I think, and is much afflicted with rheumatism in her hands. I feel we are all spared for some reason (six widows, and three of us have been married twice. I was really too ill to go to the office today but succeeded in getting there. Read my revise and went over with it to Br. [Joseph S.] Tingey– then came back wrote a letter to Br. [Joseph L.] Heywood of Panguitch– and Amelia F. Young came and spent two or three hours, wrote also to Aunt Zina she came down directly, Amelia invited me to go to lunch with her. We went together to the Arcade then the meeting came on and we had discussion of plans about building. Bishop Preston thinks it too late to put in the foundation this fall– so meetings are deferred for the present. Thomas Taylor formerly Bishop of 14th Ward died today in Los Angeles, Cal. I am very weary tonight and tired of everything {p. 337}

9 December 1900 • Sunday

This morning I lay in bed and rested determined if possible to recuperate and did not get up and dress until 3. p.m Margaret & Katharine came down to see me, and Belle sent Brenton to tell me to come to dinner. I went over all were there of the family except Sep. and Emily & Jack they had roast turkey. Dot came home with me for a little while, and talked I finished “Unleavened Bread” today by Robert Grant. I am not carried away with it, I do not like it altogether it seems to me not exactly consistent for a woman to keep on marrying for her own preferment socially. I must write a little tonight. I think to Verona for her birthday and to Daisie finished letter to Verona and did some other work, wrote to Sister [Sariah Johnson] Workman an answer to hers– friendly {p. 338}

10 December 1900 • Monday

Have been busy Mrs. Boynton is to come today about Watch meeting– and it is the Reaper’s Club. Susa came Margaret A. Caine and others. The Club was well attended, Mrs. M. H. [Minnie Horne] James gave the paper on Longfellow Dr. Boynton came in and had an opportunity to address the meeting on the Watch of the Century. She is a fluent speaker, has good language and is full of suggestions. I am trying very hard to get some work done on the mailing. It is May Wells birthday she is 46 years old I think and is now in a new sphere of action– stepmother to a large family– and the responsible housekeeper. {p. 339}

11 December 1900 • Tuesday

This is Verona’s birthday and she so far away from me and I fear her letter will not reach her even tonight. I am sorry for that I ought to have timed things better– I was to go with Sister B. W. Smith to Florence Schettler’s, and she disappointed me, however I went up and stayed a couple of hours, had a cup of tea and bite to eat, and made an appointment for Thursday. Went to Br. Andrew Jenson’s birthday party in the evening in the 14th. Ward. A large gathering Anthon H. Lund Toastmaster 4 long tables the length of the hall filled with his friends, Br. Lund the Apostle and John Henry Smith another Apostle sat at our table then Sarah F. [Farr Smith] John Henry’s wife next Bathsheba then me then Prest. Angus M. Cannon of this stake and Clara, the[n] Joseph E. Taylor & wife– he is seventy today Br. Jenson 50 years old. {p. 340}

12 December 1900 • Wednesday

<Came home last night at 12. M.> The speakers last evening were Br. Lund, Angus M. John Henry & myself first later John W. Taylor Apostle Joseph E. & Br. [Arthur] Barnes, Br. Jenson responded the supper was elaborate. Meeting in the office at 3. p.m. to consider the Watch meeting for the close of the century. I was elected Chairman and M. W. Wilcox secretary. Very few came Mrs. [Rachel Ulman] Seigel, Mrs. [Priscilla Jennings] Riter, Dr. Boynton, Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Doolan, Mrs. Badger Mrs. C. C. R. Wells, Miss Sampson. We read some documents and discussed matters and appointed a Committee to call on the Mayor of the City and see what he would do. {p. 341}

13 December 1900 • Thursday

To day has been busy and Sister Smith came and we went to Sister Schetter [Schettler]’s and found Sister Stevenson there already, We soon began the ministration Sister B. W. Smith offered prayer– I did the first part and Sister Stevenson followed then Sister Smith confirmed, then we had tea and came away feeling glad we were so blessed of the Lord. I went to the Theatre with John Q. Cannon & Annie and Lucile & Eugene Sears, we all sat in President Cannon’s box– the play was Military Secret Service– North and South. I had never been in that box before, it is rather dazzling looking down and upon the stage. Came home at 12. {p. 342}

