February 1894

1 February 1894 • Thursday

Thursday Feb. 1. 1894. I rose early again the sun just kissing the hill tops– went over to see Belle, she has been quite ill with rheumatism. Emmie came home from Provo last night. I went to Fast Meeting in the 18th. Ward took fifty cts. <each> for Belle and myself & also Sister [Naamah Carter] Twiss Young. After meeting went to the Bishop’s and had dinner, Miss [Maud May] Babcock and Brig [Brigham R.] Smoot were there. We had a pleasant chat– Ort. [Orson F. Whitney] consented to come & dedicate my house on the 7th next– Miss Babcock will recite in the 14th Ward Hall I went to several places for green shades, felt so very weary. Mrs. Amelia [Harriet Amelia Folsom] Young called also Mrs. Minna [Ephramina Jensen] Snow– several letters came from different people soliciting favors.– Sent out 25. invitations to the Woman’s Meeting on Saturday, to prominent ladies soliciting their attendance.1 I am very weary tonight yet feel but little has as yet been accomplished by me– I am so anxious to do more than is possible [p. 36] {p. 39}

2 February 1894 • Friday

Friday Feb. 2. Went over to the News Office the first thing to get notices in the paper. How many newspaper articles and fragments of all kinds I solicit during the year I cannot tell. The morning was stormy weather very cold– called on George [D.] Pyper in reference to the solo– and decided to ask Miss Kate Romney play the accompaniment for him– went up to see her, she consented and then I went over to see Lydia Ann & Susan and invite them to the Dedication of my house. Went down to Dr. Shipps and had some supper and she went with me to the Herald Office to get notices of our meeting tomorrow. Mrs. Jane S. Richards came to see me today and as usual puzzled me with all sorts of unanswerable questions.

3 February 1894 • Saturday

Saturday Feb. 3. This morning was really a glorious one but clear and cold. I went over to see Belle and consult about the Dedication of the house. We decided to postpone it on account of Mr. Sears speech in the Legislature. Soon after reaching the office Aunt Zina came [p. 37] {p. 40} and Mrs. [Phoebe Young] Beatie. I saw Bessie Dean Alison [Mary Elizabeth Dean Allison] and went with her to the Music Store to see about an accompanists found young [Alvin A.] Beesley very willing– he consented to play for both Bessie and George– Decided on the color of blinds or window shades and sent a man to put them up– The meeting was a success, crowded house– singing enthusiastic– Battle Hymn of the Republic and prayer by Dr. E. S. [Elvira Stevens] Barney singing New America speech by Mrs. Zina D. H. Young, speech by Hon. John E. Booth, speech Dr. M. Hughes Cannon, song Bessie Dean Alison <The journey is long>– speech Dr. Hausbroock [Richard A. Hasbrouck] song Geo. D. Pyper, “Araby’s Daughter” Recitation Miss Babcock, speech Lucy A. [Rice] Clark, speech Samuel W. Richards song2

Meeting adjourned– and I was completely exhausted and glad to be alone. Dr. Shipp came in to see me and we talked about Valentine evening for the Press Club.– [p. 38] {p. 41}

4 February 1894 • Sunday

Sunday Feb. 4. The weather is very cold, Belle brought me hot cakes before I was up– I had breakfast and prepared the Memorial for the Legislature– in reference to the Woman’s Industrial Home for a Hospital. Dressed and went to the Tabernacle– Jos. F. Smith preached upon the mission of Jesus and the necessity of the testimony of the Holy Ghost.– The choir sang O’ my Father, and President Wilford Woodruff– spoke very impressively upon the testimony and corroborated it with many plain illustrations– his language was forcible. the congregation joined with the choir in singing “We thank thee O, God for a Prophet.”– I went to the Morgan Hotel to see Mr. Alma Eldredge– but he had gone home to Coalville– came down to Annie’s and had supper– Sylvester [Q.] Cannon was there– went up to the office again after I came home. Elise was there and we stayed until the ten o’clock car– It has been a quiet restful day for me after all and I feel very grateful to my Father in Heaven for this day and His blessing. [p. 39] {p. 42}

5 February 1894 • Monday

Monday Feb. 5. This is the birthday anniversary of Bishop N. [Newel] K. Whitney and he would have been 99. years old today had he lived. The day is clear sun shiming brightly but very cold. I left here before ten and when I arrived at the office found several letters. One from Prof. Scot Rue3 one from Mrs. [Susan Goodrich] Frackleton4 asking me for fifty or one hundred copies of the Exponent to distribute in Europe and other places. This I consider quite a compliment. There was a very sweet sisterly letter from Sister Pitchforth of Nephi, and one from Sister [Rebecca Smith] Standring of Lehi, inviting me to their Annual meeting of the Relief Society. I am so sorry about having to change the day of dedicating my house. Mrs. Bennett came about silk, and we had quite a long chat– I wrote the Deseret News notice of our Saturday’s meeting and was kept so very busy with callers until after noon. Dr. Pratt came and we went to the Morgan Hotel [p. 40] {p. 43} together to see Mr. Eldredge about the Memorial– we left it with him. I had read it to Dr. Pratt and to Mrs. Bennett. Club met at 2. p.m. Papers by Mrs. [Ann Dalton] Neal and Dr. Pratt. on the three Georges and Wm. Mary and Ann. good queen Ann. Some current items were mentioned– reference made to our meeting and also to the resolution in the Legislature to place women upon Boards of Education and Asylums etc. Dr. Ferguson called about her article, Mrs. Caine came, and several other ladies. I was alone during the later evening and going on with the mailing.

