April 1909

13 April 1909 • Tuesday

Today has been so full of work that one really could not feel comfortable, and the hurry is wearisome indeed, so many calls upon one’s time and taxing one’s utmost. [C.] Clarence Neslen gave me 2 tickets for the Orpheum & I am to go and take Louise it will be nice for her considering she has such a strenuous time with her twin boys. I hurried to get through a good part of my work and went in good time, had never been in the Orpheum before, it is quite handsome inside, fine music & appointments, and Vaudeville entertainment which is not in my line at all, but good for its kind, trained animals were fairly good but unnatural [p. 103] {p. 128}

15 April 1909 • Thursday

Arbor day and my brothers1 birthday. he is 74 today and is I presume hale & hearty I went to the office to try and get some work done and had as many callers as if it were not a holiday had a meeting of the Yukon Pacific Committee and accomplished considerable in the way of planning the part of the map work of tracing the line of migration from Sharon Vt. to the Western States– [p. 105] {p. 129}

16 April 1909 • Friday

Today I was off early and Sister Brockbank came in and told me of her family troubles, her son Lucas [T. Brockbank] was with her, they came to see John M. Cannon about the homestead. Had the regular meeting and then went to Sister Mc’Donald’s party, about 60 or 70 ladies were present, Susa Gates had given her lecture on genealogy before we reached there, but it was very pleasant and Sister Winnie [Winnifred Tibbs] Brown recited two fine pieces for us. A delicious luncheon was served and all was delightful, went and came in Sister Nibley’s automobile Afterwards did some writing in the office and looked up on matters pertaining to Quinquennial in Toronto and sent off papers to Whitney & Preston [Idaho], had a message from Annie and wrote a letter to Daisie on special business [p. 106] {p. 130}

17 April 1909 • Saturday

Came early this morning found more business to attend to for Quinquennial Sister Smith came over and we went over some matters and I wrote some replies which she signed and we mailed I went part of the way home with her and then set to work more on my own account, after Sister Smith others came and I seemed to get very little done [p. 107] {p. 131}

18 April 1909 • Sunday

Today would have been Dessie Wells Reed [M. Deseret Wells Read]’s birthday anniversary and she would have been 56 years old Memmie [Emily Read Hager] her only child is in Japan her husband2 married again twice, since her death. Memmie has two boys.3 I was at Annie’s and had dinner went over in the Bishop’s buggy and came to the train also or to the street cars I should say. Had a pleasant time, took a book to John Q. We had a fine dinner and enjoyed it very much George Q. Ruby [Derr Cannon] and baby were there Louise Richard & the twin babies. [p. 108] {p. 132}

19 April 1909 • Monday

This is John Q.’s birthday born in 1857 makes him 52 today; time does not wait for any of us, well he does not look old even tho’ there are grey locks around his temples. he seems vigorous in body and in mind.

The D.R. met today adjourned from the 16th. because of our meeting of the Board on that day. [p. 109] {p. 133}

25 April 1909 • Sunday

Kate Brockbank’s birthday [p. 115] {p. 134}

26 April 1909 • Monday

Party at the old Brockbank home 4th. South between State & Main– [p. 116] {p. 135}

30 April 1909 • Friday

This is 20 years since Verona and Berry [Barrymore N. Hillard] were married, and now he has gone, also it is 37 years since Leslie was born Verona’s brother Leslie Alma [Dunford] how dear he was to us all and how gifted he was as a child. Well we had a Board meeting today, not a very good one for me, I feel there is too much domination by women so young and inexperienced– whereas we who are older are much wiser in judgment and in knowledge of affairs. [p. 120] {p. 136}

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April 1909, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1909/1909-04


  1. [1]Hiram E. W. Clark.

  2. [2]Charles Read.

  3. [3]Read H. Hager and Albert R. Hager Jr.