14 December 1900 • Friday

<June came to see me today.> This is a dark day too, there have been so many without sunshine just about a week I felt very ill hardly could get to the office to work A Story came from Susa News from England is very discouraging about South African war– visitors today Julia Druce, Sarah J. Cannon, M. A. Caine, Julia S. Woolley and others, Mr. Bridwell. Miss Madsen– Weather very cold and uncomfortable Augusta J. Crocheron. also Miss Katz– I came home too weary to do any work & retired earlier than usual but not to sleep, read until one in Century Magazine and Pickwick papers. Wind blew so it made me very nervous and seriously miserable. Gershom [B. Wells] the Governor’s Secretary b[r]ought letters from the Governor– {p. 343}

15 December 1900 • Saturday

This morning had quite a great deal to see to before going to the office– commenced mailing, soon people began to come in. Sister [Betsy Gallant] Whittaker & Lula G. Richards Don Carloss Young and Mrs. R. K. Thomas, May Anderson and several more. It was the Primary Conference in the Assembly Hall and 14th. Ward Meeting in the Fourteenth Ward Assembly Rooms. I sent off a gold ring to Daisie’s baby– and also the important papers, accounts and opinions belonging to the General Soceiety D.R. registered them to Miss Sarah E. Hunt Salem Mass. It is a relief to get these two items off my mind and have them both registered Annie and Louise have been up Margaret came down to sleep. {p. 344}

16 December 1900 • Sunday

This morning I tried to rest and meditate, I also looked over some papers and magazines etc. Then prepared my simple lunch and dressed for the Tabernacle, I sat by Lucy W. [Walker] Kimball and Josie [Josephine Bunnell] Hardy, the music was extraordinarily grand. President A. M. Cannon presided Returned missionaries were preaching then Ephraim Jenson. I went over to Dr. Pratt’s and had dinner by her invitation previously extended. It was a sumptuous affair. At the head of the table were Dr. & Br. C. W. Penrose a place vacant for Sister [Esther Mendenhall] Bunnell Dr.’s mother whose birthday we celebrated 86 years old, but she was not able to be up. Josephine Hardy [Josephine Bunnell Hardie], Augusta [Olsen] Pratt myself, Parley P. wife4 and baby,5 Hortense Hardy [Hortense Hardie Kleinschmidt] & husband6 Herschel [B. Pratt] Roy [B. Pratt], Josephine [Hardie] Pratt, later Br. Penrose had to go to preach at the 6th. Ward Thomas Taylor was buried today from 14th. Ward. Went over to see Belle this evening– came home and was here alone doing some writing {p. 345}

17 December 1900 • Monday

Hurried off saw Belle and Lucile a minute then to the office, met several on the way and talked with them of the state of affairs etc. Susa Young Gates Dr. Boynton and two little girls came in to see me, Sarah J. Cannon, Mr. Lyon from New York, Junius F. Wells, and others. Letters came from Mell and Verona and Artomessia [Artemisia Snow] Seegmiller Kanab, A. B. Hatch Vernal and others L. M. Hart Bloomington Idaho. I was not well and became very weary. Took Sister Johnson to lunch at Beardsley’s Tavern. Dr. Boynton read me a fine poem written by her husband. Lula Greene Richards was one of my visitors. I feel exhausted tonight have been reading two hours or more from the Outlook. Andrew Cahoon was buried yesterday, he was once a Mormon and of an old family of early Mormon history. I am anxious to write Miss Hunt of Boston– Xmas box from Mell– {p. 346}