6 February 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday Feb. 6. This is little Newel [M. Whitney]’s birthday– the invalid child of Mother Whitney that I cared for and tended and nursed so faithfully. He would be quite old if he were living forty eight years today– but he died at nine years of age. I was late and went up to see Zine [Zina Smoot Whitney] and Ort and get them to [p. 41] {p. 44} change the day of the Dedication of my house to Saturday. Then to the Post– Office– to the Telegraph and sent a dispatch to Mrs Richards in Ogden– then to the Jewelers and selected two spoons one for Martin Whitney Allen my great grandson and one for Emmeline my namesake grand-daughter who will be one year old on the 8th. Afterwards went to Mrs Clara Horne James where I had been invited to dine with a party of ladies. Received wedding cards from Mr. Nat. Maynard Brigham and Luella Cobb Young– Letters today from several people but none very important.

7 February 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday Feb. 7. Hurried off this morning found the ladies were in my office all except Mrs. Caine <Allen> who came later. Business relating to Mrs. Caine’s going to San Francisco transacted and, money <to be> turned over to Mrs. Salisbury after all bills were paid. Mr. [Grant H.] Smith Chairman of the Entertainments [p. 42] {p. 45} of the Young Woman’s Aid called upon me to ask if I would take the affirmative of the question, whether Woman Suffrage should be given to the Women of Utah After it became a State? I decided I would not speak upon that question neither with Mrs. Gage nor any one else. But proposed the question be put upon its merits– to which he assented. Mr. Eldredge from the Legislature Chairman of the Committee on Memorials called and said he had considered the Memorial I had prepared asking that the Woman’s Industrial Home be given to the Women of the Territory for a Woman’s Hospital and was willing to present it, when it had been signed by a few influential women Mormon & Gentile– Mr. Sears spoke today against taxing mortgages, the bill however passed the house in favor by the majority. I went up to see Martha [p. 43] {p. 46} Wells and Hebe [Heber M. Wells]’s wife5 and baby,6 dined there. Received an invitation to a party given in honor of Dr. E. S. Barney at Mrs. Alonzo Hyde [Annie Taylor Hyde]’s– after coming from Mrs. Wells, went to look up Aunt Zina and called At Mrs. Dougall’s and then from there to the party– where I found her presiding over a little spiritual gathering of sisters, all praising and congratulating the good and generous Doctor Elvira S. Barney. I stayed about half an hour heard two or three sisters speak and Sister Mary Ann [Price] Hyde speak in the gift of tongues– Aunt Zina interpreting, I spoke a few words, then we came out Aunt Zina and myself went over to Mrs. Beatie’s then to the office and then to the Committee Room of the Legislature, where we found assembled a number of gentlemen, Mr. Varian in the chair, and [p. 44] {p. 47} Mrs. Varian, Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Salisbury, Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Caine all seated– Judge [Charles W.] Bennett, <Hon.> C. E. Allen– Mr. [Orange James] Salisbury were in attendance interested listeners. Mrs. Young made quite a speech giving a history of the Silk industry from the beginning, Mrs. Caine followed going over a great deal of ground and showing specimens Mrs. Salisbury told of the success of Utah’s efforts at the Woman’s Building in Chicago mentioning specially Mrs. Potter [Bertha Honoré] Palmer’s interest in the affair, and making many good points in favor of the bounty asked for. Mrs. Bennett also said some good things on the subject and Mrs. Allen also– It was late when we finished and I came home thoroughly worn out– wrote to Mrs. [Sarah M.] Kimball– inviting her to the Dedication of my home and to Mrs. Penniman asking for data for work to be done in the Temple for her father and mother. To Sister Standring of Lehi and to Sister Caroline [Beebe] Pratt of Provo– [p. 45] {p. 48}

8 February 1894 • Thursday

This morning I found my memorial had been so badly type written that I had to have it done over. I went to the Mc’Cornick Block and Miss Sims did it for me very nicely– succeded in getting Mrs. Bennetts signature and Margaret A. Caine, Ellen B. Ferguson, and Annie W. Cannon as well as Aunt Zina– Mrs. Salisbury was taken very ill today with a chill– I went down town selected carpet for my halls and ordered it laid– also saw Joe Harrison about hanging pictures. Prof. Metcalf called to ask me to see the Committee on the school for the blind. It is Emmeline Cannon’s birthday one year old today– gave her a spoon (silver) engraved with her given name <on the back> and the letter C. on the front. Annie brought her up to see me. I have been reading proof and working very hard. Went to Annie’s to dinner, came home before nine p.m. called at Belle’s and found Ort. & Zine Miss Babcock and Miss [Lucy] Van Cott, Bid [Brigham S. Young] and Lottie [Charlotte Young]. came home and wrote to Mrs. Sorenson [p. 46] {p. 49} Fountain Green and Agatha [Walker] Pratt Ogden

