July 1882—Supplemental

15 July 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday July 52

W. Cullin & Fuller[;]3 left Ogden first place Willard enveloped in trees. Brigham City on east Corrine just above on the West on Bear River B.R. [Bear River] City north east. sage brush above meadow one station Blue 25 mls p. 9 oclock at Promontory 90 m. from S.L. very sleepy4

6 July 1882 • Thursday

Thursday July 6. 1882

Humboldt5 [illegible] Elko breakfast thought much of home just beyond Elko Palisades Carlin Palisades The [illegible] that deterred the rain yesterday the humboldt River follows us all along. Battle mountain quite a little place trees and garden. Winnemucca C[r]oss train just beyond next three City Humboldt Town lovely [p. 25] {p. 27} Humboldt Lake quite long Thuckee [Truckee] river 150 mi long Reno 11 saloons passed Cape Horne about 4 oclock Friday swerving

7 July 1882 • Friday

Friday July 7

passed American river6 all flowers grain heading across Sacramento river breakfast Sacramento oakes march, trees. Teal and lots of little villages. crossed San Pablo bay with train on that boat Solando <1 shipping> rode for miles by San Francisco Bay crossed it in Ferry boat Oakland American & Eng. vessels arrived San Francisco 11. many dressed lunch after lunch went to Stock Exchange then to <on>7 dinner to cemetry Laurel Hill went up Market St. & down San Francisco St. elegant flowers and trees cyprus at C. Austuaden–Miclifta Ashlude Cemetry dinner– then to [p. 26] {p. 28} the The Baldwin too late for tickets then Trivoli [Tivoli] Gardens to see Vottigeurs came hotel went to bed.

8 July 1882 • Saturday

Saturday July 8.

Went to To The market up several Streets to Ichi Ban, little Art Gallery. came to lunch went out to the Golden Gate Park the Sea Clift [Cliff] House came back through the mountains lovely view. came hotel to dinner went to a walk up market street everyone out for a prominade came home wrote a letter to Rob [Robert W. Sloan] went to bed with a bad headache.

9 July 1882 • Sunday

Sunday July 9. 1882.

Went a boat ride and car ride 3. h. to. San Rafel. came home to lunch went to Woodwards Gardens then in the evening to hear Callough lecture Chinese. about paying business of free schools. [p. 27] {p. 29} came home discussed Mayor [Feramorz] Littles marriage to Miss Mantle old times having children.

10 July 1882 • Monday

Monday July 10. 1882.

This day was set by the gentlemen for business. consequently Mrs. [Mary Ellen Richards] Webber & myself were left alone men chatted for some time and then went out for the purpose of trading Mrs W– bought some tidies came home lunch wrote a postal to went up Market and Kearny Sts and Mrs. W. & myself dressed went out took the car at Lotta fountain and went to the Catholic cemetry came home dressed had lunch and went out shopping bough[t]. W. [Mary Ellen Webber] a dress & Annie a comb. came home dinner went to the Tivoli Gardens to see Von Webe[r]s opera Der Frieschutz [Freischütz]. twas lovely. [p. 28] {p. 30}

11 July 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday. July 11. 1882

Mr. & Mrs. W & self took car went to The Mint visitors not allowed until next Monday walked to Bancrofts [bookstore], saw Mrs. Barnum. Walked all around town went in the California Bank also Nevada and several other came home wrote a postal to Mell and Belle the wrote in my Journal. lunch went to The sugar Wednesday refinery we taken all through cost $300,000,000 three million dollars took 18 cars to bring one pipe weighed 180 ton saw machine for making cube sugar 10 stories high large tower 2. stories came home on the man that showed us around named Watson look like Morris of Morris & [p. 29] {p. 31} Evans glass pillars stairs all of iron. came home on the car with workmen Irish quarrel on car reached home dressed for dinner went to Baldwin Theatre to see “American born horrid play volcano good theatre pretty crimson <satin & gold> hangings covered with munas two large box on each side four up at the end we occupied the one on the left hand side as you go in. saw Ferry Little and wife they came up Nellie [Rebecca Ellen Mantle Little] sat with us. came home went to bed.

12 July 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday July 12.

Breakfast went to Palace Hotel to call on Little saw them in Parlor chatted went up on elevator to the top statuary flowers look down on to court Elm marble paths electric lift drive went down second [p. 30] {p. 32} floor to see parlors one crimson satin & gold mirrors and vases one blue and black and gold one old gold black 7. stories besides basement where laundry electric light works elevator works and all from there Mrs. W. & myself went shopping bough[t] dress for Annie Mell & ma. came home to lunch dressed and went to Bradley and Rulofson8 & sons 429 Montgomery St. San Francisco Cal. had some taken went in several Jewelers shops bought or at least Mrs W. bought pins for her mother & her two girls I bought silver shawl pin & 4 silver pins. came home had dinner went to Winter Gardens Mr. S. [Septimus Wagstaff Sears]. left us at the door opera AEolia scotch not good came home after 2 act. [p. 31] {p. 33}

13 July 1882 • Thursday

Thursday July 13.