18 December 1900 • Tuesday

<Bishop Whitney & Electa [Wood] Bullock called to see me; today.> Mr. Lyon of New York came to call on me, and urge me to take a set of elegant books and gave me some complimentary information he had picked up here and there. Susa was anxious to take hold of the work of the Exponent and I am not in favor of it. Sister Jane S. Richards came, it is her wedding anniversary and naturally she felt low-spirited. I presume her family are doing everything to make her feel happy. I am working very hard to get the Xmas No. of the paper out on time. I became very tired and had to leave off working[.] tonight Nat. [Nathaniel M.] Brigham gives his lecture in the Assembly Hall and sings some favorite songs. I should very much like to hear him but cannot afford it. {p. 347}

19 December 1900 • Wednesday

<Electa Bullock and sister called yesterday> This morning went over to Belle’s a few minutes and then off to the office to work– Sarah J. Cannon E. J. Stevenson and others came in. I was hindered greatly– but persevered and in the afternoon got away and went down to Annie’s I called on Br. R. [Richard] K. Thomas hold over from last Legislature’s Senate, talked to him about Geo. Q. Jr. going in as Messenger in the Senate. I finished most of my writing and went off to Annies in good time for dinner. My Xmas gift from Mell arrived a beautiful red silk quilted wrapper, and black silk skirt. I had dinner with Annie’s little children, she was up town buying things, and came home late. Q. with her John Q. & Louise afterwards spent the evening came home <at eleven> {p. 348}

20 December 1900 • Thursday

This morning went off early and direct to the Printing office– finished all up. had visitors E. J. Stevenson, Lula Greene Richards Electa Bullock who told me she might be appointed Chaplain in the Senate– I feel very glad about it hope it will materialize. Another dismal foggy day & inclined to be rainy and damp. Had lunch with Rulon Jote [Josephine Beatie Wells] and daughter Josephine [Wells Moffatt] at Beardsley’s Tavern. Have not had as much company as usual, but plenty of hard work, reading proof answering letters and so on Belle Lucile Annie & Katharine– all at once– Wrote to Ann C. Woodbury, Mary L. [Lucretia Hyde] Woolf, Nora [Leonora Blair] Hammond sent off papers etc. came home full of pain. {p. 349}

21 December 1900 • Friday

This is the birthday of my mother and also of Lewis [Louis] R. Wells he is 38 today– I have been busy very intended to go to see my sister Lucy who is moving but could not– did all I could about Christmas for little ones. weather very cold indeed promised to go with John Q. & Annie to the lecture of Nat Brigham at the theatre am almost sorry as I am so cold and the revise is so late coming over to be connected I finished at last took the revise over and saw Harry [S. Henry] Harrow and talked to him about it. I enjoyed the lecture very much after all, the views were very good and the language good voice clear, singing excellent. Came home as usual very weary indeed slept little, read in Thrums by Barrie {p. 350}

22 December 1900 • Saturday

<Sister Lucy & boys7 moved to the Cannon House today> Went up early and worked like a Trojan– wrote letters to a lot of people on business. Aunt Zina and sent it by Olive Sister Horne came and brought me a Christmas booklet. Mr. Lyon of New York, agent for an elegant set of 40 books, wants me to write an endorsement, which is a sort of compliment yet rather difficult to do. Sent Mell & Emily booklets today also sent Don’t Worry Nuggets to Ellis R. Shipp & to Maria [Taylor] McRae Thatcher, Arizona she [Maria McRae]8 is a very lonely woman and needs a kind word, grieves over her family affairs. I have not time to write the letters and comforting things I would like. Wrote to J. L. Smith and asked her to send me a paragraph for my paper, New Year’s also to Lucy W. Kimball– went off to look up presents {p. 351}

23 December 1900 • Sunday

This is the anniversary of the birth of Joseph the Prophet he would be 95 were he living I lay in bed late, then had a bath– and dinner– went over to see Belle & took a book Red Riding Hood for Marian & Nursery Land for Lucile, then to the Tabernacle– opening prayer Lorin Farr first speaker John Sears then [O. Spencer] Squires and [Anthon H.] Lund, then Lorin Farr then Seymour B. Young Anthem Joseph Smith’s first prayer– benediction Jos. E. Taylor. Had a talk with Aunt Zina about the letter she had no recollection of it at all. Her intellect seems entirely gone– she wanders, acts as if she was out of her mind, Chariton [H. Chariton Jacobs] is at home with her– all his family are there. I came home and looked up on matters of importance {p. 352}