9 February 1894 • Friday

Friday Feb. 9. This morning Belle came over and Annie came down too– the man came to put down the hall carpet– as soon as I arrived at the office I had to prepare copy and then went up to Mrs. McCornick for her signature to the Memorial. Her house is very lovely, she has so many elegant things in her drawing room– she put her name next Aunt Zina’s– later I called on Mrs. Mc’Vicker she also signed. Mrs. Arthur Brown [Isabel Cameron Brown] signed at the Office. Ellis R. Shipp signed today– I went down home in the middle of the day and had a cup of tea– the pictures were hung– Wrote a letter to Mrs. [Sarah Sanderson] Boyer of Springville asking if she could go as a Delegate of the W.S.A. to Washington. Received a letter from Mell also her article on Art at the World’s Fair–7 Margaret Caine came in and spent the evening with me. We went home at the same time Elise was here and carried down one of my heavy lamps– the wind was blowing furiously

10 February 1894 • Saturday

Saturday Feb. 10. This morning is just terrible the wind from the East so strong one cannot stand on one’s feet to walk scarcely, and I fear my guests will not be able to get here. [p. 47] {p. 50} I have had such a day of worry and excitement and have not succeeded in doing much mailing, for with reading proofs and making up the paper going from here to the office and so on, time was used up. Judge Grant Smith called again about the Debate on Suffrage pro and con, and after much protesting against speaking I induced him to go after Dr. Ferguson. B. [Brigham] F. Grant called to see after Mrs. Caine’s Berth money etc. Mrs. <M. M.> [Agnes Mackintosh] Young Mrs. Caine May Preston Dr. Ferguson, Mrs. [Elizabeth Jane Du Fresne] Stevenson, Mrs. [Elizabeth Jardine] Mc’Farlane, Mrs. J. Fewson [Christiana Vernon] Smith, Mrs. Ella [Ellen Wilcox] Hyde, Mrs. Sarah Jane [Taylor] Howard (of Bountiful) who came to see if I could go to <South> Bountiful to attend a meeting, Mrs. C. E. [Caroline E. Woods] Dye– Mrs. Lydia D. [Dunford] Alder and Vilate [Clayton] Young, Mrs. Hazon [Mary Bainbridge Hazen], Mrs. [Melvina Scheffler] Allbrand, Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Jennings, Mrs. Riter, and others who all came for this and that– took up my time. I received a letter inviting me to extend an invitation to ten of our Church ladies to Mrs. Lowe’s <Musical> Reception to be given at her Residence on Thursday Feb. 15. 1894 proceeds to be given to the Gen. Relief Com. [p. 48] {p. 51} I tried very hard to reach home early, but between wind and other hindrances, cars delayed etc. it was half past six before I even caught a car. Once at home Belle told me how dreadful the wind had blown all day long and what hard work it had been to keep in the fires and bring over water etc. I became fully persuaded that I would never change dates again. It is never so satisfactory– However soon came Aunt Zina D. H. Young, Sisters M. Isabella Horne and Bathsheba W. Smith, and next car brought Lydia Ann, Susan, Martha & Hannah Wells. John Q. and Annie, Mr. Sears and the boys Eugene & Brent [E. Brenton], Lucile and Emmie were here with their mother. Ort <(Bishop Whitney)> and Zine came later– After we had collected around the room and the Bishop had gone through the house to see what it was– we were ready for the Dedication. The parlor looked very handsome though the curtains had not been put up– the piano book case music stand and easel were all arranged in taste– and some of the best pictures were hung– a large Jabanese [Japanese] pitcher of carnations red and white were on the desk and the decorations were all simple and in keeping. Bishop Whitney stood and offered the prayer [p. 49] {p. 52} dedicating all to the Lord and remembering every particular, from the first foundation stone to the top most brick of the chimney. timbers floors rafters, roof and all appurtenances, the land on which the dwelling stands and all the entire effects thereon. There were present– the persons mentioned besides myself and Elise who came soon after. Refreshments were then served and afterwards general conversation– then the Bishop sang “The Bridge,” and the “Wearing of the Green” “My Native Land” and others. Emmie played some pieces on the piano– and about eleven the guests departed leaving me to reflect upon all that had been said. Emmie stayed all night. Some blessings pronounced upon me I will mention here– The blessing of peace and prosperity– My home a place where my friends could come and find sympathy counsel and instruction where the Holy Spirit should dwell– My life to be a fountain of knowledge and intelligence to impart to those who should come for advice and information. That the good I desired [p. 50] {p. 53} should be dispensed and the desire or desires of my heart should be granted. That the Lord would watch over and protect. His angels be round about and the destroying elements have no power to lay waste any part or portion thereof. The blessing of the Lord should rest upon the habitation and it should be a sacred resting place blessed the absent members of the family as well as those that were present and dedicated all to the Lord. Much more that was satisfactory and agreeable was pronounced in the prayer–