Went to photographers for proofs sat again came home wrote to ma Rob, & part of a letter to Belle. Mrs S. [Mary Ann Needham Sears] & Mrs. Webber & myself went to lunch went out calling with Mr S. could not find people took car went to Ferry saw some large ships one hold 12,00 passenge[r]s took ferry and cars went through Oakland Brooklyn Alameda beautiful homes walked around Alameda while Mr. S. went in Throttles home to see about Schetland ponies9 came around the bay saw a pepper tree and oh such beautiful homes. we took a direct horseshoe west and so came home a different way by the bay. Came home went to dinner dressed went to the California Theatre. to see the [p. 32] {p. 34} minstrels10 the theatre is very large and handsome large tower hall below all Japanese decorations Crimson satin and gold hangings side boxes and stage boxes velvet seats large back hall just staid during first part came home took a bath and went to bed.

14 July 1882 • Friday

Friday July 14.

Went with Mr. Webber to the photographers Mrs. W. being sick. came home wrote a little had lunch to Belle and then dressed went with Mr. S. & Mr. W. to Whittier Fuller11 place met Mr. Duffey went with him to the market to an oyster lunch had them on half shell broiled, steamed. From there we went up to the corner to see the procession of Frenchmen celebrating their great [p. 33] {p. 35} The 14 July falling of the Bastile. A procession <men> in French uniform but first men in Turkish uniform then all French citizens all young & old poor and rich all flags flying all over the city. from there we went back to Mr. Duffeys place then to the ferry then to Alameda had a lvoely ride there through all the streets behind the greys returned about five oclock came up on car alone. came home went to dinner went out with Mr & Mrs. Webber & walking down Market street came home wrote in my Journal. wrote a letter to Annie and one postal to Rob. [p. 34] {p. 36}

15 July 1882 • Saturday

Saturday 15

Went down to Mr. Duffeys office with the folks and from there to Chinatown never expected to see such things. from there I we went to the Art store and Mr. Duffey picked me out a lot of things got them all but the looking glass. he left us on Market street we went from there to some stores came home bought some handkerchief, colars ties & stockings came home had lunch Mr. W. took us out to the old Spanish portion of the town the doleries [Mission Dolores] the [p. 35] {p. 37} Church yard very much neglected the old church 3 bells built in 1700 very odd looking some few Catholics here saying their prayers the wind was terrific blue my hat off came home through Dupont St. & Montgomery went to two or three art stores came home to dinner after dinner went out for a walk up Market St and do[w]n Kearny bought some shells came home took a bath went to bed very tired.

16 July 1882 • Sunday

Sunday July 16. 1882

Mrs W. & self had brakfast alone the gentlemen having gone to Alameda came up packed trunks. lunch packed again started in a cab for the train boat got the Oakland saw 4 steamers besides the one that we were on Bay City, Sausilito, Amador Newark then at Velejo [Vallejo] we saw the Julia San Francisco 250.000 inl[◊] [p. 36] {p. 38} 30.000 Chinese 800, come every month Mr. S. gave me Mr Duffeys picture [p. 37] {p. 39}

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July 1882—Supplemental, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/supplemental-material/1882-supplemental


  1. [1]text: EBW evidently passed an 1881 blank diary to her daughter Louisa (Louie) Wells to use on a trip Louie took in July 1882. Louie crossed out the 1881 dates and inserted dates for a trip to San Francisco. Louie used this diary for trip notes again on hand-marked pages 38–55 when she and her half sister Belle Whitney Sears traveled to the East. The date “Aug. 9, 1883” on page 44 verifies the timing of their journey. In the Memoranda section, pages 206–212, EBW wrote out names and places for them to visit; those guide pages would have been composed in July 1883. In the Cash Account section, pages 226–244, EBW wrote notes of Salt Lake Temple fast meetings that took place in 1907. Louie added numbers, names, and notes from the 1883 trip east on the final two pages and flyleaf.

  2. [2]text: The entries for 5–16 July were made by EBW’s daughter Louisa (Louie) Wells, recording a trip she made from Salt Lake City to San Francisco in July 1882.

  3. [3]W. Cullin & Fuller were probably business connections of Thomas Webber and Septimus Sears. The travelers visited the Fuller paint factory in Whittier. (See EBW, Diary, 14 July 1882.)

  4. [4]When Louie Wells traveled from Salt Lake City to San Francisco, the train followed the Central Pacific Railroad route across northern Nevada. (For a map of the route, see “1885, the Railway Age,” Railroad Maps and Plans.)

  5. [5]The locations mentioned in this entry are all in Nevada.

  6. [6]The locations mentioned in the 7–16 July entries are all in California.

  7. [7]text: “on” is written over “to”.

  8. [8]A photography studio.

  9. [9]EBW referred to the Sears’s ponies in EBW, Diary, 25 Apr. 1881 and 22 Apr. 1882.

  10. [10]From 1828 through the early twentieth century, traveling minstrel shows provided popular entertainment in the West and elsewhere. Whether the troupes were composed of Black or white performers in blackface, the troupes’ humor, music, and dance were based on belittling and inaccurate stereotypes of Black Americans in plantation life under slavery. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints condemns and renounces racism of any kind, as does the Church Historian’s Press. (Hicks, “Ministering Minstrels,” 49–63; Nelson, “Let God Prevail”; “Racial and Cultural Prejudice,” Gospel Topics, accessed 30 Nov. 2021, https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/gospel-topics/racial-prejudice?lang=eng.)

  11. [11]A paint factory.