24 December 1900 • Monday

<2 photos of Verona came today> This morning went early to the office, package came from Verona also word from Mrs. Woods of Quincy Ill. stenographer, saw Lula G. Richards about writing for me wrote more than a dozen letters, Mrs. Jennings sent me a book, also Miss Evans, and Mrs. Francis & Mrs. Kelly & Ruth Fox a handkerchief. & card– Ellis R. Shipp card Mrs. Bamberger bottle of wine– Mrs. Johnson has sold her parlor furniture for a ticket to Philadephia [Philadelphia] President Snow is not well, has a severe cold. I left for Annie’s about half-past eight– John Q. was at home and Q. all except Louise– the Christmas tree was beautiful loaded with ornaments and candles as well as presents– we had champagne– and only retired about 2 in the morning. {p. 353}

25 December 1900 • Tuesday

Came down early to see the children’s Xmas tree– so happy they all were– I had been taken with rheumatism in the night in my left knee. Annie gave me a soft grey shawl for my shoulders, Q. Diary 1901. Louise ribbon Margaret stockings, Emeline illusion Cavendish & Katharine garters Lucile 3 handkerchiefs Dot one made herself– Eugene handkerchief Brent Japanese stool– Hebe book Tommy & Grizel– and it seemed the day was very full– came home about noon, pain in my knee intense, Dot came and rubbed it with linament. I lay down about half an hour then dressed and went over to Belle’s to dinner– turkey, celery and all sorts of luxuries, apples oranges nuts, candy, etc. Louise came down to stay all night with me– wrote letters to Miss Hunt Boston & Mrs. Woodruff– {p. 354}

26 December 1900 • Wednesday

<Daniel & Cavendish drove down this morning for Louise> Today Mother [Elizabeth Ann Smith] Whitney would have been one hundred years old. A remarkable woman a fine singer a spiritual temperament. Louise slept late, I waited for Olive to come and make my fire– was very late going to the Office, letter from Verona with check for one hundred dollars. My knee was very painful, Sisters M. W. Wilcox, M. B. [Martha Brown] Cannon, A. L. Johnson & Miss Josephine Spencer, also others A souvenir from Rachel Foster Avery Calendar Miss Anthony’s picture on it. Q. went up to Snyderville today. I hope to get him in the Legislature as messenger. Emmeline came down to sleep with me Wrote to Sister Barratt, her son Samuel [M. Barratt] died yesterday morning. Sister Jane B. Taylor died this morning 87 years old last May– I urged Sister Johnson not to leave Utah– it seems to me to be very wrong. Wrote a letter to Sister Pallas– {p. 355}

27 December 1900 • Thursday

Rose late Emmeline was here and amused me very much indeed helped me get ready too and talked incessantly; coming in to the office, found quite a lot of mail, letter from Susa and one from Payson, Lula came in and begun writing I went out to do some errands. Sam Barratts funeral is to be held today. Annie came up and took me with her to call on Sister Hyde whose mother died yesterday 87 years old. It is always sad to go where one leis [lies] dead whether young or old. Margaret came to sleep with me– I wrote several letters today long ones to Sisters E. F. [Elizabeth Francis] Yates, Kate L. Paxman, and others. Finished some odds and ends of work. Weather very cold and wind high tonight. I am going to write to my brother Hiram if possible tonight. Read several chapters in Tommy & Gresel and then wrote a letter to my dear Br. Hiram– retired as <usual at midnight> {p. 356}