11 February 1894 • Sunday

Sunday Feb. 11. Rose in good time Em went over and brought breakfast Septimus and Belle started off early for Ogden and came back when we were ready to get up. Then the girls went home and learned that the U. P. Train was blockaded between here and Ogden– however they went up later by the Denver and Rio Grande– I went to meeting– the first speaker was B. [Brigham] S. Young next Anthony Ivins and Abram [H.] Cannon. Choir sang “Daughter of Zion”– I came down home and had dinner, then went to the office and tried to work. Mrs. Boyer and Mrs. Jakeman came up from Utah Co. and [p. 51] {p. 54} I listened to their facts. They came as a Delegation to present some important matters before the Board here. of which I am the Principal officer– Mrs. Ellen Jakeman and Mrs. Sarah A. Boyer– I listened to their representations and scarcely approved of their radicalism but one must be wise in directing such efforts. One needs the wisdom of Aristotle to contend with some people, and even more the Holy Spirit which guides into all truth. I had been quite painfully ill with my heart and was not fit to have this discussion going on. Some of the Ladies of the W.S.A. stayed and made admirable use of their time, I felt great annoyance that hurts any cause, and I could not consent to their measures, but went home and left it, was very ill with my heart.

12 February 1894 • Monday

Monday Feb. 12. This morning I came up in good time, and the ladies were primed as it were and I felt as if I was not equal to the occasion. Margaret came and <Miss [Anna] Cash> Mrs. Salisbury at eleven and invited me tho I had already received the invitation to Mrs. Salisbury’s [p. 52] {p. 55} to dinner or midday lunch. I left all and went though the girls were in the office copying names for the Washington list.– The Bills too that were objected to by the Utah Co. people were under discussion and really the time was taken up with intelligent discussion. Mrs. [Marilla Johnson] Daniels my dear friend of the long ago arrived at evening and we had a very sweet time.

At Mrs. Salisbury’s we had excellent soup and fried chicken with gravy wine (saltern)8 and chocolate cream. other dainties beside tea and coffee. The ladies from Springville and Provo slept at the office.

13 February 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday Feb. 13. Today has been too full of work there was this and that in the morning. I wrote a letter to President Jos. F. Smith and went myself to the office with it, then a meeting at Mrs. <M. [Moylan] C.> Fox [Emilie Regnard Fox]’s at two p.m. and at Chamber of Commerce at 3. p.m. and at 14th Ward at 4. p.m. all these to be seen to and attended took up the afternoon. Mrs. Boyer was with me in the evening which I rather enjoyed. [p. 53] {p. 56}

14 February 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday. <Jan. Feb. 14.. Valentine Day> A meeting at eleven and some business transacted and several matters of importance considered. Mr. Grant Smith Judge of County Court called again in relation to lecture– still determined I should take the platform with Dr. Gage– but I declined over and over again. Finally Mrs. Bennett called and I had some talk with her. A letter came from Pres. Woodruff and I felt I ought to go to Washington yet scarcely knew what to do. Amelia came also Annie and dozens more– then I went to Mrs. Grants had some lunch <reviewed and revised the letter to be sent to County Presidents> then to Telegraph Office then to U.P.R.R.9 office and back to work Dr. Shipp came then Hon. C. [Christian] N. Lund of Mt. Pleasant– etc. At the Ex. Com. Meeting this morning; there were present Mrs. Emily S. Richards Mrs. C. E. Dye, Mrs. Nellie [Rebecca Ellen Mantle] Little, Mrs. Augusta W. [Winters] Grant, Mrs. Elizabeth Mc’Cune, Mrs. Mary P. [Pile] Silver, Mrs. E. J. Mc’Farlane, Mrs. Ellen Jakeman, Nett Culmer Miss May Wells, Dr. Ellen [p. 54] {p. 57} B. Ferguson and others. During the evening I was working and deliberating very hard indeed.

15 February 1894 • Thursday

Thursday Feb. 15. The Convention opens in Washington this morning which I was so very anxious to attend, came up town and found a telegram from Mrs. Avery– the time will be so short if I start tonight that it would almost seem like money thrown away. I have been trying to plan for mailing, Mrs. McFarlane, Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. Silver, Mrs. Salisbury, Miss Cash and several others have been in and it really does take one’s time. I went to Sister [Ruth May] Fox and got a check for the money and procured a draft in favor of Harriet Taylor Upton the Treasurer of the N.A.W.S.A. Succeeded in getting off some papers to the mail and then went to Mrs. Lowe’s reception. A crowded room and many strange faces, a few old friends and some familiar and pleasant ones. Mrs. Lowe was amiable and also her husband10 the singing was fine and the violin solos by Willie [William C.] Clive were par excellence. [p. 55] {p. 58} It was nine o’clock when I went and at ten I came home. That was the time the party was to break up. I came home alone, the wind blowing fiercely, and the house almost rocking. Susan B. Anthonys birthday 74.

16 February 1894 • Friday

Friday Morning Feb. 16. Rose late and tried to finish my paper for the Convention, the storm was raging so that the street cars were blockaded, and only about one in an hour or more could get down. Went over to Belle and waited about an hour– two cars came down and we started but snow had to be shoveled out of the drifts and the power gave out, and finally after one hour we succeeded in reaching town. I immediately set about my copying but was interrupted, Mrs. Allen came to sign the Memorial– and several others so that it was impossible for me to finish. Went to the Legislature at 3 in the afternoon and heard the speeches on the bill for a bounty on cocoons. Varian, Sears, Allen & Stanford Republicans were in favor, Tolton, Ivins, Moore, Box Elder man, <Hubbard> [p. 56] {p. 59} were against it– when the voting came all the Republicans voted Aye and one Democrat Hatch of Wasatch. the others voted nay– and the bill passed.–11 Aunt Zina came home with me to the office Mrs. Kate Dougall called about some World’s Fair goods, that were missing. Mrs. Daniels of Provo came later then Dr. Shipp– at last I completed the manuscript <seven pages> very unsatisfactorily and mailed it to Rachel Foster Avery at Washington. Came home at 1/2 past ten. Paper tonight announces <for which I am very glad> that Dr. [John R.] Park’s school bill is killed. Had a letter from Mell today, also from Mrs. [Elizabeth Francis] Yates of Scipio and several other Sisters.

17 February 1894 • Saturday

Saturday Feb. 17. This morning went up late for Saturday was not feeling very well, and knew too that there was much work before me. Commenced by sending the Memorial to Mrs. Lowe for her signature, and had so many callers, first Aunt Zina then Sister [Sarah Ann Taylor] Howard of Bountiful, and a dozen or more for this and that, so many explanations to make, so much to worry over, [p. 57] {p. 60} Mrs. Amelia Young called and stayed a couple of hours. I have been very nervous, the papers give bare items of the Washington Convention. The day has been dull and at evening a terrific wind storm came up. All night have not been able to sleep, reading until after 12. and such a wild night– too nervous to write.

18 February 1894 • Sunday

Sunday Feb. 18. A heavy snow storm, wind gone down– commenced to subside about nine this morning, when the snow fell– Belle brought me a nice hot broiled steak about eleven and I ate it in bed, and did not get up until three in the afternoon. Wrote letters to A. W. [Augusta Winters] Grant, Nellie Little, Julia [Murdock] Farnsworth, Lizzie Mc’Cune, Minnie James, Carrie [Caroline Stockdale] Thomas, and Ellen [Spencer] Clawson– after dinner <which> Elise brought me, I wrote to Miss [Maria Estelle] Zundell, Willard City, and to Mrs. [Minerva White] Snow Manti Temple– went to bed late, not much sleep because of a choking sensation in my throat– how many things have come before me today particularly in regard to my children who are gone. [p. 58] {p. 61}

19 February 1894 • Monday

Monday Feb. 19. This morning the wind was very strong again and I was rather late in going up– not the important mail I expected– Sister [Ann Hossack] Mc’Gregor dear old Scotch woman came and presented me with an embroidered handkerchief of her own needle work which had been exhibited at the World’s Fair in Chicago. Sister Elizabeth L. [Lane] Hyde came and invited me to her 83rd birthday next Monday the 26th. of February. Mrs. [Mary Rutherford] Irvine Sec. of the Salt Lake Co. W.S.A. came in and we sent a notice to the evening and morning papers of the meeting to be held tomorrow. Annie came in and told me of some very poor people– to report at Gen. Relief Com. and Sister [Ann Carran] Cowley came about the coal she wanted etc. The Reaper’s Club met at 2 p.m. and papers were given by Sister M. Lois Morris and Dr. Shipp and after the meeting I asked the ladies to help me with the soliciting for the supper at the Ball– Several of them responded generously– and I feel that we shall have done our share. [p. 59] {p. 62} Went to the Gen. Relief Com. after and Mr. M. [Matthew] H. Walker showed me as he has done on previous occasions great respect– also Prof Metcalf– Went up to Mrs. M. C. Fox afterwards and reported on my work as one of the Soliciting Committee. Came back and mailed a sack of papers and then came home to my lonely domicile in a snow-storm–

20 February 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday Feb. 20. This morning the snow was quite deep– Eugene had been over and made a path and swept the portico– I was out in good time called at Belle’s and then on up town bought the turkey and looked after the remainder of the things. I have had very good luck indeed, and feel that in this matter at least I have been blessed. My mail was not very pleasing no news from the North.12 and I felt disappointed. I went to the Suffrage meeting in the afternoon at Mrs. Mc’Cune’s and then to Mrs. Riter’s [p. 60] {p. 63} to a sociable club gathering, there was every appearance of wealth in the house, and the place brought to my mind many recollections that were sad as well as many pleasant parties we had enjoyed there in times gone by when our folks lived in it. I remember the last large party there when Louie [Louise Wells] sang and O, so many tender things. Those days are past and can never be recalled except in memory.

The tables were simply loaded with nice things of all kinds and the company was gay and sociable indeed. Mr. Riter was a very pleasant host and Mrs. Riter was most hospitable and gracious to her guests. After all had partaken of the good things provided– the program of the Club was given many of the exercises and selections were humorous. Mrs. Jennings talked to me of a club for young women who wanted to earn a living with their needle and thought she could devote one afternoon in each week to a charity of that sort– as yet she had not wholly developed her idea but had it in a crude form in theory. [p. 61] {p. 64} With the means she has she could certainly do a vast amount of good in some practical way. I was called upon to make a few remarks and responded briefly. Soon after I came down home, after going to the office and changing my apparel. Once here I did a little writing and tried to rest. Retired very late.