28 December 1900 • Friday

Was rather late getting to the office and Sister S. J. Cannon came and I deposited some money that had come in and went over to Sister Jane B. Taylor’s funeral. I have never seen a more beautiful woman in her casket. Everything of the very best material and so calm and placid she lay in her Temple robes. The flowers were very beautiful and of great variety. The services were most appropriate and such as she must have approved. I came direct home, and tried to do some work but was hindered and prepared for the Club. Sister Johnson made me some tea and the ladies began to come in, I see by the evening paper there is to be a service in the Tabernacle in New Year’s day at eleven A.M. Musical exercises and Lorenzo Snow’s greeting to the world. Wrote a letter to my sister Cordelia tonight. {p. 357}

29 December 1900 • Saturday

This is the wedding anniversary of Isabel & Will Buchholz Belle’s eldest daughter and husband it is also or would have been the birthday anniversary of Sarah M. Kimball she would be 82 if living. I have been busy with this and that– saw Mrs. Seigel and Mrs. Bamberger both urged me to come and dine with them. Mrs. Johnson left today for Philadelphia or Atlanta. Paid ten dollars tithing of the one hundred Verona gave me. I sent book to Ellis R. Shipp & Maria McRae gave two to Meda Snow on her birthday Dec. 2. Sent off handsome New Year’s card to Sister Standring Lehi– callers today Margaret Y. Taylor Mary E. Bassett, Mary A. [Luffery] Hardy Alice [Louise] Reynolds, Annie M. Cannon Sarah Jane Cannon she gave me booklet and bouquet of flowers have no word from Sister Richards or Aunt Zina about sentiment Wrote letter to Daisie to Spokane this evening. {p. 358}

30 December 1900 • Sunday

This morning I wrote to Verona in San Francisco where she is spending the holidays. Then dressed and went to Dot’s to dine, she had a sumptuous dinner turkey & all the garnishings etc– mince pie & coffee, candy etc. Will at the head of the table Lucile & Sep. Gene and Brent Dot and two babies and myself I gave her a picture medalion. I was not very well felt too much fatigued and in pain with rheumatism. Came home read in the Book Hebe gave me, Tommy and Grizel– very queer book Wrote two letters one to Verona and one to Emmie– so finished up the old year which has been a good one to me in many ways, and has helped me in development and I am very grateful for all the blessings, went over to Belle’s a few minutes {p. 359}

31 December 1900 • Monday

Today I worked very hard to get off all my mailing but did not succeed. Called on Dr. Pratt and took her with me to have some lunch, and gave her a trifling remembrance a booklet– did not get to Belles at all however hard I tried could not manage it, nor yet to see my sister Lucy. I had a number of callers and some gifts. The day was cold very and sort of dismal and gloomy It always seems sad to part from the old year however glad we may be to see the new one. Many wonderful things have happened in the year just leaving us. And in the century many more still we can count them by the thousands, but however great the future will develop still greater than ever before. Arrived at Annie’s in time to see them start off to the party at Col. [Nephi W.] Clayton’s, staid with the children until they <came> {p. 360}

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December 1900, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]See “Birthday Anniversary,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Dec. 1900, 29:61; and 1900 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Utah, 9A, accessed 24 May 2021,

  2. [2]text: Here EBW used an L-shaped mark that was perhaps intended to indicate the start of a new paragraph or a new line.

  3. [3]Lucy M. Woodward Granger Hewlings. (EBW, “Lucy M. Hewlings,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 May 1901, 29:105.)

  4. [4]Evelyn Cook Pratt. (1900 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Utah, 145A, accessed 24 May 2021,

  5. [5]Clara Pratt. (1900 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Utah, 145A, accessed 24 May 2021,

  6. [6]Frederick E. Kleinschmidt. (1900 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Utah, 257B, accessed 24 May 2021,

  7. [7]Louis E. Granger II and Henry Corydon Granger were children of Lucy’s son Louis E. Granger. “Another son, Louis Edwin . . . came to Utah in 1869, and while here married Miriam Decker. . . . His two boys, offspring of that marriage, are living here, and were with their grandmother, Mrs. Hewlings, during the time of her recent illness and death [1901].” (EBW, “Lucy M. Hewlings,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 May 1901, 29:105.)

  8. [8]text: The bracketed information was indicated by ditto marks in the original.