21 February 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday Feb. 21. Rose early and prepared to go to the office. Every morning now I read a chapter in the Bible usually one of David’s Psalms, sometimes in some other Book Isaiah or Jeremiah Ecclesiastes or perhaps the New Testament– It gives me more courage for the day. Arriving at the office I found Lucile and Em. who had both been detained from school by delay of street cars. Went over to the Theatre, found Mrs. Mc’Cornick installed gave her my full list– and went back to my regular duty. Amelia Young came & Dr. Ferguson Hannah & Caroline and Sister [Jane Stoner] Cowan and E. S. [Elmina Shepard] Taylor and time passed, Sister Thomas and several others, Finally I came down home and went up to the [p. 62] {p. 65} Legislature Ball with Mr. Sears & Belle Emmie also went with her father and mother, she wore a pretty yellow silk very becoming and bronze slippers and had pretty things to match Belle wore her new black silk & cameos and looked very nice. Annie wore her green German silk and she looked quite stylish. Belle & Mr. Sears were in the Grand March at the opening Judge and Mrs. Bennett were in the lead.

22 February 1894 • Thursday

Thursday Feb. 22nd. I have had a most wearisome night, very little sleep and trembling with excitement, waking continuously, and unable to compose my nerves: however I rose and dressed, went over to see Belle and then on to see Annie, found the whole family gone over to the Cannon Farm to a meeting of the whole large family of children and grandchildren. So I went on up to the Office and worked a little while at the mailing, then came down to Annie’s and waited there until they came home. Baby is ailing some & has two new teeth through. Elise, Eugene and Brent went up to the Children’s Ball at the Theatre– Mr. Sears was going to Ogden [p. 63] {p. 66} but trains were blockaded on the ridge between Bountiful and Kaysville and so he gave it up– of course there was no mail today in consequence of the snow drifts. I have been alone all the evening wrote a long letter to Mell etc. Aurora Borealis very bright tonight, the first time I have observed it for a long time.

23 February 1894 • Friday

Friday Feb. 23rd. This morning was clear and very cold, the night had been unusually so, but I was off as usual to the office. Soon after Mrs. A. E. [Amelia Eliza Slade] Bennion came in and wanted some data concerning me which I could not give without books and so on– and I took her with me down to my house and showed her several things and gave her some poems and written sketches. Sister Amelia Young Phebe Beatie, Mrs. Bennett and others came to talk and to make inquiries etc. Belle had a letter from Sep and one from Mrs. Cotton [Colton]– I had several but unimportant– Carl [J. Don Carlos] Young came and gave me an invitation to his mother [Emily Partridge Young]’s 70th Birthday Anniversary at Mrs. Emily [Young] Clawson’s. [p. 64] {p. 67} Em. Sears has her club to night in her mother’s parlors. The night is terribly cold and I am so weary I do not feel able to keep up. The first letter from Margaret A. Caine since her arrival in San Francisco came today.

24 February 1894 • Saturday

Sat. Feb. 24. The weather keeps on very cold– last night was down to zero, this morning so piercing cold one can scarcely bear to go out, yet the sun is shining brightly and the day is fine, snow sparkling. The Legislative Council have killed the bill which provided for women on Boards of Education and Reforms. The matter should be looked into and examined– women should know why they are debarred from public participation in important matters. I have been out paying bills today but have also had numerous letters and callers. Dr. Ferguson, Mrs. S. A. Howard of Bountiful Mrs. Agnes [Martin] Jones of Brighton Mrs. Whittaker of Center[ville] Mrs. [Mary Stillman] Porter of Granger, Mrs. [Frances Coon] Hardman of Pleasant Green, Br. [John] Crawford of Brigham City besides numerous city people, making my time so very full [p. 65] {p. 68} Mrs. Alma [Marinda Merrill] Eldredge of Coalville informed me it was likely the Silk Bounty Bill would come up in the Council on Monday. I am so weary tonight I cannot even write out my thoughts in any intelligent way.

25 February 1894 • Sunday

Sunday Feb. 25. This morning read over the poem Mrs. [Emily Hill] Woodmansee asked me to read in the Temple tomorrow–13 made myself quite comfortable and dressed to go to the Tabernacle Abram H. Cannon was the speaker and he delivered an excellent discourse, Heber J. Grant followed upon home-manufactures– and the choir rendered the Anthem Hosanna– in full strength and numbers. Since coming home I have gone through a trunk full of my Chicago papers and written letters to my Sister Lucy [Hewlings] Tenafly New Jersey, to Mrs. Albert Barker London England and to Miss Margaret Wendeyer [Windeyer] New South Wales– Tomorrow Br. Woodruff’s birthday is to be kept though he was born on the first of March– such a quiet Sunday for me– no company except Lucile and Elise A letter from Beaver pleased me very much. [p. 66] {p. 69}

26 February 1894 • Monday

Monday Feb. 26. I was very late this morning and when I reached the office found letters for Belle and the children from Sep– Soon after had to dress for the party and was there in good time. I sat about halfway down the room just behind President Angus M. Cannon and beside Sister Emily Hill Woodmansee, I was to read her poem written for the occasion– after singing We Thank thee O, God for a prophet– President Geo. Q. Cannon offered prayer and then there was a quartette and after some remarks by President Lorenzo Snow and Jos. F. Smith and a song by Br. [William C.] Dunbar I was called to read and Br. Cannon asked me to step up on to the stand. The poem was entitled An Expression of Esteem– and was addressed commemorative of both President Woodruff and his wife [Emma Smith Woodruff]. whose birthdays both occur on the same day. He is 87– she is 56. After some more remarks by <Sister Bathsheba W. Smith> Franklin D. Richards, and Geo. Q. Cannon, we adjourned to the Assembly room in the annex14 and the refreshments were served to all the guests– [p. 67] {p. 70} guests there were about two hundred people <or more> present– after the feasting was over we returned to the same room again, the Creation and the exercises were renewed sing “Glorious things of thee[”] etc. then there was more singing, and Heber J. Grant Abram H. Cannon and Mariner [W.] Merrill each spoke a few words also Aunt Zina D. H. Young and Elder Ezra T. Clark– some calls were made asking how many present heard the sermon of Brigham Young in Nauvoo when the mantle of Joseph fell upon him, about fifteen arose, then how many were in Kirtland, how [many] knew Joseph in Kirtland and so on. After some more singing Br. [David] McKenzie read a poem by H. [Henry] W. Naisbett– sung Praise God from whom all blessings flow and President Geo. Q. Cannon dismissed. The only one of my family present was Annie with her husband and she was the only real Wells– her father’s descendant15 [p. 68] {p. 71}

27 February 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday Feb. 27. I felt very ill in the morning and went late to the office I was to go to Sister Hyde’s but did not get off until nearly five o’clock when I arrived found the room full of sisters, and Sister E. L. [Elizabeth Lane] Hyde looking so pleased and happy.16 I had a warm welcome and wine and cake was served to the company. Lydia Ann Wells, Sarah [McCleve] Young, Lizzie [Elizabeth Funnell] Spencer & two daughters Bessie [Mary Elizabeth Spencer] and Cordie [Cordelia Spencer], and Louisa [King Spencer] and Matilda [Price] Spencer Dr. E. S. Barney Br. & Sister Hennefer, Josephe [Joseph] E. Taylor & wife, Sister [Jane] Harrington, Sister [Susannah Burns] Barrows and her two daughters and a son17 and the Parrot from South America. An elegant and delicious dinner was served turkey roasted and all the vegetables suited to the occasion. I sat next Br. Taylor and Lydia Ann next to me. Dr. Barney asked Br. Taylor some questions that set everyone to thinking and drew forth many remarks, there were speeches by Br. Taylor, Sister Hyde, and myself– after the evening had been well spent we broke up the party reluctantly. [p. 69] {p. 72}

28 February 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday Feb. 28. Went to the office late Annie came down before I was up, and Belle came over– I hurried to finish some mailing and then went down home to see the little grand children. They congregated even baby Emmeline and Daniel [H. Cannon] Margaret [Cannon] Louise and Geo. Q. Eugene and Brenton, they all had chocolate cake fruit and candy. Afterwards I went to Sister Emily Clawson’s to her mother [Emily Partridge Young]’s birthday party to which I had been invited previously. There was a brilliant assemblage of ladies and almost as many gentlemen President Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon and Jos. F. Smith. Also Aunt Zina and several of the widows of Brigham Young– Sister Smith & [Lillias Lyon] Staines, President [Edward] Partridge of Provo and wife were among the guests, and there was considerable music of a very good order. I had refreshments, also called upon Mrs. Charles [Lila I.] Reed, she showed me her parlors and dining room, saw Minnnie [Emily Wells Read] for a short time– [p. 70] {p. 73} Mr. [James P.] Dwyer presented me with a handsome basket of flowers such a rare perfume, and I brought it home with me: when I arrived I found a crowd of ladies and they were waiting for me. The Reaper’s & the Utah Woman’s Press Club had united to surprise me–18 I want to set down all their names, a large number of the ladies answered to their names with a quotation from one or other of my poems. Those present were M. Isabella Horne <1>, Phebe C. [Clark] Young <2>, Margaret Y. [Young] Taylor <3>, Mary A. [Ann Burnham] Freeze <4>, Ellis R. Shipp M. D. <5> Mary E. [Rutherford] Irvine <6>, Elizabeth [Jane DuFresne] Stevenson <7>, Maria W. [Richards] Wilcox <8>, Maggie Shipp <9>, Ella W. Hyde <10>, Lizzie [Elizabeth Stevenson] Wilcox <11>, L. S. [Syntitha] Dickinson <12>, Lennie [Leonora Taylor] Harrington <13>, Harriet [Ann Taylor] Badger <14>, Louisa [Noble] Badger <15>, Pearl Russell <16>, Maude Pratt <17>, Dr. [Romania Bunnell] Pratt <18>, Emma Woodruff <19>, Mary S. [Stevenson] Clark <20>, Lucy A. [Rice] Clark <21>, Emily [Hill] Woodmansee <22>, Gladys Woodmansee <23>, Lydia Alder <24>, Florence Alder <25>, Mrs. Isabel M. Sears <26>, and the [p. 71] {p. 74} Dot <27>, Lucile <28>, Em. <29> Elise. <30> Annie M. <Cannon 31>, Mrs. Eliza Bennion <32> and myself 33, Lucy W. [Walker] Kimball <34> and Ardella W. [Woolley] Eardly <35> The roses and ferns and were exquisite and the ladies had poems and essays & a sketch of my life– they presented me with an elegant gold pen with pearl holder– John Q. and Annie gave me a handsome large rocking chair. Mrs. Ida [Crippen] Haag <36> came all the way from Pleasant Grove to attend the party. Minnie H. [Horne] James <37> Mary Elizabeth Shipp <38> Olea Shipp <39> Amanda Done [Sarah Amanda Forbes Done] <40> <Carrie S. Thomas 41> Mrs. Bennion stayed all night and slept with me, we did not go to bed until after two in the morning, and I slept very little– I was so nervous and excited,

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February 1894, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1894/1894-02


  1. [1]“‘Equal Suffrage’ will be the theme at the meeting in the Fourteenth Ward Assembly hall. . . . [A] number of prominent ladies and gentlemen from various parts of the territory will make five minute speeches on the subject of woman’s suffrage. A variety of views will thus be presented, and the proceedings will be further varied by a recitation by Miss Maud May Babcock, a solo by Mr. Pyper, and perhaps a song by Mrs. Bessie Dean Allison, who is expected down from Ogden.” (“Equal Suffrage,” Salt Lake Herald, 3 Feb. 1894, 3.)

  2. [2]The Assembly of Women was described in “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 and 15 Feb. 1894, 22:92. Speeches were reported in “A Woman’s Assembly,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Mar. 1894, 22:102; 15 Mar. 1894, 22:110–111; and 1 Apr. 1894, 22:113–114, as recorded in shorthand by John Irvine and then transcribed into regular English for publication.

  3. [3]Scott Rue was a renowned world traveler and lecturer. On 8 January 1896, he wrote Governor Heber M. Wells a letter of congratulations on the admission of Utah to the Union. (Rue, Letter to Heber M. Wells, 8 Jan. 1896.) EBW recorded that Rue was in Salt Lake City on 28 June 1894. She described his lecture in Salt Lake City on 23 July 1894 as “quite entertaining.” (EBW, Diary, 28 June and 23 July 1894.)

  4. [4]“Mrs. Frackleton, President of the National League of Mineral Painters, who organized the Salt Lake City China Club some ten years ago is receiving great honors at the Exposition.” (“Special Honors,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Mar. 1894, 22:99.)

  5. [5]Teresa Clawson Wells.

  6. [6]Martha Wells.

  7. [7]Melvina Whitney Woods’s review was published as “Personal Impressions of Art at the Columbian Exposition,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Mar. 1894, 22:97–99; 15 Mar. 1894, 22:105–107. Mell used the penname “Edahoo,” a variation of “Idaho,” where she was living.

  8. [8]Probably “sauternes,” a sweet wine named after the district of France in the Bordeaux region where it is produced. (Encyclopædia Britannica Online, s.v. “Bordeaux Wine,” accessed 28 Aug. 2018, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Bordeaux-wine#.)

  9. [9]Union Pacific Railroad.

  10. [10]George A. Lowe.

  11. [11]EBW refers to the following members of the thirty-first session of the Utah territorial legislature: Charles S. Varian, Clarence E. Allen, and Septimus W. Sears of Salt Lake City; Joseph Stanford of Ogden; John F. Tolton of Beaver; Anthony W. Ivins of St. George; John Moore of Spanish Fork; David C. Hubbard of Willard; and Abram C. Hatch of Heber. (“Thirty-First Session, 1894,” Territory of Utah Legislative Assembly Rosters.)

  12. [12]EBW’s mention of “news from the North” refers to her desire to hear from her daughter Mell Whitney Woods and her family, who were living in northern Idaho.

  13. [13]Woman’s Exponent described “A unique social gathering of friends and relatives of President Wilford Woodruff and his wife Sister Emma Woodruff in the Salt Lake Temple on Monday, February 26.” (“Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Mar. 1894, 22:100.)

  14. [14]Truman O. Angell Jr., construction supervisor, and Don Carlos Young, architect, had an annex built on the north side of the Salt Lake Temple in 1892–1893 to receive those arriving at the temple. This annex was replaced with a larger one in 1962. (Andrew, Early Temples of the Mormons, 150n42.)

  15. [15]“President Woodruff’s Party,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Mar. 1894, 22:108–109.

  16. [16]The party honoring Elizabeth Lane Hyde was described in “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Mar. 1894, 22:100.

  17. [17]Anstace Elizabeth Barrows, Julia Barrows, and George Waldo Barrows.

  18. [18]This surprise party in EBW’s new home was held in celebration of her birthday, which occurred on 29 February 1828 but on nonleap years was usually remembered on 28 February or 1 March.